High Magic Earth

Chapter 814: Nautilus

Shaking his head helplessly, Hank dried his hand full of oil, patted it, and called the attention of several people, and then said, "No matter what, the animals on the island still try their best not to hurt, Let's go back to the camp first."

Others naturally have no objections. They have already gone through a thrilling escape journey on the Mysterious Island, not to mention that Sean and Carani are just young people who have just left the world, and Carla’s father Budo is natural. The supporting character of the film, the party naturally headed by Hank, although the captain is Budo.

The Nautilus is covered with moss and vines. Although it has only been stranded here for a few days, it looks as if it has been for a century. The madness of the vines is simply amazing. If it is not cleaned every day, I am afraid Don't talk about the place of the foot, even the entire submarine may have been wrapped up by them and dragged into the cave.

"Hey hey guys, be careful, be careful." Sean slipped when he left, Hank quickly grabbed him, and then said anxiously, the surface of the Nautilus naturally became slippery because of the appearance of moss. Will slip into the water.

Wetting the clothes is not a problem. The really scary thing is that they don’t know what is in the water.

When initially stranded on the island, a group of people just came out of the submarine and found that an unusually huge monster was lurking in the bottom of the water. Its size was so large that it was almost comparable to that of a half Nautilus. A giant as high as 70 meters, even half its length, is more than 30 meters.

The length of more than thirty meters, for these New Yorkers living in a peaceful world, is simply incredible, even very terrible things, even if they encounter giant lizards on Mysterious Island. It's only seven or eight meters.

This monster not only has a terrifying length, but also has the same terrifying appearance. Its head is very strange. The boxy shape is like a large scale, fused with the branches of the body. It can even be said that if it were not for the direction in which it was swinging as it moved forward, the people like Sean could not tell where it was head or tail.

This was their first encounter, so these people immediately realized that the small island in front of them may not be a kind place, even. . Normal place.

But this is not bad. It was better to realize that the island was terrible than to know what it was facing. The unknown is far more daunting than the known fear.

And then what they encountered made people far away from the water source. On the second day, when they were exploring along the flow of Hu Lake, an unfortunate guy was unfortunately frozen.

That's right, it was frozen. Near the large lake where the huge Galen ship was found, they found many small animals frozen in ice. Although they were very strange, they didn't know what was going on.

Until one of the unlucky eggs in the exploration team accidentally stepped on a puddle, instantly. He was frozen into ice.

And it has been frozen until now, even if the ice cube has been exposed to the sun for a day without any water droplets or melting, they are not sure whether the frozen unlucky egg is dead or still alive.

To know. In the case of being frozen instantly, people are likely to be in a state of suspended animation.

But there is no doubt that no one has dared to approach the lake since then, and even few people have even entered the forest. The ghost knows what is strange in it.

If it is not the surface of the submarine that needs to be cleaned regularly, I am afraid no one will come to this place.

Sean and Hank jumped out of the submarine cleverly, and then they turned into a path with Carani, and not long before they came to the island, they stepped out of a path from the edge of the forest . It is also the only one.

Because the plants in the forest are also different from other places, some grow up very quickly. There are even many offensive, although it is impossible to kill people directly. But plants such as vines hang people in mid-air, which is basically no doubt related to death.

So few people are close to the forest, even if they all know that they want to survive better, they need to explore this unknown island in depth, instead of staying near the beach and waiting for rescue, but this forest is too dangerous, and its own Compared to Xiaoming, the shortage of food seems less important.

The only person who can safely enter and leave the forest is only marginal. There is only one person in this group of victims, called Belgrils. According to his self-introduction at the time, he seems to be a wilderness survival master in some kind of program.

But seriously, Sean doesn’t understand the list of passengers on this batch of Nautilus, and even Captain Buduo may not know very well, because this is a lottery trip, in order to celebrate the first anniversary of Buduo as Captain Nautilus. Events held.

They draw a lottery in the newspaper, and the lucky ones will get the boat tickets presented with the newspaper. Both one-time and multi-time tickets are available. Obviously Bell came this way, and there are a few others, as for the others Is a local tourist in Palau.

Although he attracted many tourists through the Nautilus, Buduo not only had money for Carani to go to college, but also made their life rich, but he still did not go to the big city, but continued to choose to stay in Palau. After all, here This is where everything starts.

"Far away from me! You stupid guy."

"Hey! What are you doing to hit someone!"

The four people were close to the beach camp. Before they had completely walked out of the forest, they heard the sound of quarreling not far away. Along with the sound, there was a strong fluttering odor. In addition to the smell of wine, it was mixed. Some kind of meaty.

It seems that the reindeer that Bell hit is estimated to have become a barbecue on the fire.

But after hearing the quarrel in the camp, except for Buduo who still maintained an optimistic smirk, all the other three had a helpless expression. Such a quarrel has not lasted for two days, but lasted for a long time. In fact, even in the submarine has been arguing constantly.

"You too, look like an idiot!"

"Who do you think is an idiot?!"

Hearing that the quarrel was escalating, Hank quickly jumped out of the forest, and then stopped loudly, "Hey, hey! Guys, don't quarrel, if you are energetic and nowhere to vent. There is a whole face on the Nautilus. The rattan has not been cleaned."

Hank's bulk and muscles still worked very well. Several young people who were pulling together and pulling began to separate from each other, but still stared at each other with angry eyes. As if to bite off a few pieces of meat.

