High Magic Earth

Chapter 1960: Sometimes you need some unconventional operations

"It's really fast..."

Yi Chou's eyes swept down the whole building, and everything inside the building was clearly seen.

There are still a lot of people remaining in the building, and the staff did not have time to evacuate, and they were obviously not prepared to evacuate, and they were very clear about their situation at this time.

In Yi Ao's sight, their division of labor was clear, they had begun to arm, and then tried to resist.

The researchers are wearing white gowns. They have no resistance. It can be said that they are powerless. Most of them quickly hide into some secret corners of the room, and they are skilled. . Obviously also trained.

And those ordinary civilian personnel and the standing personnel who are defense forces themselves quickly picked up their weapons and entered a state of full alertness.

Needless to say, the latter are themselves defensive forces. Although the former are civilians, they are also trained, and there may be cases in which operational personnel are retired to civilians.

but. .

There is no one who is easy to find.

The witch did not, and even the mutants disappeared.

Maybe it was the magic that made them leave. Of course, it might be the red devil. After all, Yi Chou saw the figure of Xiao before. They and Xiao joined hands.

This group of mutants really surprises themselves.

Although there are many ordinary people left here, Yi Chou did not intend to treat them. . Forget the sense of existence in the weak, forget it.

And he is trying to cause hostility between mutants and ordinary people, rather than playing in person.

Yi Chou's eyes fell on several edges of the outer edge of the building, and he paused a little, and then the next moment, he had disappeared without a trace.

Just after Yi Chou disappeared, the chaos inside the building gradually subsided. . They also knew that the enemy had left, and the alert was lifted again.

And just outside the staircases where Yi Biao's eyes were swept away, there was a little red light flashing, which were some very secret monitoring devices.

Yi Xiao returned to the company.

Everyone else has left, and only Athena stays here.

"It doesn't seem that the action is so smooth."

Seeing Yi Xiao's side still empty, Athena said calmly.

She did not receive the command of Yi Xuan's telepathy, and no one was brought back by Yi Xiao's side. This operation was obviously nothing.

"It can't be said that it's nothing."

Yi Xiao said.

"At least I know, that group of mutants really caused me a big ... trouble."

"It's really a mutant."

The enemies of superheroes are often supervillains, and they usually appear right. . In the mutant world, apart from the mutants, there are few other extraordinary powers.

Then the enemy of mutants is naturally only the mutants themselves.

So in this world, mutant talents are so unpopular. . Humans are always forgetful. They cannot remember who saved them, only who hurt them.


And it has to be said that the mutants are indeed troublesome aggregates, because the world has no extraordinary powers other than the mutants, and basically the trouble is that the mutants are the problem. . And the mutants got together, it seemed that there was nothing else to do except to make trouble.

It's like now.

The variants gathered again. . There must be a bad guy.

Yi Chao has a bad hunch. He thought that the unlucky egg might be. . So he decided to stop this group of guys from continuing to cause trouble for himself.

"Shaw and Charles joined forces."

He thought about it and said.

"It's not a big problem."

Athena's expression was light and faint, and she lazily raised her feet, and then laid it on the desk in front of Yi Chou.

The problem does not seem to be really big. For Yi Chou and Athena, their fighting power, if they fight Charles and others head on, they will definitely win.

Even if Charles and Shaw joined forces. . It has no effect at all.

But the problem is that things are not so smooth, and the mutants are best at making accidents, just like now. . Hell, where did they find the witch? !

And not just witches, but also. . Apocalypse.

"There is also apocalypse with them."

Apocalypse. . Not just a fighting power.

Of course, it's not that he is not strong, and Tian Qi's strength is very strong. It is estimated that Eric, Charles, and even Xiao Bundled together may not be able to beat Tian Qi.

But in addition to being strong. . The most troublesome part of Apocalypse should be his four knights.

The four knights are not exclusive abilities, but the apocalypse likes to call it like this. In detail, it should be the title of the four knights he will be given by his recruits, the four knights in the apocalypse.

In the world of mutants, there is no God. Apocalypse is also the strongest mutant at the beginning. Because of the age, he was mistaken for God. . Then came the name of the four knights.

But not everyone can become a four knights, strong enough and special enough to be chosen by the apocalypse and then selected as the four knights.

Of course, his condition was not so harsh when he was down, and it was enough to be barely eye-catching.

The strength of the four knights is actually not the top variant. . Because the most top-notch, extremely easy-to-use or powerful abilities are all taken by the Apocalypse itself, and Shiyou will become his next container.

Therefore, those who are selected as the four knights are all apocalyptic, or abilities that they already possess.

But the real four knights are not that simple. . It is not possible for the apocalypse to be regarded as such, you can get the title of the four knights, and there is a final step, which is the most critical step.

Apocalypse inspires their potential.

Apocalypse has a mutant ability. . Or do not know where he looted an ability, that is, it can stimulate the potential of mutants.

This power may be harmful or harmless, but in any case, it will greatly enhance the power of the mutants.

This is true. . Four knights.

In the movie, Apocalypse can only inspire the power of mutants, because the world of mutants is only mutants, and the power of excitation is not as great as expected.

But in the comics. . The power of apocalypse is not limited to this.

Because the previous four knights are not limited to mutants, scarlet witches, and Iron Man. . Have become the four knights of the apocalypse.

The apocalypse in the comics does not seem to have the ability to stimulate potential, but a more pure and essential one, that is, simply changing the molecular structure and transforming the body.

