High Magic Earth

Chapter 1970: Same move. .

Emma put it on her hand, put it on her eyes, and looked up at the building of Destiny Card Company.

   "Thanks to the fact that this building is not high... I don't have the talent of Mr. Xavier."

   There is no brain wave radiometer, and the ability to perceive the longest distance and the highest height of the building in front of him is actually the limit of Emma.

  , after listening to Emma's entire plan, Raven also nodded. The plan is indeed highly feasible.


   "Just do it."

   She took a deep breath.

   "So... Am I going now?"

"of course."

  Emma said, she patted Rui Wen on the shoulder.

   "Don't be late for work."

  . . .

Alex, Sean, and El Salvador were shot down by Yi Chou successively, making the situation turn sharply in an instant, but it did not surprise them. There were reminders from both Apocalypse and Charles, the variants have been raised to the limit. The terrible degree of the enemy.


   Xiao shouted immediately.

  Although it may be more than ten kilometers away from the center of New York, for Asazo, it is just a matter of a moment.

   Although he didn't show up here, he must have returned, but it was hidden. . Just as he had negotiated before, he was an amazing soldier.

   But now that the situation is suddenly out of control, and several major combat powers, including Alex, are in critical condition, Asazo naturally cannot continue to hide his arms folded.

  Just. .


   Xiao raised his voice and shouted again.

   But still nothing happened.

   turned around and looked at him from the top.

   "Don't waste your time."

   he said.

   "I blocked this space."

   "You can't leave from here, and people outside don't want to enter."


  With a blast, Athena fell from the sky like a meteorite, the ground was split by the pieces she trampled on, and large pieces of rubble splashed out. . You can even see the sparks bursting out.

   Yihuo:. .

   "I didn't come late."

   didn't seem to realize the strangeness of the atmosphere. Athena moved her shoulders and looked at the mutants present, laughing as if she saw her beloved toy.

   Her hands pressed lightly against the double-edged scimitar around her waist, and the eyes like a falcon made everyone on the scene feel the tingling of the skin. . Even Tianqi didn't consciously look away, but he still remembered the woman.

   "... It's not too late."

  Early expressionless expression.

   "You just came."

   "I will give you what you find, and leave the rest... to me."

   Athena raised her eyebrows slightly.

During the time when Athena rushed into the entrance, another flying person, Siren Sean, had struggled to re-howl in the air, using sound waves and gliding wings to glide again at low altitude, and then grabbed the falling Alex live.

  Thanks to Siren Sean who also experienced the potential of apocalypse, the ability has been strengthened once, not only the sound waves have become adjustable low sound waves and high sound waves, etc., the sound waves are also much stronger than before. . Otherwise, with his gliding speed to pick up Alex, Alex had already fallen to death.

  . . Of course not necessarily. Alex was also inspired by Apocalypse, and as one of the most potential variants on the spot, Alex was enhanced by Apocalypse more.

   Siren Sean just strengthened once on the basis of the original ability, stronger sound wave, more frequency sound wave.

   But Alex. . Not only did he enhance the original ability, the energy output of the shock wave has become more than ten times before, but the whole person can enter the semi-energy.

   is the state when the whole body is covered with crimson energy.

   Previously Alex was able to be injured by his own shock wave. He condensed the shock wave from his chest and released it in one breath. . If the cohesion is not smooth, it is easy to explode instantly and hurt yourself.

   But fortunately, there are not many cases like this. It was only when he was young that he had just awakened the ability of the mutant.

   After all, his shockwave was so powerful that he lost control once. . Maybe not next time.

   But now he will not, never again, when he condenses energy now, the whole person can enter a semi-energy state, he is energy, energy is him.

   So not only the direction and hit of the shock wave become precise. . It will not hurt itself.

   Even the impact of the gravel caused by the impact on Alex is not that great. After all, he is already a half-energy body and can no longer be regarded as a pure human being.

  . . In other words, as in the original plot, he hit the aircraft energy machine in the Hank experiment, which caused a big explosion and eventually killed himself. It may not happen.

   The energy body is not so easy to kill.

   But again, if the explosion caused was too large and the gravel buried him, he would still not be able to climb out for a while.

   So even if it fell directly from the top, Alex would not be killed, at most injured.

   Sean caught Alex, but another air unit, Salvador, was obviously not so lucky, because Sean had no time to continue to pick her up.

of course. . Sean is definitely not dead.

  After all, Alex can be semi-energetic, at most serious injuries rather than death, if only one can be saved, it will certainly not be the priority to save him, unless. . El Salvador does not need to be saved.


El Salvador, whose wings were burned in half, struggled twice, and then turned and fell heavily to the ground, but fortunately she could barely adjust the direction and center of gravity of the fall, so it was not the deadly parts of the head that landed on the ground, but the legs first Landing.

  With crispness, her legs were obviously badly injured.

   But in the next moment, she should obviously lose her mobility, and even her internal organs should be frustrated. She was struggling to stand up again after being seriously injured. . And twisted legs with abnormal curvature, healed quickly.

   is like, like Logan's self-healing!

  El Salvador's movements were a bit difficult at first, but soon became free to move, her limp posture also turned back as usual, and even a few breaths, she could flap her wings again and float slightly. . The half wings scorched by Yi Huo's sight also grew back, and this powerful self-healing ability is almost comparable to Logan. (First launch, domain name (remember _3

  Obviously, El Salvador also experienced the potential of apocalypse, and what he gained should be self-healing ability. The reason may be that she looks a bit like an insect.

  Although El Salvador wants to call her title an angel, there is really a gap between her and the angel. Except that both can fly, it is basically the same.

   El Salvador’s wings are not white wings like angels, but more like butterflies and dragonflies. . It's like an insect.

