High Magic Earth

Chapter 810: Hit hard

"Because you are not sensible now. ∷∷, please search quickly" Stark said hard, he was hiding behind a huge rock, because the rock is very large, and was not crushed by the magic impact of Yi Chou, he turned his back to his back Yi Yihuo is surrounded by fluttering snowflakes.

   Suddenly, Stark’s Mark suit was fully opened, and the shoulder, breast, and leg armor, including the wrist, all propped up the launcher of the micro missile.

   Stark still turned his back to Yi Chou, but Jarvis had locked Yi Chou's position through high altitude positioning. Stark knew that Yi Chou was very good at hiding himself, but factors such as temperature and spectrum could still lock him.

   This is the real body of Yi Chou, he has not released the magical spells like avatar.

   has been acquainted with Yihou for a long time, and Stark has learned a lot of divine nagging nouns.

   "Didi Didi Didi"

   "Target is locked, target is locked."

   Jarvis's voice kept jumping in Stark's ear, he did not hesitate, said firmly in the helmet, "launch"


   Innumerable warheads with a small air wave and detonation turned into Yi Chou, including one incendiary bomb, four remaining tracking warheads, and a large number of cluster munitions.



A series of violent explosions appeared behind Stark, and even huge rocks swayed. In countless small gravel splashes, Stark rushed out and a hand-controlled shoulder gun protruded from his shoulder. The raised position rises, and emits a faint light wave of light. After a short charge, it emits a noisy sound, and then burst out.


This is exactly the shoulder gun that Stark harvested from the Jagged Warrior spaceship. He has researched the principle, but due to the civilization of the ice and fire world, it can’t be made and copied at all, and can only be barely transplanted into armor, and still Manual control, but this time can not control so much. After a lot of ammunition bombed, Stark immediately started it.

   The blazing fire was burning in front of Stark, and even burned his Mark suit a little dark, the cold air was replaced by heat waves. Even the snow fluttering in the air disappeared without a trace at this moment.

   "Hope this is enough for you to be calm." Stark said to himself.

   This is his greatest firepower. He knows that this will not kill Yi Chou, but it should be enough to beat him seriously. I believe that Yi Cong will not blame himself after calming down.

   After a while, I still saw nothing in the fire. Stark was a little worried again, wouldn't it be too powerful, just kill Yi Chou directly.

Between the tangles, he didn't even notice that a beam of light was spinning around the continent, and that was Barry who had just left.

   It's a pity that Stark overestimated his own strength and underestimated Yi's strength. After a while, the flaming flames of the incendiary bombs didn't fade away, but Yi Chao walked out of it.

  His black robe is flying. Holding a dark cane in his hand, it lay flat in front of Yi Chou, exuding a very strong magic wave, which even enveloped into a ball, protecting Yi Chou firmly inside, even the slightest impact of the explosion Not received.

   "Well, I take back what I said." Stark muttered to himself.

   Yihou walked out of it step by step. He looked at Stark and said, "Maybe you should consider launching a nuclear bomb. I remember you brought it, right."

   "I wouldn't do this." Stark stared at Yi Chou in front of him and said seriously.

   Yi Chou came to Stark and erected his wand. The flames flew behind him, and Yi Chou shook his head slowly. "But I will." He said.

   He suddenly smashed his wand to the ground, and the bottom of the wand was heavily buckled on the ground, causing the earth to shake strongly, and then the fluctuation quickly spread to Stark's feet.


   The explosion appeared beside Stark. Wrapping him up, Stark, who had just lifted off, had no time to escape. His speed hadn't had time to get him out of the blast, and the huge impact would have washed him down.

  Yi Chou didn't stop, he waved his wand again, and the flames behind him moved with the wind, as if he had life, surging out from behind Yi Chong, staring at Stark not far away.

   "Warning warns that the temperature of the right arm is too high"

   "Warning warns that the ankle is damaged"

   Stark, surrounded by the high temperature of the incendiary bomb, was promptly reminded by Jarvis, but he was in pain and could not move at all.

