High Magic Earth

Chapter 812: island

Of course, Yi Biao did not leave immediately. He had just promised to get Daenerys to solve the problem of ghouls. Although he was more curious about the space coordinates he got, he did not want the world of ice and fire to be in chaos. Before leaving for a while, he is also ready to solve this problem completely. ⊥

  Phantom shifted several times, and Yi Chou returned to Junlin City again.

The riots in the city caused by Yi Chao suddenly sounding deep in people’s hearts still did not stop, but the golden robe walking around seemed to be as unpredictable to Yi Huo coming out of the shadow of the alley as if no one was under the magic envelope, Yi Chou came directly to Tyrion.

   was shrouded in a shadow, and Tyrion was immediately shocked. As a celebrity in front of Queen Daenerys, few people now dare to stand in the backlit position and cover Tyrion with a shadow.

   Just didn't wait for him to wonder why the golden robe didn't stop the visitor, Tyrion could see Yi's appearance, and now he knew everything.

   "Good afternoon, Your Excellency." He slightly possessed and respectfully saluted.

  He didn't know whether he would bring this wizard to this world or not, but he was quite sure that the wizard's power was completely unmatched and moody.

In fact, Yi Biao has not been as weird as Winnie’s nagging before, but I have to say that people’s first impressions are very important. I believe that the short one night in Neverland will bring Tyrion one night. Came a deep impression.

   Yihou nodded, then reached out and pulled out a bottle of potion from the wizard's robe. He randomly threw it to Tyrion and said, "Not yet completed, but in fact the effect is enough."

  Tirion didn’t know what Yi Yao threw, because in Yi Yao’s eyes, I am afraid that nothing is important, whether it is the most common therapeutic agent or something else. Perhaps it's not good to say that the dancing potion is filled with deadly poison.

   So Tyrion quickly caught it in a hurry. Sure enough, Yi Chou continued, "This is poison, but a curse used to deal with ghouls."

   "As for the ghosts...there are no threats without corpses, maybe you can send someone to enclose the thorn forest. If those knights are not afraid of death."

"Then don't kill all the ghosts. Maybe I will come back later. They will be useful to me. I will leave a few of them. This time, there will probably be no surprises, well, that's it. "

   As if pouring beans, he hurriedly explained a lot of questions, and it seemed that Yi Chou could not wait to leave.

   Tyrion just wanted to ask what the corpse is gone. Hearing that Yi Chou seemed to be leaving, he quickly asked another more important question, "Wait, sir, how do you use this thing."

   "I almost forgot to say." Yi Xiao frowned slightly, "It's very simple, just sprinkle in outside the sleeping spell, it should be easy to do. Then the curse will spread quickly."

   "Yeah. Thank you for bringing me such an interesting world. Goodbye."

   Tyrion opened his mouth. Still stunned, Yi Chou was gone, so he shook his head helplessly and said to himself, "Well, I hope someone will be this stupid warrior..."

"grown ups?"

   heard Tyrion's self-talk. Golden robe, who had no idea what had happened, asked in a low voice. Tyrion glanced at the two people around him angrily. Although he knew that it was not their responsibility to find Yi Huo, he was still very unhappy, so he stepped on the boots under his feet. Rang. Lengheng said, "Follow me to find someone."

   "Uh ok, but lord, who are we going to find?"

   "Well... a man who can afford gold coins... heroes."

  . . .

  Dream Island seems to have come alive suddenly. This peaceful and calm island has renewed its vitality again in just a few hours, even the color of the Red Castle is bright.

  Countless colorful birds of different colors shuttle through the red forest. They make dozens of pleasing sounds, turning the red forest into a grand concert.

Under the spread of the most sensitive little magical creatures, the creatures on the whole island soon learned that the owner of the Red Castle came back again, even many of the deepest creatures in the Black Forest and Black Valley. Heard something.

Of course, for these magical creatures living on the Fantasy Island, the presence of Yi Biao does not have much impact on them here, because Yi Biao has been trying to maintain the biological balance of the island except at the beginning. The death and new life of Neverland are not proportional. If man-made destruction is added, the environment on the island will soon reach a very bad level.

