High Magic Earth

Chapter 1958: This is Magneto

"Next, I will discuss with them how to deal with other issues."

Yi Chou said again.

Elena nodded her head, retired in a very interesting way, got up and left, and walked out of the meeting room, because she knew that the next things might not be suitable for her.

Although she is also a member of the company, it is obviously limited to the company. She only needs to manage the daily operations and ordinary work of the company. . In fact, she is also not curious about things in another world.

After all, she is just an ordinary person, not every ordinary person has such a strong curiosity.

Elena left the scene and Yi Chou knocked on the table again.

"Kevin and Ilya have successfully undergone transformation, and it's time for others."

He glanced over the girls in the Red House who were standing, as well as Bradley and Fred, who were not squinting, as if they were ready. . He shrank his neck and was a little scared.

But no matter what, they can't escape the transformation of the God-creating plan, succeeding, alive, and failing. . death.

And the girls in the Red House are not the protagonist and supporting role. Their failure rate may be quite high, but they have already understood this and are mentally prepared. After all, they are reserve agents, than Bradley. The two little guys who were caught were much stronger.

"And you, Lorna."

Yi Biao suddenly ordered Lorna's name, letting accustomed to being a transparent person Miss Polaris froze.

"But you are more important."

"I will specifically adjust the parameters for you, and make a special transformation plan. The success rate is very high, and it will hardly fail."

Lorna shrugged and pulled down the corner of her mouth.

"So... do you want me to thank you?"

"If you want to."

Yi Xiao said.

"But I suggest you thank you as soon as possible."

But the unclear words made Lorna frown.

"Because after you come across those things... I'm afraid I won't thank me that much."

Lorna cooperated to make an expression of sudden enlightenment, frozen for a few seconds, and then flicked her short green hair carelessly.

"I know."

Listening to Yi Chou's meaning may be what will upset her in the future.

But I will talk about it later, maybe Yi Chou thinks she will be unhappy, but she doesn't really care.

For this Lona who has not been brainwashed and still retains her original personality and seems to be more and more like the original North Star, Yi Chou's attitude is obviously very gentle.

This is because he has temporarily regarded him as a real member.

The legion created by the God of Creation plan is undoubtedly divided into classes. After all, it is a legion, and there must be cannon fodder and leaders.

And how to distinguish is actually very simple, that is strength.

Strong strength means high status. . In a sense, from the character's initial birth, in fact, they can see their future strength.

The protagonist's strength is stronger, while the supporting role is slightly lower.

In most worlds, and even almost all worlds, this is common, and the protagonist must have something special. . Even if it may not be pure in strength, otherwise why would it be called the protagonist.

Of course, there are high and low points between the same protagonist, just like Captain America may not be able to beat the Hulk.

Obviously there are also supporting roles.

Lorna belongs to the stronger part of the supporting role, and in a sense, she can actually be seen as the protagonist in the group drama.

Unlike the protagonist of the second-rate hero drama like Mr. Glass, she is still a talented player with no superpowers. Lorna is a protagonist who really made a superhero TV series. Her ability is still a strong control of the electromagnetic field. Of course Yi Chou will focus on training her. Not the first echelon, but at least the second echelon.

As long as she successfully survives the transformation, her combat power is enough to join the battle at the level of Yi Chou, instead of like Yoshioka Nobuko. Even if the transformation is successful, she can only stay in Neverland, just in case.

"other people.."

"As the destiny card plan gradually advances, that group of mutants will certainly be unable to sit still."

"Daenerys and Loki stay here, and you don't need you to go out to fight. Athena directs the others and don't let the mutants trouble when they don't take the initiative to trouble the mutants."

"It's not the time to turn your face completely... Don't kill people indiscriminately."

Athena's eyes were full of you qualified to say my expression.

Rocky pouted, and Yi Chou left her here, of course, not assured of her, because in addition to her, Dastan actually has been staying at the Destiny Card Company, and Daenerys stayed here, rather than defending the enemy, it is better Said to watch them don't make small moves.

It's really boring.

But Loki also realized that Yi Chou's plan seemed to be at a certain critical point. When this critical point was passed, it was estimated that the scale of the battle would expand.

Rocky guessed right, and the suspected witch appeared in a hurry. Some of them disrupted Yi Chou's plan, so he needed to go and find out for himself before deciding on the next action.

Before that, he didn't want any other changes in things.

"give it to you."

Yi Xiao made an ending gesture and then whispered to Athena.

"I'll check what the witch is...when I come back."

Athena nodded.

"I hope you will not be the next apocalypse."

After a thousand years of sleep, he can still hang the world, and he seized Charles, and he countered Eric. The regiment wiped out the first generation of X-Men, and the next step was to succeed. The enemies you pick up are the most inspirational enemies.

In the end, it was because of a little girl, an inexplicable power of the phoenix. . He was completely wiped out.


Yi Huo's mouth is really miserable.

But there is no Qin Gelei in this era. Even if there is, the film version of Qin Gelei is far from the level that made Yi Huo flee.

He can't turn over the car.

Yi Chou's figure reappeared in a relatively remote neighborhood. His suit and leather look no different from those successful people on the streets of New York in this era. Of course, in the eyes of future generations, his style seems a bit outdated It’s like an old gentleman in a movie in the 70s and 80s

There were not many people on both sides of the street, and although it was not to the extent that the sewage was flowing, it was also very depressed. The trash was in the shadow of the street corner, and there was a dirty tramp nestled next to it.

He didn't seem to be aware of Yi Chou's arrival, and he still lay on his cardboard, wrapped in a newspaper sleeping Masaka.

Arriving at a humble building in front of the door, Yi Pao stopped and looked at the appearance of the dilapidated high-rise building and then the glass wooden door that seemed to have been abandoned in front.

