High Magic Earth

Chapter 805: Sweeping in (6)

   [Latest News] Tomorrow is 515, the anniversary of the starting point, the day with the most benefits. In addition to gift bags and schoolbags, this "515 Red Envelope Madness" must be seen, how can the red envelopes not be robbed, set the alarm clock~

   Yi Huo's original good mood was immediately poured down by a basin of cold water, cooling and condensing quickly. He looked around but the dark space gave him no clue.

   He guessed that he might have suffered a turbulence in the world, but why did it happen.

   Neverland is the hub of the entire second world, and the shadow is a safe passage connecting all the worlds. Although the world turbulence belongs to the existence of a virus, Neverland cannot handle it, but it can be detected in advance.

   The shadow always opens up a safe passage for Yi Noo. The worst result is that the passage is closed, not blocked in this way.

Yi Chao’s first reaction was to encounter the turbulent flow of the world. After all, this is the most likely problem in the process of crossing the shadow channel, but immediately thought of the special existence of Fantasy Island, and quickly rejected this possibility. .

The second thing he thought about was the sleeping mantra. After all, he cheated the mantra, and the most important thing was that if he cheated, it was obvious that Yi Chou was taken through, and the unknown existence passed directly through the dream. Way into the dream of Yi arrogant.

  The wizard can control his own spirit, and Yi Biao has not dreamed for a long time.

At this time, Yi Chou felt very profoundly how good it is to have an artificial intelligence around him, even if the artificial intelligence does not know, but at least can give some relevant data or suggestions about the surrounding environment, instead of being blind like this. .

  Calm down, Yi Chou knows that staying in place is not the way.

   Or, does he really stay where he is?

  Be aware that there are a lot of moving light bands around, colorful and beautiful. They seem to float across their surface as if they were floating spirits, but the ghost knows that they are floating. Still moving because of some external force, there is no reference in this dark space.

   is surrounded by the void, as if in a void universe, there is no foothold even under the feet. There is only darkness, and normal people will definitely be out of balance in this state, but it is not difficult for Yi Chou to control his five senses.

   After all, he used this method to deal with Mei Li Shanzhuo, and she has now become a member of the special creature showroom of Neverland.

   But in all unknown ghost places. Yi Xiao did not dare to use striking magic.

   The wand gently points downwards, and Yi Xuan shows that there is no road ahead, even no road under his feet. Obviously there is nothing but standing on it, or called it. . It's a strange phenomenon that it floats fixedly without weightlessness.

  The next moment, the cane inlaid with old-fashioned gems has reached the hands of Yi Chou. Although the wand of Morgana is not as small as the modern British magic world, it can protect the holder from most of the dead magic.

   It has a soul protection spell on it. It can protect the soul of the wizard. Although Yi Chou has no soul, but the wand has saved his life. Of course, even if there was no wand, then the soulless person will not die if he hits the Avadasso. The mystery, but Yi also does not want to experiment with it for himself.

  Although it is just a spell to protect the soul, it is also a scarce item among magic items.

   It can be said that as long as Yi Biao will not be killed within the first time. Then he will have a chance to recover in the next, and even fight back against Ge, the sorcerer's difficulty is definitely one of the best, and even some of the wizards will die for a lifetime.

   has a wand in hand. Yi Ao's heart also settled a lot, he did not touch any road, but still took a step calmly outward.

   "Guide the way for me." He gently raised the cane a little before whispering.

   A weak force came from the top of the cane, driving Yi Chou's hand to a certain direction, he did not stop. Instead, he started walking with the guidance of the wand, but the direction seemed a little strange, because after turning half a circle, he didn't stop, but turned another half circle.

Jue wand still has a tendency to turn around. Yi Chou directly interrupted the power of the spell. Obviously, even if he didn’t need to refer to Yi Chou, he could feel it. He turned around in place, because he almost stumbled to his right foot. .

   Of course, it is not impossible to say that the only way to leave is to turn around in situ, but this probability is really too small. Only when there is no way to go at the end, Yi Chou will try this possibility.

   felt that there was no danger. Yi Chou was less cautious at first and began to relax a little, but he still knew what was the top priority and left here.

