High Magic Earth

Chapter 1968: The headline is not to be outdone

   "It seems that you have a lot of self-knowledge."

   Yi Huo laughed softly.

   He kicked the ground with his feet, and the whole person floated easily. Yi Chou floated down at a height of about three or four meters from the ground, overlooking them, and he was at a high level.

  Although the height is not high, it puts an extremely depressed pressure on all the mutants below.

  Yi Xuan's clothes changed sometime. His appearance was no longer a casual dress, but a set of things like armor.

   is not as flamboyant as Athena's golden armor, but although it is dim and dark, it also exudes a cold breath like a killing.

   The surface of the armor is curved, like human muscle lines, but it is very thin and not exaggerated, but it still seems to contain some explosive power.

   This is not an artifact. . But it is enough to withstand the torture of the pseudo-steel body with full firepower.

  . . After all, judging from the physical fitness of Kryptonians, general armor, even spell protection, may not work well.

   And in the end, a black cloak cloak slowly grew along Yi Chou's shoulder armor, spread to his calf, and floated behind him.

   "The momentum is very good."

   "I hope you can keep it up."

   Looking down, Yi Biao said softly.


  Apocalypse did not hesitate, and still issued the first attack order.

If the words are not speculative, then there is nothing to say, not to mention that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between them, which cannot be solved by language alone.

   Then, only battle.


   The dazzling red light fell from the sky instantly, and came to Yi Chou in an instant. . This speed is even a bit faster than the voice of Apocalypse.

  In addition to the reason that its speed may already exceed the speed of sound, another reason is that the upper Alex was originally before the sky inspired the attack command. . The attack was launched in one step.

   It seems that they have other ways of communication, or have planned in advance.

   The time difference is very short, but it is still noticed by Yi Chao who is superimposed on the two states of pseudo-spirit speed force and pseudo-steel body.

   "Do you only have this kind of means."

   "Then this battle will be much more uninteresting."

   Faced with the shock wave coming again, this time. . Yi arrogant is not panic or busy.


The same scorching red light spewed out of his eyes at the same time, just like two torrents of magma, they instantly collided in the air, the scorching heat even distorted the surrounding air, and there was a breathlessness just near here Breath suffocation, because the oxygen here has been evacuated.

  The hot sight of the pseudo-steel body easily blocked Alex's shock wave.

   Even if he is one of the apocalypse knights, it is very easy.

   As a benchmark of dc ceiling-level combat power, Superman's combat power is far from being shaken by a few omega-level variants.

   Omega mutants are really strong enough to be abnormal, such as the Scarlet Witch, the Power of the Phoenix, or Jaspers, but they cannot crush Superman. . After all, Superman is the handle of the world next door.

  Although the pseudo-steel body is an imitation made of silver tongue, which is far less than the real steel body, but Alex is not an Omega mutant, or a mutant from the movie world.

   There is still an insurmountable gap between the two.


   Torrent hedging.

   Energy attack is the fastest attack among all the attack methods on the scene. . There is no one. When Yi Biao's hot sight collided with Alex's shock wave, and fell into a short anxiety, the time even just flowed for two seconds.

   Two seconds, for these mutants who have not undergone professional training, it is very difficult to play a decisive role.

  But after two seconds passed, when the others on the scene almost reacted, the two hedging torrents still had their wins and losses.


   Seeing that only Alex was still attacking himself under pressure, Yi Huo snorted coldly.

  Do they think Alex's attack will work once, and it will always work?

   The next moment, the high temperature and intensity of the hot sight increased instantly. In the blink of an eye, the shock wave exploded by Alex was suppressed.

Alex is at a high level, standing at a height of about three or four floors, a low-level headspace of about ten meters or so, Yi Yi floats at a height of three or four meters from the ground, so the two energy torrents collide and dock, at least forming in the air A dozen-meter-long energy ray.

  Almost. . Half and half.

   However, with Yi Mo's instantaneous force, the energy rays representing the hot sight began to increase instantly, and half of Alex's shock wave rays were swallowed in a short time of breathing.

  In other words, Yi Biao's hot sight not only withstood his shock wave, but also with the shock wave of the shock wave, pushed it back again, and even pushed back to the position of less than a few meters before Alex's eyes.

   And this is not the end, because at the next moment, Yi Xiao keeps the hot sight of the attack and keeps his body slightly rising, seems to be ready to come to the same height as Alex.

Thus. . If there are no other unexpected factors, the ending of this energy hedge fight will end with Yi Huo's big victory.

   The loser will naturally be torn to pieces by the terrible energy storm.

   But of course, since this is the final battlefield of the mutant candidates, how can it be easily done easily. . No surprises.

"go to hell,!"

  With a roar of anger, Yi Chou realized that a figure jumped down from the other side of the sky.

   Yi Huo stunned slightly, this man would be crazy.

   Two energy hedges, anyone who intervenes here will be torn into pieces, no. . In addition to Xiao, he unfortunately absorbed energy, so this guy is. .

   Yihou noticed the appearance of this person, but did not turn his head.

   He mainly turned his head, and his hot eyes should be able to easily shoot down this uninvited guest, but also, Alex's shock wave will hit himself unrewardingly. First launch https://https://

  Therefore, Yi Chao did not move.

   Because no matter who it is, just stop in front of him. . Will definitely face the double attack of Alex and his hot eyes.

   At the next moment, the shadow went straight down.

  . . .


   The sound of steel collision appeared on Yi Chou's face, making him slightly unconsciously.

  The hot sight instantly pierced the sky above the base, and large pieces of rubble fell. . But the quality of the base building was good, and it did not continue to collapse.

  At the same time that Yi Biao moved away from his hot eyes, Alex's shock wave also ended in an instant. After all, he had already shown his unbearable tiredness, so he naturally took the opportunity to transfer.

