High Magic Earth

Chapter 809: select

  Time is the most ruthless poison, it will make the blade tarnish, it will make the great kingdom fall to glory, it will make the red face become bones, and it will make the magic lose its brilliance. ◎

   At this time, the magic props buried tightly in the mud are like this. It has gone to glory, lost its magic power, and lost all the power that represents its vitality.

  The long time has wiped out all of it, without magic indoctrination, it can't stand for a hundred years, and it will become a mediocre ordinary thing, just like its owner.

   "No. Impossible." Yi Xuan said calmly, his face shaking, and it seemed very unnatural, as if he was saying a line, "How is this possible..."

   He leaned down and gently took out these metals from the mud. Some fragile and slender parts were cut off instantly. The remaining surface was also rusty. He gently shook it twice and shook off the silt above.

  The mud that shook off was like a lost time, and it passed through Yi Yi's eyes.

The first time I met that timid little girl, spent time in Stone Castle with her and female Green, entered Dream Island, and then began a long, dependent time, the girl gradually grew up, although the process was not good, but became The most beautiful creature on the island.

   The door to the British of the twentieth century was opened. The two crossed the world together and danced together at the old-fashioned pure-blood noble banquet. She often said, I will always be with you.

  The trip to the decapitated valley caused Winnie to be met with opponents, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, but only after the land of Oz and the land of ice and fire, everything changed.

   Until this moment, she couldn't even fulfill her promise.

  Now I have discovered that only when one person is thoroughly familiar with another person, the long time will feel like a blink of an eye, and the slow will become fast. Fast will also become slow.

   was stupefied there, and Yi Chou held a rusty cold necklace in his hand.

   Suddenly, he found a huge stone slab beneath the metal. The long time would wipe out everything, and no envelopes or last words would be left, but if it was engraved on the stone slab. Not sure.

   Quickly used magic to separate the mud to the two sides, and the slate below the lake bottom was exposed.

   This is a bluestone stone slab from Neverland. Seeing this, Yi Chou's face shook again, and accused the house elves of doing unreliable things, but still smoothed the stone-like surface expressionlessly.

   There are a lot of words on it, they are deeply engraved. Although it is a little fuzzy because of the clogging of the mud, it does not hinder the recognition. From its appearance, it looks like a tombstone and is larger than ordinary stone.

   squatted beside the stone slab, Yi Huo quietly read the above content, the text was very long, but when reading it seemed to feel that time passed quickly, after a while, Yi Huo stood up calmly.

   The words on the stone slab explain everything. It also proves that Yi Chou's inner uneasiness.

   Apparently, she left. Time has wiped out everything, and no creature can resist the erosion of time.

   is not a symptom that appears in Yi Chou's sleep, nor is it the revenge of the creature deceived by Yi Chou, but the time, the passage between the world destroys all this, and the time is used to achieve the goal easily. Time destroys everything, so that all living things are wiped out with their own river.

  Time is a long river, and the river is ring-shaped, but unfortunately, when can we go ashore. It doesn't matter when you can go ashore.

   stood there quietly. Although he didn't speak, the surrounding air pressure increased with his silence. This was his raging magic.

   "Wedding..." Yi Biao's eyes crossed her nagging figure, he whispered softly, "I owe you a wedding, Winnie..."

Yi Chou at this moment represents that the green energy of the soul is full of the whole body. His feelings of emotions are no less than those of normal humans, but his expression does not seem to have much pain. It is more like being in a state of tension and excitement, which is very wrong. .

Yi Biao seems to be aware of this too. He quickly adjusted his emotions, from disappointment, sadness, to despair, and even grief. I have to say that a series of changes in Yi Biao who have a deep understanding of human feelings are flawless, very Soon he became a desperate person who lost his true love.

The surrounding air is still raging constantly, and his tone is also increasing, even exceeding the range of self-talk and becoming angry, but Yi Chou's pronunciation is very clear, even too clear, especially in Winnie The name is as if it were read out deliberately.

