High Magic Earth

Chapter 1954: Waiting for a decent title

The resistance of this group of slave-born guys is more intense than Tianqi imagined. . This is very strange. Most of the people who can be educated in this era are mutants, or ordinary people who are closely related to the mutants.

Perhaps all wealthy businessmen have meager rights, and ordinary people attached to mutants are also eligible for education and learning.

But this definitely does not include slaves.

The Apocalypse thought it was just a group of people, but it was not.

From fighting externally to managing internally, they showed a plan beyond the times. . It's like there is a wise man or even a prophet guiding them.

This caused great trouble to Apocalypse.

They collected a lot of stone tablets. In fact, as long as one stone tablet still exists, the cards of fate will be continuously produced, as long as there are enough people.

With the constant replenishment of the Stele of Destiny, the long war between the Destiny Legion and the mutants lasted almost a hundred years, but in the end, the Apocalypse won.

And during this period, Apocalypse finally knows what created this, the person who seems to be a wise man, or what it is and what it is.

That is a book.

A book transformed from a golden card, it knows everything.

Well, it’s not very accurate to know everything. To be precise, it is a book that seems to contain all the answers. As long as you can ask a question, it will answer it, but the disadvantage is that if the problem is not described in detail, Its answer may also be divergent.

In other words, people who want to make good use of this book and use it themselves need a large enough knowledge reserve.

Only in this way can it maximize its role, rather than holding it every day to ask what to eat at noon today, similar to the idiot question.

This book was originally in the hands of another person. . The supreme commander of the Destiny Legion, his name has long disappeared in a long time, may not even remember him, everyone calls him King, he is the King of Destiny Legion.

But after the end of the Hundred Years' War, the book changed masters and fell into the hands of the apocalypse.

After the war, the apocalypse destroyed a lot of things. The stele of fate was destroyed first. Such things as enough to shake the dominance of mutants should not exist.

The second is the Destiny Card itself. A large number of remaining Destiny Cards are destroyed by the Apocalypse. . Although they are indeed very easy to use and very valuable, but still need not be retained.

This kind of power that overrides everything is only enough for mutants.

This is the last piece of history that was destroyed.

Tianqi searched for more than ten years and finally waited for a mutant who could deceive the memory on a large scale. He deprived the mutant of his power and buried this history himself.

Destiny Steles and Destiny Cards disappeared from people’s memories, and under the command of Apocalypse, they will not leave any records to be passed on to future generations, so apart from sporadic undiscovered records, Destiny Cards are indeed apocalyptic. Completely wiped out in the long course of history.

This too. . Why there is not much change in the history of later generations.

And it seems that time and history are indeed quite self-healing. As long as there are no irreversible differences, then they can heal themselves.

Even Egypt suddenly has a long war of nearly 100 years, they can use a long time to wipe out the past, and there is nothing irreparable.

Egypt is located in the two river basins. The two river basins were originally one of the birthplaces of later civilizations. If time does not have the ability to repair itself, the afterlife may have changed beyond recognition.

Who knows in this century of war. . How many ancestors of future generations should have survived.

In general, Apocalypse succeeded. He completely blocked the news of the fate cards. In the second year at that time, almost no one remembered such things as the fate cards.

They were completely wiped out, except. . that book.

Yes, that golden card, that book.

Apocalypse stayed by himself.

Because he feels that this thing is in his hands, maybe he will exert a stronger force. . As the Apocalypse who fought for a hundred years, he knows exactly what a fate card is. After all, the one who knows most about himself is often his own enemy.

they. . It is actually harmless.

Cards do not have thinking and autonomy, they are only tools, and anyone can use it when they get it. This is also the most critical and terrible place for them.

On the other hand, the scary person is actually the person who uses the card, not the card itself. The card itself is harmless.

Apocalypse thought so, so he left that golden card.

After the end of the war, although the Destiny Stele was destroyed in the first place, there are many remaining cards of Destiny, many of which have many powerful and even strange abilities.

After all, at that time of the war, people with insufficient card abilities probably died, and the rest are naturally the elites of the elite.

But Apocalypse does not need these cards.

Many purple cards can summon undead monsters. Their sacrifice is not a real sacrifice. It only takes a few hours or more than ten hours to resurrect. So as long as you have a card, it is equivalent to an extra. A very powerful helper.

But Apocalypse feels that the mutants do not need similar cards.

Combat power? Mutants are never lacking, and as defeated men, it is a bit ridiculous to reiterate how powerful the fate cards are.

So all the similar cards were directly destroyed by Apocalypse. . They also have no enemies. Instead of keeping such cards, they do not know which day they will cause riots again, it is better to destroy them directly.

So a lot of fate cards are destroyed directly, except for that one.

Q&A book.

In the view of Apocalypse, the combatants are not needed for mutants. Their combat effectiveness is very sufficient. Leaving these fate cards for combat may cause more trouble than they get.

Not cost-effective.

So they were destroyed.

But books are different. Books represent knowledge. Although there are also good people and bad people who get the same knowledge and make completely different actions, such as saving or destroying, they will cause more damage than cards that have already been formed. . It's more difficult.

And it’s the apocalypse who studied these books.

Unlike the slaves, the former king of the Destiny Legion. . The name of the king, Tian Qi, was also specifically sought by this book of questions and answers, as if it was once called Xiao Dora or something.

