High Magic Earth

Chapter 1957: Fight wisely

"Have you also encountered a wizard?"

After glancing at Daenerys and Loki who had returned nothing, Yi Chou asked quietly.

With a glance, he had seen La Nina's face through the nodded Daenerys memory. . It was the same face who took Logan in front of Athena.

Is the same person.

It seems that this suspected witch has joined forces with Charles, and should have also formed an alliance with the Black Emperor, Sebastian Shaw.

"Damn the world..."

Yi Chou was a little uncertain about what was going on.

"Forget it, I will personally confirm this question. How is the promotion of Destiny Cards?"

He asked Elena next to him.

Sitting on the left hand side of Yi Xuan, as Yi Xuan promised, after the company was officially put into operation, although he held the position of secretary, he did the job of CEO and received the salary of the CEO. . Little transparent Alina, who was trying to shrink herself up, was a little nervous.

"Cough, sir."

"The promotion went very smoothly."

Yi Xiao glanced at Alina.

"I give you nearly one million dollars a year, and your report is only one sentence?"

"Sorry, sorry."

Elena said repeatedly.

"I'm just.."

She took a deep breath.


Yi Biao apparently also probably understood Elena's mood at this time. Instead of urging her, he calmly pacified her.

"We are on a boat, you are my direct reports, and they are mixed with me...you don't have to be afraid of them."

Alina was amused by Yi Biao's description as if it was a black hand* declaration, her lips curled up a bit, and then she converged again.

"I understand, sir."

She reorganized the language and her voice was crisp.

"The promotion of Destiny Cards went very smoothly, and the tolerance of New Yorkers was higher than expected, even more than 10% more than expected."

"As of today, the Destiny Card Terminal Machine has been released for 120 hours. More than 50,000 people have tried to build their own cards, and we have more than 50,000 records in our repository."

"However, after screening, there are more than 49,000 gray cards that are repeated at the lowest level, more than 5,000 green repeated cards, and only 132 blue cards. No purple cards. The record that appears."

Yi Chou's mouth twitched, and I have to say that this chance is a bit low.

Because there were not so many people in the ancient Egyptian era, the population of several cities may be about 50,000, but the chance of high-end cards at that time was definitely not so low. . Fifty thousand people are enough to show four or five purple cards.

Unexpectedly, after thousands of years of vigorous population, the number of people increased, but the number of cards appeared instead.

But this is not a matter of urgency now, and Yi Chou made a gesture to signal Elena to continue.

As the CEO, Elena is obviously full of office skills, and she is also full of observations and observations. As soon as Yi Biao's expression moves, she knows that this is the big boss who is not satisfied with this piece. . May be able to talk, but since there is not, then she will continue to tell.

"Your preliminary work is well prepared. So far no relevant departments have found us in trouble, but according to the informant's report, it seems that many New Yorkers are privately dissatisfied with us. Most of them come from bakery and tap water. People in the production plant."

"Our cards have a strong impact on their field after they appeared, which will cause their massive unemployment and factory bankruptcy."

"... Yesterday at 3 pm, there was a small parade that appeared downstairs in the company, but we and the New York Police Department immediately evacuated them."

"Fate card may involve many fields, and it will inevitably have a violent impact and conflict on the old manufacturers and manufacturers in the existing field. I think we should prepare our legal team."

"And other than the law, the other party may use all means."

New York in this era is not as peaceful as later generations.

Yi Huo nodded, and Elena continued.

"Except for conflicts in other industry fields, regarding the particularity of the fate card itself... no relevant departments have intervened at this time.

"However, the acceptance of the public is lower than expected. We put a lot of advertisements. The large screens of subway stations, bus stops and Times Square are interlaced for 24 hours, but there are still more than 90% of the people in the city. Choose not to believe it."

"They think this is a scam, an exaggerated advertising sales case, a crazy lie."

"But the good news is that when the fate cards are obtained through the terminal machine, they will soon change this attitude and become our loyal supporters, thinking that this is an invention across the times and the greatest of the twentieth century. Invention, and there are even people who firmly believe that we can land on the Martian immigration universe next month."

Speaking of which, Alina couldn't help but chuckled a little. People in this era have serious science fiction ideas, and the aliens and the universe are the things they are most interested in.

Whatever it is, it can be related to it.

But soon, Alina frowned again.

"According to the estimates of the propaganda department, when the first batch of cardholders of Destiny appear in New York, we should soon lead to a full market outbreak."

"But I don't know what the reason is, the market outbreak did not appear."

"Over 90% of people in the city still don't believe this to us. Every day, only a small number of citizens will choose to come to the terminals in major shopping malls and theaters to try."

"We suspect that unknown forces are sniping our market, but..."

As the speech continued, Elena could say that it became smoother.

But seriously, she was very nervous at first.

After Yi Xiao took her and used that magical power to turn all people who resisted him or not into allies all the way, Alina realized that she might be a big event.

As a New York civilian girl, Alina doesn’t know the inside information of mutants, but she has also seen comics and heard the story of Captain America. . And Superman.

Yes, Superman, this mutant world also has Marvel and CD comics. Captain America also has Superman, but there are no mutants.

It's strange that people can accept the worship of superheroes in comics, but in the real world, they can't accept variants who are only one line away from superheroes.

