High Magic Earth

Chapter 1972: Routine operation

   Others would naturally not sit back and watch Logan just trapped in this way, but Xiao's hands had just begun to condense energy, and Yi Chou's eyes turned instantly.

   "Your opponent is me."

   The red light flashed in his eyes, and a precise hot eye had been released instantly.

   raised his hand next to the apocalypse, and the earth rose, as if the sand-like substance rose from the ground, and quickly constructed a low earth wall in front of several people, blocking the sight of heat.


   The gravel on the surface of the earth wall was splashed, and a large piece of gravel was cracked, but it was not penetrated by hot sight.

   Apocalypse looked around at Charles and others, and nodded.

   Real battle. . It's about to start.

   "Bang! Bang Bang!"

   Once again, countless metals were pulled by Eric from all over the base, and he shaped it into a shape of a supporting arrow in the air, and all the arrows rushed to Yi Chou.

   "Wow! Ka!"

At the same time, numerous firearms already prepared by Stryker and others were also pulled by Eric from all directions. There was no controller, but the trigger of these hundreds of firearms was instantly pulled, forming a dense storm of bullets. Surrounding Yi Chou.

   "Boring trick."

  Yi Xuan didn't bother to avoid it at all. He let bullets and metal arrows rain down on him. They collided with Yi Xiao's steel body and made a clanging sound, but he couldn't even leave a red dot.


   quickly. The dense rain of arrows and bullets surrounded Yi Chou. From a distance, it looked like a huge metal ball. Eric counted it, raised his hands slightly, and controlled these metals to form a truly closed, huge metal ball. Yi Xiao was wrapped in it, and he seemed ready to crush him.

but. .


The hot red light suddenly appeared in the center of this rough metal ball composed of iron gray and ferrous metal. Immediately afterwards, numerous cracks like puzzles appeared on the surface of the iron ball. In an instant, it burst out suddenly.


   The metal ball exploded in four directions, revealing the unscathed clamor in the middle again.

   "I said, boring... trick!"

   Yi clamor's eyes swept around.

  Character disappeared, but Yi Chao's super-audible recaptured his heartbeat in an instant, and he evacuated to a cloister outside the venue. . His ability is not suitable for the battlefield of fierce fighting, so he temporarily hid in a relatively safe zone to support.

   Stryker and his squad also left here. Yi Chou heard that they were running towards the general control room. It seemed that they finally realized that this was not a battle they could participate in.

Darwin, Alex, El Salvador, Hank, Sean, and Torrent are besieging Athena, and only Eric and Apocalypse remain in front of Yi Chou.

   "You two are really confident."

   Yi arrogant laughed.

  Two people want to deal with themselves?

  Tianqi kept his silent style in battle. He could not speak when he could, but raised his hands again, and the earth suddenly became agitated like a torrent.

   "Do you control the earth..."

   "Athena told me."

   "But do you think it works for me?"

The torrent is like a stream of water, flowing slowly on the ground, like vines and tree roots made of soil, first slowly moving slowly, then, they are like predatory pythons, jumping from the ground in an instant, ruthlessly Slammed into the clamor in the air!


   Muddy Python and Yi Chou's casually extended fist met and made a deafening explosion.

   But immediately Yi Yi's face changed slightly.


   "It seems you noticed."

   "Boom! Boom!"

  Taking advantage of this time, several mud giant pythons rose from the ground and smashed into Yi Chou. . He buried his figure abruptly, and even pushed him back a few meters.

   "Little people... there is also great power."

"what do you think."

   Tianqi smiled hypocritically.

   YiXiao narrowed his eyes.

  The soil controlled by the apocalypse. . The impact seems a bit too great. . Yi Chou is not Athena. Although Athena is known as the body of the gods, it is really not necessarily who wins and loses with the Hulk.

   But if you change the arrogance and break your wrist, then the winner is definitely Yi arrogance.

   And in the previous wrestling. . Apocalypse was able to gain the upper hand. Although Yi Chou didn't take it seriously, it was still incredible.

  The power of the Apocalypse has increased.