   So she might only be able to awaken Logan's ability, the vitality of insects, are all tenacious.

  Alex's self-healing ability is not weak, coupled with being rescued by Sean, and using the short time Athena enters, he has regained his fighting power. . The trio once again distanced themselves from Yi Huo.

   Although it seems to be of little use.


   Athena slowly pulled out her double-edged scimitar.

   "So... who comes first."

  Although she is standing on the ground, it seems to be like a clamor, overlooking the earth from the top.

  In an instant, everyone felt a rush of pressure.

  . . .

Among the crowd, Charles silently took a step back and hid himself behind Eric. 33 The fastest computer terminal for novel updates: https://

   He silently concentrated his spirit, because his mental ability does not need to be as powerful as Eric or Apocalypse, so almost no one noticed his small movements.

   But it is very effective.

  Because Athena was almost immediate, she moved slightly.

   And at the same time, here the strongest fighting will, and the most brave Logan once again rushed up fearlessly.


   He let out a roar, and the whole person flew at an unattainable speed instantly, taking off at a height of four or five meters and hitting Athena fiercely.

  . . This is not normal.

   Although Logan has a powerful regeneration ability, he does not have any other means of attack other than bone claws. He may have a lot of rich combat experience, but even so, he is just a more powerful melee unit.

   is far worse than Charles and Eric.

   But his current speed of bouncing and running. . It seems to have surpassed Captain America.

   The only possibility is that he also suffered from the potential of apocalypse. In addition to his self-healing ability, he was stimulated to his physical limit by a deeper level. . The path taken by Captain America.

  This is very suitable for Logan, and it is not surprising that he took this path.

   Taking advantage of the moment when Athena seemed to be controlled by Charles' telepathy, Logan sent the sharp bone claw to Athena's throat almost instantaneously. . There was even a slight difference from her blood vessels.

but. .


   But it is over.

  Athena lifted with one hand, firmly stuck Logan's neck, stopped him out of thin air, and lifted in midair.

   "I thought you would be smarter."

   She sneered.

   "Although I don't have a Saint Warrior, why do you think the same trick will work for me the second time?"

   She stuck Logan's neck and shook.

   Then Logan's claws prodded into her throat. . Ding!

  Unfortunately, after the ding, Rogan's newly upgraded unknown metal claw still did not pierce the skin of Athena.

   "It's ridiculous."

  Athena exerted one hand.

   Her power is tonnage-level. Even if Logan is inspired by the potential of Apocalypse, there is still a world-wide gap with Athena. After all, Athena's only power is her spirit body.

  Under her restraint, Logan couldn't break away at all, and could only make a hoarse roar.

   His face was flushed and his eyes bulged slightly outward. . He will not die or fear death, but suffocation is not a pleasant way to die.

  However, Athena is also a god. She didn't intend to torture Logan for pleasure, so she quickly pulled out a double-edged scimitar. . The blade was like a streamer, and it instantly fell into Logan's head.

   "Heart is not dead..."

   "What about the head?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

   The pain at this moment made even a tough guy like Logan unable to resist the scream of pain, because it was like a steel knife constantly stirring in his brain.

   The severe pain even made Rogan break away from the **** of Athena in an instant. . They are all loose.

   He roared wildly like a real beast.

   Yi Huo glanced gently.

  Athena looks cruel, but in fact very decent. . Neither he nor Athena's ultimate goal is to kill everyone in front of them.

   This is a hunting, these mutants are prey.

   He ultimately wants to capture these mutants. . Then, as his future legion, the outside legion.

   didn't kill them.

  Athena was also very clear, before that Yi Biao had told him. . So there is no need to remind Athena not to kill again, and the results are heard by these mutants, and finally use this to defeat the possibility of defeat.

  . . Although it is almost impossible.

   But Yi Huo will not make such an idiot mistake in the movie.

   The purpose of Athena is actually very clear. Logan is immortal. Even if he cut off his limbs or even his head, he may be reborn, especially now that he has become a knight of the apocalypse.

  The four apocalypse knights in the Logan area of ​​the comic are Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Scarlet Witch. . Together with the Wolverine, the four men almost overthrew the Avengers and Illuminati, and their ability should not be overlooked.

  Although this is the world of movies, Logan has also been greatly enhanced.

   ordinary means, it is difficult to control him.

  Unless magic is used, or. . Destroy his memory.

   Logan can be regenerated, but the memory is definitely not in this range. Once Logan's brain is destroyed, his memory and even thinking will take a long time to recover. . This can be a very long time.

   So destroying his head is undoubtedly a very effective choice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Charles tried to use mind control to interfere with Athena again, she thought about it all. . As Athena said, since Charles has used her psychic powers to interfere with her once, then naturally there will not be a second time.

  Early has used silver tongue to temporarily improve Athena's mental defense, and she always has problems in this regard.

   So this time Charles's psychic interference was not successful at all, but was used by Athena instead. . Directly caught the reckless guy Logan.

   He will never learn to use his brain. . So he doesn't need this kind of thing.


   saw that Rogan was in a critical situation, and Alex immediately roared, and his body began to glow red, but Athena, who was experienced in fighting, did not worry about his straight guy. 33 Novel debut https://https://

As soon as    turned her wrist, she blocked Logan before her and Alex.

   Sure enough, the red light on Alex's body immediately weakened. . Don't dare to act rashly.

   But in the face of this decisive battle, the variants clearly considered a lot, and everyone did not flinch, far beyond Alex or Sean, Charles and Eric and other main forces.

  Hanke and other people's abilities may not be too powerful. . But maybe at some point, it will be of exceptional use.

   is like now.

  When Alex had some mouse control devices, another figure went straight to Athena, that is. . Darwin.

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