High Magic Earth

Chapter 1969: So-called infiltration


   Asazo grabbed Emma and Raven, and carried them into New York City one by one.

   His movements are as elegant as ever, with a slight smirk in the false smirk. . But if you look closely, you can still see his hidden anxiety under calm.

   Apparently, compared to Emma and Raven’s infiltrating missions, he was more worried about Xiao’s side.

   "You go back."

   Emma is well aware of Asazo’s worry. In fact, she is even more worried about the situation there. . Because the information she collected through other people's memories, hearts, and information showed that the enemy they faced this time was almost an invincible enemy.

   "When necessary, take them straight away."

   Emma made another point.

As a white queen who is equal to the black emperor, in the comics, Emma and Xiao are in the same position. Of course, although this is not a comic, even in the movie, Emma’s status is higher than Asazo. .

   Mutants mostly respect strength, and mutants with psychic abilities do indeed restrain Asazo. His speed can be instantaneous, and he can be called a snail-like slowness in the face of the world's fastest thinking.

   Asazo nodded.

With a snap, he disappeared again in place.

   Waited for Asazo to disappear, and the next Riven also reacted.


   her dissatisfaction shouted.

  What is meant to take them first, even if she had Rui Wen's IQ, she also heard that Emma wanted Asazo to see him badly and directly took Xiao and Torrent and others now. . As for Charles, they were naturally abandoned.

   But Emma, ​​who helped Xiao You to walk in the upper class, can now be dealt with by the little girl of Ruiwen, she said lightly.

   "Maybe everything goes well girl."

   "They don't need to run away at all, you always have to be a little confident... right."

  Ema looked at Ruiwen with a smile.

   Sure enough, Raven, who was also very nervous, immediately tangled up. Of course, she hoped that everything was going well at Charles, so she could not refute for a while.

   And by this time, Emma had continued to smile. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "Don't worry about them, they are almost the most powerful mutants in the world."

   "You should consider yourself... The next task is not simple."

   "Deep into the enemy camp and steal key items?"

   "Oh my god."

  She touched Ruiwen's hair.

   "I thought I was back in the war 20 years ago."

   "When I was a little girl, I also did such a thing...because of my special talents."

  Emma knocked on her head and continued to speak to Ruiwen.

   "So when the Germans began to block my hometown... I had to do one thing and take my family through their blockade, of course, not by force, but by deception."

   "I was only eight years old."

   "Along the way, I constantly use my ability to change the patrol's thinking so that they can't see us... So my family and I walked to the outermost circle of the blockade."

"and after?"

  Ruiwen was fascinated and asked unconsciously.


   Emma's eyes blurred.

   "Later we came across a militia team trying to assist us on the periphery, and they engaged in a crossfire with the Germans, but unfortunately, I and my family happened to be caught in the middle... in the end, only I escaped."

   "Sorry, I'm... I'm sorry."

   Ruiwen said a little crampedly.

"It's ok."

   Emma shook her head.

"What I want to say is that going deep into the enemy’s back is not a simple matter, especially for us. You are a natural spy master with a unique gift. You don’t need to use force to defeat the enemy, but you need to Beat more things."

   "Any accident, any possible unexpected situation, is all you need to face, and even includes yourself... and a little **** luck."

   "You need to overcome everything."

   "And you, the only thing you have, is yourself."

"believe in yourself."

   said Emma.

  Rui Wen nodded thoughtfully.

  In contemplation, she didn't notice that Emma's eyes seemed extremely bright when she stared at her. . It was like seeing her mind and heart through her brain.

   And it is obvious that after this short conversation, her relationship with Emma instantly became a lot closer, even to a very good level.

   "Okay girl, stop chatting here."

  Emma touched Raven's head again, and at this time, Raven had no resistance at all, and even felt that Emma was like her big sister.

   "We should do the right thing."

   she said.

  . . .

In the early morning, near the Petronas Towers building.

   Emma and Rui Wen, a beautiful and graceful beauty walking with a young and beautiful and energetic girl, are still very eye-catching.

   But after all, this is the center of New York. New York in this era has poor people, abandoned factories with sewage flowing, and lawless and unemployed wandering, but it is by no means here.

Here. . It is the most prosperous commercial street in this era.

So although Raven and Emma were very eye-catching, they did not receive any harassment. Several bold men tried to come up and talk, but when they were a few steps away, they suddenly remembered something urgent. , Hurriedly turned away.

   Then quickly there was no one to come up and talk to. After all, early morning is the time for work, there are not so many idlers, and more of them are rushing to work.

   seemed to realize that their presence was too dazzling. Soon after passing by a street, Raven turned into a tall gentleman with a bowler hat. She took Emma's arm and looked straight.

   Sure enough, the combination of men and women is much more low-key than two girls. . The gaze that fell on them immediately lost a lot.

   If it wasn't for the gentleman who walked around one metre and eight meters that Raven turned into, there was some tugging.

   "This will not work."

  Emma interfered with the thinking of the people around her and said softly to Ruiwen.

   "It is not enough to change appearance, you have to completely change yourself and change yourself into another person."

   "Pay attention to them...learn them."

   Emma’s guidance is obviously not very useful, but I have to say that perhaps Raven is really a natural ace spy, she learns quickly.

  Just walked a dozen meters away again, and by the time she passed the next intersection, she had already realized what an adult man should have learned.

   Although there are still flaws, but basically can not see the true and false.

   Soon, Emma and Raven stopped in a corner against the phone booth.

"Here we are."