   "...Next, revenge." He took a sigh of relief again, but the conversation was clear.

The sadness in his eyes was fleeting, and Yi Chou quickly floated into the air, and the surrounding soil was rolling. With his movements, he gathered together. Soon, all the debris was completely squeezed out and burned out. There is only one huge stone step in the box, like a tomb.

  After doing all this, Yi Chou put away the rusty jewelry and the stone slab, put it in the shadow, and then the figure flashed, and had disappeared from the world of Oz.

  . . .

   "Congratulations... After another month, man."

  As soon as Yi Chou appeared, he heard Stark's annoying voice, with his usual oil cavity slipping, unable to speak the tone.

Including Barry, whether it was Daenerys or Kai Neng and Gu Mo who had just arrived, even Tyrion was staring at Stark from below with his pair of dead fish eyes, and did not understand why he was so dead. .

Yi Xiao did not answer. His face was calm. With a flutter of his face, people would feel despair and anger, and Stark seemed to feel that the surrounding eyes were a bit wrong. He shrugged and mocked, "Just I want to mediate the atmosphere, but it seems that it is not suitable, by the way... just in the blink of an eye."

   Yihou was not angry because of Stark's words, he just nodded indifferently, and then said, "You haven't left yet, okay, so just right."

  Looking at Yi Huo didn't seem to be joking, Stark took a deep breath of helplessness and said, "Is everything okay."

"What do you think."

   "It doesn't look good." When Stark realized that Winnie hadn't returned with Yi Chou, he already had a bad hunch in his heart, but he didn't dare to admit it.

   "I will avenge her."

   "Revenge?" Stark said in disbelief. "Are you kidding me, you are angry, sad, I can understand it, but all your anger should not rush me to the guy, but the guy who manipulated it all. I'm not talking about SHIELD, okay ... Maybe inside the SHIELD, I mean, someone took advantage of them."

   "That's the source of everything, not me." Stark called.

   "But it's really caused by you, isn't it." Yi Chou didn't deny it, just said calmly.

   Stark was very surprised, and he didn't seem to understand why Yi Chou made such a decision. In his view, this was completely unreasonable. This was obviously a conspiracy that enveloped himself and Yi Chou. He should not aim at himself like this, but should join forces with him to uncover and then deal with the hidden enemy.

   was only very fast, and Stark woke up looking at Yi Huo in front of him. The reason was simple, because he had been stunned by sadness. Okay, ask yourself. If Yi Xiao killed Potts by mistake or accidental injury, Stark asked if he could accept it calmly.

   It is easy to understand the current practice.

   It's just not very wise, even. .

  Stark knows that people will lose their senses under despair and sorrow. In this case, sometimes they will do something that they regret very much. So all he needs to do now is stop everything Yi Biao wants to do until he calms down and completely calms down.

   "Don't do this." Stark looked at Yi Chou's eyes, then shook his head. "She won't want to see you do this."

   "What are you qualified to represent her."

"Because I am your friend." Stark replied without hesitation. He stared at Yi Chou, paused, and then shrugged. "Trust me, your friends should not be many, yes, I count One, don’t do it, man, you need to calm down."

   "You used to be my friend," Yi said.

   After he said this, he paused, then looked at the others, "What about you." He asked Kai Neng and Barry, "Do you think this is the case?"

Kai Neng did not answer, but obviously the expression had already explained everything. Barry tried to take a step forward and said, "Tony is right. This thing is very strange. Before everything is confirmed, I think we all need to calm down. ."

   "It's just what he needs, don't count me." Stark snorted, but Barry glared helplessly.

   "But I don't think so." Yi Barr said after hearing Barry's words, "You all think that I am not calm, so well, people who are not calm should always have some privileges, right?"

   Yi Huo took a slight step forward, and at the same time, Jarvis had issued a danger alert.