But for the Red Castle, Yi Chou is of great significance. He is the owner of the Red Castle. The entire castle was created by Yi Chou. When Yi Chou is not here, the Red Castle can only maintain the minimum magic operation. To ensure that it is not invaded and discovered by outside creatures, many abilities are not supported by magic.

   Even the cleaning requires the house elves to do it themselves, rather than the castle cleaning itself, or the moving golem acts as a cleaning staff.

   Now, Yi Huo is back again.

The house-elves who had nothing to do immediately polished the marble floors and walls, and even the armor placed in the central corridor of the castle cleaned themselves. So when Yi Chou came back, he saw many family-raised children Elves and little yellow men gathered on both sides of the corridor, and even the portraits hanging on the walls were crowded into a picture frame.

  The people who left in the photo frame were drawn from historical prototypes, such as Merlin. They only have very short memories, and they were all instilled in it.

   For example, Hephaestus, although he can also communicate briefly with people outside the portrait, but most of the time he only speaks a word, would he like a drink?

   In fact, the house elves in the Red Castle are not as rigid as the Harry Potter world, terrible, and even somewhat neurotic, at the request of Yi Biao. . Or under the maintenance of hypnotic spells, they have gradually changed their habits and become closer to normal servants.

   Of course, appearance will still give them a lot of points.

  According to Yi Huo's living habits, he does not care about such details in the castle, but this castle is not only Yi Huo who lives alone, but also Winnie.

  Under her constant request, Yi Chou made the castle sunny. To develop in the direction of beauty and happiness, instead of still retaining the nerves of the house elves, the entire castle is made like a haunted house.

Unfortunately. . Now Winnie is gone.

  The creatures in the Red Castle soon noticed this problem. Although neither the house elves nor the little yellow guys like Winnie, the latter even fears more, but it does not mean that they really don't care about Winnie. After all, she is the hostess of the castle and a Green.

  Noticing the vacancy around Yi Chou, these magical creatures passed each other's eyes, at first you looked at me, I looked at it, and finally it was looking back at such meaningless things.

   But there is no magic creature to speak, not even the most yellowish people who have the spirit of death, because they understand Yi Chang's character too much, and even know themselves better than Yi Xiao himself.

   It's just that their eye contact movement seems to be too big. Even at the end, they began to stare at each other, and they almost did not squeeze together. Especially those little yellow people, Yi Chou even had difficulty in ignoring them.

   So helplessly, he could only slowly turn his head.

  In an instant, all the little yellow guys were sitting in danger, as if nothing happened.

   looked at his magical creatures in a circle around his eyes, Yi Chou felt that he should do something, but the exhausted soul energy stopped his impulse. So he just looked at them lightly and said. "You guys are stunned to do anything here, haven't you done anything?"

   Suddenly, the boring little guys in this circle all spread out.

   There was only one house elf left in place, it was Alimond, but at this time it took off the long black tattered cloak and put on a dress-like little dress. Of course, it still seems a little funny.

   Yi Chao walked down the corridor towards the inside of the castle, and it immediately followed Yi Chao's side.

   "Levin has also been arranged?" After looking at Alimond, who was beside him, Yi Chou was a little uncomfortable, mainly because of his height. Levine, who had been a housekeeper before, followed Yi Chou around, and suddenly changed to a house-elf, and he needed to look down at it.

   "Yes master, put it not far away from her according to your requirements." The house-elf was unaware of the grievances in Yi Chou's heart and still followed Yi Chou behind.

   It's just that its voice has been coming from below, which is really strange.

"It's just that it's difficult for us to take care of the specific situation." Alimond continued, "You know... the blood magic is arranged on the outermost layer of that floor. No one can go in except you, and we can only go far. Just take a look."

   "I know." Yi Biao nodded, "That's it, you've done a good job. I have completed the early warning magic. If something goes wrong, the magic will naturally be solved. Here is the Red Castle."

