High Magic Earth

Chapter 813: Guests of Neverland

Not far from the Mermaid Lake waterfall, there is a deep pool opening half-covered under the cliff, half of the opening is on the water, and the other half is underwater. Fiction

There are a lot of caves placed on the surface of the water below the waterfall. They are located near the Mermaid Lake and the big waterfall. Some of the caves are very deep, even forming a stalactite cave, but some are very shallow, just a piece protruding from the cliff Boulder only.

These sporadic caves are like rugged stars, embellishing the Mermaid Lake with a different natural atmosphere.

Many magical creatures that like water and liquids live here. There are also precious magical materials, such as the low-temperature water that Yibiao uses to freeze the yellow light of fear, and the ink that can break most of the magic contract. Here.

But more importantly, this is the gathering place of the mermaid, the largest intelligent creature group of Neverland, where all mermaids from different worlds rest.

They communicate with each other, sing, and use this as a place to rest and rest during a long journey. Of course, conflicts often occur.

But at this moment, the usual calm of the past is broken here, and even the mermaids that often appear are rarely seen.

Even if they appeared, most of them were hiding behind the Red Navigator, peering from afar, and being careful not to be noticed.

Because in a cave not far from the waterfall, a huge crack is now cracking.

And, in this gap, an artificial machine that is not in the style of Neverland is blocked. Weird and weird. A crazy appearance full of fantasy science.

That is a submarine.

Its name, Nautilus, was sprayed with exaggerated oil paint on it.

. . .

"These vines grow too fast." A big white boy struggling away from the green plants hanging on the stone wall above the cave, and then found a foothold on the surface of the submarine and began to chop hard.

The knife in his hand is very simple. Although the blade is sharp, he is not a professional tree feller or firewood chopper. At first glance, it was temporarily transformed and patched with the tools on the submarine. Therefore, the efficiency is very low, and after a long time of busying, only a small position is cleared, even for him to settle down comfortably.

"Are you sure these are really just vine dads? They are so crazy." He gasped for breath. He walked out of the cave and straightened his body, stretched out, and then complained loudly.

Obviously, he is not alone here. Sure enough, his voice just fell. Inside the submarine came a very strong middle-aged male voice, "Of course it is vines, Sean, but this island is indeed a little weird... everything can't be treated according to common sense."

"... It's not a good thing every time I come out. Let's clean it up quickly. If you don't go back, your mother will definitely lose his temper again. Do you want to be yelled at by her for a week?"

The big boy named Sean seemed to think of something terrible. He shivered involuntarily and didn't want to be lazy. Then he stooped into the cave again. Start to clean up the surroundings of the submarine.

Not far away, a girl squatting on the shore saw this scene and made a giggling laugh. She picked up a stone and threw it onto the calm lake, and then said, "Aunt Liz is so terrible." She gave White a glance.

"Karani." Sean, startled by the splash, exclaimed angrily, "Don't throw things, the ghost knows what horrible things are hidden underneath. If you are bored, come and help me clean the vines together. !"

"But it's a pity that there are not many tools. You should be the last one in your hand. I don't know which idiot, even using two saws in a row." said, Carani seemed to shrug very regretfully and made a Mocking expression.

Sean's mouth twitched and decided not to quarrel with his girlfriend, not because of his superior IQ over other single dogs, but because he found that he didn't seem to be Kalani's opponent.

The girl Carani he met before heading to the Mysterious Island was not only brave and good in skill, she even quarrelled with her, and Sean felt that it was destined to meet them.

It was like he was destined to experience bizarre adventures again and again, just as fate brought him here again, on this magical island.

So Sean is not really worried about the current predicament. His only worry may be to face his mother who was furious again because he played missing.

While Sean and Carani were passing the time between the noise, the grass in the distance swayed, and then a beautifully dressed, chubby, chunky man got out of it.

Before he could get close, he yelled, "Karani, Karani, Sean! Griles hit the prey again, this time he hit a weird reindeer, uh... Hank? ?" he asked.

"I'm in a submarine..." Hank's dull baritone came from the Nautilus.

The chunky man pouted his lips and put on a weak voice, saying, "You haven't given up repairing the submarine yet."

But without waiting for Hank to answer, Sean, who was standing on the submarine, pouted for his father and said angrily, "That's better than someone who spends a day on the go, even Carani can help. , But someone as a big man knows to drink alcohol all day long."

When the chunky man just approached, Sean asked about a strong alcoholic taste, not as pungent as ordinary beer or alcohol, but exuding a light fragrance, which seems to have nothing to do with the wine, but it is magical. It is because even people who have no idea about such things as wine.

The moment you smell it, you suddenly realize, or wake up, what kind of wine is, and then fall in love with it.

The faint fragrance smells like you can't stop it, let alone drink it into your mouth.

Buduo, that is, the short fat man, Carani's father gave a embarrassed sneer, but then his face was correct, and Yizheng said eloquently, "Carla is helping out. She is not looking right beside her. "He did not hesitate to sell his daughter, they are all a family anyway. No big deal.

I just didn't expect that Sean was obviously more shameless than he thought, and he had almost no hesitation. He replied after Boudo said, "Have you never heard of a male-female match, is it more efficient to work?"

Faced with such an answer. Even a fat man with funny attributes like Budo. I didn’t know what to say for a while. I was choked there and said for a long time, "Well, that stream is too fragrant. If you want to blame it, blame it. Who knows it will come out It’s wine, and it’s so delicious."

