High Magic Earth

Chapter 1974: Low magic resistance is well known

Yi Xiao would ask this question, the reason comes from the little action before the apocalypse.

Why should we distract ourselves from the battle and pull ourselves back to the ground?

When the apocalypse was lifted in mid-air, there was a huge difference between the strength of his feet when he stepped on the ground, and Yi Chou naturally realized the problem in an instant.

In fact, it does.

Apocalypse had a good lesson by Athena, and after Yi Biao waited for someone to leave, he happened to regain his own and afterwards, he began to pay close attention to melee.

In other words, he began to attach importance to the development of a single force.

Among the many abilities, picking and choosing, and finally comparing the soil and earth abilities he mastered, Tianqi felt that it was better to choose melee in the same way.

The apocalypse is very strong. He is the **** of mutants. This is not a false name, but a real strength.

He can hoist the X-Men and hammer it all by himself.

Such a reason. . A large part is because the abilities of the mutants are single, and the abilities of the apocalypse are plural.

Mutants are very powerful, and some variants are not reasonable at all, just like the containment, directly to the level of rules, even if they have not reached the level of rules, they can affect this level.

But sometimes the mutants’ power is very weak, and a potion of humans can remove them. In one second, Magneto can reverse the poles of the earth. The phantom cat can also shuttle through time. In the next second, they become a Older old man, an illiterate girl who knows nothing.

This is the ability of mutants.

Between reasoning and non-reasoning.

Apocalypse is inherently dominant when dealing with mutants, because rules are against rules, and many rules are contradictory. Apocalypse masters multiple abilities, and it is natural to suppress ordinary mutants who only possess one ability.

But this situation is placed on people like Athena and Yi Chou. . Is not necessarily useful.

First of all they are not mutants. . Well, this is not important, the real reason is that Athena's single ability has reached a kind of extreme, although not top, but also the ultimate field.

Faced with this situation, the apocalypse was almost broken.

To put it bluntly, the apocalyptic plural ability, inherently restrains the mutant, but can only fight the mutant, he has a higher combat effectiveness when facing the mutant.

In the face of other enemies like Athena, he does not have the advantage himself. Usually, the mutant is purely based on advantages. The real strength is not high. The skillful and fancy is useless, and it is directly achieved by Athena’s single ability. I was pierced.

After realizing this, Apocalypse also began to exercise his single strength.

He has already stood at the apex of the mutant himself. He is confident that no mutant can challenge himself, so he finds that there is no problem with some other single force. . It's not the upside down.

What's more, at that time, he still had other enemies, fate cards, and the enemies were not just mutants.

However, regarding the ability of a single specialization, Apocalypse thought for a long time.

He is best at controlling the ground, gravel, and soil. In theory, if he continues to specialize, he should also take this route.

But in the end he chose another one, the same as Athena.

Pure power, speed, and physique.

This was not something he came up with in his head. The Apocalypse at that time referred to the opinions of many of his high priests, in fact, the opinions of the military division personnel, and also referenced that book. . There are questions and answers.

In the end, I chose the same opinion as Athena.

There are many reasons, in addition to various opinions, but also because Athena is a god, since God is like this. . Then there is nothing wrong with following the pace of God.

Moreover, in addition to having a powerful attack, this route is also very good at life-saving, strength, speed, and strong physique. .

Only alive will have a future.

Apocalypse, who died once, knew this very well.

At present, he is considered successful.

Of course, there are definitely a lot of tricks that have been chosen. Athena was transformed through Yi Chuang's creation plan. Even if Tianqi is the protagonist of a generation, the boss behind the scenes, the son of the heaven, he is not so easy to catch up.

Unless he happens to get a card of fate in this regard, it is still golden, or higher.

Otherwise, it is impossible.

So Apocalypse opened a new path. He may have obtained some kind of wish card, or some ability to change the fate of the card. He combined his ability to control the earth with himself.

Stepping on the earth, his power is endless.

Some are like Antaeus, the son of the earth goddess Gaia, as long as they step on the earth, they are invincible. . So he was lifted up and strangled to death.

Apocalypse apparently guarded against this point. Yi Chou had just lifted him up, and he used the power of the earth to pull himself back.

Unfortunately, he also revealed his secret.

However, it is already very good for Tianqi to do this. You should know that Yi Chou is a steel body with a pseudo-Kryptonite, and there is also a pseudo-spiritual power of the Speed ​​Racers.

Although the Apocalypse was finally cleaned up neatly, at least. . He can already make a few moves with Yi Chou.

Tian Qi gasped, and did not answer.

The next moment, he suddenly started accelerating, seeming to rush towards Yi Chou in disregard.

Impatient flashed into impatient.

He hated tug-of-war and things like dog skin plasters the most, so. . He decided to completely solve the apocalypse this time.

Yi Chou did not dodge and counterattack, but rushed straight up without moving.


He caught Tian Qi's throat with his arms. Tian Qi's face began to turn purple at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, but he snapped back Yi Shuo's arm with his backhand.

Tianqi wants to involve himself, he wants. .


The buzzing in his ears was also amplified at the same time. Yi Chao's super vision caught Magneto next to him, and blood was pouring from his muzzle and nose, which was obviously operating at an overload.

Create opportunities for Charles?

Until now, it may be only Professor X, and for Professor X, Yi Chou is also very nervous. After all, he is the most famous mind mutant and one of the six giants of the Illumination Society.

His mental ability is unmatched.

But just for the movie version, Yi Chou is confident in his own mental defense.

He can only have confidence, because there is not much room for maneuvering at the spiritual level, the line is the line, the block is the block, the block is not. . Then he can only run.

But in the next moment, Yi Xuan did not wait for Professor X's shot, but waited for another unexpected attack.

