High Magic Earth

Chapter 1959: Super hero routine


Yi Huo turned his head halfway and saw the young Professor X who had had a relationship in a bar outside Oxford University.

Charles Xavier.

"It's a coincidence to see you here."

He laughed.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

This indifferent attitude obviously angered Eric. He waved his hand violently, and suddenly the infinite metal fragments flared from all directions towards Yi Chou.

It seems like a thousand arrows through the heart.

"Don't be so anxious."

Yi Chou also waved his hand. Those metal fragments were suddenly hit by another force in mid-air, and once again uttered a thousand arrows, and then fell to the side wall.

The metal from all directions was hit by Yi Chou on that wall, densely packed, but none of them hurt himself.

"Anyway, we were allies not long ago."

Eric's fingers twitched, but there was no other movement.

At this time, Charles, Apocalypse, and Xiao also came behind Yi Chou, followed by Darwin, and Alex, Torrent, and El Salvador, who stood high and occupied the aiming position.

Yi Chou glanced around, then turned his back to Eric, and set his sights on Charles and Apocalypse, Xiao.

"Why, you want a decisive battle now?"

Apocalypse and Charles glanced at each other, then Apocalypse stepped forward and said lowly.

"We came with peace, sir."

Apocalypse did not introduce himself, but went straight to the topic with Yi Chao.

but. .



But Yi Chou didn't hold back and laughed on the spot.

"This sounds familiar."

"Oh, who are you?"

The apocalypse was silent.


Nothing was concealed in the end.

But it made Yi Chou suddenly stunned.


From the beginning, the breeze was light, and it seemed that Yi Chou, who didn't care about anything, widened his eyes for the first time and looked at Tianqi incredulously.



The apocalypse said angrily.

"I know, I know, Nshabanur is apocalypse... Are you apocalypse?!"

Yi Xiao waved his hand.

"I mean you, how are you..."

"Why? I can't change my image."

Tian Qi asked with a sullen face.

Yi Chou shrugged.


but. . Yi Xiao kept a smile, this apocalypse is a bit strange, not to say that it looks, but refers to his character and the whole person.

He is not apocalyptic.

It’s not surprising or unexpected to encounter the Apocalypse here. At the beginning, Yi Chou made the psychological preparation to see the Apocalypse again, which erased the memory of the Apocalypse before leaving.

The signs of Charles and Eric also show that they are also looking for the apocalypse, so it is not surprising to encounter the apocalypse.

It is this apocalypse itself. .

"What about you, who are you."

Apocalypse asked back.

Regarding the origin of Yi Chao, he already had vague guesses in his heart, overthrowing the new **** of the conqueror Kang, his previous generation king, the father **** in the mouth of Athena, just. . He was not sure yet.


Yi Piao paused, and he was also thinking about how to introduce himself better. After all, the other party had two unknown witches.

"You see me as an imaginary enemy, and I don't know if I am..."

"Do it!"

The apocalypse burst out loud. tv//

At the same time, a flash of black current suddenly flashed in Yi's eyes.

How fast Yi Biao's reaction is. Although he has the ability of a pseudo speeder, although he is no better than the real Barry Allen, he may not even be able to run fast silver, but he can't catch up with Athena.

At the speed of Athena, you can play around with this group of mutants in battle, not to mention clamor, but this time. . Yi Chou found that he really did not have time to flash off.

Tianqi's roar came suddenly, but he was not surprised by Yi Chou. He just cursed a word. The guy in the heart said, "Tianqi, this guy will do what he says, and he seems to be planning to communicate with himself last second. What.

Although Apocalypse did seem to be abnormal, he did not suffer from schizophrenia.

But before waiting for Yi Chou to complain, he suddenly felt an amazing heat flow and a huge energy source suddenly appear in the upper right.

this is. .

Yi Xiao looked up and saw a greasy young man standing on the roof of the seventh floor, seeming to have exhausted all his strength and condensed the huge red energy, and then. . Shock!

Shockwave Alex.