  When the Apocalypse encountered Athena thousands of years ago, he was crushed by Athena all the way, and the cannon fodder of thousands of mutants was nothing more than an increase in Athena's record.

   Although the appearance of Athena was forced, the two are still not on the same level.

   The message of this battle naturally fell into the hands of Yi Chou afterwards. Judging by the kind of power that the Apocalypse showed, Yi Chou didn't even need a minute to deal with him.

  . . This is clearly not the case now.

   But it's right to think about it carefully. After all, thousands of years have passed. Even if Tian Qi slept for a long time, he should have made some progress.

   Not to mention, since this apocalypse is the apocalypse encountered in the previous world of Yi Chao, it means that the fate cards left by Yi Chao at the time of Egypt should also exist in this world.

   But the trajectory of the whole world has not changed much, it seems to be almost the same as the original movie plot shows. . The only possibility is that history has been revised.

  In addition to the long time that played a key role in the revision of history, Apocalypse should also participate in the revision of history, that is, he wiped out the card of fate from history.

   Yi Chao is not sure what the Apocalypse did, but that must not be an easy thing. The fate card Yi Yi made, he knows how difficult this thing is.

  As long as the cards spread out in the early days, there will be a super-power group similar to the mutants, and it is still the one with the largest base.

  Apocalypse can finally wipe out the traces of fate cards, presumably also experienced a long battle, and in this process, in addition to fighting, he must also be deeper and deeper between the fate cards.

   "...Do you keep some fate cards?"

   asked Yi Hao with a smile instead of a smile.

   Tianqi's smile was still hypocritical, and he did not answer.

   But Yi Chou could perceive the deep hidden tension in the apocalypse.

   It seems that he doesn't talk, but he dare not talk.

   Obviously, Apocalypse did not underestimate Yi Chou or look at it easily. On the contrary, he seemed to take Yi Chou too seriously. He did not even want to communicate, or he dared not communicate with Yi Chou. . For fear that in the process of communication, they will fall into the trap of easy clamor.

   So he just kept silent.

"OK then."

   Seeing that Tian Qi had no intention of communicating, Yi Chou could only shake his head.

   Then the next moment, his figure flickered, and the whole person flew to the apocalypse at a very fast speed, because the speed was too fast, he even looked like it. . Teleport.

   Tianqi was too late to respond.


   Yi Chou's right hand clenched into a fist, when he cut through the air, it seemed to bring a burning flame, wrapped in a crazy airflow, and smashed towards the apocalypse.

   Well, maybe the apocalypse has made progress and growth in a long time, maybe his power has reached the level of barely shaking and arrogant, but. . so what.

   His overall strength is still too bad.

   Yi arrogantly looked at the back of the apocalypse still unresponsive.

  Tianqi, as the original variant, may be higher than Charles and others, but it is not truly invincible or immortal omnipotence, otherwise it will not be wiped out by Phoenix.

   Although the pseudo-steel body does not have the powerful attack special effects like the Black Phoenix, but when it comes to the destructive power, it may be higher than the movie version of the Black Phoenix. . Especially single injury.

   In other words, Yi Quan's fist will continue, and the Apocalypse may die. .


   Yi bustle is shocked again.

   Apocalypse was still unresponsive. He did not keep up with Yi Biao's speed, and did not realize that Yi Biao had come behind him in a flash, but Yi Biao's attack did not work.

The reason is not apocalypse. . Instead, it appeared on Yi Chou, him. . Missed.

how is this possible.

   Yihuo frowned slightly.

  The extraordinary perception of the pseudo-steel body began to work with full force, and all kinds of non-existent and abstract perceptions were opened. . The next moment, Yi Chou realized the key to the problem. New 81 Chinese network update fastest computer terminal: https://

   He was disturbed, electromagnetic interference!


   Yi Huo said in a low voice.

   The attack was interrupted, and the speed of Yihou naturally slowed down. Taking advantage of this gap, Eric and Tianqi also realized that the enemy had come behind them.


  On the ground, the giant python rolled again. While rushing to Yi Chou, Apocalypse had controlled the earth to pull the two people away, and reopened the distance from Yi Chou.

   is very strange. .

