High Magic Earth

Chapter 1971: It's always Logan who is injured

Athena frowned slightly.

   Darwin is very fast, he is like a black cheetah, close to the ground and turned into a lightning fast approaching here.

   It seems that the apocalypse's personality charm . Don't reduce that year.

   Apparently, the anomaly in Darwin was still a ghost of the apocalypse, and he also became a member of the apocalypse knight.

  Darwin's original ability is survival of the fittest, an infinitely overvalued and infinitely undervalued ability.

Some people say that he is very strong and is truly immortal. In the eyes of human beings, conventional death is just another new form of his life. He is still alive, in a new way, humans do not understand and have not yet The areas and forms explored are alive.

   Of course, some people said he was weak. . All of the above are bragging.

   Anyway, Yi Chou is very optimistic about him. He thinks this ability is very special. No matter whether Darwin is strong or weak, he will have a qualitative leap after undergoing the transformation of the God of Creation plan.

   Yi Huo is so concerned that Athena is naturally familiar.

   So she gave up her plan to throw Logan out as a throwing weapon, but waited for Darwin to approach here quickly.

Ok. . The speed is not bad, it has exceeded the human limit, like a cheetah. . No, it was he who really became Cheetah.

  Athena watched Darwin.

  Darwin's speed is impressive, but for Athena is still much worse, her dynamic vision allows her to easily capture every movement of Darwin. . The two still have a qualitative gap in speed.

  She saw Darwin's special legs.

  At this time, Darwin was not completely human. His upper body was still a human body, but his lower limbs had become some kind of beast's body. . It looks very good at running, is very explosive, and has a good sense of balance.

   So he exploded at this speed.


  The ability of the Darwinian to survive is subject to arbitrary attacks or life threats, which will transform the body's structure and composition to become able to resist and adapt to the coming crisis.

and so. . Why did he suddenly appear a pair of beast limbs, this does not seem to be his ability.

  Darwin's ability to survive the fittest can also make such a partial transformation? But why would he need such a pair of beast's limbs, or what kind of threat, to be able to survive Darwin's fittest and transform himself into this.

   Even with the title of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, she could not think of an answer for a moment.

   Therefore, the reason is still the transformation of the apocalypse knight.

   Unsurprisingly, Apocalypse probably used his abilities to stimulate Darwin’s potential and evolved his ability to survive the fittest to another new stage.

   He can not only passively survive the fittest, but transform himself. . Can also take the initiative to transform.

  This evolution has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that Darwin can subjectively control his own ability, then it may appear that he tries to become a high temperature resistant material to resist the high temperature. . As a result, this material was not as heat-resistant as expected, so he was still dead.

   The same is true of the profit side. Subjective control of his ability greatly enhances Darwin's comprehensive strength. He is no longer just a passive life-saving defensive unit, but an all-rounder, and is not weak at all.

   is indeed a good ability to advance.

In Athena’s opinion, the disadvantages can be avoided, as long as Darwin does not actively overestimate his knowledge reserve when he is in danger, he must choose materials from his barren knowledge, but give everything to instinct, the fittest Survivability will still choose the best survival form for him.

   He is still immortal.

   So the disadvantages are not so big. . Besides, how can there be so many good things in the world, only if there is no risk in gains and benefits are gained, it is natural to bear the disadvantages.

   hopes that Darwin will join his team after the transformation of the God of Creation plan. . And still such an all-rounder.

  Ignoring the approaching Darwin, Athena has unconsciously imagined it

   But it is a pity that the creation plan will bring changes to Darwin, in fact, even Yi Biao can not be sure.

   Apocalypse's ability to transform. . There are traces.

   Inspire potential, this is the most appropriate word to describe the ability of the present apocalypse.

  Also as a transformation, Apocalypse and Yi Chou's plan for creating God are essentially different.

   The former is to stimulate the potential of the reformer itself, the basis comes from the individual being transformed, and the results of the transformation can be predicted and calculated.

  The latter is the introduction of high latitude energy for alienation.

  In fact, the plan to create a **** is not transformation, but alienation. This is a mutation, which comes from one of the most dangerous energies currently mastered by Yi Biao. . High latitude energy.

   Mutation is uncontrollable, and high-latitude energy is also uncontrollable. The two are superimposed. No one knows what kind of result will be born, what kind of monster.

  . . Perhaps variation and high-latitude energy also have their own laws, but in Yi Biao's eyes, but looking at Yi Biao's current cognition and wisdom, they are an indescribable disorder.

   So the achievements after the creation of God plan. . It is impossible to speculate, at least not with the current clamor.

   Maybe he can use the silver tongue to give it a try, to speculate on the result of the transformation, and ultimately succeed or fail, but it is also very dangerous.

   involves the indescribable existence after all. . They will be mentioned in the story of Silver Tongue. If one is careless, the concrete story may be contaminated by their infection, which is more than gains. 33 Novel debut

   Therefore, the silver tongue is not incapable of taking these high-latitude energies, and even the silver tongue cannot predict the transformation result, but the risk is greater than the return.

   is still very troublesome.

   "Da! Da! Da! Da!"

  Darwin's legs were on the ground, and the limb suitable for running seemed to pull out a phantom, and came to Athena in the blink of an eye.

  Athena raised her eyelids.

   Darwin’s battle has made a world of difference than before, but in her eyes, it is still not enough.


   Another double-edged scimitar suddenly came out, crossing the front of Darwin in an incredible arc. . The aiming position seems to be a bit off! Between Darwin's gallop, there is still a distance of four or five meters!

   But it is not.

As the most experienced combat experience, she may even crush Athena, who is crammed with a silver tongue duck teaching and filled a lot of combat experience. She may not be as ordinary as the next-door Thor with a magic attack, but she is superb. The combat skills are absolutely unmatched.

