High Magic Earth

Chapter 1973: Me, apocalypse, strong!

Yi Xiao naturally also knew that the potion. In the first generation of the X-Men, the Beast Hank was not actually a combatant in the X-Men, but existed as a researcher.

At first, his sense of existence was not high, but when he tried to use the blood of the magic-shaped woman Raven to study a certain medicine to eliminate the big feet that are different from ordinary people, and obviously failed, the medicine did not eliminate his feet, but strengthened After the x-cell unique to the mutant. .

He became a real beast, a member of the X-Men.

The potion has many flaws, but it still cannot cover its essential role. . Catalyze x cells.

That is to enhance the ability of mutants.

If so, it makes sense.

First experience the strengthening of Apocalypse, and then accept the strengthening of potions. . And maybe the apocalypse itself has also received the strengthening of the potion, and has a stronger strengthening power.

So these mutants. .

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes. They were really good at making accidents.

The apocalypse was silent, and his expression was as cold as ever. From his face, there was no need to think of any valuable information.

"Give me... Get away!"

The rolling sound came from not far away, just like thunder, it was Athena's battle roar. . There is no special effect nor dragon roar, it is just a little louder.

Yi Chou turned his head to look at the past. . It was found that Athena was a bit embarrassed under the cooperative attack of Alex, Sean, Darwin and others, and Logan was also rescued from the ice, and was slowly healing itself.

. . Wait, is that Alex?

Yi Xiao watched Alex flying around in the air as a flame and flexibly, continuously releasing shock waves, and felt that his style was not right.

Because of the clamor, I seemed to see the fire storm in the dc next door, or the thunderbolt fire in the next four magicians. .

Alex can not only move freely in the sky at this time, the shock wave release is precise and rapid, but the whole person is completely energized. Is he really a mutant rather than eating what devil fruit?

Yi Xiao can't remember that mutants have the ability to evolve and super-evolve, and then evolve in three stages.

But at the moment, Alex is indeed very different from the previous one. In addition to showing the ability to fly freely again, his shock wave energy intensity is at least twice more than before.

This guy really concealed part of his strength.

And not only Alex, the sea monster Sean next to them, Torrent Janos, Beast Hank, but also showed some changes that were different from before.

Or, to improve.

Hell, it's like this group of mutants suddenly had super-evolutionary abilities overnight. What is this unfolding?

Elixir, apocalypse. .

Perceptively aware of a sense of danger, Yi Chou quickly withdrew his attention to Athena.

Since the variants are now full of firepower without hidden power, there must be a reason for doing so. . Most likely this is their plan.

If their plan is to separate Yi Chao from Athena and fight each other, then when Alex and others try their best to besiege Athena, there must be a plan against Yi Chao.

At this moment. .


Sure enough, even waiting for Yi Chou to re-lock the apocalypse, a special reverberating like sound wave interference suddenly appeared in Yi Chou's ear. . With some disturbing interference.

. . .

This sounds like tinnitus, a reminder from the body when there is a problem with the ear.

But Yi Xiao is very clear that this is not a problem with his body. . The body of the Pseudo-Kryptonians is not so easy to get sick.

This is magnetic resonance.

Magneto. .

What is the fighting style of Kryptonians? It's simple, find the enemy and fight!

So faced with the magnetic field interference of Magneto like a nasty little bug, Yi Chou made a superman classic turning movement in the air, and then rushed down.


There was only Magneto on the ground, and the apocalypse beside him didn't know when it disappeared.

With Yi Biao's impact rising to near subsonic speed in an instant, the earth was smashed into a deep hole. . But while the gravel was splashing, Magneto also disappeared.

No, it did not disappear, but he also flashed away in an instant.

Yi Xiao did not have a trace of stagnation. The next moment he raised his eyes and re-locked the Magneto who rose to midair.


There was a burst of sound in the place, and Yi Chou followed again, rising into the sky.

