High Magic Earth

Chapter 1951: Come to Kunming. .

Eric frowned, he didn't even know what Charles was saying, in other words. . This time it was indeed a coincidence on the timing, he really did not know anything.

One of the benefits of the psychic is that it is difficult to cause any misunderstandings, because he can see what the other person is thinking. Eric’s thoughts came out in his life, and Charles immediately learned everything.

. . Of course, there are also disadvantages. That is because there is no secret that can be hidden in front of the psychic ability. Once the other party really does something sorry, then it is not a misunderstanding, but a deadlock that cannot be released.

After all, deception is also a lie in good faith and a kind of protection, but for people with mental ability, this layer of protection does not exist.

Now all this is really just a coincidence.

What a coincidence? After realizing that Eric had not deceived himself, Charles also felt a little speechless, but in any case, it was too late to deal with the card of fate.

It is estimated that at this time, the cards have been transferred away.

Charles is also a simple person. There is a problem with the realization of the most critical card. They have completely lost the opportunity. He did not continue to struggle, but instead began to pay attention to another key issue.


. . .

Nshabanur is also apocalypse.

His appearance was not beyond Charles's expectation. After all, Eric fled to the Apocalypse. Whether the apocalypse took Eric to do things with Eric, or Eric took the Apocalypse to trouble, the two would always join forces.

But now this apocalypse. . It was a little beyond Charles's expectations.

This guy is really apocalypse?

Unlike Eric, who knows nothing but simply feels that Apocalypse is a bit strange, unlike a guy who lived thousands of years ago and is respected as a god, Charles really understands Apocalypse.

He saw all of the Apocalypse in Logan's memory.

His strength, his madness, his will, and him. . Some weird looks.


This is Charles’s only impression of him. The blue skin is really too recognizable, such as Raven the Devil, Blue Devil, or Hank the Beast.

X cells seem to prefer blue in color, except for the Red Devil family, most of the special variants appear blue.

Apocalypse is no exception.

But this apocalypse in front of me. .

"Are you really apocalypse?"

Everyone was sitting around the long table again.

Under Kennedy's order, Stryker temporarily lifted his alert, but he still did not relax completely, but his main alert target was Eric instead of Apocalypse. . This is a bit strange.

As Eric and Apocalypse were also seated at the same time, Stryker was still staring at Eric, which looked like as long as Eric moved a little, he would directly take out the specially prepared wood and The plastic pistol came to him so suddenly.

Even when Charles asked questions.

But Eric didn't seem to care, or he didn't seem to take Stryker, the ordinary man without threats, completely blind.

"Yes, I am the apocalypse."

Sitting next to Eric, the apocalypse said calmly.


Charles did not know how to continue to answer, after all, the difference between this apocalypse and his impression is really too big.

Of course, the nature of the apocalypse is not only blue. In addition to blue, he left it to Charles, that is, the deepest thing left to Logan is his strong and crazy will.

He tried to build a world ruled by mutants, reappearing thousands of years ago, the mutants acted as gods, deceiving the theocracy of the ignorant ordinary people.

This is his madness.

There is ambition and strength, and some people have great ambitions, but unfortunately it is difficult to achieve. Some people have vacancies and strength, but they do not have great ambitions. . Of course, the former is usually the case.

But the Apocalypse obviously belongs to the third category, that is, he all needs it. . cough! All of them.

Apocalypse seems to possess some kind of mutant ability that inspires the potential of mutants. He used his ability and part of his radical thinking to flick several people to form the four knights and his four men.

However, after all, they were external forces. After they failed, and Eric, who was one of the four knights, once again turned back on the spot, Tianqi had to come down in person.

but. . Few people are his enemies.

Storm Girl’s lightning storm seems to be of no use to him at all. He has some unknown protective ability. The speed of fast silver is not unsolvable in his eyes. He can control the ground and gravel. As long as fast silver can’t fly, he still depends on running. , Then he will be caught by the apocalypse.

The beast and the blue devil did melee variants, not to mention the fact that they were giving food to the apocalypse.

If it wasn't for the sudden emergence of the Black Phoenix, the power of such uncomfortable mutants, but the sudden exploding of the power of the higher latitude Phoenix, I am afraid that all the mutants are already cold.

Because Charles and others have been solved one by one by the Apocalypse. . With him alone.

And this is his amazing fighting power.

Thinking and powerful.

Charles has seen this aspect of the apocalypse. . And now the apocalypse does not look very normal. In Charles's prediction, the apocalypse is not unable to communicate. What he said is also a human rather than a beast without wisdom.

But in view of Tian Qi's temper and status, he probably wouldn't communicate well, and Bacheng was thinking of directly taking them into his hands.

Of course, there is a second possibility, that is, Apocalypse does not want to communicate with them at all, and the battle starts directly.

But in any case, he should not be sitting like this now, sitting in front of them. . Communicate well.

"You must find it very strange."

Seems to see through Charles, apocalypse. . No, Sanu smiled.

"I really want to be different from what you know."

Charles has a lot of doubts in his heart, but he finally nodded silently.

"Actually nothing is weird."

The Sanu language is gentle and even comparable to later generations of Charles, with a warmth that makes people feel good. . And between the words and the conversation, he can't see him as a guy who has been sleeping for thousands of years.

He smiled.

"Since destiny cards can mess up the world you know... why can't I change."

Charles, the clever man, he immediately heard another meaning in Sanu's words.

He knows the fate card, and in a sense, it should be because of the existence of the fate card, he should be what it was in the parallel world. . It has become like this now.

