High Magic Earth

Chapter 1956: I watched it and saw a white horse

Charles is not ready, and his plans are too fragile.

Intercept, steal. .

Almost all are plans for conspiracy tactics, but it is not surprising to think about it carefully. With their current strength, it seems to be more difficult to compete with each other.

but. . It is not without a solution.

"There are still many details that need to be discussed in detail in the matter of stealing cards. We will discuss it later."

Apocalypse showed a leader's attitude.

"When Eric took me, I heard you seemed to be discussing another thing."

"...Potion? Right?"

His eyes fell on Hank, as well as La Nina and Yamami Keiko who had been struggling to reduce their sense of presence.

"And these two ladies... don't seem to be mutants."

. . .

La Nina felt that something was wrong.

Like Charles, when she saw the apocalypse, she did not recognize that this guy was actually apocalypse. . How did Apocalypse become this sub-child!

After hearing that Tianqi told about this series of things, she felt that things were going to happen, what fate was the aliens of the Destiny Legion. .

There is no doubt that the so-called aliens are free people like them, but I did not expect this group of guys to be able to freely travel through different points of the same sub-world.

As a free man, La Nina certainly does not think that these guys are really aliens, and waited for two thousand years on or near the planet. . Even Daenerys Targaryen played, they must be free.

Time travel is not a rare ability. . Well, traveling through time is still very strange, but compared to traveling through different sub-worlds, it is not so incredible.

Since these guys have the ability to travel through different sub-worlds, it is naturally not difficult to travel through time, and there is nothing surprising.

But I have to say that the water in this world is a bit deep.

Although traveling through time is less incredible than traveling through the world, it is still not what ordinary free people can do.

You should know that apart from their origin meeting, which can occupy a whole world as a stronghold, other scattered wizarding and magical creature organizations, such as the Vampire Mutual Aid Society, the Witch Sisters, etc., are still staying in the world for a long time.

Because they have no means to freely enter and exit different worlds! There is no other way but to travel through the world through the source.

In other words, the organization that occupies this world is at least an existence that is not weaker than the origin conference.

If they are just passing by, it is okay to use this as a testing ground. . There may not be many people who stay here.

But if this is their home base. . This time she and Yamami Keiko were so bad luck.

However, Mianlong has been notified of the matter here, and it should be his distressed matter how to deal with it. However, there has been no news from Mianlong for the time being, and it may be that I have been caught by something.

Realizing that the water in this world is much deeper than the two thought, La Nina and Yamami Keiko tried to disguise themselves as a little transparent. . Can't see me can't see me.

It is best to get the improved version of the inhibitory agent smoothly and not get it. . It doesn't matter, because what is happening now clearly exceeds expectations, and the rest should be left to those big brothers to worry about. Of course, when Mianlong comes to this world, neither of them can escape the errand.

So after the apocalypse came, the two had not spoken, staring at the apocalypse's narrative, sighing that the water was getting deeper, and trying to diminish the sense of existence.

But I didn't expect it to be caught by Tian Qi directly.

. . Not a mutant?

La Nina was stunned for a moment. Of course, she and Yamami Keiko were not mutants. She did not possess x-cells. X-cells were the biggest sign of mutants. Without x-cells, they were not mutants.

But even the Apocalypse could even see this.

La Nina froze a little, and immediately reacted. It seemed that the Apocalypse did have the ability to distinguish the mutants, and not only that, he could also enhance the strength of the mutants. . Just like developing the full potential, there are some Hank-like inhibitors.

But it's not the same.

After her identity was revealed, La Nina didn't panic much. After all, she didn't come from the identity of a mutant at first, nor did she cheat with it.

"I am a magician, a wizard... whatever you like to call it."

"It's really not a mutant, I already said that."

Charles next to him looked up at the Apocalypse and helped La Nina nod like confirmation.


Tianqi smiled at La Nina.

This revelation. . It's really strange.

La Nina had a very weird feeling. The apocalypse in the original plot was a god. After sleeping for thousands of years and seeing the sun again, he still put up a pair of gods, standing high, overlooking everything.

Although he valued mutants equally, it was a tool-oriented emphasis, which can be felt, which is completely different from Charles and even Eric's view of mutants as compatriots and family members.

And now this apocalypse. . He is not a god, absolutely not.

Not only did he change his appearance to be like a normal person, his behavior and thinking also seem to become an ordinary human being. He sits in the center and his speech and behavior can't be seen as an old antique that has slept for thousands of years. Even his oily and treacherous looks like it. . Like an old politician!

La Nina's eyes flashed indistinctly. She didn't like such a guy, nor was she good at dealing with such a guy.

"I am not malicious to you."

Tianqi smiled.

But his smile looked like an old sly fox.

It doesn't match the original setting of the world's extinct Tianqi who madly dragged the sky! All of a sudden jumped from a disaster movie to a palace drama.

"Sorcerer, magic?"

He looked at La Nina with a smile.

"I've never heard of you... You didn't exist three thousand years ago?"

"does not exist."

La Nina nodded her head.

"It sounds like an excuse."

Although Tian Qi was still smiling, it seemed to reveal a slight chill.

"But it's true."

La Nina shrugged, not caring.

She did not counsel Tian Qi, even if Tian Qi showed the power to crush Xiao. . But Xiao was not strong enough.

If she really fights, even if she and Samiko Keiko can't beat Apocalypse, running is definitely no problem. Apocalypse certainly has many means to use, but is it that she was given nothing by Beno Bird?

"I have no x-cells and no traces of mutants on my body, but I do have superpowers."

"We...the wizards."

