High Magic Earth

Chapter 803: Sweeping in (4)

   Bored of potions, bored a magic book on his right hand, and he spent more than a whole day here. ?

  The crucible made of gold, silver and iron in Dream Island has been removed, and replaced by a large gray-black ceramic pot, which is cooking some kind of green unknown liquid, scattered with sweetness.

   There are nearly half a month before the potion comes out. During this period, the magic stirring cannot be stopped.

In fact, most of the magic books in the Red Castle library have been read by Yi Bao. He can no longer increase his power and magic control through the accumulation of magic knowledge, but there are many unrelated spell powers, which are very partial. He hasn't read the door book.

   For example, this book is about how to realize a desire that can satisfy your own wishes.

  Well, Yi Biao originally intended to study the magical intelligence left by Oz. Although these secondary magical intelligences are not as strong as Dornting, the combination of magic and technology is still perfect.

   He needs an intelligent key, which is in every aspect, because many things, such as analyzing the spatial passage when Dornting escapes, cannot be done by Levine.

   However, there is very little information about Oz in this area. Perhaps because there is no research institute related to magical intelligence in this area that Yi Xao searches for, and the information is very boring, Yi Xuan just changed a book about desire.

   This book is not from Oz, but was collected in the world of **** detectives. Like the book of leaves, it belongs to the wizards who left a long time ago.

   Yi Chou doubted that they were probably the same group of free wizards who attacked Oz.

  When Yi Huo had no way to go to the new world, and his ability had reached a bottleneck, he began to integrate the existing resources, because he felt that his attack methods were a bit crude.

  Energy magic is his most commonly used magic at the same time, and it is also the most powerful. It is many times higher than pure energy explosion, but there are not many spells about energy magic, because this thing depends entirely on the wizard's own talent.

  Oz was able to fight against so many wizards who could travel the world at that time, obviously not weak. Yi Biao does not believe that there are so many talented wizards in the Oz Congress, so obviously they have a way to communicate spells with each other.

   And this method is not a book, because the number of enchantments recorded in the book is very small, maybe a special magic inheritance spell. Maybe just like the magic network.

   However, with the destruction of Oz, these magic may also be lost.

   For the rest, the spells of the Harry Potter world are not powerful enough, but the trick is very convenient. Other conveniences have just harvested the colonial ship of Yunxing Technology. There are also iron-blooded spaceships.

These belong to the field of science and technology. Yi Chou has many books in the world with his strong memory. Although it is not as artificial as artificial intelligence, it should be one of the best. After all, strong logical ability and memory have always been Yi Chou. Talent.

   But this is still a little impossible for technology that wants to interpret these two cosmic civilizations.

   The fault because of the technological gap is too big.

   Unless Yi Chou meets the related world in the next world, and learns about technology, things, and researchers from it, it is too slow to progress on the road of technology.

of course. Magic and technology also have a common place, but it is better to use magic directly.

  The magic props are easy to collect. Except for what I usually do and play, the most powerful one should be the yellow light ring that I just got, but whether it is true or false, how to use it, Yi noo knows nothing.

   These things are external forces after all, he needs his own power, a higher level of magic promotion, after the ice and fire thing is over. He should consider this matter.

  Wait for the shadow of Neverland to bring people, and then collect the world energy, while enhancing their strength.

   Then. . What does the higher level magic look like?

   Yi Chao knocks on the magic book at hand. Could it be that the magical powers like Daenerys have made them human, not ghosts or ghosts.

  Although Daenerys's nine states are very surprising, the dramatic increase in power is also amazing. From an ordinary person directly to the top of the magical creatures known by Yi Xiao, this leap is not a little bit.

but. . Even if Yi Chou does not care what kind of existence he is, the power of the world is too dangerous.

   One was careless. I am afraid that it is not the power that controls oneself, but the power that controls oneself.

   The potion made a murmuring sound, and the dark green bubbles popped up, then burst, giving off a charming, sweet smell like fruit.

  Winnie walked noisily from the end of the corridor. She was like a child who grew up. It was difficult to imagine that the little girl who had been picked up would have a wedding with herself in a blink of an eye.


   There was a clear sound, and the house-elf in the cloak appeared beside Yi Chou.

   "My master." It bent down deeply, his long nose almost touching the ground, and said sharply, "Stark has something to find you."

   Yihou nodded, and was about to catch the light screen in front of his eyes with magic, but at this moment, the house elf suddenly said, "Master... This time, something seems to be happening."

   This house-elf was the one who was sent to Neverland by Yihuo. It can be seen from its dress and even the way of speaking. Obviously it is completely different from other house-elves.

   Alimond is special. It is also a house-elf who longs for freedom, but this freedom can be different from one of its siblings.

In fact, the humble sense engraved in the bones of house elves has become their common sense. Common sense can hardly be subverted. For example, people want to eat and need to sleep. This is instinct and physiological habit. No matter how the thinking changes, instinct It cannot be changed.

   Want to make the house-elves aware of their situation, there may not be one for hundreds of years.

Alimond is obviously not, it is Yi Chou's mantra. The Soul Capturer is controlling it, not directly, but subconsciously hypnotizing it, because some things are inconvenient to do, or have no time to spare. It takes a guy he absolutely trusts, who is not as important as Winnie to do it.

  Household elf. It is the best consumables, and their supplementation is very slow, but unlike the little yellow man, there is no way to supplement it.

   Hearing Alimond’s words, Yi Yi stunned. Immediately stopped, "How do you say?" he asked.

   "Stark seems to be anxious, he has something to talk to you that year." Alimond emphasized the tone on the two words in person, and it also knew that Yi Chou had no time to do so, so he had to doubt. Why did Stark put this condition so coincidentally.

