High Magic Earth

Chapter 1949: Charles also had a sister

(); Inhibition Elixir is a good thing, there is no doubt that if it is really successful, let alone Emma, ​​Charles, Torrent and Asazo, Xiao himself as a mutant, will naturally get the ability to improve.

So this modified version of the inhibitory agent is also beneficial to them.

As for Shaw's worry, the large-scale outflow of improved medicines. . Ha ha, as long as the source is cut off, is it easy to stop the outflow?

Let them talk about the pharmacy being made first, as for the later things, it is not necessarily.

The relationship between Emma and Xiao is very strange. According to the comics, the Hellfire Club is a very strict high-end mutant organization. The White Queen and the Black Emperor are at the same level. There is no absolute order between the two.

As for the personal relationship between them, that is a private matter.

In the movie, the scale of the Hellfire Club is obviously not as large as in the comics. Except for the Black Queen and the White Queen, there are only three or two of the rapids and the red devil big cat kitten.

However, the relationship between Shaw and Emma still seems to be the same. The two have the same status. Shaw has a strong energy absorption ability, but he is not Emma's opponent before the helmet.

As a soul mutant who is not weaker than Charles, Emma is also difficult to deal with as long as she is not restrained.

Of course, their personal relationship. . It’s still a private matter. For example, in the face of Emma’s seemingly suggestive attitude to Hank, Xiao didn’t say a word and still kept a grinning smile.

The matter of suppressing the potion was finalized in three words. As the other two parties, La Nina and Kennedy were silent for the whole process and did not participate.

But in the following discussion, they obviously will not be silent.

After all, the improvement of the potion is a matter of the future and cannot be used immediately, but they need to explore the action plan they need immediately.

. . .

"We need to develop new weapons."

This is Stryker's view.

"Mr. Bolivar Trask may be a good choice for us to develop weapons."

Although the enemies are not for them only, they encountered the two enemies in two battles and then started fighting against each other under desperate circumstances. . This does not mean that the other party will always be safe and not attack them.

With the power that the opponent now shows, once the opponent starts to attack, the strength of their current base and mutants cannot be resisted at all, just like paper.

The study of new weapons is necessary, or something that can effectively resist. . They cannot always sit here and wait to die, and do nothing.

"I don't think so."

But of course Charles holds opposition


Bolivar Trask. . He naturally knew who Bolívar was, the founder of the famous Trask enterprise, and the inventor of the sentinel robot.

To be honest, let this guy study new weapons, maybe he can really develop something, but let a scientist who has created a sentinel robot of extinct mutants study weapons? Charles has not been naive to this degree.

The ghost knows what he will do, whether it is against those aliens or mutants.

"Then how do we get the card, if we find the card...I'll steal it?"

Raven next to him also said.

"No, absolutely not."

Charles firmly objected.

Raven's face suddenly pulled down. Obviously, Charles' disregard for her made her very dissatisfied. Although this time Charles did not think they were the same as in history, he directly regarded them as children and was not prepared to let them join the battle.

But even if they were initially regarded as one of the combatants. . In fact, he still regards them as children who have not grown up.

There was no plan to let them play.

As it is now, any requests and tasks will be rejected, and of course Raven is very upset.

After all, her age is when she was rebellious. The more she refused to let her do what she wanted, the more she did not want to be treated as a child again.

But Charles directly ignored the angry Raven and said very firmly.

"Don't even think about it."

According to Logan’s future memories. . It may be more than half a month, and the card with the power of contact with the multiverse will be born. As the highest quality fate card, even the fate card company is very interested in it.

It was recovered the first time it appeared.

The headquarters of the Destiny Card Company should have a special set of monitoring methods. The first time they were born, they got the news. According to Logan’s memory, there were less than three minutes after the card was born. The relevant staff rushed to the neighborhood and bought a card with a sky-high price of up to 10 million US dollars on the spot.

. . The owner of the card is obviously ecstatic. At that time, the card of fate was far less important than the full-scale war between humans and mutants in the later period, so it was valued.

Although it has magical power, in the eyes of many people, this is still just a card. A huge sum of 10 million US dollars for a card is simply a pie in the sky!

Ten million in this period. . Many small consortia may not be able to get it out.

Of course, these things were obtained after the investigation by Logan through the fellow mutants gathered by Charles and others.

Because this card was born, it didn't receive much attention. Even the fate card company that brought it back was simply storing it and not using it.

If you want to recycle it, it may be because it is the highest level card, rather than discovering its special role.

The mutant's existence afterwards was found in the database of fate cards.

So this time, all they have to do is intercept this card in advance so that it is not noticed by the headquarters of the Destiny Card Company, but directly use special means while blocking its contact with the Destiny Card Company’s headquarters. Get rid of the person who was supposed to get the card and let them take over.

Foolproofly stealing beams for columns.

Of course, when the original owner will be compensated for these small things, Charles will not care.

As for how to cut off the connection with the headquarters of Destiny Card Company. . This depends on Kennedy.

Conventional methods are definitely not possible. They don’t even know the principle of fate card machine manufacturing cards, but if it is a mutant ability, it’s easy to say. . Mutant ability is so unreasonable, even more dominant than fate cards.

Kennedy can control all the machines within range, as long as it is a machine, he can control it, so it is really easy to cut off some of the information passed back by the machine.