   But although the shock wave has ended and the last wave has been released, the energy of the hedge in the air will not disappear.

   It still flew over to Yi Ao precisely. . Then, without a doubt, hit this guy in front of Yi Chou.

   Yi clamored that the heat flow sprayed to himself, and there was a strong **** smell.


   Yi Xiao suddenly realized who this guy was. In addition to Xiao, who can absorb energy, there is a guy who can intervene between him and Alex without fear of death.

   Wolverine Logan.

   He is not afraid of death, because he will not die.

   And the sound of the metal collision was probably his paw. . In theory, however, Logan at this time should not have Edelman bones. After all, Stryker had no plans to start x weapons. . strange.


   Logan in front scolded again.

   He sounded still full of energy.

  Yihuo quietly cleared the blood from his body and looked at Logan.

   His injury was almost healed. . Although he was still able to see the scary wound, it was obvious that the injury did not affect his actions.

   Judging from the wound, the shock wave almost smashed his entire body into two sections, but his wound healed in less than a few seconds?

   is really amazing.

   It seems that he has also become a knight of the apocalypse. .

   Logan is madly attacking Yi Chou constantly. His two claws look different from before, which is obviously not a bone claw. . But it's not an Edman alloy, but another black material that looks like metal.

   But no matter what, it doesn't make sense.

   His claws fell on Yi Xiao's body and could not even break his skin, so he was blocked by the body of pseudo steel.


   Yi Chou waved his hand violently, and a huge force instantly knocked out Logan. . A dozen meters away from a distance, fell to the ground.

   suspended in mid-air, Yi Xiao looked down again, he looked at the apocalypse, the meaning he tried to express was self-evident.

   In the next moment, Apocalypse did not speak, and a new round of attack came again.

   And yes, full attack.



The red shock wave and the harsh sound wave appeared at the same time. At the same time, the Xiao below also set off a huge energy shock. Eric next waved his hand, and the countless metals that had been prepared repeatedly repeated sharp arrows. The hair flew towards Yi Chou.

   Charles took a slight step back and calmed his mind, seeming to be thinking about something. Obviously, he was stimulating his own mental abilities.

   The only thing he didn't do was apocalypse. He was still standing there, without any movement. . Of course, there are other people, such as Logan and Hank, Darwin and the like, they are not suitable for starting now, because other people launch long-range attacks, if they are entangled with Yihuo close, they can only be set on fire.

   Even El Salvador is hovering over the clamor, seemingly looking for some offensive opportunities.

   Then in the next moment, everyone's attack fell on the position where Yi Chou was.

   Sound waves, energy shock, pure physical attack. .

  Innumerable attacks are mixed together, it seems that the hit object is torn completely.



   The sound of explosion sounded instantly.

   Large pieces of rubble roll down from above the base, impact and shock caused by the innumerable energy mixing together, and permeable sound waves.

   is different from the hot sight before and the energy impact of Alex. This time, it is inevitable that the mixing of countless attacks will inevitably cause the spread of aftershocks.

   It is not surprising that there is such a large destruction effect.

   Fiery eyes, and even some orange gloss flickering, countless energies are intertwined, forming a huge fireball with a diameter of nearly three meters in mid-air.

   The fireball exudes high temperature, and even makes others dare not come close.

  Eric has stopped his offensive. After all, he controls the metal. When such a high temperature drops the metal into it, it becomes liquid. . Meaningless.


   He stood beside the apocalypse, looking at the burning fireball, frowning and asked.

   Xiao breathed a sigh of breath and also suspended his energy release. He could absorb the energy to release the energy, but releasing so much energy in one breath would still make him feel tired. New 81 Chinese network update fastest computer terminal: https://

  As Shaw stopped, the upper Alex and Sean also stopped their movements, the shock wave and sound wave disappeared, and they quit the energy shock. Finally, Salvador's mucus, she also stopped.

   After all, the energy below and a three-meter fireball condensed. . Keep going, they are also afraid that the situation can't be controlled.

   But looking at the slowly burning fireball, before waiting for Tian Qi to answer, Xiao next to him suddenly frowned slightly.

   "Something seems wrong."

   he said.

  Because of how this fireball looks. . How strange.

   It's like, just like he was when he was absorbing energy!

   "Three thousand years old monsters are not that simple."

   said Tianqi Shen Sheng.

   next to Xiao Heng glanced at him.

   "Can you not hang your mouth for three thousand years and do something meaningful?"

  He was very dissatisfied with the fact that before the apocalypse, he had not worked hard to stand by and watched~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not that simple. . "

   But soon a voice in the rear interrupted Xiao, Charles.

   looked around and found that Charles' face was ugly, and he seemed to be in pain. . Eric quickly stepped sideways to support Charles.

   "I saw...he was not dead!"

   Charles said with a headache.

   But just as Charles' voice fell, a cold voice also came from above.

   "In fact."

   I don’t know when the flames have disappeared. They are like being sucked into some kind of black hole, and they are disappearing quickly and as if evaporated and rising.

   Then reappeared the figure of Yi Huo floating in mid-air.

   He was still floating in mid-air, the black armor seemed to have no trace of charred black, and still looked down at the three people below.

   "Your news is a bit slow."

  The voice fell, and Yi Xuan suddenly raised his head.

   The scorching hot sight was like two lasers, directly smashing the weight of Alex who was above the unresponsive above, and let him fall out of balance immediately.

Then Sien, Yi Biao's eyes swept away, Sien also screamed and fell over, the third red light directly hit El Salvador, thanks to her dodge, she was not penetrated in time, but was still broken Wings, but the only fresh army that can fly freely has lost the power of aid. . It's even hard to protect yourself.

   The scene was reversed in an instant.

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