High Magic Earth

Chapter 1955: Continue to wait. .

Charles and Tian Qi's two mischievous eyes fell on Xiao's body, and he was immediately noticed by him, but even if he knew that he was not Tian Qi's opponent, he had no good air on the surface.

"Look what!"

Of course it depends on your helmet.

Charles pondered in his heart.

The helmet that Xiao wore on his head was taken by the red devil Asazo to help him in the Soviet Union not long ago. It seems to be forged by a special metal accidentally made by a laboratory. This special metal can isolate telepathy.

But because its birth was purely a laboratory accident. . So the total amount is so much, the formula can not be restored temporarily, and it cannot be mass produced.

The helmet originally belonged to Shaw, but in the original history, after Charles and Eric solved the Shaw together, the helmet fell on Eric.

It is with this helmet that he can be in love with Charles for so many years. . Of course, if Charles insists on circumventing his helmet, it is not impossible, just like Eric wants to kill Charles, it is actually very simple.

After all, Charles is in a metal wheelchair. Even if it is not metal, under the cover of a strong electromagnetic field, few things can escape.

But no matter how many times this helmet changes its owner, it has the effect of shielding telepathy!

Of course, Xiao is not stupid.

This side is about to steal cards from the enemy's base camp, and this side is staring at his helmet. . Doesn't he know what his helmet does?

Can shield the detection of telepathy!

Since you want to sneak into the enemy camp, you really need to block telepathy, otherwise a telepathy scans down, and whatever the ace spy must kneel.

Although telepathy should not be a bad street power, and not everyone in the enemy camp, it still needs to be cautious.

After all, the infiltration process is long, but the exposure is often only for a moment.

Xiao knew what ideas these guys were playing, and he was also thinking about whether to hand over the helmet. . This helmet is used to guard against mental ability mutants, but it is not so much to guard against Charles, for example, to guard against Emma.

After all, after the success of the plan, there was nuclear radiation everywhere, and Xiao could be said to be truly invincible.

Inexhaustible energy, coupled with the fact that he can absorb energy, there is almost nothing in this world that can kill him, and almost nothing that he cannot destroy.

Except Emma.

As a mental person, Emma can still destroy his mind and his brain in an instant.

How could Xiao tolerate such a dangerous threat to himself from time to time, even though he and Emma have some inexplicable personal relationships.

However, Xiao now clearly has a new threat, that is, apocalypse. Unlike mind control, Tian enabled another means for Xiao to feel the threat, which can also endanger his life.

So in a sense, the helmet is not as important as it used to be.

Because Xiao Yuan thought that a person with mental ability like Emma was his last weakness, and after solving this, he would be truly invincible.

But now the apocalypse appeared. .

Apocalypse brings new threats, and since new threats can still hurt him, it doesn’t matter if there is one more Emma and one less Emma, ​​after all. . He is no longer invincible.

As for Charles, Shaw didn’t worry, he didn’t need to worry when he didn’t have a helmet, because Emma around him was enough to stop Charles.

and so. . Whether this helmet should be handed over, just hand it over, isn't it too shameless.

Xiao Si pondered.

With the helmet on, he shielded his psychic abilities, so neither Emma nor Charles didn't know what Shaw was thinking about.

But in fact, the problem is not as troublesome as he thought.

Tianqi stretched out a hand, tapped the table gently, and then palms up. . Lifted up.

Then, under the gaze of Charles, Stryker, and Xiao Yigan, the invisible vortex began to slowly gather in his palm, like the dust of the whirlwind.

The dust is increasing, and the entire palm of the apocalypse is filled almost instantly, but the dust comes and goes quickly, and it is a blink. They have disappeared without a trace like the heavy rain that was cleared and dispersed. .

Instead, it is a helmet exactly like the one on Xiao's head.

"Do you think that I am still the same me?"

Looking at the eyes of the people around, Tian Qi seemed to say slightly.

War is the ladder of progress. No matter in which world or era, war is a catalyst for the advancement of civilization.

It can even be said that anything that is manufactured will serve the war for the first time.

The era of apocalypse. . Nature is no exception.

The apocalyptic rule was very smooth. He started as a mutant, overthrew a Pharaoh who did not know which generation, and then took his place as a pharaoh, recruited mutants, and pushed the mutants to the position of the master of the era. . He is also crowned as God.

He went on smoothly all the way until he was betrayed by conspiracy and slept for nearly a thousand years.

Rather than as it is now, the **** of the conqueror Kang is the first to start. . Well, although Kang the Conqueror is also a time traveler, he himself is relatively harmless.

Not that he is a good person, but harmless to time, because he comes from the future, knowing time and history are his biggest reliance, so he will not destroy time, but will try to maintain it, but will take the opportunity to occupy some unimportant time Crack, plunder.

He would not intervene and interfere with such big events as the Apocalypse ruled Egypt and the era of mutants.

Although it was the start of hell, it had little effect, not to mention that the combat strength of the conqueror Kang was not amazing. If you fight with the apocalypse, you may not win.

It's just that although the start of **** was passed, then the apocalypse was killed by a plot that was almost impossible to pass through. He encountered Yi Huo and other people in that era that he could not match. . Even now, or no matter what age, he can not fight.

He did not destroy the destiny of holding the universe heart.

This was followed by a war against the Destiny Legion holding Destiny Cards.

It can be said that unlike the apocalypse that originally ruled Egypt downwind, this apocalypse has spent most of its life. . Almost all spent in war.