Not long after the people on the Nautilus got off the submarine, they found several streams nearby. But I didn't expect that one of the flowing water was not water, but a clear water-like wine. Even this wine wouldn't make people drunk, nor would it make people feel headache and other sequelae of drunkenness.

So among these man passengers who like to drink alcohol. It suddenly became their paradise here. During the days when they fell to this island, they didn't seem to feel despair and panic, and they even felt a little uneasy.

Of course, there is no doubt that Budo has also become one of them.

But he is not a drunkard, just a greedy mouth.

In order to save some face, Buduo decided to change the subject. He looked at the Nautilus stranded on the shore and showed a very sad look. "It's not that I don't want to repair it, but maybe we don't need to repair it at all..."

"How do we leave here without repairing the submarine." Sean said indifferently, looking at Buddo's eyes like he was watching an idiot.

"... what kids know." Buto said disdainfully. "Although I admit that I have formed a lot of feelings with this submarine, I feel that instead of wasting time here, it is better to go to the ready-made boat. Get it back."

"That's... that's the boat." Buduo sneaked a sideways gesture.

Sean still looked at him with his eyes, and even his movements did not change. "Don’t you think a wooden boat will run faster than a submarine that we haven’t figured out what is the principle of power, and if so, you I'm afraid it's true..."

"Shaun!" Carani next to him roared, and the roaring Sean rolled his eyes again.

"Perhaps it also has some magical places, just like this little island." Budo is full of greed and no, it is full of fantasy.

"I'm more concerned about whether it can safely support half the Pacific and take us back." Sean said.

"So what you know, you have to believe the experience of an old captain." Bu Duo disdain.

"If I remember correctly, you were only a pilot six months ago, or a helicopter pilot."

"But I am now the captain of a submarine..."

While Sean and Buduo were fighting boredly, the hatch of the submarine was suddenly opened. A bald head Wu Ke, no, it was just a bald head, and he got out of it.

It was Shank's father, Hank, who had retired from the Navy with a tendon.

He bulged with a huge muscle mass, drilled out of the small cave with clever movements and speeds that did not match the huge body, and came to the surface of the submarine outside the cave in a few steps. Say, "Your plan sounds terrible."

"That wooden boat is too big. I'm afraid we can't drag the submarine. It's still connected to the inland lake. If you want to cross the forest to the beach, this is an impossible distance. "

"And the creatures on the island have magical places, which may be based on the evolution of certain creatures in evolution. It does not mean that the items have the same magical powers. Even if there are, I am afraid that they are also brought by this island and are leaving. After that, it will become the most common thing. I still think it is better to repair the Nautilus."

"You are the captain. Since you brought everyone, you must take everyone back, including your submarine."

"I'm not the captain, I'm just a tour guide." Buduo quickly quit.

"But you just said that you are an old captain, don't think I can't hear it inside." Hank was stunned, looking at Buduo's face as if he didn't know it, and of course he couldn't really Go up and punch him.

Anyway, Budo seems to be not very interested and concerned about the repair work of the Nautilus. Hearing Hank's perseverance, he can only say, "Well, I wish you success, and I want to know, even if you are Now, how are you going to pull the submarine from here."

"Dad!" Callani screamed dissatisfiedly at seeing the cold water pouring from Boudo.

However, it is said that Hank and Sean are also helpless, because the problem that Budo said is indeed a very troublesome problem.

The submarine was not stranded, but was completely squeezed into a small cave. Below the cave was just a branch of a very shallow lake, which could only be called a puddle.

Sean and others didn’t even know how the submarine appeared out of nowhere in the lake cavern inside an island, and they didn’t even know how to get to the island. The only thing they knew was that if it’s not Nautilus’ hard shell, I'm afraid the submarine was crushed in the first place.

Because the current situation is like putting a large square brick into a small polygonal depression, although it can be forced into it, there are many damaged places on the edge.

The lake connected to this puddle is the Mermaid Lake, but the puddle itself is not large, and the Mermaid Lake is not just a lake. In the water area near the Mermaid Lake and the Great Falls, they are all connected to each other. Yes, although some are not large in scale, these are called mermaid lakes.

However, Hank quickly put this problem behind him, because they haven't even repaired the submarine now, and it makes no sense to think about these things.

After thinking for a while, Hank frowned slightly, and then asked, "Budo, you just said...Grills hit another prey again, is it in the forest?"

"Where is not the forest~www.wuxiaspot.com~Budo asked," If it is in the sea, it is called fishing. "

Of course, looking at Hank's frown, Buduo asked a little more, "What's wrong?"

Hank's face changed a few times, but he still said what he was thinking, "I just... I don't think I should capture the things in this forest."

"Why?" Boudo asked. "Without prey, we haven't eaten."

"Wild fruit is also ok. This island is so magical, there must be something to bear the belly." Hank said immediately, "As for the reason... I think there are people on this island, others, you know..." With that said, he vaguely pointed to where Budo had pointed before, which was the direction of the big wooden boat.

Buduo didn't speak, and seemed to be thinking, but soon, he looked relaxed, "Forget it." He said, "These problems are left to your smart people to worry about, I still don't care."

This time, not only Sean and Hank were helpless, but even his daughter Carani was speechless to her lazy father. (To be continued.)

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