High Magic Earth

Chapter 1950: 8 o'clock

Because the moment the card was born, the relevant news will be passed back to the Destiny Card Company. Although this time the card was born in advance, it is undoubtedly that those aliens will pay attention to it and choose to take it back. . . Even if it is not used, it will not fall into human hands.

It is too late to try to intercept the news, and what else can be done. . Probably that is the time difference of three minutes to seize the card in advance.

This can still avoid the need to go deep into the Destiny Card Company for stealing in the end, but it will inevitably make the Destiny Card Company wary.

Interested in this card.

So it may be good or bad, maybe.

But just when Charles decided to make the first move, he was ready to discuss with Kennedy, and when he got the card first, it seemed to suddenly start shaking between the world and the world.


The earth was shaking, even though there were heavy defenses, Charles could still feel the strong shaking, as if a natural disaster had fallen from the sky.


Charles stunned a little, and immediately found out who this was through telepathy, he said with a bite.

It’s really not a one-off thing.

In the future when Eric was changed due to unknown reasons and the key card was born in advance, Eric returned as if he had joined the crowd. . And sure enough, he did not choose a normal person's way of returning, and had to engage in such a big scene as if attacked.

Can't he just walk back at the front door obediently?

Even, if it wasn't for Eric that he saw no obvious betrayal thoughts, he would think that Eric had made an appointment with those aliens and launched an attack together.

But because he didn't see a real betrayal in Eric's heart, what he now thought was still no different from when he parted ways with himself not long ago.

He wanted to join forces with aliens to replace the last winner in the war between humans and mutants, the original humans, with mutants.

Of course, as for the purpose of the original aliens, what will happen to mankind, Eric will obviously not care so much, he only has mutants in his mind. . And revenge on Xiao.

Although somewhat naive. . Well, Eric thinks that Charles’ idea of ​​getting along with humans is very naive. Humans and mutants have a battle after all. Similarly, Charles also thinks that Eric and the aliens have teamed up to counterattack humans. After winning, the mutants can turn over and do it. The master's ideas are naive.

But after all, it is for the sake of mutants.

This is not betrayal.

And in addition, Charles also has a partial trust, believing that Eric will not betray himself, so after hesitating for a while, he said.

"Don't be nervous...not an enemy."

Shaw did not realize what the name Eric represented, because Eric was not originally called Eric, his Jewish name was Marx Eisenhardt, and later renamed Eric Lansell, it is estimated that only when Eric appeared in front of him, showing the control and appearance of the electromagnetic field, which Xiao might think of.

Hearing Charles' words, he relaxed slightly.

But the Stryker and his party, or the entire base is still on alert. Eric’s habitual arrival with a large fan can be said to be a serious provocation. With the discipline and rules of Stryker and others, they are obviously It is impossible to put down the vigilance just because of Charles's words.

This is the enemy, and unless Kennedy gives orders personally, the alert will not be lifted.

As for mutants. . In fact, neither Shaw nor Charles, although they have immense strength, have not received professional training, after all, they are just a group of ordinary people with extraordinary strength.

Compared with the discipline of Stryker and others, the difference is far.

"Watch out for concealment!"


Various shouts resounded through the base. . No one ignored Charles at all.


The words of Charles just fell, and the two heavy metal gates at the base collapsed like shells. They flew out for a distance of more than ten meters and paddled on the ground, making a sharp and harsh sound.

"You never know who the real enemy is."

"Charles, your innocence makes me laugh."

Eric is worthy of Eric. He doesn't know what it means to speak well. Even if he actually misses Charles, a new friend who has never seen before, he can't honestly say the last sentence for a long time.

And he was also dissatisfied with the mixing of Charles and Kennedy. In Eric’s opinion, aliens may be the enemies of mutants, but ordinary talents are really their enemies, absolutely enemies!

Since the aliens are not targeting them, why should they control the life and death of ordinary people, and even work with aliens to deal with ordinary people and seek more for the mutants, that is what they should do.

The combination of Charles and Kennedy seems to Eric to be naive and stupid.

Along the door that was flying away, Eric raised his hands slightly and controlled the electromagnetic field, and the whole body floated in from the outside without any external force, and slowly landed.

Charles was helpless. . There is also discomfort and anger.

Helpless because Eric was still so extreme, but he was ultimately for the sake of mutants, and he was still Eric, so no matter what Charles could do, of course, he chose to forgive him.

Second anger. . It was because Eric suddenly broke up at that time, which almost disrupted all of Charles’ next plans. It was basically betrayal. No matter what Eric’s reason was, betrayal was betrayal.

It is impossible to say that Charles is not angry at all.

He just wanted to punch Eric hard now and then give him another hug.

But before waiting for the action that Charles was prepared to pay, he suddenly changed his face, because he saw that there was another person floating in with his follower Eric, a person he didn't even know when it was coming.

One. . He can't see the thinking person.

who is it?

Charles has seen the Apocalypse in Logan’s memory. The appearance of the apocalypse is very characteristic. The bald head of blue skin is completely different from human beings. It is recognizable at a glance, but it is now with Eric. Who is it?

This is a normal looking guy, but although it looks very ordinary at first glance, if you look closely, you will feel a sense of trust in it. . That is to say, he is born with a good face that he can trust.

Will it be apocalypse?

Charles is not without doubt, but after a little hesitation, he decided to observe first, after all, the difference between the two images is too big.

