High Magic Earth

Chapter 811: crack

   "You can't keep running like this all the time, Barry. ☆→" The abrupt, easy noise appeared in every corner of this continent, in everyone's ears.

   There were countless people there, seeming to wonder where the sound came from, and many people went directly to worship, after all, this kind of thing was really too impactful for medieval people.

  The sound spread to countless cities, and Daenerys naturally heard Yi Chou's announcement.

   sighed lightly, she knew that the matter had finally reached that point.

   gave Tyrion a glance, as if to say hello, then Daenerys inhaled slightly, her figure swelled instantly, she broke through her clothes, and then turned into nine high-spirited monsters, whistling across the sky.

   left Tyrion full of fog.

   Fortunately, he responded quickly, and immediately shouted below, “Don’t lead them to the King’s Landing, Her Majesty! We have just repaired the city wall.”

   It's a pity that Daenerys has flown out of King's Road, and I don't know if she can hear it.

   On the other side, the battle between Yi Chou and Barry continued.

   He seemed to be addicted to running. Barry let go of his hands and feet without worries and ran on the edge of the Westeros continent, even faster than his peak.

   is so helpless, because Barry is almost everywhere in the red light surrounding the continent.

Although it is not obscure, but almost all is the illusion left by high-speed movement, his speed often changes himself before any movement of Yi Huo, that is to say, no matter which Yi Yi attacks, it must be Not Barry.

   Because he had already ran to the other side before the fastest moment.

   "You can't escape, Barry." Yi Chou's face was calm, and he wasn't worried about the unsolved situation at all.

   is like the stars in the night. Yi Biao's thinking instantly found the brain representing Stark, among the countless people on Westeros.

Yi Xiao’s mental strength is very strong, but with the help of Merlin’s ring, he does not exceed Charles. Even he needs to enlarge his thinking with the help of the instrument. Yi Xiao’s spiritual power at this moment should not be said to scan half a continent, even if it scans one. The cities are very difficult.

  The reason why he was able to find Stark is simple. Because he had left marks on Stark long ago.

  Get along with a sorcerer, how could the body not be left with hidden things.

Barry also has it, but I don’t know why. It seems that suddenly, Yi Xiao lost contact with those magic marks on Barry, and even Barry’s thinking could not be sensed. Sometimes it seemed that he didn’t exist at all, but Barry was obviously Just stand in front of yourself.

   Yihou had doubts about this, but the troubles that followed soon made him gradually forget.

   The same is true now. Yi Xiao couldn't sense Barry's thinking, otherwise the soul-taking curse regardless of the consequences would continue, no matter how fast Barry ran.

   It was enough to just find Stark.

   Yi Chao turned into a projection and appeared in Stark's mind. Although he was very weak at the moment, he was still conscious and did not coma. He saw Yi Chao in his brain. He dismissed his lips in disdain. "You guys are really annoying. I have dozens of playboys. Do you want to watch it, or get out if you don't?"

   It's just that Yi Chou didn't speak, but looked at Stark and then extended his right hand to him.

  A white arm, and soon no longer white, fog-like shadow quickly enveloped it. When the black mist faded, an apple appeared in Yi's palm.

   Stark subconsciously mocked, but suddenly felt a little familiar, he instinctively felt wrong, but just did not wait for his voice. Suddenly I felt my heart tighten.

  Early drifting on the sea at the moment is holding an apple in his hand, bright and dripping, exuding blood-like redness, just like a solid heart.

   The difference with the heart is that it does not beat.

   Yihou's hands are gradually shrinking, and the apple also creaks and creaks with the squeeze, and the fragrant juice flows down the right hand, which is very attractive.

   But relatively speaking, Stark's condition is not good, even precarious.

   His heart was tight, and his throat was breathless. Stark's face began to pale, and even the energy of nonsense seemed to be gone.

   "What did he do?!" The surrounding environment was slowed by countless times Barry immediately noticed the abnormal situation of Stark and asked aloud.

Because he was afraid that there would be other accidents when he was too close to Yi Huo, Barry didn’t dare to get close to Yi Huo. He didn’t even have a plan to look at it from afar. After all, the magic was too weird. So at this point he knew nothing about Stark's situation.

   is just right, at this time Yi Xuan has already explained it for him.

"Remember that apple, Stark." Yi Chou asked in a low voice, "I gave you the antidote at that time, but unfortunately that is another poison, I will crush this apple, just like pinch Break your heart."

"Sudden cardiac arrest, how do you feel? I think it's not bad, no matter if your heart grows on the left or the right side...you can't escape after all." Yi Xiao tilted his head and looked at Stark's mind The thinking representing Stark gradually fell.

  Barry heard a bite, gritted his teeth, and immediately prepared to fold back.

   But at this time, Stark raised his eyebrows suddenly, crossed his eyes in disbelief, and suddenly realized that he quickly said, "Don't go back. Run, keep running!"

   his voice sounded very difficult, and even seemed to fall down completely the next moment.

   "You can't keep going." Barry looked at him worriedly.

  The heart contracted and twitched violently again, and Stark shuddered. He shouted loudly, "Run! Run! Don't worry about me, speed up!"

   Barry frowned, but the speed under his feet wasn't even noticed, but he was a little faster.

   He was worried about whether Stark could carry it, because he seemed to be dying the next moment, but Barry didn't know how to deal with Yi Chou, and even if he knew, he couldn't succeed.

   So after he gritted his teeth, he chose to believe Stark. What's more, running is his strength, always.

   "Ah!" Barry let out a deep snarl, grabbing Stark again a few points faster, and he threw off the useless Mark suit fragments on Stark, leaving only the reactor in front of his chest.

