High Magic Earth

Chapter 808: time

   "One... more than a month? It's impossible." Yi Chou said in a trance, his voice intermittently, but Stark, who always doesn't feel the feelings of others, didn't notice this and was still chattering.

   "There is nothing impossible." He said, "Unless you tell me that the time in this world is different, but Jarvis's program will not deceive me."

   or Barry noticed Yi Biao's anomaly, "Ding Ding!" He knocked on Stark's shell, causing him a moment of dissatisfaction and dodge, "Hey man, what's wrong."

   Yi Biao did not speak, but stared at the ground with a blank stare, lips moving slightly, as if calculating something, or perhaps praying, but unfortunately, the wizard did not believe in God, although he also spent Halloween.

"It's just a month." Stark was also puzzled, and he shrugged. "I didn't blame you again. Besides, since SHIELD is no longer coming, you haven't missed anything important. You can see us off in a few days."

   "See you off?" Yi Biao suddenly raised his head and stared at Stark, "Are you leaving?"

   "Otherwise." Stark asked irritably.

Yi Ao fell into silence again. Stark, who was impatient with his nervousness twice, just wanted to leave, and heard Yi Chou's calm voice. The calm was a little scary. "I got yours a few minutes ago. Notice, news from SHIELD."

   "I went through two worlds, but when I came again, it was already a month later." Yi Xiao stared at Stark and Stark stopped his movements.

Stark raised his head slightly, and immediately understood the meaning of Yi Bao's foreword and afterword. He nodded slowly, and then said in a slow voice, "Well... Then I understand, you are now for the one you lost. Moon is youthful and sad, right, but I have to tell you guys, your youth is long gone. And you have a lot of better time in the future, there is no need to be like this."

   "So... I remember a new brothel opened in Dongcheng District a few days ago, are you interested?"

   "You haven't understood what I mean, right." Yi Xiao stared at Stark. Said calmly.

   "I understand." Stark was impatient. "The speed of time in the world is different. Well, seriously, I am really surprised. But what else do you want?"

   "Not only that." Yi Xiao said, "Thirty to one is a very small frequency, and a few hundred to one is its most normal time flow rate. During ten years, although I can't touch. But I saw a lot."

"and so..?"

   "So maybe when I went back to where I was before, maybe it had been decades, even hundreds of years." Yi Xuan continued.

   "And Winnie is still there."

  Stark finally became a little serious. He put away the impatient expression, took a slight step back unconsciously, and then considered, "I didn't really think of it."

   But Yi Chou didn't take care of him, but said it to himself, as if he was talking to himself, "So... where else do you want to go in this case. Do you think that I will let you go?"

   "But this joke is not funny." Stark immediately received a sentence, only to see the face of Yi Chou's face, and then asked some incredulously, "Are you serious?"

   "What do you think." Yi arrogant said.

"Okay." Stark took a deep breath and began to sort out his thoughts. "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. You know, it's a message from SHIELD to me. It matters. So I called you back, You are trapped in that channel... Then a month passed."

  Stark spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

   "But if I heard correctly, you just said what happened to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Yi Chou still looked calm. Said softly.

   Stark frowned slightly. Obviously, at this moment, he also noticed something wrong in this matter. The information of SHIELD came very abruptly, and the end was also abrupt. It's like. . Specially for playing with him.

   "...they cancelled the plan, maybe the budget was not enough, Nick guy always cried with me, but don't you think you should be good news."

   "If the time is normal, it is."

   "Then you plan to attribute this to me?" Stark smiled angrily. "You think I'm cheating with SHIELD. Are you kidding me?" he asked.

"Don’t say why I did this, don’t you think... It’s stupid to try to lie to you this way, and there’s no doubt about it, and most importantly, why would I coincidentally know that you will come back this time Time troubles." Stark asked unkindly.

   "Because this is no coincidence at all!"

   Yi Huo said quietly.

  . . .

   has to say that Stark’s logical thinking is very clear. After all, he is an engineering dog and created artificial intelligence. If he does not have a little understanding of human thinking, I am afraid that Jarvis will not be so burdened.

It’s just that Yi Chou’s reasons are more sufficient, or that all of it has now surfaced, and almost all of them have surfaced. The only thing that is still uncertain is that there may be only the final result, but Yi Chou does not want to face it, or has no courage To uncover.

  Stark froze for a moment, then asked a strange counter-question, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

   "Space channels will not cause problems for no reason, such as suddenly accelerating or slowing down time, which is impossible."

   "I have a piece of the Rubik's Cube on my body, maybe it is just something that looks like it, but it is understandable that it is from your world."

"I just thought it was an energy bomb at first, but I didn't expect that it also has the ability to interfere with time and space. There is no need to change the time. As long as it makes the world unstable, trapping me there, the chaotic time flow rate itself Will solve the remaining problems."

   "This is not a coincidence...all this is planned."

  Stark didn't immediately refute this time, but asked for a while after froze for a while, "So... Is this something I gave you?"

   "Of course not." Yi Xuan said.

Stark nodded and then slowed down again. "If... everything you say is true, then we are probably in a big trouble, comparable to the grudges of the Cold War period, and a long time ago It’s planned."

   "And I have to admit that I am probably a part of the plan. And I don't know anything, so in a way, I am also innocent, isn't it."

"Maybe I should be as angry as you. Then go find their trouble together." Stark shrugged and tried to ease the atmosphere. "So... are you really going to put all the blame on me?" He asked rhetorically.

   But this didn't seem to have much effect. Yi Chou still stared at him, his face calm. There was no answer.

  After a long while, Yi Biao slowly spoke, "Seriously, I don't know." He said, "But I'm sure this is probably the only reason I'm still talking nonsense with you."

