High Magic Earth

Chapter 804: Sweeping in (5)

  【Broadcast】Follow "Starting Reading" and get first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who haven't robbed red envelopes after the Chinese New Year can show their skills this time.

Yi Xiao turned his wand in his hand, and then suddenly said, "Have you heard?" He faced the empty room, and only the surface of the huge pot gurgled. Then at the next moment, Winnie appeared Outside the door.

"Yeah." She flicked her long blond hair with a relaxed tone. "It happened to be passing by. I was just chasing a house-elf wearing clothes. I never seem to have seen it. It's strange. There's still me on the island. An elf I haven't seen before."

   "It's quite strange." Yi Biao said with no sincerity, "Maybe it's a newly born house elf."

"Don't they mean freedom when they put on clothes?" Winnie was still a little puzzled, but her attention was quickly attracted by another problem. "The house elves can be born again. I always thought that these little guys could not In addition, I will find a time to study it."

   Winnie's face showed a strange expression, maybe thinking about how the house elf was born into the next generation. Although these guys sounded like men and women in sound, they didn't seem to be physiologically.

   It is not that Winnie is interested in such things, but that she is curious about everything and is happy, which is also the only interesting thing that she spends a long and boring time on the island.

  Yihou knows her very well, so it is very strange.

   glanced up and down at her, and until Wen Ni was a little uncomfortable, Yi Chou asked, "Why don't you go now, don't say you suddenly turned, I can't believe it."

   "I'm not going to stay to help you guard the potion." Winnie shrugged and said.

   "Just you?" Yi Chou's face showed a strange expression and seemed to want to laugh out loud.

"Then do you have any other way." Winnie asked back, "I heard that, this thing can't lose its magic power, and you have to go out again. That's only me guarding for you, although I can't magic , But you said that I am also magical."

   Yihuo frowned slightly. It seems to measure whether the potion is important or Winnie is important. "But it's a boring thing," he said.

   "It's just a short while." Winnie went around her hair, "You wouldn't think it... I can't even do this little thing."

   "No..." Yi Biao quickly said, "Just feel...you won't be distracted by something suddenly. Then throw the potion aside, so it might be better to cook it again."

   "So you still think I can't do it well?" Winnie twirled her hairy hands and asked back.

   "That's not..." Yi Chou suddenly stopped, then took a breath, "Forget it, then help me watch it, it doesn't matter anyway."

   "Although I do not agree with the latter sentence, but...you should have been like this already." Winnie said with a shrug.

   "Should you try to trust others, especially me. You can't always distrust others."

   "This is totally two concepts." Yi Huo said with some helplessness, "It's not that you don't trust you, but..."

   "Without trust makes people lonely." Winnie didn't listen to Yi Chou's explanation at all, but said to herself, "I have said long ago that I will always be with you wherever you are."

   "So you don't need to feel lonely, or close yourself, just like the dream words whispered in your sleep, loneliness is revealed everywhere..."

   Yi Noo felt a headache. He finally understood why it was so difficult to communicate with women, even Winnie, it was inevitable after she reached her age, which was not the case with Winnie before. Is this a woman's nature?

   was choked for a long time before Yi Chou suffocated a sentence, "I haven't dreamed for a long time." He said.

   Winnie smiled embarrassedly, and then threw out her tongue, "Sorry, but I think it feels more like this."

   "What are you usually looking at?"

   "Uh... I have almost watched movies and TV shows. But recently I discovered that some super nice TV shows are from one country."

   "Which?" Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, and a bad hunch suddenly appeared in his heart.

   "Korea, it should be, all the books about this world are written like this."

  Yi Xuan rubbed his eyebrows and sighed, "You still don't want to see these messy things, and I don't even think we will have a chance to use it in the future."

   "Why?" Winnie retorted reasonably, "I think it looks pretty."

Instead of arguing with her about this topic, Yi Xiao pulled her over, "hold it here." He gave the wand to Winnie, and then walked behind her, grabbed her by the arm, "feeling the flow of magic, very Quick wand will run on its own."