   "Sir, the other party's energy attack method is stronger than ours, and it is not recommended to choose the remote attack method."

   "According to the information, the melee ability of the wizard in any game and novel is very weak, with a probability of more than 95, maybe we should use melee."

   Jarvis has analyzed the provocative attack pattern and began to give Stark advice.

   "Thank you, Jarvis." Stark said weakly, and then he held his breath and stood hard.

   looked at Stark, who was crumbling in the fire, and Yi Chou tilted his head. At the next moment, Stark made a roar, his legs suddenly force, jumped high, and sent a sharp roar in the air to hit Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao did not evade, he certainly saw Stark's intention, but before Stark landed, Yi Xiao's eyes had become slender beast pupils, keenly captured Stark's movements, and then urged A spell of power magic and defensive power envelops oneself with energy.

   The next moment, he adjusted the angle, the waving wand also made a loud cry, and greeted him heavily.

   Between the collisions, there was a silver-white light on the surface of the wand, and for a moment, it was wrapped in a layer of magic metal to become a hard and heavy metal shell.

   "Dang", Yi Chou's wand pounded on Stark's abdomen, the next moment, Stark fell out directly.

However, Stark’s armor is still more flexible than Yihuo, and should have nowhere to borrow in mid-air, but Stark’s Mark suit can directly urge the propellers of the legs, and there is no two meters back after being hit. When the distance is over, he came back again.

  During this period, Jarvis has calculated hundreds of possible actions based on Yi Chao's actions, as well as a response plan, and selected a move for Stark with the lowest chance of being blocked.

Yi Xuan apparently did not remember that Mark’s suit was different from ordinary enemies, and the general physical rules did not apply to Mark’s suit, so under Stark’s counterattack, Yi Xuan was punched in the chest by Stark. Before, in a hurry, he only had time to block with his arms. He flew out instantly.

  The power setting of the Mark suit is very powerful, even enough to break the wall with one punch, Yi Chou was pushed back by a huge force for a full ten meters, and then he used a spell to regain balance in the air. Then he stepped on the ground with his feet and slid a distance to stop.

  Looking up, Stark has already stepped on his feet, and his body is slamming again, even before Yi Chou's landing. His fist has reached Yi Chou's front.

   In the face of Stark's blow, Yi Chou still couldn't avoid it, or it was too late to avoid it. He pushed the magic of his whole body to the extreme and instantly smashed his wand towards Stark's ribs.


  Stark's fist hit Yi Chou, and Yi Chou's wand also hit Stark.

  Between the two, Yi Biao's body shook, and Stark was blown away by a huge force, and even rolled a dozen meters away, smashing a series of small rocks. Leave a long trace on the snow.

  Looking at Stark's embarrassed appearance, Yi Chou exhaled gently, his wand turned around in his hand, and said, "Oh, it seems that you are planning to fight me again, right."

   Stark collapsed on the ground, he had no strength, he didn't want to admit it, but he did indeed even make a movement very difficult, he can only lie on the ground. Then he gasped.

  The butler of the Mark suit is still performing his duties faithfully. "Sir, it seems that Mr. Maxim belongs to the remaining 5." Jarvis said.

   "My God, I can see it too." Stark strongly supported his body. Then he climbed hard again from the ground.

   "Why is he so powerful" he whispered.

   "Mr., after testing, there is a mass of unknown energy attached to Mr. Maxim's body. His whole body is surrounded by unknown energy, or he is a mass of energy."

  Stark rolled his eyes. "Don't say these things, I just want to know what to do"

   "The winning rate is less than 0.3, and my advice to you is to escape, sir." Jarvis said.

Stark is still in place, and Yi Biao has come over unconsciously, he came to Stark, and then looked at his crumbling armor, "But it is a pity that you are not my opponent in close combat. ."

   seemed to look around strangely, Yi Yi said, "Barry is gone, it seems that even your companion has given up on you, or... he also feels that I am right"

   Yi Xiao's body once again showed familiar magic fluctuations, but Stark would not sit back and wait. Even Jarvis did not remind, Stark suddenly turned his shoulder gun and slammed Yi Yi's feet.