   But Yi Bao heard the words, but his pupils shrank, and then he was silent there. After a while, he asked softly, "So, have I done all the things I gave you?"

   "Yes, my master." Alimond said respectfully, "There is nothing wrong with being able to do things for the master. It is Alimond's honor."

   "No need to say so much nonsense." Yi Xiao said, "Since it is so, then some things should be told to you..."

   "Also, call him Mr. Stark."

  As he said, Yi Xuan took another wand out of his hand and gently shook it. The silver thread appeared on the top of the wand. It slowly drifted toward Yi Xuan and then connected with his brain.

   The wand moves outward, a moment later. A little silver light like a stream of water was dragged out by Yi Chou.

   "This is my memory, there is everything you need to know." The wand shook again, Yi Chou shoved the memory directly into Alimond's head.

   Suddenly, his body burst. Confusion also appeared in the big round eyes.

   Countless memories flushed into its head, from chaos to order, and then rearranged. Fortunately, there are not many memories extracted by Yi Chou, otherwise it will definitely faint for a while.

  After a short period of sluggishness, it quickly digested everything.

   "This is... this is really... my master." It said with some excitement. He couldn't even organize his own language. His incoherent words shook its huge ears.

   "It's just a plan." Yi Xiao said, "What I need you to do is the worst preparation."

   "Why? He has clearly contacted his master." Alimond exclaimed subconsciously, but soon realized what he was doing, and quickly banged his head punished himself.

  Early noise stopped its movement with magic, and the voice was still calm, "Be ready to retreat for yourself whenever you want."

   "Not to mention, time is the most uncontrollable factor in the world. No one can ever plan everything. There are many coincidence elements in each plan. This is just the first step. Who knows what will happen next."

  Alimond calmed down, and then said in the same tone as Yi Chou, "I understand, Master."

"You know where the things are. The magic props on her are made by myself. They are very resistant to magic. There are only two magic props on Fantasy Island to break it. One is my wand and the other is you. The old wand in your hand, you know what to do when necessary."

   Alimond nodded, and Yi Chou said again, "Then what are you still doing, don't you go?"

   The house-elf gave a panic and frightened finger, and a slap disappeared in front of Yi Chou's eyes. There was a trace of instable magical power instability above the potion. Yi Chou used magic power to stabilize it again.

   Waving his wand lightly, another experiment was that the screen slowly disappeared, and then appeared a little bit in front of Yi Chou. At the same time, the scene of Stark and Barry sitting in a luxurious castle room also appeared in front of Yi Chou.

   "What are you two doing?" Yi Xuan frowned, thinking this scene was very strange.

   Barry simply didn't understand what Yi Chou was referring to. Only Stark, who was also not very concerned, reacted, glared at Yi Chou, and then said, "Don't get me wrong, I just have something to ask him to discuss."

   "I thought you had something to find me." Yi Huo said.

   "Things are about you."

  Stark became serious, and then he made up to the screen, "I received the news that the second group of SHIELD is coming, I think you need to come back, and we will discuss the details in person."

Yi Chou was stunned, and then thoughtful, Stark over there was a little impatient. When he just couldn't help but wanted to urge, Yi Chou slowly asked, like to himself, "It's strange ... Why did you receive news from SHIELD and how did you receive it?"

"Uh..." Stark hesitated, and then answered, "There is nothing to hide. You also know that I have a shooter that I can go back to. I don't know where the SHIELD came from." It may be the space technology left over from the New York War, but... it also has the ability to communicate remotely."

"Seriously, I didn't know that this feature was available before I received the message. If I knew it, I would report it to Potts and tell her not to worry about me. This holiday is quite wonderful, although the service staff is very good. bad."

   looked at Yi Chou's eyes, he shrugged, "I also tried to get the information back, but it didn't work, so I think you need to come back. For more details, let's talk about it in person."

   Barry at the side didn't intervene, but looking at his expression, it probably means that.

   YiXiao frowned, looking a little hesitant, "There is no need to go back, just the second batch of people from SHIELD. I believe you all know it. You can just meet them."

   "I'm a little inseparable." Yi Xuan pointed to the potion that was brewing in front of him. "This thing needs to stay on for a month."

   heard the words, both of them came together, Stark also looked at the potion with a probe~www.wuxiaspot.com~This is it. . Can you solve the trouble of the thorn forest? "

   "It's really a suspicious color. I'm so glad that the communicator can't deliver the smell, and I feel sorry for you by the way." Stark quipped in his unique tone.

   "It's sweet."

   Yihou said, then shrugged, "And it can only solve the ghouls, completely solve it."

Stark was stunned, and some didn't understand what Yi Chou was talking about, but he immediately responded, "Forget it, no matter." He said, "I know you must have a solution to this problem, you have to come back, I understand that S.H.I.E.L.D. is just sending some new people over, but there are some people in S.H.I.E.L.D."

   "You should understand that I am more stubborn than me, so in order to avoid misunderstandings or other unpleasant things, I think it is better for you to come back in person and explain things from the beginning."

Stark's words also seem to be very reasonable. The people in SHIELD are not all moral cleanliness, but there are certainly a few people who have a sense of responsibility and mission in their hearts. Perhaps they will not take care of the idle affairs of other world countries. But for Yi Biao like this, it does not look like a good wizard, maybe it is.

After thinking about it, Yi Ao agreed to Stark’s proposal. Since Stark was not sure when or how the SHIELD people would come, the two decided that Yi Xao would be here After making arrangements, go back as soon as possible, and then shut down the communicator.

   and here, obviously this matter has been determined. (To be continued.)

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