  Barry's speed began to climb. And it keeps increasing, surpassing his usual speed of rushing, surpassing the speed of his single running, even in the case of the two of him carrying Stark, he also exceeded his single speed limit.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Barry's eyes were full of irritable currents, carrying Stark, as if completely wrapped in the power of electric current, and disappeared.

   What he didn't notice was that Yi Chou in the distance saw this scene. There was also a little relaxation in his eyes. "It's still a little bit..." he muttered softly.

   "But... it's time." As Yi Biao's voice fell, his right hand, which he had been squeezing slowly, suddenly exerted force, and the apple burst like an exploding balloon.

   But just before the moment, Stark before the survivor also propped up the last trace of energy and seized the last opportunity.


   "It is now." The speed of Barry was urged to an extreme time. Stark suddenly threw out the SHIELD space locator in his hand, and the one-way portal device slowly slid down in the air. The button even pressed down slowly in Barry's eyes at a rate visible to the naked eye.

   He ran for one lap, the positioner was still in midair, and ran for another lap, and the positioner was still not on the ground. When he ran for one lap, the positioner finally fell. A faint blue aperture appeared around it, and then instantly lit its edge, and even at a speed that Barry had not yet responded to, the positioner was fully charged.


   After two obscure electromagnetic sounds, it opened a black crack-like space door.

  Barry did not stay around once again. While running back, he had adjusted his position, aimed at the crack and took Stark to rush in. In a blink of an eye, the two disappeared and were completely swallowed by the crack.

  At the same time, the crack collapsed instantly, as if it had never appeared.

   Yi Chou in the air was stunned for a moment. Barry was too fast. He only saw the flower in front of him, and the two disappeared into the black gap. He did not see exactly what happened.

  Don't take care of the bright red juice spreading on his hand, Yi Chao phantom shifted shape, and instantly jumped to the position where the crack disappeared.

   There is still a slight spatial fluctuation still staying in place, Yi Xiaozai carefully sensed, this is a ready-made coordinate, although I don’t know where the channel is.

  But since the two of them were taken away, then it is very likely that Stark was the ghost, maybe it was the thing he used to return this mission.

  Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not send agents to die, and they are not hi claws. The only problem is how their space installation has reached such a high technological level.

After searching again, Yi Chou really found a suction cup-like mine on the nearby ground. Of course, although it looks like a mine, it is actually a space door former. If there is no accident, it should be Leading to the world where SHIELD is located.

   is another subworld, a sub-world in the new human world.

   However, Yi Biao simply did some research, but found that it was no longer possible to open the channel again, which must be one-off.

  But it doesn’t matter, Yi Chou is not worried about Stark’s escape because. . Yi Xiao shook the juice in his hand, Stark had no way to escape, he did not escape.

   Gradually shattered the nucleus of his hand into the snow, Yi Xiao's eyes dropped slightly.

  He already felt it, Stark's breathing stopped.

  . . .

   But when Daenerys finally came over, she saw such a scene.

She didn’t care about Yi Dao in the snow, she was more concerned about Stark’s situation, and Daenerys’ IQ after turning into a monster was greatly improved, and she was not stupid, and soon realized When it comes to what technology means to civilization.

   This naturally depends on Stark. Although Daenerys is very smart, she can't learn by herself.

Although the power of these technologies can't help Danielle Ribbon, it is very helpful to her people and her country. Danielis still cares deeply about her people. This has not changed. Ever.

   And more importantly, it will become very convenient in life. Daenerys is also a human, or she still retains human thinking and habits.

   "You killed."


   Daenerys didn't smell Stark and they were still in mid-air, and nine heads shouted.

   Yi Huo turned his head slightly, looked at Daenerys from the sky, thought for a moment, and then replied, "Actually, they should have gone back."

   "Go back? Where do you go." Daenerys who fell to the ground regained her human form. Although she didn't have clothes, she still kept a thin layer of light armor, which wrapped her parts like dragon scales.

   This is also forced to help, she, as a queen, naturally can not be too destructive, not to mention, what to do on the battlefield, it is all enemies, not her subjects.

   During the time when Yi Biao was absent, she thought of this, and then quickly succeeded in achieving it. Sure enough, the potential of people is huge.

   "Naturally it's back to where they came from," Yi said. "Don't say you forget their identity, they are not the people here at all."

   "Neither are you." Daenerys said.

   YiXiao narrowed his eyes, and there was no expression on his face. "But I am more like you." He responded lightly.

Daenerys soon gave up entanglement on this issue, she flapped her back wings, patrolling around like a hound, and then asked, "So next, you have to be somewhere else Vent your anger?"

   "Of course not~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Huo looked calm and said softly, "In fact, I no longer have the meaning and need to stay here, she. . Already gone, Stark also fled. . "

   "But it's not a gain, at least I captured his space coordinates."

   "Space... coordinates?" Daenerys repeated strenuously. Although her vocabulary rose with rockets, sometimes she still couldn't keep up with the rhythm of several people.

   "The general meaning is that I may have the opportunity to go to their world, that is to say... this is not the end."

Daenerys heard her eyes lightly, and Yi Biao seemed to see what she was thinking, and then said, "Maybe, I won't be long before I will come back to you, I just don't know... you know about other worlds. Not interested."

   "If I can come back." Daenerys said cautiously.

"of course can."

   Yihou nodded slightly, and then a black shadow suddenly appeared under his feet, which instantly elongated and formed a crack. "Okay, let’s talk about these issues next time. Now... it’s time to say goodbye."

   "How to solve the problem of the remaining ghouls and forest of thorns?" Daenerys asked quickly after seeing Yi Huo's half foot stepping into the crack.

   Yi Huo paused and said, "I will solve it." And as the voice fell, his figure had completely disappeared in front of Daenerys. (To be continued.)

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