   "Have you felt it?"

   A faint wave of magic power quickly appeared on Winnie's body, and then flowed into the pot containing the potion. Then, without the guidance of Yi Chou, the magic circuit could be completed by itself.

   This magic power is nothing to Winnie. I'm afraid that after the potion is finished, it will be less than half used, and it can be recovered in a few days.

  Although she is not a wizard, almost all magical creatures are inherently magical, otherwise they are called magical creatures, but there are many magical creatures that prefer physical powers, such as monsters, without using magical powers.

   Over time, the magic was also forgotten by them, and even the head shrank.

   "Very good." Yi Bao said with satisfaction, "That's it, don't leave the potion, your magic will nurture it yourself."

"This pot of potions needs to continue to cook for more than half a month, and if my side is smooth, it will come back in a few days. Although the Stark guy is not reliable, SHIELD is still very reliable. Notation."

   Winnie, who has also seen Marvel movies and comics, naturally understands S.H.I.E.L.D., but she wonders what S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to do.

   "Why did they come here?" Winnie who just heard Yi Biao talking with Stark outside the door knew what Yi Biao was going to do, but. . "There is no such plot in the comics or in the movie," she said.

   "How come there is this plot." Yi Xiao laughed, "The timeline of their world is different."

"Originally these worlds were created by relying on the energy of human fantasy, but it should be noted that it is not that humans created them out of thin air, but that they existed originally, but they could not be represented, projected to humans in various ways, Then use the collected fantasy energy to turn everything into reality."

"If the two must have a standard, I am afraid they refer to their real world. They are not comics or movies, not to mention that there are not many free people who belong to the new human side, they can also shuttle through parallel spaces. The world is in a mess."

   "Don't say it's obsessed. Even if Stan Lee went, I'm afraid I don't know what happened in those worlds."

   Winnie was startled, but then it seemed to make sense to say what Yi Chou said, for example, they encountered free men who were also in the wizarding camp, Sister Hathaway and Jamie.

   But I am afraid it is because there are too few free people in the wizarding camp. I only met three of them for such a long time, and none of the others met.

  Only by the three of them, they messed up the world of ice and fire, slaughtered and occupied the King's Land, and now they are the masterpieces of the werewolves and vampires who have traveled to Esos.

   The world of ice and fire can now be so chaotic, they have at least half of the credit.

   However, it also prompted a lot of relatively good things, such as saving a lot of things for Daenerys, as well. . Her own existence.

   "Okay, let's do that." Yi Xiao once again briefly explained two sentences. Soon he turned around and walked out, and then when Winnie hadn't responded, he was gone.

   "...just, that's it?" Winnie shouted at the back, "shouldn't you come for a parting hug or cry together?"

   Although her neck was stretched very long, Winnie didn't leave the potion in one step, and she kept holding the wand left by Yi Chou.

   "It's just a few days." Yi Huo's faint voice came from outside, and then gradually disappeared, "What are you thinking about."

   Yi Huo quickly passed through the corridor. By the way, to a house-elf wearing a cloak next to him, "Go and clean up the Korean dramas in the library. I don't want to see them again in the Red Castle."

   seemed to be still persevering, but Yi Chou gradually did not answer. In the end, she could only say, "But I'm still hungry!" But Yi Chou's voice had completely disappeared at this time. I'm afraid he could not hear what Winnie was saying.

   Winnie deflated her mouth, but at this moment, "Slap!" A house-elf appeared beside her without a cloak. It was a completely normal house-elf.

   "It is an honor to serve the hostess Winnie Roger!" It bent down sharply and poked his long nose to the ground.

   "Okay." Winnie said helplessly, "I'm hungry, I want to eat roast goose." She thought about it and said, "... three servings."

  . . .

   "So... are you all packed in the base?" Yi Xiao asked Alimond next to him.