She looked at Tianqi blankly.

"I've seen those people, those aliens in your mouth."

"Has played against them."

However, after nodding, Tianqi turned to a topic that seemed to be of no importance.

La Nina frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

"I met a woman named Athena... She also claimed to be a god, and she was not a mutant, but she had more power than me."

Apocalypse crossed his hands and stared at La Nina slightly.

"You are also one of them, right?"

Rui Wen waited for a while before he realized the meaning of Tianqi's discourse. He meant La Nina and Yamami Keiko. . Is it actually an alien? !

These young variants looked at La Nina in disbelief.

However, the reactions of Charles and Emma were obviously not so great, and even Stryker did not act excessively.

They have heard a different meaning from the two foreshadowings of the apocalypse. . But even if La Nina and Yamami Keiko are disguised as aliens, although they are aliens, they are not necessarily enemies.

As long as there is wisdom, there will be selfishness, and as long as there is selfishness, there will be no 100% unity.

Even aliens are no exception.

If it wasn't for La Nina's teleportation ability and the last drag on the enemy when they met the enemy twice, I'm afraid they couldn't go either.

If they are enemies, they will be exterminated now, and since there is no malice, then what if they are aliens.

This is not only known by Charles Stryker and others, but the Apocalypse actually means the same thing, so La Nina herself probably knows it.

She was silent for a while, and she didn't panic.

"...This is it."

"You're right."

She looked at the apocalypse and decided not to keep hiding, of course, she would not say anything.

"In fact, if you are asking about race or something, I am afraid even I don't know if we and them are all in the same way."

"But I can guarantee that our position is absolutely different."

Thinking about it, La Nina added.

"We are from a parallel world, they should be the same, but you can also treat us as an alien, anyway, just an identity."

The turn of the apocalypse was silent this time.

"parallel world.."

He said thoughtfully.

Apocalypse is no stranger to the concept of parallel world, and he holds almost no knowledge in the question and answer book.

And after becoming a new pharaoh, a new god, he carefully collected information about his first two pharaohs.

Conqueror Kang, the first deity, did not feel anything at the time of the apocalypse. After he was crowned king, won the war and got the book, he realized through continuous learning that the pharaoh's style and appearance. . It seems to be a bit different from this era.

He may be a future visitor.

Needless to say, the next Pharaoh, the Apocalypse did not find much information, but according to his analysis, he is obviously not as simple as a mutant, and his identity may not be worse than the future visitors of the conqueror Kang.

Visitors of the parallel world. . Apocalypse actually had doubts.

Charles is no stranger to this. Logan is from the future and has memories of parallel worlds. After a reminder from Apocalypse, Charles also vaguely remembered it, but when Eric turned his head in Cairo, he saw Eric's memory.

In his memory, when the guy who claimed to be an alien leader found him, he introduced his identity and said that he was a visitor to the parallel world.

Not an alien.

. . parallel world?

Things seem more and more complicated.

Regarding the identity of La Nina, Apocalypse just nodded his head and said nothing, because as Charles analyzed, their identity is not important, what is important is their position.

The enemy's enemy. . Is their friend.

"How much do you know about them?"

Tian Qi asked.

La Nina shook her head.

"Not sure yet."

"I need to determine their identity."


Apocalyptic voice was a little curious.

"It's the identity." La Nina said lightly.

"We are in a relationship of parallel worlds, so we can know each other's information only if we know our identity, just like the parallel world double body."

"Of course, even the double body may have information mismatches. After all, it is a parallel world. Differences are normal."

Tianqi nodded.

"What about strength?"

"You don't seem to be surprised by the enemies you met before."

La Nina paused.

"Their fighting styles are all that, strength, speed, some are like Superman in comics."

"...Do you know Superman?"

La Nina continued to see Tianqi nod.

"I have seen a lot."

"And we are too disadvantaged in speed. Only speeders can deal with speeders. This is the famous saying of the speeders in DC comics. He said something very reasonable."

"You should also have some experience."

"Strength...I am not optimistic about you."

La Nina glanced around and shrugged.

She guessed what the Apocalypse was about to do.

However, La Nina's unabashed words made the people around her face look unsightly, especially young and vigorous young mutants such as Alex. . And Eric, the arrogant guy.

But what she said did make sense.

And this is exactly what the Apocalypse wanted.

"Strength is everything."

The apocalypse continued to follow La Nina's words, not giving Charles and others time to refute.

His gaze skipped Stryker, who was staring at him like a hound, not caring about his attitude, let alone Kennedy's nominal leader.

"We need to strengthen our strength."

His eyes fell on Hank.

"Young man, I saw your talent, the kind of potion that can stimulate our potential is exactly what we need at this time."

"But it's not enough."

The apocalypse stared at Charles.

"You know."

"I am Apocalypse, the apocalypse in the Apocalypse ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ while the Apocalypse is trying to launch his mass production four knights plan, the recruitment of Yi Chou is still continuing in an orderly manner.

Fortunately, he has already gathered a lot of available manpower under his hands.

In addition to Mr. Ilya the Glass, Kevin the Beast, and now has added the current Bradley, and Tank Fred.

Both of them are future Wolverine teammates under Stryker, but at this point in time, they are still just eighteen children.

Of course, Bradley's entry was not smooth, but Fred's entry was quite smooth. . He will be more acquainted than Bradley.

In this way, in addition to Athena, Rocky, Daenerys, Lorna, and the Red House Celestial League, there are finally four newcomers to join his team.

It should be enough to cope with this group of mutants trying to make trouble.

But the problem is that the current state of affairs seems not as simple as he initially thought.

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