However, before Charles could take a breath, he heard Stryker yelling next to him.


what to prepare? Of course, it is ready to attack. For Eric’s intrusive behavior, if it is not Charles who has the mental ability and understands Eric, he must be regarded as an enemy.

Obviously, Stryker and others think so.

"Etc., etc!"

To avoid further misunderstandings, Charles hurriedly called.

"He is not an enemy!"

Since it was to avoid misunderstandings, Charles certainly did not dare to interfere with Stryker directly with his psychic abilities, otherwise the ghost knew what impression would be given to Stryker, a singular brain, and suddenly prompted him to become hostile to mutants and the like. of.

And if you don't need the ability of mutants, Charles's power is weak. Obviously, Stryker has not paid too much attention, and he is directly ignored.


Stricker continued.

The nearby soldiers had already assembled under Stryker's order, hiding behind some bunkers, and pointed their guns at Eric on the field.

Eric clearly noticed this scene.

He paused a little and looked around with some playfulness. . At the beginning, there was such a big noise, he might have planned to do a wave of things.

If Stryker dared to attack him, he would also fight back mercilessly, even if he let Charles lose his current allies. . In fact, this is better.

Eric originally looked at humans as unsightly and did not believe them.

Their mutants should join forces with the mutants, without humans.

Now the atmosphere is gradually dignified, and it is about to burst.

But just before Stryker was about to issue an offensive order, Kennedy, who had been protected and almost forced to retreat, finally had a chance to speak out.

"and many more!"

"Don't do it first!"

Kennedy had seen Eric's data on the data. . Although in the beginning, Eric was not with Charles and others, the intelligence department collected Eric's first-hand intelligence for the first time and placed it on Kennedy's table.

Regarding Eric, Kennedy has also studied it carefully. From the perspective of mutants, he is undoubtedly a qualified companion. . No matter how radical his approach is, whether there are many harms or benefits for the mutants, he is undoubtedly thinking about the mutants.

But Kennedy considered from another angle of his true identity, Eric was completely an extremely unstable factor.

It was completely a bomb.

But look at the current situation. . Eric is also a temporary companion, a helper, so Kennedy rushed over at the last moment to stop Stryker.

Upon hearing the order, Stricker raised his hand immediately, and the muzzle around him immediately lowered slightly.

Feeling this scene, Eric seemed quite bored, but did not take the initiative to do things. After all, this time he also came to form an alliance, not wanting to be too stiff with Charles.

"My countrymen...you have been away from your home for too long."

Seeing that a fierce battle dissipated between silence, Eric hadn't spoken yet, and the apocalypse beside him had stepped forward.

He opened his arms slightly, his voice excited. . I think it is very contagious.

But I never thought that his action was to make everyone, including Xiao and Charles, take a step back and face the cold.

Charles even felt that his goose bumps were about to rise. . I can't say why, but I feel very, very uncomfortable.

Tianqi naturally discovered this, and he felt a little embarrassed.

Taking a small step back, he asked Eric when he turned his head to the side.

"What's the matter... I remember you saying this every time you start."

Eric was expressionless, but rolled his eyes in his heart.

Looking at the apocalypse with a sudden temperament, Charles felt that there were 10,000 words in his heart that he wanted to vomit, but he didn't know where to vomit.

Is this Eric's opening remark? Yes, it seems to be true, but it is precisely because of this opening speech that Eric did not succeed once! And that is what will happen in the future! I have read the memory of Logan before I know that Eric will have all kinds of big events in the future. But how did this guy know! Eric himself shouldn't even know!

His identity. .

Charles realized who this person might be, but he could not be confirmed unless the other person spoke out in person.

So Charles asked in a low voice.


A middle-aged man with a heart-felt face shook his head.

"Don't call me Apocalypse, my name is... Nshabanur."

It was a long silence that responded to him.

After a long while, Charles continued.

"So, you are apocalypse."

But this sentence has changed from the previous interrogative sentence to affirmative sentence.

"I am apocalypse."

And Sanu nodded silently.

Well, it was apocalypse, that's right.

Including Charles, Raven and others nodded in satisfaction, the Apocalypse should be called the Apocalypse, what is called Nsanu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or something.

But in an instant, everyone increased the volume again.


And the grumpy ones, such as Logan, had their claws popped out of their hands.

"Etc., etc!"

This time it was replaced by the apocalypse screaming quickly, and the Stryker and his entourage glared.

"I have no hostility."

Tian Qi said.

"Fate cards almost destroyed my era. We can't let it destroy this era."

This sentence immediately made everyone quiet.


correct! At this time Charles was also aware of the issues they were just going to discuss. . He was shocked, but then calmed down.

Because 80% is too late.

Not to mention that the time has now passed three minutes, even if it has not passed three minutes, the cards may be taken away by the opponent at any time, after all, the future has changed.

Half a month later, at the time point when the card was born, the staff arrived at the scene three minutes later, but the ghost knew that now that the card was born in advance, whether they would arrive at the scene three minutes later.

Maybe it was early.

Realizing this, Charles had just planned to forgive Eric's thoughts and disappeared without a trace. Charles looked at Eric with a bad look, like a prodigal man.

"You better give me an explanation Eric."

"Why do you want to come back this time, don't tell me it's just a coincidence."

Eric has the ability to control the electromagnetic field, and it is also barely able to interfere with the machine indirectly, so if Eric does not know anything, Charles does not believe it at all!

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