Yi Biao recognized this guy, the largest hero family in the history of Marvel heroes, a member of the Summers family. . The Summers family sounds a bit strange, but mentioning one of the famous people makes it easy to understand the family.

Laser eye, Scott Summers.

Apparently, his ability does not seem to be very strong, but it is only one-fifth or even one-sixth of Superman. It is still the weakest among them, but the result is constant, and he has become a winner in life who holds the beauty.

The power of the laser eye is to emit laser light, from his eyes, as the name suggests. . In the movie, his laser light is very weak, just equivalent to a high-energy laser beam, but his intensity in the comics is not weak, because his eyes are not a light beam, but a valve.

His eyes are a valve that connects to another unknown space. As long as it is opened, the energy inside will continuously emerge in the form of laser light. . The huge energy of an entire space.

So his hot eye may be stronger than Superman.

But this still cannot change the fact that he is a weak chicken.

It's just that although he is a weak chicken, the family is really huge. In addition to his wife Phoenix, Black Phoenix Qin Gelei, who has no blood relationship, he also has his brother, brother, and even his son. . From Volcano, the **** of fire that runs through the Achi Empire, to Mr. Horror of the last century, the parallel world and the future, and the cable to help them explore the way, and there are various clones.

In short, this family of people is the largest genealogy system among superheroes, and there are more than the number of Fantastic Four.

Shockwave Alex is the younger brother of the laser eye, but in the movie world, he became the brother of the laser eye. . And died early.

In the original plot, Shaw finally survived Shaw's plan for the Third World War. As a result, Apocalypse was just born when he went to Xavier Talent Academy to explore the way. . He left early.

The apocalypse robbed Charles, and then opened the portal to leave happily. The others were unable to block, but the hot-tempered Alex did not want to give up. He released a shock wave, but under the apocalyptic eyes and sneer of the apocalypse, they disappeared instantly. In place.

The shock wave did not hit the target, and instantly broke the gate of the college's basement, which just hit Hank's laboratory. The spacecraft energy prototype was just completed.

The destruction of the prototype caused an explosion, which blew up the entire academy on the spot. . If it wasn't Kuaiyin just passing by, I'm afraid Alex had already completed the feat of destroying the X-Men.

Kuaiyin saved other people, teachers, and students in the college, but Alex was too late to save him because he was too close to the explosion point.

In general, Alex's shock wave has some power, but it also has many shortcomings, it is difficult to control, and the force accumulation is slow and it is impossible to aim. . Not practical at all.

But now this, but now this. .

Yi Xiao could see Tian Qi's mouth slowly opening, and his voice seemed to freeze in the air. He could see the torrent was slowly raising his hand, as if to attack, everything was very slow. . Except this light.

The scarlet energy is like the first morning sun that has given life to all things. It bursts with a comet-like momentum. It cuts through the air and passes through the space. It seems to have broken through the restraint of time.


Yi Chou only had time to spit out half a word, and his eyes were occupied by infinite crimson light, and then. .


A strong shock wave penetrated Yi Chou from the balcony on the fifth floor in an instant, but this was not the end, because the shock wave was still scrubbing him, like a giant hand holding him, trying to tuck him in. The same as the core center.

"Boom! Boom!"

Yi Chou's eyes were red.

Things are very wrong.

Yi Xiao raised a hand in front of his face, bathed in an energy impact comparable to a small equivalent nuclear bomb eruption, and quietly pondered.

Alex's shockwave couldn't be so fast. His shockwave couldn't even hit a red devil, let alone Athena and others, let alone himself.

But the shockwave just turned out to be even if he saw it. . But to the extent that can not escape.

This is not normal.

Because just after the current flashed in his eyes, he actually entered the realm of speed.

In the speed field, everything is slowed down, but this is not because time is slowed down, but it is too fast.

Because it is fast, the relative reference is very slow, and in other words. . In the extreme speed field, it can achieve the same shock wave as the speed of Yihuo. In the outside world, it should also be already. . It's almost extreme.

"Boom! Boom!"

The endless energy impact is not only rapid, but also violent.