Magneto can fly, he can easily realize the suspension effect and fly freely by using the principle of magnetic field. . But the speed is very slow.

The slow flight is very good when it comes to a big event, but it is not applicable in battle. Magneto is essentially a magistrate station.

But the speed at the moment when Magneto broke out. . It is not weaker than Athena.


Yi Biao caught up with Magneto again in an instant, but the surroundings seemed to have been completely shrouded by Magneto's magnetic field. The magnetic interference and resonance in all directions became stronger and stronger, which made Yi Min's movements slightly deviated.

Magneto seized the opportunity to flee again.

Yi Biao silently observed the Magneto flying farther and farther. . This guy now has almost instinctive control of the magnetic field, the magnetic field is part of him, he is part of the magnetic field.

Therefore, his flight will be more proficient than the original plot, so fast and smooth, without a trace of jerky, and even escaped twice from the level of pursuit of the pseudo-steel body.


There was another harsh scream in my ear. . Let Yi Chou tilt his head.

These noises are really annoying.

Noise is the most obvious manifestation of magnetic interference at this time. The external performance is noise, and the internal interference is the interference of the five senses. In addition, there is the interference of the sixth sense generated by magnetic resonance, and Many things that can't be explained clearly.

They are gradually strengthening.

Yi arrogant slightly took it seriously.

Magnetic field control must be done by Magneto. After he pulled out a large amount of prepared metal and firearms to set fire, and found that it had no effect on Yi Huo, he gave up this meaningless behavior and turned to concentrate. Run away. . Use the magnetic field to interfere and control the field while running.

If put in the game, then Magneto is a mage with a lot of field control skills. Of course, his output is not weak, but it is a pity that it is easy to avoid it.

So he only has the means to control the field.

Seeing that Magneto is not in a hurry, it seems to be quite ready to run, control the field, run, and interfere. . Obviously they also had expected this situation.

Then. . If Magneto played an auxiliary role at this time, interfere and weaken.

Who is the main attacker?


What would he do. .


Yi Biaoer suddenly heard a burst of buzzing in his ear. Even in the moment when he didn't have time to react, a huge force instantly burst from above and passed on to Yi Biao. . Severely smashed him from the sky.


Yi Xiao fell to the ground, and the waves were rolling. With his falling point as the center, the ground was smashed with a huge shallow crater with a crack range of nearly ten meters.

After a slight pause, Yi Chou's five senses were fully open. Although there was some distortion, he still locked the unknown attacker who had followed him for the first time.



At the same time, the sound exploded and another huge force appeared, greater than before. . With the roaring fist.


Yi Xiao raised his arm and blocked this powerful punch.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

But this is obviously not the end. The surrounding gravel was crushed by the air waves caused by the battle between the two. The dust was flying in the sky. The apocalypse seized the opportunity and punched out one punch after another. It is stronger and heavier than the previous punch.

Yi Chou stepped back a few steps, but still blocked all the attacks of the Apocalypse.

Then quickly, taken from Batman, the combat experience and combat knowledge from the silver tongue figurine began to play a role quickly.

At the beginning, Yi Chou could only keep raising his hands to resist the attack of the Apocalypse in a defensive posture, and not to mention, the apocalyptic attack power was full. . Even from the point of view of the physical fitness of the pseudo-Kryptonians, it hurts a little.

But soon, the fighting memory from Batman began to awaken under the uninterrupted blow of the apocalypse, and he fully recovered and integrated into Yi's body. . His movements began to become more and more fluid, and his fighting ideas began to become more and more clear, until the counterattack began.


The muffled noise appeared, and the sound of the battle ended instantly. . As the two men stopped fighting, the dust around them gradually dissipated, revealing their figures again.

Yi Ao grabbed the apocalypse's wrist and held it firmly in his hand, letting the Apocalypse struggle in secret, and Yi Ao's hand remained motionless.

"Not bad."

Yi Huo whispered.

