High Magic Earth

Chapter 1967: Forever scene people

   "The target is approaching."

   "The other party is very focused, uh... I mean, well, what I want to say is that the other party has been rushing to get on the road without any movement in the middle, so it is up to you to judge what is going on."

   The base was close to the top of a fixed building metal beam. A young man wearing a black gliding wing costume was squatting on it, closing his eyes and reporting to his communicator with a slightly inaudible voice.

   Siren Sean Cassidy, one of the newly recruited young mutants of Charles.

  He is the advantage Stryker arranged here.

   Siren, as the name implies, his power is related to sound, but unlike the siren song that induces ships and sailors, Sean’s power is to create adjustable frequency sound waves, and he also has selective deafness similar to his own sound waves.

He can use sound waves and gliding wings for low-altitude gliding, or he can cause continuous and stronger sound waves to cause penetrating damage, liquefaction, cracking, explosions caused by molecular resonance, or interfere with human nerves, causing hypnosis and Insanity, even death, etc.

   But of course, his ability is not so powerful now. . But using sound waves for echo localization can still be done easily.

   This is why he can clearly "see" Yi Chao's every move in the dark.

  The ear of Yi Chou shook slightly.

  Xian saw Yi Chou at the same time. . Yi Chou also saw him.

  Easy eyes have more than 100 kinds of ability to switch on their own, and infrared light is naturally among them. . But even without infrared, he could clearly discover and capture the existence of Sean.

  The upper Sean can adjust the sound wave, which can't be heard with the ears of ordinary people, but the sound waves captured by the communication equipment can be used for information reporting. . But this is useless to Yi Xuan ears.

  Pseudo-Kryptonite's steel body not only gives Yihou flying, defense, strength, regeneration and other abilities, but also has super hearing and hot sight and frozen breathing. . It's just that the last few Yihuo are not very common.

   Sean's so-called whisper is like a shouting in the ears of Yi Biao. . How could he not find his existence.

   It was just that he was too lazy to bother.

   The current clamor has passed the time when you need to upgrade your experience with a little brush. . Relative to solving small batches of goodies, in this mutant world, he prefers to wipe out all of them.

   Once and for all.

  . . .


  At the initial location of Athena and Yi Chou's arrival at the base, the defensive building that was nearly ten meters high had completely collapsed, and a lot of debris and debris were piled together. . Here has become a ruin without living creatures.


but. . Well, it is not without any living things.

   The rubble rolled, and the ruins shivered slightly.


   Soon, with a bang, the gravel in the middle of the ruins exploded, accompanied by the dust that filled the sky, Athena's figure came out again from below.


   patted the dust on her body, Athena flicked her blond hair, and soon her body became completely clean again.

   "Sure enough, we can't expect any art of war for human beings in this era..."

   can cause such a situation, obviously only the previous sergeant, this explosion is his last gift to Athena.

  After realizing that they could hardly effectively attack the enemy, he decided to stay and use his death to delay the time for the last attack.

  He asked other people in the control room to collect all the weapons that could cause explosions nearby, and then quickly filled them throughout the control room.

  Of course, because of the limited time, there is no superb layout skills in it. Even the means of detonation is very primitive and primitive. That is to use the characteristics of explosives to force a chain explosion.

   For example, the first to detonate a grenade, use the high temperature and shock impact generated by the grenade explosion, and then indirectly detonate other explosives nearby. . Only if something cannot be detonated by this means, he will try to use normal means, or just give up.

  But no matter whether the plan is crude or not, his goal has been achieved.

The strong explosion impact directly blew up the outer wall of this base. You know, this is a temporary base in use, which is enough to show how complete the defense is here. Although the explosion is generated from within, it can blow up a few meters. The thick walls are really amazing.

   But it is a pity that he succeeded but failed.

   Because even an explosion of this size did not hurt Athena. . Perhaps it hurt her, but with the regenerative power of her god's body, the time to crawl out of the ruins is enough for her to heal herself again.

  At least for now, she is almost unscathed.

   There is not much dust even on the body.

   "Although it is boring... but I still accepted your gift."

   "Here, let me be your grave."

   Sergeant's approach did not bring much waves to Athena's heart. Such things she saw in ancient wars were too much, even more tragic and even greater than this.

   That. . This is the age of heroes.

   There are a lot of heroes, even Athena are favored.

   And this era is still far away.

   But out of respect for a warrior, Athena still accepted his final gift. . Although it doesn't suit her.

After the explosion, the outer defense circle was extremely quiet. The people here were almost slaughtered by Athena. In addition, Stryker and other contact methods secretly ordered them to evacuate temporarily, not to meet the enemy. Now the sergeant has caused Such a big explosion. . There was no one nearby.

   "It seems that it's time to kiss me..."

"and many more."

   Athena suddenly snorted slightly, and her movements stopped there. After a few seconds, she suddenly turned her head in one direction.

   "There is also a small bug that has been placed, lucky."

  . . .

  The lungs are burning.

   Signal Corps. . Ah no, the unlucky desperate runner, there are many people like him around, some of them are frightened deserters, some are not.

   But he is definitely not.

  He was to pass the information back to the a2 area, so he told himself.

   Gradually, there are fewer and fewer people around. Area a2 is the area close to the largest command center. In fact, few outside people come here. In this period, there are not many people here.

  Because non-combatants were evacuated as soon as possible, and places such as command centers and control centers are the places with the most non-combatants.

   happily gasping for breath, and he was completely unable to pay attention to the surrounding conditions, because his lungs seemed to be scorched, and excessive running away the last trace of oxygen from his body. . Give him a strong sense of suffocation.