Just like the inexhaustible, the impulsive shock poured down from top to bottom. . It's like trying to nail Yi Huo to the same place.

But what they think is too simple.

The violent energy impact did make Yi Chou a little caught by surprise, but it was not possible to hurt him, let alone severely hurt him, or even make him unable to make a shot. . In fact, it is difficult to do.

Yi Chou, who had recovered from his thoughts, was not thinking about these messes. He paused for a moment, then slowly raised his other arm.

Arms crossed, blocking in front, suddenly. . It was enough to burn through the ground, even the impact beam that burned through a dozen meters deep pit was directly blocked by him.

The crimson luster stopped in front of Yi Chou half a meter away. His arms were like two shields, resisting all energy and preventing them from leaking a trace.

But even so, the shock wave energy from above is still too large. They are unwilling to be blocked, constantly increasing the strength of the shock, and even quickly forming a semi-arc semicircle with Yi Yi's arm as the boundary.

From a distance, it looks like a layer of invisible protective nets around Yihuo, and these energies directly hit the protective nets.

But want to stop Yi Chou. . Still not enough.

Facing the energy of the shock wave, Yi Chou slowly stood up from the ground, then looked up.

His eyes penetrated the energy that permeated all around, through a hundred meters away, and caught the diameter of the sky in the sky. .


Obviously, Alex also noticed the abnormalities below, and he began to increase his energy impact again, but this time the effect was not so effective. . Because it didn't even make Yi Huo take a step back.

But the burning red energy did block his sight again.


The impact was strengthened again, but this time, Yi Chou not only stayed in place, but did not retreat, he slowly raised his foot and took a big step forward.

Then he looked up again.

The power from the pseudo-Kryptonians is erupting, like the calm before the tsunami, with a momentum of death and tranquility.

Yi Xiao gently kicked the ground with his feet, and the whole person floated as if ignoring gravity, and then in the next moment, he was already facing the red energy luster, and he went straight up like an arrow.


It's like breaking the thunderbolt.

The shock wave hit Yi Biao's body, unable to shake him in the slightest, and could only keep buzzing, as if the current was unstable, and Yi Biao rushed upward. . Gradually accelerate, and faster and faster.


The power of the Pseudo-Kryptonite and the speed of the Pseudo-Spirit seem to overlap somewhat, because in some versions, if Superman and the Flash are racing, if they do not take advantage of the ability to breathe in a vacuum, the two are actually half a catty.

But this is not the case~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Superman's speed is pure speed. In order to achieve his speed, in addition to the speed itself, it needs a strong body and a non-human reaction nerve to support it. Recommended reading tv//

The magical force is different. The magical force is a special energy and a special setting. Its speed is caused by the speeder being able to form something like the magical field when running. . It does not require a non-human physique, nor does it need to respond faster than common sense.

Because Shen Suli itself will solve these problems.

It exists for running.

But regardless of whether there is overlap between these two speeds, when Yi Xiao has both, it is conceivable. . How terrible his speed will be.

Yi Huo, who is only half a meter away from the ground, seems to be slow, but this slowness has not lasted too long. Almost in the time when the concept of time is difficult to construct, he greeted the red gloss and whistled. Rushed into the sky.


The air was once again drawn apart, and a sharp whistling sounded on both sides of Yi Chou.

Also at this moment, Yi Chou felt that the shock wave running through him suddenly stopped. . Although it did not bring much pressure to Yi arrogance, it still made the speed of Yi arrogance once again.

But at the same time, Yi Chou also found Alex above. .

Yi Xiao suddenly stopped in the air, the flying ability of the pseudo-Kryptonians was perfect, the inertia and various vector forces seemed to be non-existent on them, and the same was true of Yi Xiao. His acceleration in one second seemed to be able to fly out of the earth, The next moment, he stopped in the sky like a static sculpture.

But Yi Chou looked around. . But Alex was gone, and not to mention Alex, there was not even a ghost.

No, maybe there are still some in the building, but. . That was not the person he was looking for.

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