War makes people progress, and war catalyzes the development of civilization.

The same is true for mutants.

Not only did the Apocalypse progress rapidly in the war, countless mutants were also eliminated and screened in this magnificent and long war, weak people sacrificed, and powerful people occupied the culmination.

During the long war, mutants have been born or died, and during this period, it is inevitable that some particularly powerful mutants will be born. . It is so powerful that even the Apocalypse will be excited.

And what will happen to such a guy. . Will Apocalypse let go of those powerful abilities? Obviously not. Of course they are all containers of the apocalypse, passing on their abilities to him.

So this apocalypse in front of me is definitely not just one more book than the one Charles saw in Logan's memory, and a hundred years of war experience. . His strength is also quite different from the original one.

Charles, who has the clearest ins and outs of everything, realizes the meaning of the apocalypse, and is also a mutant of the soul, and also very intelligent in the human world, Emma also noticed a little.

Only Xiao. . Regardless of whether he realizes anything or not, he has always been uncomfortable watching the Apocalypse.

"So why do you make it look like a helmet."

"Are you going to let people sneak into the enemy's base camp with it?"

This helmet was made by Apocalypse. . Regardless of whether it was copied or made by other means, it is estimated that it can shield telepathy like his helmet in terms of ability.

But even if you can shield telepathy, you can't sneak into the opponent's base with a helmet. This is sneaking in, not killing directly.

"We can melt it and forge it again."

Facing Xiao's provocation like a defeated dog, Tian Qi was not angry.

In the original plot, Apocalypse could also help Magneto to retrieve the helmet instantly, but that was not made out of nothing but by space.

And now this helmet is made by him. . Otherwise, there will not be two.

Control molecule!

The apocalypse in the original plot can actually control molecules, but only to himself. He can control his own molecular structure to change appearance, body density, bone strength and so on.

This time, in the long war with the Legion of Destiny, a second mutant of the control element appeared, and his ending was, of course, the container of the apocalypse without exception.

So this time Apocalypse gained the ability to control molecules outside of itself. . The real control molecule.

However, it is still far different from the man in the comics and the like. The apocalypse is at most a low-end version, and you can only create small things to play by yourself.

So don't say that this helmet can be melted and re-forged, Apocalypse can squeeze it into countless shapes at will.

"But worry about the shape of the helmet...it's better to worry about other problems."

Clicking on the helmet on the table, Tianqi turned around.

"It can block telepathy, but even if it can guarantee that the infiltrator's thinking is not peeped. In many normal humans, a guy who cannot be invaded by thinking suddenly appears suspicious."

Everyone fell into a daze.

Say so. . It does seem reasonable.

"I can... try adding a fake memory for Rui Wen?"

Charles touched his chin and said in a very uncertain tone.

This is indeed a problem. Charles actually considered it, but he has not yet figured out what to do. . Because of this, he didn't want to let Raven take risks.

And this matter itself is very risky.

Tianqi smiled, but this time, he did not speak.

. . .

in fact. . Apocalypse is not optimistic about Charles' plans. In the view of Apocalypse, all of Charles' plans are too petty.

Either intercept the key card in advance, or dispatch a spare plan after the card has an accident to steal this card.

All. . Too weak.

Of course, this is not to blame Charles. After all, their strengths are too different. Apocalypse knows the horrors of the guys who made the cards of fate. After all, he was taught directly by Athena.

But after more than a hundred years of war, Apocalypse is also confident to have another fight with Athena, but even so he did not swell.

Because according to the information he collected afterwards, Athena was not the strongest of the group. At that time, there was a new Pharaoh, the new **** who overthrew the conqueror Kang, on top of Athena.

His strength. . unknown.

And most importantly, the enemies he faced during the more than one hundred years of war were created by the new god.

The fate card must have been created by him. Although the apocalypse did not see it with his own eyes, many ordinary people and mutants who remained in the holy city at that time could still testify.

There is a mutant under his hand, who can replay the memories of other people's minds in the form of ghost images. . He has seen the memories of those people.

Although there are many stories about the creation being out of control and finally refuting the creator, it does not mean that the card of fate has indeed exceeded the control of their creator.

Infinitely overestimating the power of those creators is correct.

Apocalypse feels that he still needs to be prepared carefully. . Be careful to make Wannian ship.

He also knew these ancient proverbs.

But even if their strength is far inferior to each other, Charles' plan is still too conservative, and in the final analysis, he is still too weak.

Charles kept saying that Raven and others were still young and were not ready to participate in the battle. If this battle would not affect everyone and everyone could not escape, he would not let Raven and others join in, but in fact, the real He is not ready yet.

He was not prepared at all, nor was he conscious.

Eric is right, he is too naive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He always wants to take everyone to the minimum risk, he always wants to protect Raven, but war. . How could there be no casualties.

The moment the war started, Charles should actually be prepared to sacrifice, including Raven, his closest relative.

He was obviously not ready.

Although he agreed that Raven would sneak into the opponent's base camp to steal cards and make all the preparations to reduce the risk, how could this kind of thing not be an accident.

Apocalypse also encountered such things in the previous battle. The spies on both sides infiltrated you, and I infiltrated you in turn.

This kind of sneaking task is often the most likely accident. Apocalypse is not optimistic that Raven can bring the card out.

If she can really bring the card out. . That was definitely lucky, but Tianqi felt more likely to have an accident in the middle, and then she was in danger.

And once this happens. . How could Charles be able to sit, I am afraid that the person who could not lift the table by then would be him.

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