   Dodge? nonexistent.

   Although Darwin changed a pair of horses. . donkey. . ostrich. . It’s still some kind of leg, but Athena still infers his trajectory based on his muscle movement.

   Her double-edged scimitar traverses Darwin's only way. If he doesn't stop, then in the next moment, he will hit him directly like he sent him to Athena's blade. . Of course, he couldn't stop.

   Judging from his muscle movement trend at this time.


   Sure enough, there was no accident. Driven by inertia, Darwin hit the blade of Athena directly, just like sending himself to the door.

   But the expected two cuts did not appear, because his abdomen had turned into some kind of gray-black rock material before hitting the blade, and the surface was smooth. . And very hard!

   Even with Athena's power, he didn't break it open. Instead, after making a crisp sound, the blade bounced off, and Athena's wrist was turned to the side.

   Athena frowned slightly.

   Although she did not use all her strength, she was also tonnage-level. . It was actually blocked, and the material transformed by the survival ability of the fittest is really practical.

   Taking advantage of this time, Darwin turned around and took Logan off the other blade of Athena, then hugged Logan without looking back.


   They obviously had premeditated and drilled, because they cooperated very well, the next moment, the shock wave came quickly, directly covering the whole piece of Athena, dyed a dazzling red.


   Shockwave will Athena, Darwin, and Logan. . All shrouded in.


   Yi Hao in the air sighed expressionlessly. . Then continue to watch the excitement.

   Below, the heat wave rolled.

In fact, Darwin did not plan to play against Athena from the beginning. He knew his strengths and weaknesses, and his own abilities were not suitable for fighting. Even if he had the survival of the fittest with subjective control, he was still not suitable, and he 'S combat experience is too weak, like a child in front of a guy like Logan.

   So he didn't put himself on a combat power unit from beginning to end. The first thing he had to do was to save Alex and let Alex be the main attacker.

   And he is confident to save Logan because of it. .


   The burning flame is burning like the temperature of the sun.

  Although Darwin held Logan firmly in his arms, Logan was still almost cooked by the heat wave surrounding him. . At this time, Darwin has completely changed into another look. 33 The fastest computer terminal for novel updates: https://

His whole body exudes the luster of the same color as the hot energy around him. The whole portrait is a translucent crystal. Alex's shock wave hits him almost to no avail. Instead, he is united by him, strengthened again, and then released again .

   Survival of the fittest after potential stimulation allows Darwin to easily absorb energy attacks. . Whether it's catadioptric or direct, it's why he is confident to protect Logan and let Alex attack.

   "Sorry Logan...you need to be patient!"

  Darwin was semi-crystallized. His back turned to Alex with the same gloss as the shock wave, and the predecessor that protected Logan was a crystalline substance like crystal. . But the temperature is still very high.

  The high temperature burned Logan's body into blisters and healed quickly, which is definitely one of the most painful tortures in the world.

   But Darwin didn't have a good way. He could make changes for Logan, for example, to become an insulating material, but he would die himself! Because the material is his body, it is now the best he can do.

The situation was critical, Darwin felt guilty, but his movements did not drag and drop. He held his head and was injured. Logan, who had a blurred mind, wanted to escape this area shrouded in shock waves, but unfortunately, he just walked out a few steps. , An arm suddenly stretched out next to it. (First launch, domain name (remember _3


  'S slender arm grabbed his shoulder and fixed him like a nail in place.

   "Where do you want to go."

  Athena bathed in shock waves and asked coldly.

not good!

  Darwin realized that it was not good, he felt the amazing heat from Athena's palm, which was so hot that it was even a point higher than the surrounding shock wave temperature.

   Did this guy actually resist Alex's attack? . Is she a monster!

   Darwin wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't get rid of Athena's power.

  Athena is really not very comfortable at this time.

   The temperature of the shock wave is very high. The armor that is not magical in her body hardly brings a little defense. Thanks to its magical properties that are difficult to damage, otherwise it may be directly melted now. . This is probably its only useful use.

  The armor can't be counted on, so the entire shock wave is resisted by Athena with her body.

   The taste is not good, just like ordinary humans strayed into the high-temperature steam, Athena also felt a flame enveloping herself, suffocating, burning. . Let her feel the danger even with the body of God.

   She did resist temporarily, but only temporarily.

  If this energy shock continues for a few more minutes, she will soon appear bleeding like ordinary humans, injured, and even gradually become serious, evolved to disfigurement, serious injuries, until burned to death.

   Mutant~www.wuxiaspot.com~It is a mutant.

   This shock wave also has a certain threat to Athena, but fortunately, she is not stupid, nor will she stand here and be attacked by Alex without moving.

  Athena snorted coldly, using one hand to force Darwin and Rogan violently away, and then flicked him sideways.

"not good!"

   Charles yelled in the distance. In the next moment, he had controlled Alex's thinking and stopped him from the shock wave.

   is fairly timely.

When Darwin was pulled by Athena’s strange power, he became a kind of elastic gelatinous substance, which prevented him from being torn apart, and when he was flying in the air, he seemed more glue Shape. . This will probably save him from the outcome of a fall.

   But Logan’s situation was obviously not so good. Charles took over Alex’s brain very quickly, but there were still two seconds of shock waves hitting Logan firmly.

  Athena is able to bathe energy for a few minutes. . It doesn't mean that Logan can.

Almost no one can breathe. Logan no longer has a complete muscle. He is like a skeleton or a highly decaying corpse. He was blown away by the force of the shock wave more than ten meters away, and fell to the ground. Sigh.


   Athena turned to her freezing gun, and the backhand was a shot, freezing Logan in a huge ice cube.


   she said.

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