   The gravel splashed, and Stark took the opportunity to fly back a distance.

   "That might not be." He gritted his teeth in the mask and murmured to himself.

The Iron-Blood Warrior’s shoulder gun did not harm Yi Chou. He once again tapped his wand to protect himself, watching Stark splash a series of explosions in the sky and flew to the distance, Yi Chou shook his head, "Dying struggling ."

  His figure appeared outside the scope of the explosion, and then Yi Chou raised his wand obliquely, aiming at Stark's continuous dodge figure.


   At the next moment, a dazzling electric light spewed out from the top of the wand, and instantly swept to Stark in the air. The electric light connected Stark and Yi Chou, and continued to strengthen.

   "cough" Stark was flying immediately felt a shock in his body, and there was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth.

   "Mr.'s suit damage rate is increasing, has exceeded 30"

   "Damage of internal organs detected, body paralyzed by unknown elements"

   "The damage rate of the uniform rises to over 40"

  A series of alarms by Jarvis immediately made Stark realize that he was in the most critical moment, and even more dangerous was that even in a wave of shaking, even Jarvis lost contact.

The pain in his body was roasting Stark's heart. He smelled of death, which was more intense than when he was encountered by Rocky's illusion in the town, but he lost all his strength and his sense of paralysis was controlled. He made him unable to break free.

   "Goodbye, Stark." Yi Chou on the ground said softly.

Even the surrounding air was converging towards Yi Chou, and the electric light connected to the air became more dazzling. Just before the light that cut through the sky was to burn Stark into ashes, a roar came suddenly behind Yi Chou. ,"stop"

A more dazzling lightning suddenly appeared beside Yi Chou. Barry Allen impacted Yi Chou's side with a powerful force that ran dozens of circles around the continent, and then without hesitation, he gave a roar , Turning the speed in his hand into lightning, throwing it out fiercely

  The speed of Shen Suli is extremely fast, and even across a few milliseconds, he crossed this distance and came to Yi Chou. Yi Chou couldn't even make a response. I saw a white light flashing around the corner of my eyes, and my body was instantly enveloped by current.

After a short period of heat and paralysis, Yi Chou desperately reversed his wand, put it in front of the current, and then urged his magic power to contend with it, but unfortunately, not only is the speed fast, but also the energy is huge. In the blink of an eye, Yi Chou was violently knocked out of place, even slamming and detonating in the air.

  Early rushing through the countless hills and hillsides with the waves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even fell directly out of the Westeros mainland, drawing a long white line on it.

  No matter how easy it is, Barry ran towards Stark, who was falling, and before he landed, turned into an electric light and took him off from the air. "How are you?" he asked anxiously.

   didn't wait for Barry to start, Stark's mask fell off during the shaking, his armor was almost destroyed, and his energy was completely dried up.

   "Cough, it's not good..." Stark coughed out blood and said weakly.

Barry can see that Yi Yao in the distance is flying back quickly, and even he sets a huge wave of several meters high in the sea behind him. He knows that he cannot stay here, because Yi Huo’s goal is Stark. , But a tsunami will follow.

  Once the tsunami hits, it is not Stark’s life that will be threatened alone, and countless people on Westeros.

   eyes flashed, and Barry and Stark had disappeared instantly.

  Barry began to run around the continent, even for a moment, his purpose was to prevent Yi Chou from capturing his position anyway. Shenli is the fastest speed in the world. He believes that no one can keep up with himself.

Yi Chou also discovered this. Barry under the crazy running must play faster than usual, unless he can directly submerge the whole world, otherwise Barry will always escape before the last moment, so after a moment, Yi The hustle and bustle dispersed the sea water, and then suspended quietly on the sea. To be continued.

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