The people around have different looks, and there is an Asian girl who looks at them indifferently. There are also two middle-aged couples who have been persuading each other. Finally, Bell, who is sitting next to him and watching the barbecue on his fire, is indifferent to the matter here and vows to roast the venison.

Of course, these people are not the only ones on the Nautilus. They are just those in the camp at the moment. Several people are not here.

Sean, who was behind Hank, naturally saw this scene, but although the crowd was arguing, Sean felt a trace of relaxation.

After all, it is only here that he can feel the normal taste and is the only normal place on the island.

There are no crazy plants, no puddles that freeze people into ice, and no branch-shaped monsters that are more than 30 meters in size, have eyes, noses, mouths, or even skin.

But not all passengers on the Nautilus this time are normal. For example, Bell, he looks very calm and calm. If it is not certain that there is no camera at the moment, Sean even suspects that he is doing a live broadcast.

There is also a pair of young girls from Brooklyn, New York City, blonde and black hair. They seem to turn a blind eye to the dangerous forests and predicaments around them, maintaining a surprisingly optimistic attitude, uttering surprisingly poisonous tongues to each other, or throwing venom to others.

Sometimes Sean even thinks he is watching drama rehearsals by drama actors. They just treat this as a natural vacation, but of course, he still admires this optimism.

However, there are also very normal passengers, such as the students of Bruce University who came to vacation. When he learned that he was trapped on a desert island, he was afraid. There was also a lot of excitement and freshness.

This is the thinking that a normal person should have, deep in his heart that no one else can hear. Sean growled uncontrollably.

He himself did not feel anything to be afraid of the present predicament. After all, he was trapped in an unknown island, or even an undiscovered pristine island or forest. He had not experienced it for the first time.

What’s more, Hank’s ability to become a temporary leader is not only based on his muscles. He was born in the former elite navy. Not only is he experienced in the wild, but he is also familiar with the development of the island. If it is not this island, it cannot obviously be inferred with common sense. If so, I am afraid they have already lived in a wooden house at this time.

While Sean was shattering his thoughts in his heart, Buduo ran squatting next to Bell, and even Hank felt a little fussed by the fragrance.

Bell's prey is their only source of meat quality, otherwise they always eat fruits and fish, and the time is short. For a long time, the body will experience various uncomfortable feelings.

After understanding these reasons, Hank also squeezed a smile on his face, and then squatted beside Bell with his huge head. "This is a deer in the forest?" He flipped another piece of deer venison, Then asked in a low voice.

"It should be." But Bell's answer was not very sure. He shrugged and had a casual smile on his face. "But anyway, I have never seen a deer running so fast. There is no shadow in a blink of an eye. Well, they are just deer after all, they can’t escape the trap I made."

"You even dug a trap." Hank even hit, and then he was a little puzzled. He also learned about Bell a short time ago. He had served in the British Airborne Secret Service, but he has now retired.

But his survivability is not lower than his own, and even higher, which makes Bell feel that the speed of the animal is very fast, I am afraid it is not ordinary fast.

Thinking of this, Hank couldn't help but have a headache. "Are you sure this is just a deer?" He confirmed to Bell again.

"Of course, otherwise what else could it be." Bell said indifferently.

Hank grinned and thought it seemed reasonable, but at the next moment, his expression froze there, because on the piece of meat he turned, an organ like a horn appeared obviously because of the shrinkage of the oil. The angle seems to be because the relationship between young and young has not yet developed.

It's just that if this reindeer-like body is still underdeveloped. . So how big is this adult animal.

But Hank quickly threw his worries behind him, because they were only animals after all. Just be careful of some large beasts in the forest. Knowing that there is nothing terrible.

While Hank was thinking about the situation of these people here, the boring Sean and Kalani also found a place to sit down, and the two began to grumble and mutter together, but did not notice that the two who had just quarreled not far away Among the people, a bigger conflict is brewing.

"...Oh, vomit!"

The body of a girl in the crowd suddenly swayed, and then suddenly vomited a large mouthful of vomit.

"Oh! God!" The man was startled, screamed in shock, and suddenly jumped from the ground, shouting angrily at the girl, "What have you done! You bitch!"

"What do you say!" The girl's companion was suddenly dissatisfied, and they all started shouting and stood up from their position. "Did you see her uncomfortable."

"I'm not this little boyfriend, why should I care about her uncomfortable body." The person who was vomited was obviously not given in vain, and immediately blocked back with more harsh language.

"If I say that she will not live long, you will not live long, that is, you brought the bad luck on board, otherwise why would we be trapped in this place!"

In addition to these young students ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are several young people, obviously their character and temper are not very good, just open mouth is a vicious face.

but. . This is also related to previous experience.

The conflict between the two pedestrians is not for no reason, because the former is not a passenger on the Nautilus at all, but added in halfway.

The vomiting girl and her companion were actually lucky to save a wrecked ship while driving on the Nautilus. I heard that they were also students who came out on vacation because the ship was overturned by a big wave in the storm. Entered a small island.

They encountered some terrible things on the island, and finally escaped, but did not expect to encounter the irresistible storm of humanity again.

Based on the idea of ​​mutual assistance in the sea, Hank and Buduo easily decided to rescue them, but they didn't expect that their experience was not as simple as they said, and it caused huge trouble for the Nautilus. .

Because there are actually two warships chasing them, and even an armed submarine! (To be continued.)

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