   Stark's eyebrows moved slightly, and it seemed a little uncomfortable. He was rarely persecuted so much, and it was even better to have such a good explanation with others, if it had not been for a long time. Counting as a half friend, and if the matter is really complicated this time, Stark will not have such good patience.

  Whether he can beat it easily, it has nothing to do with strength, only dignity.

Fortunately, at this time, half-time soy sauce was played, but Barry Allen, who is a good old man, finally stood up and he began to persuade, "I think... what we should consider now is how long the time has passed. Instead of continuing to waste time here, you said that time is constantly changing, which means, every second..."

  Barry said to us. But his eyes have always been on Yi Chou, his meaning is obvious, and the concerns and concerns in his tone are also clear and visible.

  Yi Xuan didn't say anything, but directly opened the channel of the shadow. He took a step back and then lost his whole body. But just before he disappeared, Yi Chou suddenly stopped and said to Stark, "Perhaps you should leave now."

  Followed, he ignored Stark's reaction and turned away and disappeared into the world of the song of ice and fire.

   Wenyan Barry looked at Stark, and the latter was replaced with an impatient expression, "Why, do you think I should leave?" He sneered.

   "Why should I leave, the problem is not with me. Now leaving is not called leaving, but running away, and running away with conscience... And, I believe him."

Daenerys looked aside with interest. I didn’t know when he had moved a throne. Tyrion, who had received the news, had hurriedly arrived. He looked at it for a long time. He knew that the party was easy to leave. Relieved.

   looked at the relishing Queen Daenerys, Tyrion lowered his voice and asked, "What do you think should be done."

  Daenerys was stunned for a while before Stark was asking herself. She shook her head and whispered, "I didn't understand, but it seemed that the quarrel was fierce."

  Tilion was stunned, and looked very surprised as if nothing had happened. He stared at Stark's Daenerys again, and then expressed deep condolences to Daenerys' IQ.

  . . .

When    went back, there was no accident. Just blinked, the surrounding environment changed dramatically, just like before.

   The shadow also seemed to feel Yi Huo's affection, hovering behind him without leaving.

   Yi Chou should have appeared in the leaving base, because without changing the position, the position will not change, but now, he has fallen into a large lake.

   surfaced gently, Yi Yi stood on the water.

He snapped a finger, and a house-elf appeared beside Yi Chou. Of course, their phantoms could not cross the world to hear Yi Chou’s call, and even Yi Chou couldn’t do it, just shadowed it. It just took over.

"the host.."

  It was interrupted directly by Yi Chou before saying it, "How long has it been since I left, since I last left."

   seemed to realize that Yi Chou was in a bad mood at this time, and the house elves' voices were fluent, "Three... more than thirty minutes, master."

   Yi Huo was silent, and then he asked, "Is Winnie on Fantasy Island?"

   "No, my master." The house elf gave the worst answer.

   "So how long do you think it will take to form such a lake from the beginning to the end!" Yi Chou questioned again, and by the end, his voice had brought magic waves and set off a manic wave on the lake.

  The house-elf screamed harshly, and the upset Yi Chou directly rolled it back with his shadow. The irritable magic wreaked havoc all over the sky. At the next moment, the lake stood still for a second, then suddenly exploded.

  The splashes of water and the fish living in the lake were thrown into the sky, but they had no chance to fall, because the magic of Yi Chou directly burned them to ashes, silent, and everything around was melting.

  Lake water, fish, and even seaweed disappeared at a rate visible to the naked eye. After a while, even a dry riverbed was exposed.

   But the magic of the sky didn't stop immediately, because Yi Yi's mood is very bad now, very bad.

The house-elf won’t lie to herself, which means that Winnie is not in Neverland, and this is no surprise to him. Because there is no shadow channel, Oz can’t connect to Neverland and let Winnie go back. She has been trapped. Here.

   But Yi Biao didn't feel Winnie's breath, and even the temporarily built underground base disappeared.

Although it is only a temporary base, it has no problem to support for more than ten years. The location is here, at the foot of Yi Chou, this huge lake, but how long will it take for the base to collapse, even on the ruins, to form What about a natural lake.

  Yihuo did not know, but he was sure that no one could live for so long, even the magical creature Green.

   As the water level gradually fell, the appearance of the lake bottom was exposed, and the traces of the ruins of the former base gradually appeared in front of Yi Chou's eyes, causing his heart to keep falling.

The ruins seem to have been eroded for a long time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ buried by the years and the lake water, blending with each other, it seems that after a hundred years, it only takes a break from the outside to break, the hard magic soil is already so, not to mention It is human flesh and blood.

   Slowly stepped on the bottom of the lake that has been drained. The heart of Yi Chou is sinking continuously. There is no trace of the past in the surroundings, and even the main body of the building has disappeared.

   Yi Chao was caught in a cold, strange feeling, he had never experienced such a suffocating feeling, even when it was pierced into the heart by Lucifer.

   But suddenly, he felt a familiar breath on the ground not far away. When the figure was shaking, Yi Chou had already arrived nearby.

   He did not dare to wreak havoc, because after such a long time, everything has reached the verge of collapse.

The magic of weightlessness swept everything around him, including every piece of soil and every piece of water vapor that was not evaporated, they all floated up, they floated in the air, dispersed to the surroundings, and then a little bit exposed the things under the soil .

  Earth, earth, nothing but earth or earth, he saw nothing, nothing, it seemed that there was nothing underneath, but Yi Chou did not give up, because the familiar magic was pushing him until. . He saw several familiar magic props.

   It was a prop that Winnie had been wearing on her body, and Yi Chou made it for her by herself, which was far more sophisticated than other magic items.

   And at this time, they are being buried in this mud. (To be continued.)

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