The multi-colored light strips are like countless, constantly floating from both sides of Yi Chao, sometimes more, sometimes less, just like the tide of the waves, Yi Chao does not know how long it has gone, and has forgotten how much it has passed. The light belt is like endless.

And the more terrible thing is that this piece of nothingness seems to have no end, no exit at all, and after such a long period of time, Yi Chou feels as if he is standing still in place, but the surrounding light has changed again and again A wave.

  Early doubted that he was trapped in the gap between different sub-worlds, that is, the legendary nihility, the edge of the world.

   Until now, only this explanation is the most likely. He lost contact with the shadow, because it is likely that this nothingness is the inside of the shadow, so Yi Chou can not contact the shadow.

  It's just that if this happens, Yi Chou can't figure it out, is it because of the turbulent relationship in the world?

   But the more important thing is how to leave here. In the mind of Yi Chao, Xun Luo lists the methods used in the film to break the barrier. The two most commonly used methods are nothing more than two.

Suddenly, the flash of light flashed a lot of truth that sounded very powerful, and then made a weird prop that no one could understand, and then you can leave this place, and the material needed for this prop is exactly what the protagonist has at hand , Perhaps just the beloved thing of a supporting character.

   This is the most common routine in the movie, but it does not help Yi Chou at all. They all say weird props that no one can understand. How can Yi Chou copy it.

   Stumped, he was holding a magic wand and then released a transforming thing on a thing. The requirement of the mantra was to become something weird that no one could understand but could take me out of here?

   Yi arrogant shook his head, bursting this ridiculous bubble in his mind, and then he thought of the second possibility. That is the degree of utilization, the limit.

  Whether it is a spaceship that reverses time, and a hurry who has the ability to cross the world, they rely on degrees to break the barrier. After reaching a certain extreme, it is possible to break the exit.

   This method sounds more reliable, but whether it is the time spacecraft in the movie, or something, the degree is obviously close to the light. Some of them even pass.

  Yihou could not reach this point, even if he released the energy with all his strength, he could not reach Barry's degree, and even barely kept up with it.

   He can use time energy to reverse Barry's degree, but it does not mean that Yi Chou itself has degree, time energy does not seem to help much here.

   But. . This seems to be the only feasible solution, always try.

   Yihou's action is always very simple, he immediately cast a transformation spell on the wand itself, turning it into a soft red headgear mask, yes. It was Barry Allen’s mask, and then the arrogant wizard robe also transformed into a combat uniform exactly like Barry.

   This combat uniform has been seen countless times. All the details have been remembered for a long time. Although it is difficult to see, it has to be admitted that it is designed to carry the urgency, whether it is its own material or shape.

  Although Yi Chou can't completely simulate the materials used in combat uniforms, this is enough now, because he can't add it to Barry so fast.

   moved his body. Yi Xuan felt very uncomfortable, "Barry really is a pervert," he muttered.

   Fortunately, this space is in nothingness, no one will see this scene, even if someone sees it. Yi Xiao will also erase his memory to hide this forever, which is really ugly.

   At the next moment, Yi Biao's body appeared bursts of magical fluctuations, no spells, purely urged by energy magic, he used the energy. Even faster, move, so that the energy composed of pure conceptual words permeates the whole body, so as to achieve the purpose of improving one's own degree.

  Energy magic can be urged with spells, the effect is naturally the effect of the spell, or it can be like Yi Xiao now, but there are some principles similar to energy weapons, such as Stark's hand gun and pulse wave.

   If you change the anxious energy to destructive explosive energy, it is exactly the same as a bomb, and it has a powerful destructive force.

A wave of magical power emerged from Yi Noo's body. He was now in a state of magical riots, just like the wizard first awakened his power, his skin kept breaking, and then he was repaired, and even his muscles were damaged. Torn, and then healed again soon.

  Blood splashed from the wound, and then quickly absorbed, healed the wound, Yi Chou's body could not support such a powerful energy and degree, even if it was strengthened with a spell of physical strengthening.

  The degree of divine power is countless times faster than that of Yihou. The reason why Barry can bear divine power is because he is no longer a human being. His body has been transformed by divine power and coexists with divine power, so he can bear this.