Apocalypse's fighting consciousness is very strong, and his fighting skills are also superb. . How to say Yi Chao also uses silver tongue to figure out the existence of countless fighting skills. The general fighting level will not suppress him.

Even apocalypse has the advantage of a sudden attack.

But it is a pity that even if Apocalypse's fighting skills are strong, it is impossible for me to take advantage of the super power of being Batman.

Even if Yi Chou is a fake, I am Batman. . Unless Apocalypse changes his name to Sandra Wushan now, he cannot win.

The apocalypse's wrist was caught by Yi Xuan, which caused his attack to be interrupted instantly. His attack rhythm was disrupted, and gaps and flaws were placed in front of Yi Xiao.

This time, it was replaced with Yi Huo not giving the Apocalypse a breathing time.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

Yi Xiao grabbed Tian Qi's wrist and bullied him. He turned an elbow and hit him in the throat. While his footsteps were shaking, he hit his right cheek with a punch.

The attack on his belly was blocked, but the attack with another punch on his throat was too late to respond.

Tianqi was beaten again by a stagger, and his movements were somewhat deformed, and at this time, Yi Chou had already punched out one punch after another, pushing Tianqi back again and again.

Different from the previous Yi arrogant, Yi arrogant is suppressed by the apocalypse, but can still keep the apocalypse's attacks firmly in the hurry, but the apocalypse. . The power of pseudo-Kryptonians is much greater than Apocalypse after all, as long as a punch hits, within a short period of time, Apocalypse will be too late to take the next step due to pain and stress.

This is fatal at this moment, and it is precisely because of this that Yi Chou almost defeated the Apocalypse.

Batman is proficient in 127 combat techniques, but his favorite, or a combination of all combat techniques, has his strong personal style, which is also a powerful one.

And this style, in a sense, is also very suitable for kryptonians.

So with Yi Pu's punches punching out, there was a muffled noise in the air, and it seemed that even the surrounding air had sonic booms and explosions.


At the end of a dozen punches, Yi Chou grabbed Tianqi's arm and slammed him over the shoulder, throwing him heavily and hitting the ground. . Then stopped the attack.

Looking at the apocalypse that seemed to have lost its fighting power, Yi Chou said calmly.

"But... still not enough!"

There is no doubt that the power of the apocalypse is far more than that of him, maybe more than ten times or even hundreds of times.

Now call Athena to fight with the Apocalypse again, even if Athena enters the state of appearance, who wins or loses is not necessarily.

After all, although Yi Biao's combat skills are taken from Batman, his physical qualities here are not, but this is the steel body of the pseudo-Kryptonian.

Apocalypse was able to be beaten by Yi Chou in a combination of boxing. Not only did he not die, there was no serious injury, he was not even hit and flew out hundreds of meters away, but just hit a giant pit a few meters deep on the ground. . This in itself is enough to show that Tianqi's physical fitness is strong at this time.


Tianqi lying on the ground coughed up a bit of blood.

Yi Xiao looked at him from the top.

"As a villain on your stand, I should say at this time, I admit that you are qualified for something..."

"But I think it's time for this farce to be over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just when Yi Chou grabbed the apocalypse from the ground and was about to give him the final blow, the dirt on the ground suddenly rose like a python A channel...but the target of the attack is not easy, but apocalypse.

Mud suddenly grabbed Tian Qi's feet, and then dragged him down, pulling him back to the ground.

At the same time, Yi Chou felt that the power of the Apocalypse began to increase instantly.

He swiftly broke away from Yi arrogant wrist, and rushed to Yi arrogantly like a crazy demon, Yi arrogant expression remained unchanged, calmly slightly sideways, evading the attack of the apocalypse.

Then he raised his hand and stopped the next attack of the Apocalypse. . The apocalypse before him was beaten up by Yi Chou in return, not to mention that he seemed a little crazy at this time.

After evading and blocking several Apocalypse attacks, Yi Chou soon seized an opportunity again and threw him to the ground again.

"Your strength comes from the earth."

Yi arrogantly said.

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