One does not know whether it is a good change or a bad change.

Cards of Destiny appeared a thousand years ago. . Charles is also aware of another key point.

In fact, the appearance of the Apocalypse here and now shows many problems in itself, but these problems are like a mystery and have not been revealed.

Now it has revealed one, but this one. . It was enough to make Charles feel serious.

However, Charles seemed to have a great conversation with Tian Qi. As a guy who knew nothing, Xiao, who also regarded himself highly, was not so happy.


"No one told me, who is this guy?"

His gaze fell on the body of the apocalypse.

Then swept over Eric.

Yes, Shaw didn’t recognize Eric. Although Eric controlled the electromagnetic field, flying was not a special skill for the mutants. Like the Apocalypse, he followed closely behind Eric. It was also easy to calm down and flew in without any effort.

Therefore, the ability of flying is not very recognizable, and it is impossible to see whether he is using electromagnetic force or what, maybe it is still the mind.

In addition, Xiao and Eric haven't seen each other in the past ten years. Eric, who is vengeful, often collects Xiao's news, including photos and other things. It's not surprising to recognize him.

However, Eric's low-key track basically showed no clue, of course, Xiao did not remember it for a moment. . He did see Eric somehow, but he didn't think of it at once.

However, Emma next to him clearly recognized Eric, or even if she didn’t actually know Eric who was regarded as a little mouse by Xiao in the concentration camp, after reading Eric’s thinking, she also fully understood Egypt. Rick and Shaw, long grudges over the years.

Just as she also learned the identity of the Apocalypse through Eric's memory, what does the name of the apocalypse stand for?

. . This is the reason for insecurity.

Charles is confident to protect his memory, but Emma can't see his memory, but can read other people's thinking, just like Eric now, that's why Charles doesn't tell everyone else all the information.

It's not that you don't believe it, but you are not sure.

But although Emma saw the identity of Apocalypse and Eric, she didn't seem to tell Xiao immediately. . I don't know why.

Of course, Xiao didn't doubt it. After all, although Emma hardly missed, it was inevitable that one or two guys' hearts could not be invaded.

The will is extremely firm, or has the same mental ability, this kind of thing is not unseen, Xiao just thought that the two guys in front of him were also like this.

In the face of Xiao's doubts. . Or to question and provoke, Tian Qi's response is more direct.

"stand up."

He got up and said to Xiao.

"Let us solve this problem in a mutant way."

Xiao's face was a little dazed.

"Variants... what... the way?"

Apocalypse waved his hand.


. . .

As the apocalypse moved, the surrounding long tables, deck chairs, and everything began to move to the edge. . If you look closely, you will find that the ground is moving, the gravel on the ground is rolling, and even moving with them.

In Stryker continue to yell and prepare! In the sound of Kennedy's tense protection again, a large space was soon vacated.

Xiao's face is not pretty.

He didn't plan to fight this guy. . Of course, he will never be afraid, after all, his conscious ability is invincible.

So after stunned, Xiao agreed easily.

Did not even call others.

If it was the woman of great power and the weird woman, Xiao might not agree so easily. Although the pure power is not afraid of him, the unknown means of the other woman can really threaten him.

This has never happened before.

His ability is to absorb energy, all energy. . Everything in the world can be decomposed into energy, how can there still exist to bypass this rule.

Fortunately, it was later learned that they were not mutants or even creatures on Earth, but aliens, which made Xiao feel better.

So in the face of the apocalypse guy, he is certainly not terrible.

Fight the mutant, you are invincible!


Standing in the field, Xiao signaled that he was ready, just let the horse come, and then the next moment, a huge force came suddenly from his side.

He didn't even realize what this power was.

Pure motivation?

This was Xiao’s first reaction, but the overwhelming wind and sand made him realize that this might be the ability related to the earth and the sand, but. . Although he was taken aback, he was nothing terrible.

Because, sure enough, the blast of shock hit him as if the water had fallen onto the sponge, and even the slightest wave did not rise, and he was completely absorbed by Xiao.

Seeing the battle finally return to the rhythm he was familiar with, Xiao's face was also re-engaged with that pesky smile.

"So, can you tell me who the Apocalypse is now?"

He couldn't help mocking.

The apocalypse did not answer, and still looked as usual, but waved his hand again.

With his movements, the wind and sand became more and more huge. Soon, the entire base was like a small sandstorm. If it was not the apocalypse deliberately controlling the movement and scope, I am afraid that it has really been buried.

Even so, the surrounding Stryker and Charles and others had to push directly to the corner of the room.

The sneer on Xiao's face grew stronger.

Because no matter how big the wind and sand is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when it finally hit him, there was no wave at all, and he didn't even feel the existence of wind and sand.

"When are you going to tell me?"

He asked lazily.

but. . Similarly, because all the wind sand hits Xiao, the kinetic energy and the energy of inertia will be directly absorbed by him, so he did not notice that although the wind sand is getting bigger, the wind speed is actually more. Slower and smaller.

It seems that Apocalypse did not intend to set off a tornado. It will continue to increase the means with insufficient power to directly break the energy absorption ability with absolute power. . Because the apocalypse who had been a **** for a long time knew the mutants well.

Their abilities are too overbearing, and even the most insignificant small ability may have absolutely no solution.

So even he can't forcibly break the energy absorption ability.

But this ability is definitely not invincible. In fact, the method to solve it is very simple, that is, to find the right way to use cleverness.

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