I have to say that the house elf is worthy of being one of the most empathetic magical creatures. It is not only very hardworking, but also quite accurate in guessing the master's mind. Looking at Yihou's frequent bowing, Alimond immediately moved thickly. Fingers, then the body was instantly enlarged more than three times.

Alimond, who was as tall as Yi Chao, glared at two big eyes as big as Yi Huo’s head, and then asked with a sharp voice, “Changing your height is not difficult for house elves, my master. ."

"if you.."

   Yi Xuan suddenly closed his eyes, and then raised his hand to interrupt it.

He shook his head vigorously, expelling this terrible appearance from his head, and then, with his eyes open, he used a spell to shrink the house elf again, and said calmly, "If there will be another time. You become like this, you don’t need to worry about height anymore."

   "Because I will turn you into a portrait, and then hang in the attic on the top floor of the castle, forever, forever."

   Although the house-elves look a little ugly, they are actually abstract and cute because of their shortness, but being cute when they are small does not mean that they are magnified. This is especially true when such things are actually ugly.

The house elf, which has been magnified three times, is like a large-sized et, still in high-definition version. Even if he is accustomed to the strangeness of strange things, he can’t accept it for a while. He discovered at this moment that he has always followed There are also such strange species in the creatures around me.

  Feeling the chill in Yi Chou's calm voice, Alimond immediately nodded desperately, saying that he would never do it again.

   Yi Chou and Alimond went all the way to the lower level of the castle, and came to the magic experiment site. In one of the empty rooms that looked a little sci-fi, there were many little yellow people busy.

   This is the only magic laboratory in Red Castle that does not stop, because it is the place responsible for finding out how the Dornting Pavilion opened the space channel and analyzing the coordinate points it left behind.

   Pushed open the door and walked in. Yi Huo asked in a low voice, "What's new?"

Undoubtedly, the little yellow man in charge here shook his head in frustration again. Yi Chou had seen this action many times. Since Dornting escaped, all the magic systems of Oz have fallen into stagnation. Among them, the study of the space channel is simply astoundingly slow, even if they have not stopped, there is not much gain.

   "Well, then this is the new channel magic." Yi arrogant, can only simulate again the space fluctuations that Stark and Barry left, and then told the little yellow man, "I hope it will help you."

  Looking at the little yellow man with little hope on his face, Yi Chou felt that his head should be green and blue, but he did not actually have real emotional fluctuations at the moment.

   Leaving this laboratory, Yi Xuan has little hope of solving those coordinates, but there is a way to solve this problem, or even kill two birds with one stone. Yi Xuan has long thought about it, but he has not done it.

  Because the risk is somewhat large, this risk is not about Yihuo, but about one of his commitments.

Leaving the laboratory~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Chou continued to walk through the red castle, during which the castle's consciousness also emerged on the walls, and then quickly concealed himself again, it always preferred to observe silently rather than expose Yourself.

  The empty corridor was a little scary and calm. Only Yi Fu's footsteps and Alimond's voice whispered. Under the boredom Yi Yi lazily asked, "What happened recently, when I was away."

As the guardian of Neverland, Yi Chao, besides following the shadow to collect the world energy, also needs to maintain the order on Neverland and the replacement order of the sub-world. However, the latter has hardly encountered it. The only time, Caused by the angel invasion of the new man.

   Sure enough, it didn't happen that accident happened just after Yi Biao left, because after Alimond thought slightly, he also replied softly, "Nothing else happened, my master."

   "Okay." Yi arrogantly shrugged.

He soon came to the bedroom, but when he was going to call Alimond down, Alimond seemed to suddenly remember something, and said again, "... It's not completely nothing, my master. "

   "What's the matter." Yi Xiao frowned slightly, feeling that the house elf might be too free, which is not a good thing.

  Just before he pondered this question, Alimond threw an amazing news, "Nanta Island was invaded by someone, my host, or... we should be guests."

   "What?" (Unfinished to be continued.)

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