In this way, the ability estimation alone cannot support the transformation, because the reformer should also be proficient in various disciplines such as biology, but it is also impossible for the apocalypse, because the apocalypse in the comics has a omnipotent setting.

However, Yi Chou can be sure that the apocalypse he encountered before should be a movie version. . probably?

After all, Charles and Xiao are both set by the film, and it is impossible to apocalypse that one's style is wrong.

Although his style is indeed not right.

Blue skin, bald head, this is a sign of apocalypse, most of the mutants are blue, or red, they seem to prefer these two colors.

However, the apocalypse that Yi Biao encountered before was a completely normal human appearance, and was not so unique in character, but more cunning. . Like an old fox.

He is not right, but for what reason?

Yi Chou can be sure that this world is inheriting the original Apocalypse era, because the stele of fate left by the Apocalypse era still keeps sending data back. . Although the transmission is almost over.

But when they left, the memory of the apocalypse had been modified, and the fate cards did not seem to cause historical confusion under the inertia of time, but after not knowing how long, history was back on track.

and so. . Was there a problem with fixing the apocalypse memory?

Because in addition to this, Yi Chou can't think of anything for the time being, and there is nothing else that can make the Apocalypse show such a big deviation.

After all, the biggest anomaly in the world is themselves.

But no matter what happened to the Apocalypse, his ability to create four knights is still there, because Yi Chou has seen his successful transformation.


Although there is only one piece of shock, the red energy is like blinding Yi Chou's eyes, all over the sky.

But Yi Chou still saw Alex.

He was also abnormal.

Shockwave Alex, as the name implies, his ability to release shockwaves, similar to his brother's laser eye, is the location of a long-range attack.

It's just that his brother emits energy through his eyes, and he does it through his chest.

The problems of their two brothers are actually very similar. Both he and the laser eye have the problem that the energy cannot be gathered and can be controlled smoothly.

The laser eye could not control the scope of the attack when it was just awakening its energy, and it could not be closed. It could only be closed by closing the eyes. Later, Hank made a pair of quartz glasses for him to solve the problem.

Alex is actually the same.

And because of the energy gathering at his chest, his control is more difficult than the laser eye.

After a long trial and error, he can only reluctantly condense a circular energy to attack. . As for what to aim for, don't even think about it.

Later, after joining the X-Men, he was also trained by Charles, and Hank built an energy aggregator for him in the uniform of the X-Men, which was able to launch a beam situation attack.

Although the opening less than three minutes, the energy aggregator was destroyed.

But no matter which kind it is, it is different from the one Yi Yi saw.

Alex radiated crimson energy all over his body, and the beam of energy was continuously gathered from him, and then roared out.

Yi Biao even recognized it without magic, he was strengthened, go quickly. . Heh, he was strengthened, so he launched such a rapid and powerful attack.

And there is only one person, Apocalypse, who can do this.

"Apocalypse strengthens the power of these mutants...like angels and spirit butterflies."

"But they are not there in this era, so the apocalypse chose someone else, Alex Shockwave...maybe there might be others."

Yi Xiao said.

Athena gave a slight pause.

"It should be a problem..."

"Why should I, like those villains, send a little mobs to give experience to the protagonist, or wait for them to grow up and then decide to die."

Yi Chou interrupted Athena.

"There are too many accidents in this group of mutants... I feel like I am in a new mutant plot and still play the role that cannot be washed away."

"Things are getting out of control."

"Solve them."


Athena stopped her fingernails.

"Uh... shall I go?"

She asked.

Then he hesitated again.

"If I heard correctly, you just said you don't want to send it one by one... Uh, I mean, is it okay if I go?"

Yi Chou shook his head.

He thought about it, then pulled open the drawer of his desk and reached out. . Did not catch, catch again. . still none.

Yi Xiao took a deep breath, then looked at the probe, and then saw a crystal ball shrunking into a small ball in the innermost.

He ignored the struggle of the crystal ball trying to grab the drawer and didn't want to come out. After a snapping sound, it made a sound like the rubber contracted and bounced, and he grabbed it out.

The crystal ball retracted its hands and feet back ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ changed into a circle that is no different from other crystal balls.

Yi Chou threw it in his hands.

"I will go with you."

On the other hand, Apocalypse has brought Charles and Shaw, as well as Stryker and Kennedy, who moved one step ahead, to another base.

"Why not solve him there?"

As soon as he stopped, Xiao asked directly.

"The other party came alone... We are all here, and that is the best chance to solve him."

"He seems to be our worst enemy, their head?"

"Why should we evacuate, why should we give up this good opportunity, are you crazy?"

He questioned the apocalypse.

"Check around."

"Note whether it is being tracked."

But Tianqi didn't pay attention to him, but gave a series of orders calmly, and briefly talked with Stryker before turning his head.

"It seems that you have noticed that there is only one person in the other party."

"So... Have you ever wondered why he came alone?"

Xiao paused and shrugged.

"Perhaps because he is like you... an idiot?"

Tianqi smiled.

"He does have some similarities with me, for example, both of us are strong, in terms of strength."

He looked at Xiao with a smile, then suddenly snarled.

"But just like tying all of you together can't beat me! The few opponents you meet, all together, can't beat him!"

"So! Do you really think that we will stay there and the victory will belong to us?!"

Tianqi's sudden roar calmed Xiao. . I didn’t think that Tianqi said something reasonable, but I remembered that he was not the opponent of Tianqi, or it was better not to face Tianqi at this time.

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