I awakened the abilities of mutants very early, and lived for an unknown period of time. I used my abilities to continue to deprive others of my abilities. I also used my abilities to learn everywhere. Even the most learned scholar's apocalypse, it is naturally easier to use this book.

Although it is said that the most critical part of using this book is the early stage, as long as you have survived the early stage, more and more things are displayed on the book. You will learn through these things and then ask questions, you will roll like a snowball. The bigger.

But the Apocalypse, which has a very talented starting point in itself, is still much better than that of the Destiny Legion King at the beginning.

After all, at the beginning, as a mutant apocalypse, you can get more resources than the slaves. Even if the apocalypse was not well mixed with the mutants at that time, other means that did not deprive them of attack ability are really barren, but they It is still a high-ranking mutant, not a slave.

Apocalypse quickly understood the use skills of the book, and began to learn more and more knowledge through this way of question and answer, and began to snowball in the correct way.

In the accumulation of Apocalypse knowledge, the time flickered, just over ten years later.

But although more than ten years have passed, this book still seems to have found it as it was. It has neither worn-out nor other changes, but Apocalypse has changed its body twice.

But the book of questions and answers is not the focus of trouble now.

The key issue is that it is about time that the relationship between self-healing is over. Although the war with the card of fate has ended, it seems that everything has a new starting point, but under the interference and repair of some invisible force, the apocalypse is still inevitable Has slept for nearly a thousand years.

Slept by betrayal.

. . And this may be the self-healing power of time.

Even though the apocalypse in the book of questions and answers knew a lot of secrets that he shouldn’t have known, in other words, he was leaving the stage and trying to touch the fourth wall, the real fourth wall.

It is precisely because of what he should not have known, even beyond the times, that the Apocalypse will become what it is now, which is completely different from the original plot.

but. . In the end, he still fell into a long sleep like the original plot.

. . .

The apocalypse did not tell anyone about the Golden Book, but he seemed to know a lot of secrets, and did not cause too much suspicion from others.

After all, he is known as a mutant of God, and coupled with the anti-natural technology of consciousness transfer to retain the ability of mutants, the ghost knows how many skills he has.

"So, my story is over."

After almost revealing the mystery about the cards of Destiny, the Apocalypse stopped to talk and looked around at the presence of Charles and Stryker and others.

"It's your turn now."

"Do you have any ideas on how to end this?"

Charles gave a slight cough.

Although the apocalypse spoken by Tian Qi is a bit alarming, it is still within the acceptable range. After all, they want to defeat the aliens hiding behind the cards of fate after all.

So after stunned for a while, Charles quickly recovered.

"We need a card."

Charles said.

"That's a card that can reverse everything. We need it."

"This may be our only choice, so we actually have no choice at all. We found the card and brought it out."

"This time the action seems to be exceptionally smooth."

"However... I am more worried now whether this card can fully exert its power in human hands."

The apocalypse listened quietly, without speaking.

He basically understood Charles's meaning, nothing more than that, their plan actually borrowed the power of fate cards.

It sounds similar to the practice of the Apocalypse, but it is just a little bit similar, and it is similar in that it borrows power.

after all. . The apocalypse won the war after relying on his own strength to collect the book of questions and answers as his loot.

And Charles, he did not have the confidence to win this battle, and then there was the uncontrollable Black Phoenix.

However, no matter what kind, Apocalypse has no additional prejudices. The super energy system does look strong, but it is not without restraint.

just. . Some are rare.

Regarding the borrowing of the power of fate cards, Tian Qi will not have any exclusion, after all, he still has a book of questions and answers.

As for Charles's worry about whether ordinary people can develop and use these things. . Nature is possible. These things were originally created by humans and used by humans.

Of course humans can use it.

"That card... what's the use."

Tianqi couldn't help asking.

But Charles did not answer him, just shook his head.

"Our enemy has telepathy."

Apocalypse knew immediately.

If the other party can also sense the mind, then these secrets can't be spoken, and it is inadvertently heard by anyone, then it is equivalent to everyone knowing.

Because the mental ability is so permeable.

Apocalypse skipped this topic.

"So what's next, what are you going to do."

The general direction is similar to the general ambition, and it is considered to be barely qualified. Then, the task of writing down is to think about some detailed plans.

"Steal it."

Charles said.

While speaking here, Charles also glanced at Raven, unlike Raven who was full of excitement. Obviously, Charles did not want Raven to go to such a dangerous place, but he could not stop it.

"However, before sneaking into stealing, we must first solve the problem of telepathy. Without solving this problem, no solution is possible."

Apocalypse nodded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was the first time he heard Charles’ plan, and he didn’t know what the key card was, whether it was worth the risk, so he didn’t comment for the time being.

The others nearby also listened to Charles' arrangements for the first time, such as Stryker and Shaw. . However, under Charles's attention test, he still did not reveal what the content and role of the key cards are.

Not every mutant is credible, not to mention that the other person also has the mental ability.

"The ability to shield the mind..."

After a pause, the apocalypse said to himself.

"This problem may be solved by me."

He looked at Charles' eyes and said Charles's eyes brightened. . Following the slowly moving gaze of the Apocalypse, his gaze also shifted to the side, and then saw the metal helmet carried on Xiao's head.

A helmet that can resist telepathy.

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