And if you want to use magic to strengthen the human body to the extent that you can withstand divine power, it is no different from directly creating divine power, and this power of divine power is far from what Yi Biao can create or even simulate, even if it is much slower than it. The degree is not good.

Yi Xiao's body was already at the limit of his magic at this time, but he still could not bear such a degree. Fortunately, he could continue to heal himself and then heal the wound. Although this was very very painful, Yi Xuan was not afraid. pain.

   It is not that he has a brave heart, but that he can use magic to close the pain.

   At the next moment, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in Yi Biao's eyes, and he drew straight like a sharp blade. Very quickly, even a slight arc appeared on the surface of his body. They kept jumping, like a purple naughty elf.

   Yes, Yi Biao showed purple in the state of anxiety, not yellow, blue or red. Although he did not know what these colors meant, he looked pretty.

But Yi Chou has not had much time and thought and hesitation. His magic power is being consumed at a rate that is visible to the naked eye at all times. It won’t take long before his magic power will be consumed. In an unknown environment, it is not wise to stay at a low point.

   So immediately after that, Yi Chou disappeared in place instantly, and the person had rushed out more than ten meters away.

  Purple lightning pulled behind him, leaving a long purple arc, as if to burn this black void space, it is easy to find this conspicuous trace in the dark space.

   In addition to the purple lightning jumping around his body, there was also continuous black smoke. This is the riot of the magic of the clamor. During the running, he could not control his own magic as accurately as when he was still.

This appeared to be a very strange phenomenon, with similar bodies, and the same combat uniform, Yi Ran ran like a Barry Allen from a distance, but this Flashman is not a red-eyed lightning, but scattered With a weird black house and purple electric current.

   However, after putting on the mask, you can't see the face, and it looks like the same person in the distance. If you don't know Yi's identity in advance, it is difficult to guess from the appearance.

  Just. . Even though Yi Xiao and Barry are very similar in appearance at the moment, the degree of difference is too much.

Barry’s divine power does not say to capture his appearance after running all over, even if he has been going around in a circle, he can’t tell what this light is. He can only see a red lightning constantly flowing, he is a real lightning, The extreme degree.

Yi Yao is far from the same. Not only can he be caught at the source of the light, but even his naked eyes can see his continuous movements, including his appearance. Compared with normal people, he is like a frame. The rushing plane, but for those who are in a divine state, it is too slow.

   But there is no way. After all, Yi Biao possesses magic power, not real divine power. It is not easy for him to use magic power and improve his own degree.

Otherwise, why do many villains that can manipulate energy often have both level and power? Because this is originally complementary, at the same time, their bodies are basically the same fragile and ordinary, because this cannot be directly strengthened, if the body The quality is also very strong, it must be for other reasons, or his own ability.

  The magic of Yibiao can't simulate the divine power, and even the two are far from each other, but now is not the time to compare these things, but to use the degree to break the space barrier, but now it seems that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to have little hope.

Yi Xiao did not give up because of his slowness. He is still increasing his energy and energy, and he is a little over the limit of his body, but it’s a pity that the so-called space barrier has no signs of being broken, don’t say it, just Even those light belts seem to be in a hurry when faced with anxious Yihuo.

Finally, I felt that my body had reached the limit, and after a little more than a half of the mana was consumed, Yi Chou stopped running, his degree gradually decreased, then stopped slowly, and then turned around, the awkward red combat uniform has changed back to the wizard The look of the robe.

   This seems to be blocked when the protagonist faces a difficult situation, and Yi Chou has no way to do it.

   This empty space appeared too abrupt, he stepped into the shadow channel with his front foot, and entered here with his rear foot, giving him no time to react at all.

   is a little irritable, but Yi arrogantly calms down calmly. Thinking has always been his advantage, and also the advantage of all intelligent creatures. He must not lose his mind, he told himself.

   Sure enough, after calming down a few seconds later, he heard an unusual sound in the darkness of nothingness.

   "Didi! Didi! Didi!"

   is like a countdown before the explosion.

  Ps.5.15 "Starting point" It is raining on the red envelope! A round of grabbing every hour starting at 12 noon, a big wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You guys all go to grab, the starting currency that you have grabbed continues to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.)

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