Stark subconsciously put down the armor mask. His voice came through the mask and reached Yi Chou’s ears, "Do you really want to do this, man, you should understand what this means, you are not just representing You are alone, me too."

   "Even if you and I think so, some people don't think so."

   "Are you threatening me, Stark."

   "No, I'm just trying to use coercion to make you the most correct and wise choice."

   This sentence seems to have played a role. Yi Chou was not refuting, and the pace of progress also stopped, but soon, before Stark and Barry and others were relieved, they again found that they were wrong.

   "What are you doing?" Stark asked as he watched the green smoke escaping from Yi Chou's hands.

   There are a lot of green smoke, like hazy crystals, with light and crystal colors, condensed from Yi Chou's hands, slipped down to his feet, and then rose up again, wrapped him all around, as if lingering in the light.

   Soon, the fog became thicker and thicker, and even the invisible figure wrapped in Yi Chou was not spread, but did not reach other people around.

It’s just that the dense fog dissipated very quickly. Just when Stark was going to take a step forward, a lot of green smoke suddenly faded from the green smoke. The sound was calm and numb, and it was not normal calm. But with apathy without emotion.

   "You want me to make a sensible choice, well, then I will give you sensible... and choice."

"Killing Curse!"

  . . .

   Jarvis' alarm sounded insanely, and gray marks appeared in many parts of the armor, as if he had lost vitality. This part of the Mark suit could not be linked and controlled, but Stark did not have time to stop and rest.

  Barry entangled with Yi Chou in the red lightning not far away, but still could not reduce his speed, so he still bite behind Stark tightly.

Soon, with a wave of air that broke more than half of the mountain, a cliff of more than a dozen meters was directly destroyed, like a stray bullet, pushed by the air wave in one direction, and Barry could only be in a violent shaking , Once again lost the arrogant figure.

   accelerated under his feet, and Barry soon reached the speed of advancing with Stark.

"This is more difficult than I thought, without feelings? How could there really be such a person, how did he live, is he a hidden artificial intelligence among humans." Stark in Jarvis Seeing Barry under the capture, he immediately chattered and complained.

   It was just Jarvis inside the Mark suit that quickly answered, "Sir, Mr. Maxim is much higher than my artificial intelligence, whether it is physiological or intelligent."

   "Thank you for your encouragement, Jarvis." Stark said angrily.

   "Are you okay." Barry asked Stark aloud, ignoring Stark's poor mouth.

   "Not bad." Stark shrugged. "If there isn't a guy desperate to kill himself."

Barry bowed his head and said nothing. His speed was faster than Yi Huo, but Stark’s speed was not good. If he took Stark himself, the speed of the two would actually drop. What’s more, this continent is so big. It’s huge for people~www.wuxiaspot.com~It’s just that for the haste and the wizard, it’s nothing more than a waste of time to traverse the whole continent, and where can they go.

   "It won't work like this," Barry said.

  Stark rolled his eyes, "Oh, yes, it's not that you remind me that I haven't found it yet."

   "Then do you have any good solutions."

   "No, I'm still counting on you."

Stark still had no shape in the battle, and even the old man Barry was a little angry, but at this time, he suddenly saw the figure in front of him flashed, so he quickly withdrew Stark quickly, and said ,"Be careful!"

Stark was staggered, but Jarvis would not make such a mistake. It quickly adjusted his movements, restored his balance again and stabilized Stark's body, then quickly flicked to the side, avoiding the rush An energy shock.

The huge impact cut the ground down, and the airflow swept like a sharp blade, forming a sharp triangle in the air, but Barry had no shadow. Stark’s Mark suit was also very hard, so the energy After the shock of the air waves did not hurt the two of them.

   But the road ahead was blocked and they could only stop.

The smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the figure of the person inside. Yi Chou held the wand in his hand and crossed his hands in front of him, blocking Stark's way. He looked at Stark, then tilted his head and said, "Look Sometimes the rational conclusions are not all good results, are they." (To be continued.)

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