As long as the things that make Destiny Cards are really machines.

. . It is indeed a machine. Kennedy has sent people to confirm it. The Destiny Card Machine is piloted in New York. Many departments and consortia have taken some of the machines more or less and went back to confirm it. The danger level, or simply trying to crack.

The Destiny Card Company doesn't care, they are already prepared at the beginning, let a part of the machine be taken away, and take back to study psychologically.

Because of the existence of mutants, it is already an unspoken secret in many people's minds. In order to elide the fate of cards related to mutants, it is necessary to open the manufacturing machine.

Kennedy's actions did not attract the slightest attention.

It is indeed mechanical, so it can be controlled. . Information will not be transmitted.

As for what is the principle, Charles and others do not know, and need not know.

To say that Destiny Card Company has no conspiracy, Charles naturally does not believe it. This is not to say that it is a conspiracy to mutants.

God, a group of aliens, who came to earth thousands of miles away, just to deal with their mutants?

They must have some conspiracy, just as they actually secretly watched all the terminal machines that make cards of destiny.

The advertisement says that what kind of cards will be born is beyond the control of Destiny Card Company. Charles feels that there are

It is possible, otherwise they do not need to observe in secret.

and. . This may be one of the core of their conspiracy.

Human participation is necessary to create unique and own cards, so in a sense, it should be a certain trait that humans have, which urged the birth of cards. This trait participated in the birth of cards. among.

And this quality. . It may be the core of everything.

But these things are too far, the first thing. . They must first overcome the difficulties ahead.

Therefore, the cards must be successful, but because they will not be known by the Destiny Card Company at all, but will be intercepted in advance at the moment of birth, and there is no need for a large number of mutants to attack the Destiny Card Company in the future. The inside should be mixed in to try to bring it out.

Naturally, there is no need for Raven to appear.

It's not yet time for the cards to be born, and after a week or so, they will find a way to bring each terminal machine as close as possible, and then Kennedy will sit down in person. . Monitor everything from time to time.

Stop the message at the source.

So Raven. . Don't even think about it!

Faced with Charles' refusal without giving face, Raven immediately stood up angrily. . Originally she might have planned to leave the court directly, but it was obviously Charles's wish that she was completely removed from these things.

This was obviously not what Raven wanted to see, and she was reluctant to withdraw from these things. . These things are so interesting and exciting.

So hesitating, Rui Wen hummed in a different direction. . From this end of the sofa to the other side of the sofa, he sat down again, and then turned his head to look at Charles.

Although this is a war room, it is obviously not as rigorous as a regular war room. There are sand tables and long tables, but there are also sofas, round tables, etc. that exude a lazy atmosphere.

This is more like a comprehensive conference room than a war room.

These small movements of Raven were directly ignored by Charles. . What should I do if my sister is having trouble? Of course, just a good meal. .

Well, Charles hasn’t reached the level of this kind of wood, but it is also a straight steel man. He was not willing to be involved in this danger, because in his eyes, Raven is always the one who has not grown up. little girl.

As Stryker and Raven spoke, others began to say what I said, and the atmosphere of discussion in the entire conference room immediately began to heat up.

There are some valuable suggestions. For example, Darwin said that they should still restrict the flow of fate cards from the market level. Although many departments seem to be affected by thinking, Kennedy has a great say.

So Mr. John has decided, and after half an hour he will issue a congressional order again.

Of course, there are people like Xiao who are unreliable and know their opinions, which is naturally ignored by others.

Oh yes, when the discussion was general, Xiao also received a call, and then the red devil disappeared. When he came back again, there was already a metal helmet in his hand.

The special metal that can shield telepathy.

Compared to other superhero worlds, the world of mutants is a bit special. Not only can we research potions and various devices that can suppress the ability of mutants, even anti-heroes such as telepathic shields exist.

What has the ability to block superheroes in the superhero world? Is this what ordinary people should do? As an ordinary person, we should honestly do the background board!

In front of Charles, Xiao Danding took the helmet up. From this moment, he can basically be said to be the most powerful of all the variants present.

But for the enemies he met before, his strength still didn't increase much, because the opponent relied on the power to press all the people on the scene, and the speed that was unmatched. . Not mind control.

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Fortunately, Xiao also knows this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So even if he wears a helmet, there is no other action.

The discussion continues.

But in the next plan, when you gradually formed between your words, Kennedy's face suddenly changed slightly.

"Wait... I feel like... that thing."

His eyes touched Charles instantly.


Kennedy's face changed dramatically.

. . .

Without being overwhelmed, Charles had seen what Kennedy thought through telepathy, and as he heard, the worst happened.

card. . born.

The birth of cards is actually a good thing, but the premise is that they are born under their control. Once the cards appear, the news is immediately intercepted by Kennedy and not known by the other party.

But now, it is clearly outside the controllable range!


Charles stood up in an instant, and Logan, who was also aware of what was happening, was also not aware of it, and Emma of Shaw's group who was most concerned about the situation.

In fact, the future is not static. Obviously, the arrival of Logan has changed a lot of the future, so it is not impossible for cards to be born in advance.

It's just that they shouldn't care about the reason for the future change, but the future has changed!

The sudden birth of the card almost disrupted all their plans, because now the news must have passed back, and Kennedy is too late even if he wants to intercept it.

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