It was a touch of green light.

Silently hit him behind his back.

. . .

The other side of the base.

The black mist quickly moved through the corridor, the base was raided, and the outer defense line was mostly damaged, and the enemies were exposed, and almost all the troops were transferred to the most dangerous place.

Either stay with Stryker or **** Kennedy out of here.

So no one else at the base.

In this way, Yamami Keiko can wander here in a fair and decent way, without worrying from which direction was suddenly shot by the nervous soldiers.

Black Mist stopped in front of a room door, re-emphasizing the figure of Yamami Keiko.

She glanced at the locked door, the wand lightened, and the door suddenly opened.

Yamami Keiko pushed the door and walked in, but within half a minute, she turned into black mist again and came to the next door instantly.

Push the door in again and leave.

"No, neither this..."

Obviously, Yamami Keiko is looking for something.

But when she broke into four or five rooms in a row, she didn't find what she wanted, which made Yamami Keiko irritable.

time. . Not much.

Things should be in Hank's room, but no, then there is only one possibility, that is the laboratory.

She knew where Hank’s room was, but the laboratory, she didn’t know, it wasn’t, she didn’t know which laboratory Hank used.

So she can only try luck one by one for the time being. . Samiko Keiko doesn't have any healing agents.

But her luck was good, and after hitting the door for the fifth time, she finally saw a somewhat messy laboratory. This is the residential area of ​​the mutants, and not many people use the laboratory, so there is only one possibility.

"Potion is flying!"

Yamami Keiko whispered.

Then seeing the next moment, it seemed that the entire laboratory was shaking, Keiko Yamami said quickly again.


The laboratory fell silent again.

She thought slightly.

"Suppress the pharmacy flying?"

There was no movement.

"Hmm... the potion made by Hank flew?"

The laboratory began to shake.

"Hanke-made mutant potion flew?"

There was no movement.

"Damn it!"

Yamami Keiko yelled irritably, stepped forward angrily, and began to find it himself.

But after rummaging through four or five potions, she had to admit one thing. . She couldn't tell clearly.

Only Hank is using it in the laboratory, and no one knows how much potion he made, and after breaking away from the original plot, the suppression potion is still looking the same. . These are uncertain.

Yamami Keiko couldn't tell.

Realizing this, she immediately stopped this useless practice.

She paused, then picked her wand again.


There was a series of shaking in the laboratory. Soon, a branch of shaped or unformed medicine floated into the sky from all directions. They turned into a long dragon and rotated quickly, and finally came to Shanmei Keiko.

After a while, she removed the semi-finished products. Then she waved the wand again and removed the potions that were attached to the name or she could recognize.

Then there were seven sticks left in front of her.

Then take it away.

She placed the seven potions in a row and tapped them lightly.

"Copy in pairs!"

Suddenly, seven potions became fourteen.

She hurriedly put the extra seven into her pocket, then waved her wand, quickly reorganized the laboratory to the original appearance, and then hurriedly left again.

There were fewer and fewer moments because of the news from La Nina. . It is getting worse and worse.

. . .

Yi Chou felt that a certain force was eroding himself.

Very uncomfortable, very annoying, and very. . The power of familiarity.

Yi Chou suddenly turned sideways and twisted Tianqi's body. . However, the latter responded quickly, letting Yi Chou loose in a moment, and he avoided the green light flying from behind Yi Chou.

Death curse.

Killing Curse.

If Harry Potter, the savior, survived only once under the spell of death. . Yi Xiao has survived twice from the death spell now.

Of course, the first death curse did make Yi Chou a bit miserable, but it also helped him start a fantasy journey.

And this second time. . It is far less than the first time, and the threat to him is so great.

Yi Xiao turned around, automatically suspending without wind, looking at the witch who appeared behind.

La Nina.

It turned out that she was the killer.

But it is very strange that she didn't even notice her coming, and the surrounding space has been blocked, how she came in.

Yi Xuan can be sure that she came in later, because his perception has been monitoring the situation around him. If this guy is there from the beginning, hiding like Stryker and Charles, Yi Xuan will definitely find out. . Then be prepared.

But she is not here, so Yi Biao has forgotten their witch.

Of course, they are definitely not so easy to succeed in sneak attacks, because Yi Biao has sealed off the space, and any one of the later intruders. . The premise is that if he can break in, he will be instantly discovered by ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he only needs to perceive everything in the blockade, and does not need to continue to extend outward.

After all, Yi Chou is not the **** of the world, but his thinking ability is still worse.

But the problem appeared, and Yi Chou didn't realize when this guy came in. . Is it a special spell or magic that can break through the magic created by the silver tongue.

Although it is not a direct breakthrough, it is also very difficult.

Sure enough, there is no end to magic.

. . .

When she was confused, La Nina was also lost.

Her death spell. . Did you hit it?

Well, she admits that the death curse is not unsolvable. In many worlds except Harry Potter, there are certain forces that can compete with the death curse or be free from death, but most of it is magic.

In this world where there is no magic, but almost all new humans, the death mantra is almost a dozen accurate, whether it is Batman who always has a backup plan, or the Flash who runs faster than the lightning, as long as it hits, it is dead .

Unless there is such a tyrant as mastering the soul gem, or the Wonder Woman of half man and half god, or special circumstances like steel bone.

. . Of course, they haven't dealt with enemies of this degree, but the weakened version has dealt with them, such as Green Arrow or something.

The situation should not be too different.

at least. . There should be no discrepancies now.

Shouldn't the opponent be a new human free man who takes a certain physical route? The ability looks very similar to Superman, flying and super speed power and regeneration, so the magic resistance should be exceptionally low.

But after the other party was hit, it didn't look like it was hit by a death curse, it seemed. . Put a fluorescent flash on yourself?

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