   Yi Xiao looked at Magneto. In fact, even he didn't realize that he appeared behind Tianqi, but his electromagnetic force successfully produced interference.

   So it is some kind of passive range attack, or rather. . He has been using this electromagnetic force to interfere with himself?

   Yi Huo thought for a moment, and in the next moment, he had come to Tianqi again.

   is not a teleport, but is based on pure speed.

   But this time the apocalypse and the two of them were clearly prepared, especially Eric, who just noticed an obvious jerky feeling just after the two appeared behind them. . Interference, or electromagnetic interference.

   His movements were still slightly offset from what was expected, and his speed was a bit slower.

  This gave Tianqi enough time to resist.


  The mud python rose again into the sky, collided with Yi Chou, and then exploded the sky of mud, covering up the figures of Eric and Apocalypse.

   However, with the hearing of Yi Chao's pseudo-steel body, he can still capture the position of the two. . But he was not in a hurry to catch up.

  The earth controlled by the apocalypse can compete with his own strength, and Eric’s electromagnetic force can interfere with himself. The emergence of these two things makes Yi Chou smell a little strange.

   Electromagnetic force can interfere with him. . There is no doubt that electromagnetic force is one of the four basic forces of the universe, and it is not difficult to destroy the universe after the extreme.

   But the problem is that Magneto is not enough.

  The power possessed by Magneto is indeed controlling the magnetic field. He can indeed reverse the south and north poles of the earth, but that is the one in the comics, not the one in front of him.

Although this movie version of Magneto also possesses the ability to control the magnetic field, it seems that everyone has forgotten what he is good at, even he may have forgotten, he simply defines himself as a possessive motivation Variants. . Only effective motivation for metals.

  Destroy metal, squeeze metal, throw metal. . Magneto completely forgot his true nature, and played a powerful magnetic field control into an ability that only knew destruction.

   But of course, even if Magneto realizes what his core strength is, he is not afraid.

  Because, as he said, Magneto’s magnetic field control is too weak, he may be able to lift the 10,000-ton giant bridge, but he wants to shake Yihuo only by this degree. . That's impossible.

   In a sense, Yi Chou is more terrible than the 10,000-ton giant bridge.

but now. .

   This moment of Yi arrogance is in a state of contemplation, but Tianqi seems to have no intention of giving Yi arrogant a good time to think about it.

   The earth began to roll over in an instant, the concrete floor began to crack, and large pieces of stone slabs collapsed and surging, with a deafening momentum, like **** opened a big mouth of blood to the world. First launch https://https://


   The ground rises abruptly like a tsunami at a height of more than ten meters, as if the earth and the earth turned upside down, and rushed towards Yi Chou with the black cloud pressing the top. . However, Yi Chou was more interested in the fact that the apocalypse was so politely destroying the site~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this base still has no tendency to collapse.


   The roaring earth gradually collapsed forward, accompanied by a large stream of smoke, it seemed to completely bury Yi Chou, and then its momentum fell again, but. .

   With a blast, Yi Chou broke out of the mud like ruins again like a cannonball.

   "Only your ability can't increase their power to this level."

"what have you done."

   Yi Xiao was again suspended in the air, watching the two from a condescending position, his movements were still continuously interfered by Magneto’s electromagnetic field. . But similarly, Yi Biao is quickly adapting to this kind of interference. Even if it doesn't take long, he can ignore this interference and resume his activities as usual.

  As Yi Xiao said, Magneto's ability to achieve this level of magnetic field is definitely due to the apocalypse's ability, Magneto has been enhanced, just like in the original plot of the movie.

   But it's not enough. The degree shown by Magneto in the movie, even if it became the apocalypse, is not enough to shake a pseudo-Kryptonian with a pseudo-steel body.

   So, there must be something else. .

Between    Yihuo, electric light, and stone fire, he filtered everything related to the present, and finally, he locked on to one thing.

   "Beast Hank... that potion."

   "Have you used it, I admit... This is really a genius idea."

   "It's also a crazy idea."


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