   But fortunately. .

   "When it arrives, it is coming."

   happily leaned against the wall and gasped.

  Five minutes, he almost traversed most of the base, nothing more than he was so panting.

"Da da."

   But in the next moment, the footsteps like the soul-evil magic sound appeared abruptly not far away.

  For soldiers who were once in the outer defensive circle, this step is like a knock on the door of death, but this unlucky egg left earlier, and did not experience and see those things later through monitoring.

  He doesn't know what this footstep means.


   Before he could even catch his breath, he suddenly pulled out the gun and asked nervously.

  Although he is a scientific researcher rather than a real soldier, he has also received some training and he is not afraid.

   The sound of footsteps stopped abruptly, and the unlucky egg held the gun, carefully looking around. . But all around was dim, and there was nothing but the black hole promenade.

   Is it an illusion?

   had some doubts, but his doubts did not last for half a second, and a cold voice suddenly appeared behind him.

"forty seven.."

   The cold light flashed, and blood appeared.

  . . .

   Yihou's footsteps are steady, and he moves forward in the dark at a speed that hardly changes.

  In the dark and confined space, more and more people appear around and around Yihuo, and the mutants are gradually surrounding it.

   "Will darkness be his weakness?"

   looked at the darkness, seemingly unaware, still moving forward, Alex, who occupied the commanding height, whispered.

   They have basically completely surrounded this place. Charles, Eric, Apocalypse, Shaw, Alex and other fledgling mutants, as well as La Nina, even Stryker came with a team of men.

   This is to open the posture of the decisive battle.

   And since that is the case, there is no need for them to hide themselves.

   Because the battle will soon be triggered.

   Hearing Alex's question, Eric next to him scorned him with disdain. . Too lazy to answer.

   touched his shoulder with Tian Qi next to him.

   "Don't rush to conclude the child... Any action of the enemy may be a trap."

   "What you are facing is an evil monster that existed three thousand years ago."

  The clamor below finally stopped.

  Since the people are already there, there is no need for him to continue to pretend to be pretended. . Things were smoother than he had imagined. He thought these guys would run away again, but unexpectedly, they even thought of gathering to fight against themselves.

   So, do you have any new cards?

  But no matter what, they gave themselves a chance to smash them all.

   Yi Xiao raised his foot gently, and a strange symbol with a dull golden luster appeared on the ground under his feet. . Its existence is very secret, even in this dark space, it is impossible to see the existence of this golden symbol.

   But it does exist, and a large number. . When Yi Xiao came over, there was an obscure golden symbol under each footprint. They were connected in a string, like an ancient seal spreading from the center of the earth's core.

  As Yi Yi's actions moved, the golden symbols in this line spread rapidly, spreading in all directions at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and then suddenly submerged into the ground. First launch https://https://

   Although the upper group of mutants occupied the commanding heights, none of them even noticed this scene.

   has to say that magic and mutants are indeed the existence of two systems.

   Yi Xuan raised his head.

   "You are not the same... Three thousand years old, Nshabanur."

  Tianqi patted Alex on the shoulder. . Yi Yi's words hit the innocent young man's face in seconds, raised his hands, and the apocalypse floated down first.

   followed by Eric, Alex and others also occupy the commanding heights, because they are not planning to have a good talk with the enemy here, but they are really preparing for a battle, and naturally have to maintain the advantage of the venue.


  Followed by a figure, he directly descended from the sky and jumped from above. . Or fell.

   And the only one who can choose such a direct way is only Logan


   seemed to have broken his legs when he jumped down, but he didn't care, but instead of twisting the spot, his bones were corrected.

   This made Yi Xuan grin, regeneration does not mean that it will not hurt. . Has Wolverine developed a masochistic hobby for a long time?

   followed by Shaw, and Stryker who came out of the dark. Although Kennedy was also a mutant, he was transferred because of his special status. He was not here at all.

   But Yi Chou did not mind a Kennedy, his eyes directly skipped more and more people around him, and finally fell on the body of the apocalypse.

"I'm curious."

   "How did you get your memory back...she should clean it up very cleanly."

   "Your daughter?"

  Apocalypse asked back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She was really impressive. "

It's a pity that although Tianqi looks like a good chat, he doesn't reveal much information. An old guy like him who has lived for three thousand years is very clear that he will lose the truth, and he knows more easily Scary. Starting

In the face of Yi Chao, the former deity, easily overthrowed the conqueror Kang, the visitor of the eccentric plane, just sent a daughter to beat him that year, and even created a fate card that can almost really change fate. The presence. . The apocalypse was extremely alert.

   "You don't seem to want to talk to me."

   "Then you are here, I can understand... Do you want the final battle."


  Early arrogantly seeing the apocalypse ignoring his love, he immediately turned to Eric, who was rebellious in daily life.

   After all, he has the most plays here.

   Sure enough, after seeing Yi Biao suddenly talking to Eric, Eric himself hadn't said anything yet, and then Charles's nervous look turned around. . He was afraid that there would be no more mobs on Eric's spot.

   But after the intervention of this magically revised version of the Apocalypse, Eric, who should have come to a major reversal, clearly deviated from Yi's expected plan and was very boring.

   However, as the scene, Eric still did not forget to put two harsh words at this time.

   "Decisive battle?"

   "This is not a decisive battle, because only strength is equivalent to war."

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