   "Yes master, those nasty little guys have left." Alimond's voice is still very sharp, but not so nervous.

   "You don't need to take away the things that are not precious, stay here, anyway, there are some on the Neverland." Yi Xiao said, "You are not the first time to move the base, know what to do."

   "Of course, my master!" Alimond continued.

"Then I have nothing to worry about." Yi Chou spun another new wand, with a lot of wands in his shadow, but all but the old wand Morgana's tame death cane. It is mass-produced and standard. You should know that he looted the Olivander wand shop.

When magic reaches the level of Yi Piao, the wand can only play a strengthening role, and cannot determine the key strength. In fact, almost every wand has similar power in the hands of Yi Piao, because his magic has reached the existing limit, It is no longer a low-level wand that can be enhanced.

When Yi Chou was silent, Alimond also stood motionless beside him, daring not to speak, fearing to disturb Yi Chou, and after a long while, Yi Chou didn't say anything, "So... I will go to Stark Now."

   "Master goes well!" Alimond bent down again, then said respectfully.

   "I also hope that everything goes well." Yi Xuan showed a smile, and then opened the space, his shadow appeared silently in front of him, condensing into a dark and quiet space door.

   nodded at Alimond, then Yi Chou flashed and stepped into the shadow.

   There was a twist in the air. As the smoke dissipated, the shadow also disappeared into the air. There was nothing in the surroundings. Only Alimond remained in place, still looking at the place where Yi Chou left.

  . . .

  What kind of existence is the shadow of Neverland? Yi Chou once studied it, but unfortunately there is not much gain, only know that this is a pure energy body, composed of space energy and some unknown energy.

   This is a bit strange, because as far as Yi Xiao knows, the most powerful kinds of magic are nothing more than energy from space, as well as time, fantasy, and world abilities.

   Although these things can't be touched easily, they can be recognized.

   But he discovered unknown energy in the shadow body, which means that there is an existence that he does not recognize, or even no discovered energy.

  However, knowing these things does not help Yihuo.

His shadow was cut off by magic from the moment he became the guardian of Neverland, and became the shadow of the present. This seems to be a mandatory and can also be counted as a price. After all, it has become an immortal existence. But it just gave a shadow, which sounded very cost-effective.

   Even if it just does not die naturally, it is also very worthwhile.

In the long ten years of Neverland, the shadow brought only two people to Yi Chao, namely Tom Riddle and Tyrion Lannister, and then opened the passage to the two worlds. Gu, but because the interval between the three is too short, Yi Biao simply cannot touch the secret of the shadow.

After a long time, Yi Chou has forgotten this matter. Anyway, in the second world, the risk of crossing different worlds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is the most dangerous existence is nothing more than the turbulence of the world, it can not follow Run out of the space channel, just be careful.

For this reason, Yi Biao did not put the space channel in his heart, but if he knew that there would be such a situation in the past, he would definitely study the magic of space rather than just increase the distance and distance of the phantom. After shortening the casting time, I left it alone.

   Standing in the darkness of nothingness, Yi Chou found that all of his surroundings were full of colorful light bands with ambilight. They were like a fish swimming in the water, constantly shuttled around.

But they will not touch themselves, because every time they want to touch themselves, they will flexibly twist the light belt, and then pass through the surface of the wizard's robe, even if they are only a millimeter apart. But still not touched.

   However, Yi Chou did not disturb because he found that there was darkness all around, it was nothingness, he could not distinguish between left and right, or even up and down.

   "Where is this?" he asked softly, but of course, no one and no voice answered him.

"Shadow?" Yi Biao continued to shout in his heart, but the shadow that had always been on call through the magic of the mind did not appear this time. The surroundings were empty, only Yi Biao and the beautiful light strip that kept swimming, as if in the world. He was left alone.

  Ps. For the chasing children's shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? 515 The red envelope list has counted down. I'll pull a ticket to ask for an overweight and appreciation ticket, and finally take one! (To be continued.)

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