   Asazo's transmission is obviously very accurate, without much error, and they have moved more than a hundred meters, and they saw the towering building from a distance.

   Destiny Card Company.

"what should I do."

   Ruiwen is obviously a little nervous.

   "Just mix in."

  Emma said in a careless voice, but through her free eyes she could notice that she was obviously not so relaxed, but also looked around nervously, thinking about ways.

   "I know... I mean, how do I get in?"

   Ruiwen took a deep breath.

   Emma pondered.

Just like the little story she told to Raven, the dive is a common thing for her, but unlike Raven’s dive, she belongs to the Kang-style dive method, killing everyone, no one knows She sneaked in.

  Of course, Emma is not so violent, but her ability can make everyone see her, and it is no different from killing.

   But Rui Wen is different, her infiltration will obviously be a truly superb performance.

   "The way...not without, but it depends on your memory."

  . . .

  Five minutes later, Emma, ​​who was not far from Destiny Card Company, successfully caught a middle-aged man with a low or low position in Destiny Card Company. She controlled this guy and walked to the corner where the two were.

   "Mr. Triplit."

   "Deputy head of logistics procurement department."

   "I think this person is very good."

  Like reading a book, Emma quickly read the memory of this Mr. Cui Pu, and then said quickly.

   They have wasted a lot of time. . In fact, there is not much time for them to waste.

Mr. Cui Pu can be said to be a very typical wage earner. As a child, he was born in an ordinary middle-class family in New York. His father was a small businessman, and his mother was a nurse in a New York City hospital. Both primary and secondary schools were private schools to high school. Then transferred to a more famous university near New York.

   But it is a pity that Mr. Cui Pu is not a genius or a fate-minded person. His grades in high school are not enough for him to go to a famous university, so he can only choose an ordinary school and then become an ordinary employee of an ordinary company.

   his wife is a classmate he met in college, the situation is similar to him, the two have a son, just three years old this year.

   General life experience and resume. . Of course, after today, he will be doomed to be no longer ordinary.

  Sometimes it is easy to catch such a person with a simple background and the company's status is not inferior, Emma will not let go so easily.

   While reading Mr. Cui Pu's memory, she quickly retelled to Ruiwen.

  Almost five minutes passed before Emma stopped. . She has finished talking about what she thinks is important or almost used. Of course she can continue to talk about it, but it is not necessarily useful for Ruiwen, she may not remember.

   Listening too much may be confusing.

  Rui Wen’s memory is good, her physical fitness is much better than ordinary people, including memory, but she doesn’t like learning very much.

  Although it was a duck-filling five minutes, she almost remembered it, but even so, Rui Wen was still very nervous, after all. .

   "Then, what about their psychic ability... what to do."

   asked Ruiwen hesitantly.

   Emma pondered again.

Because of the same mental ability, Emma knows more than Shaw and also knows the terrible enemy this time. Although there are still some selfishness, for example, let Asazo see the bad situation, but slip away, but At least in terms of helping Raven, she can be said to be doing her best.

   Because they need to win.

   But she had no good solution at this time.

   The other party also has a special existence with psychic abilities, which cannot be avoided in the past. . Emma and Raven don’t know what kind of mental ability each other has, and who owns it. It’s not clear that Yi Huo, who is the most threatened in this regard, has temporarily left here.

   So they still need to take this threat into account.

In fact, not long ago, the shield helmet that Tian Qi had shaped him was reshaped into necklaces and headdresses. Although Riven could not wear a cute headdress after he became Mr. Cui Pu, but the necklace alone sufficient.

   But there is another problem. As they discussed, this special metal can shield telepathy, but after shielding telepathy, it actually exposes Raven itself. . It's like stealing your ears.

  In the case where everyone can be detected by the mind, only Raven can block the telepathy. This is not to say that she has a problem.

   The original solution was for Charles to create a fake memory for Raven, but it was not easy, not to mention that Charles had no clue, even Emma did not know how to do it.

   But then they hurriedly began to act. . In other words, there is no false memory in Rui Wen. She just walked into the building of Destiny Card Company now, and it was completely announced to the telepath, I have a problem!

   This is not enough.

   So it can only be avoided.

   "Avoid him."

   said Emma.


  Ruiwen was a little surprised.

"The situation is now, as long as you wear this necklace, you can shield telepathy, but even if you shield telepathy, you will still be discovered by the other person's telepathy... because only your brain is closed of."

   "But we can think of it differently. You actually succeeded in avoiding telepathic detection, so as long as he can't see you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he won't find you...and don't know your existence."

   "You just have to avoid him."

   The more Emma said her thoughts were clearer. . And she thinks her idea is actually very feasible!

   "Your talents allow you to easily blend into other people, but you really need to avoid it, in fact, only the one with the mental ability!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "This is much simpler."

  Ruiwen understood, but. .

   "How do you determine who is the psychic ability."

   "You can only try one by one."

   Emma pondered again.

   "When you go in, I will try to control other people's thinking and act as your radar and pathfinding. If you encounter that person with mental ability, he will find me... on the contrary, I also found him."

   "Indeed, he will beat the snake, but he will not notice you."

   "Also as a spiritual ability, I have the confidence to hide your existence."

   "Can it still be like this?"

   Ruiwen surprised.

"of course."

   Emma rolled her beautiful eyes.

   "That's the way it is, or wait for you to go in and shield your mind... How can I contact you, I can only control other people to communicate with you."

   "Then next, I just need to guide you to avoid that mental ability."

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