"Squeak... Dingling!"

Yi Xiao pushed the door open, and the dilapidated building door and the welcoming bell hanging beside it made a jingle sound, but this huge sound did not alarm the elderly janitor beside him, who was sitting behind the desk, like Did not realize that someone was coming in.

Passing quietly in front of him, Yi Biao glanced at the old man who resembled Stan Lee, and then saw the alarm button and long barrel double-barreled rifle under the table through the table, but gave up the idea of ​​saying hello.

Keeping shielding magic, Yi Chou continued to enter the building.

This is the temporary stronghold of Charles and Kennedy and others. This time they did not choose a hydraulic soil base in the wilderness, but chose a factory area near the suburbs of New York.

There are many abandoned factories. These are the tombs of capitalists who are unrealistically arrogant in this era. A large number of abandoned industrial factories are located here. There are also many abandoned buildings.

Charles and others occupy one of them.

It seems that they also realized that steel and concrete have little effect on the two enemies that have already appeared. It is better to choose a more hidden location nearby.

Turning to the corner of the building on the first floor, Yi Chou really saw two guys dressed like security guards, but the whole body bulgingly carried equipment that was not security guard at all. . This is not the personnel that an abandoned building should have.

They also turned a blind eye to Yi Huo, as if they didn't see anyone walking up the stairs at all.

In this way, Yi Biao came all the way to the third, fourth, and fifth floors. . Since the fifth floor, there have been more people in the building.

There are many technical personnel wearing white coats, as well as many soldiers wearing combat camouflage, as well as regular clerk in ordinary camouflage, and personnel in suits and clothing similar to Yi Chou.

Obviously, this is their temporary stronghold.

Near the staircase towards the sixth floor, Yi Pao paused, and then walked to the balcony outside the fifth floor.

The slowly burning sun hangs in the sky, the sun is shining above the city, but standing on the balcony overlooking the city, it is found that it looks gray and dim, as if a glimmer of light is about to extinguish.

"You didn't choose the base underground."

Not surprisingly, Magneto, Eric, is still standing on the balcony.

Hearing Yi Chou's voice, his body stiffened slightly.

"You shouldn't be here."

Eric whispered.

Yi Xiao shook his head with a smile.

"Opening remarks... I should introduce Ilya to you, he has a very good idea of ​​superhero stories and so on."

Eric does not know who Ilya is, nor does he want to know.

"It's dangerous here."

Yi Xiao spread his hands.

"You know I am their leader, how did you suddenly emerge confidence that you can deal with me."

"Just because you joined two witches?"

Eric turned suddenly.

Although he was a bit reckless, he was not too stupid. Hearing Yi Chou's barely concealed words, he immediately realized the reason and purpose of his appearance here.

It is because the two women are also suspected of being women from parallel worlds.

"Are you afraid?"

Eric asked coldly.

"Just curious."

Yi Huo shrugged.

"Witches are rare."

"People in parallel worlds are rare."

Eric interrupted Yi Chou, and his tone was as tough as ever. . It sounds welcome.

"I thought we had talked."

There is still a smile on Yi Biao’s face, and it seems that he does not care about Eric. This seems to be a bit counter-current, ready to repent before setting a cooperative attitude.

"You don't want to be the winner this time?"

He asked.

Eric sneered.

"Victory is still ours, only this time we changed the loser."

"How about, this sentence sounds familiar."

The various metal objects on the balcony began to tremble slightly, which meant that Eric had entered a state of alert.

Because the previous sentence, it can be said that Magneto and Yi Chou tear their faces.

The winner is still the same, or the mutant, just change a loser, then who is this loser.

There are only three people participating in this game. Mutants, ordinary people, and people in the parallel world represented by Yi Chao.

Originally, Yi Xuan and others joined forces with ordinary people to provoke war, and mutants became the biggest losers, but not long ago Yi Xao tried to contact mutants and join mutants to make ordinary people losers this time.

And now the winners are still the same and the losers are changed, only. . Mutants joined forces with ordinary people to fight them.

This is really what Yi Chou said to Eric at first, but only a few words were exchanged.

Easy to laugh.

Magneto has no surprises.

But this time the counterattack is not at a critical point in the battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For example, the critical moment of victory or defeat is about to happen. . In this way, there is no great drama, and it is very uninteresting.

"But do you really think that teaming up with humans...can we overcome us?"

Waiting for Eric to answer, Yi Chou said again.

"You always hate humans, and the main battle faction of the mutants, Magneto, has turned his back on his faith... This makes Little Lona know that she will be sad."

Another unknown name, Eric meditated silently, but his expression did not shake at all. He raised his finger slightly, and the squeaking sound of the surrounding metal suddenly became more intense.

"Everything I believe will eventually betray me."

Eric's voice was cold.

"So I have no faith."

"No faith? Ah, it's like that..."

Yi Biao sounded as if some greasy words had not yet fallen, and a piece of metal had been swiftly like an arrow.


It swiped across Yi Chou's face and plunged fiercely into the rear wall.

Yi Xiao didn't look back. The metal fragments deeply penetrated into the wall, and may even penetrate the past, but he knew that Magneto, who controlled the electromagnetic field, certainly had more than the ability to use metal as a bullet, metal. . In his hands it was like a living life.

"Should I be careful of sneak attacks from behind, such as metal wires, metal nails, metal darts, etc. After all, the electromagnetic field is not very stable."

Yi Xiao said in an ironic tone, as if mocking Eric's turning face.

"This gentleman, in fact, you should not only be careful of attacks from behind."

"We should also be careful of us."

Eric did not answer Yi Chou, but there was another voice not far away, and it sounded familiar.

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