In fact, the first time Elena saw Yi Huo's company introduction and product description, her first reaction was similar. Is this a lunatic? ! The second reaction is. . Oh, this is an exaggerated slogan, the third reaction is, God! Is this true? !

Undoubtedly, the third reaction was after Elena saw the real card of fate.

This is normal. Any normal person who sees the description of the fate card at the beginning but does not see the real fate card will feel that this is only an exaggerated description, especially in this era. . How could there be a card that can do everything.

This is more magical than Aladdin's magic lamp.

Not to mention this era, even if it is pushed back for another hundred years, no such thing will be born.

But it is true.

So when Destiny Cards really appear in Elena’s hands, her heart is very complicated. Is this really what technology can do? Or magic? Alien?

But no matter what, she realized that she was doing something big.

As a girl from a civilian background, even if Alina doesn't know any inside information, even if she is not a dead mansion, she has also been exposed to comics such as superheroes and stories.

Entering such a company often means getting involved in trouble, or being a superhero's assistant, or becoming a supervillain.

But the trouble must be constant.

but. . Can she leave, will she choose to leave?

Ask yourself, the answer is no.

No one else will give himself such an opportunity. In this era, in this New York metropolis, which calls for equality between men and women, but the status is still not equal.

She wants to succeed and wants to control a company to prove herself, this is the best opportunity.

and. . This is such a special company, and she will regret it for the rest of her life.

Elena chose to stay, which is called the thief ship.

And as expected, in the mystery that was finally uncovered, this thing really is not something that can be done by pure technology, nor is it a mutant. . By the way, God, she didn’t know that there was such a special group in her world.

Instead. . People in a parallel world.

Yi Xiao has told her these things. After all, as the general manager in charge of the company's ordinary work and the company's daily operations, Alina can't start work without knowing anything.

She is not a little pepper, and Yi Huo is not a Stark. . Although her management skills are also outstanding.

parallel world. . Well, although it is not an alien, it seems right to treat the parallel world as an alien, but this is not the key problem. The real problem is that there are not only people in the parallel world, but also gods. !


Elena glanced vaguely at the woman sitting on the right hand side of Yi Huo, Athena, and another woman sitting further down, Loki.

These two seem ordinary, it seems that they are just arrogant women. . It turned out to be God?

Although she has experienced a series of bombardment of explosive news, when she first heard the news, Elena still couldn't accept it.

Sometimes, Alina even doubts that this world is not the world she knows. Is it really the way this world was at the beginning, but she didn’t know?

God. .

Sitting with the two gods, how could Elena not be nervous, but as Yi Chou said, they are people on a boat after all. . God, sitting and sitting, you will not be nervous.

"...If we choose to conduct a pilot distribution in key cities, we are bound to encounter this unknown resistance again, which is extremely unfavorable to our propaganda."

"I think that the way of propaganda that radiates outwards with New York as the core is higher, because our products are special, we will definitely encounter various problems in the next stage, and focus our strength together to better solve these possible occurrences. The problem."

Elena's words became more and more fluent and smoother, and soon became the same as the usual report.

"...This is the track record of the above five days."

After finishing the report, Elena returned to her position again and sat down quietly without a word.

She is still a little nervous.

Yi Xiao tapped the table with his finger.

He looked around, but wherever he looked, everyone underneath looked away. No, it couldn’t be taken away, but he didn’t touch him.

Daenerys is playing with her mobile phone, just like a literary fan who is addicted to the arts, and Rocky has an unrelenting expression that he can’t answer, and his face clearly says that the old lady is not interested in managing the company. In fact, I A look that was not interested in managing Asgard.

Lorna is still small and can't count on it, let alone the newly joined Bradley and Fred.

There were also several outstanding members of the Red House. . Including Lorna, Bradley and others, there is now a young girl with the appearance of Eastern Europe standing next to each other. They are the selected red house leaders.

The red house leader who can really join the plan, the rest. . Still performing their duties in the company, leaving this world, they may be driven back to Neverland.

These outstanding agents are temporarily serving as assistants to those present, but they can't count on them either.

Not to mention Kevin the Beast, although he has the personality of a few smart people, it is schizophrenic. . Choosing him does not seem to be a good idea.

Only Mr. Glass, Ilya and Athena, these two guys are still full of energy and do not seem to be uninterested in anything.

But I'm sorry, Yi Huo doesn't like them, because strictly speaking, these two guys are not good people.

Judging by the current purpose of Yi Chou, he has not yet planned to destroy the world, so. . Letting these two guys take over the company may not be a good choice.

So, in the end, only Alina was right.

Well, he really didn't care about the manpower in this aspect of the management company anyway. Alina alone was enough~~www.wuxiaspot.com~ thought about it, Yi said again.

"Just follow the plan you have discussed and start radiating from New York."

"I said that you are in charge now, and that is in charge of you."

"Propaganda Department, Marketing Department... You must have done a survey, a better survey than me, and you don't need to pay too much attention to my opinion."

"As for the unknown resistance, I will investigate it. No surprise. It may indeed be an unconventional phenomenon. You don't need to worry about this matter."

"that's it."

"I see, sir."

Yi Chou really didn't get too involved in the company's management. . Or, it’s not very heart-warming, which makes Elena still a little bit happy after experiencing so much information shock.

She was born to be a strong woman's character. When she first joined here, a large part of the reason was to sit on the management board and realize her life value.

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