High Magic Earth

Chapter 815: Nautilus (2)

The ghost knows what kind of island they broke into, is it a secret military important area?

At this moment, it suddenly seemed to poke the horse's honeycomb. The enemy behind seemed to identify the sudden appearance of the Nautilus as a companion of these people, so their accidental appearance was promoted from inadvertent loss to a premeditated invasion and began to attack the parrot. The snail is chasing.

Although the threat of the two warships is not great, the submarine's lethality is particularly great.

The Nautilus is now just an ancient sightseeing submarine. Although Captain Nemo was equipped with a lot of weapons and ammunition at that time, but because of the long-term relationship, it has almost consumed it. The few pieces of ammunition left are also pitiful.

The submarine that bites them tightly at the back is different. Not only are they full of ammunition, but they are all the latest weapons and ammunition. The Nautilus has a very hard shell and can even withstand most of the artillery shells. Their cutting-edge technological power even has a lot of performance beyond the times.

Unfortunately, as technology continues to advance, these indicators are no longer as good as before. The Nautilus can no longer rampage like before, and eating a few rounds of fish is definitely the fate of sinking 20,000 miles under the sea.

Hank didn't want to be found as a remains after sinking on the seabed for many years.

So he began to accelerate while driving the Nautilus, trying to get rid of the submarine that was chasing behind him. Although the Nautilus can almost be called an antique, its production technology incorporates the most cutting-edge technology at that time. Even after a hundred years, it The speed is faster than the current submarine.

But the next thing became very bad, because they encountered an unprecedented ocean whirlpool.

God knows how this is formed! Hank had no time to see a huge vortex black hole on the screen, and then the Nautilus was sucked into it by the huge gravity.

The force caused by the wildly rotating sea water is not something that the Nautilus can resist. Even the far-reaching energy power that throws the armed submarine behind can not resist the power of this vortex.

Hank even wondered if there was a sea eye here, or another huge crater that went straight to the center of the earth. Otherwise why there is a huge vortex in the deepest part of the seabed.

The armed submarine in the rear was not well, and fled early, so lucky that he was not pulled out of the force range by the vortex. But before escaping, it fired several torpedoes.

The Nautilus luckily escaped a few, but one fish still lost its motivation. The nautilus was hit hard by the vortex.

The next thing Hank did not know. The unbalanced and chaotic water pressure in the submarine instantly made his eyes dark and completely fainted. When he woke up, the submarine had calmed down again, opened the hatch, and found out I have come to this strange island.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to think that these people brought bad luck. Although it was not really bad luck, it was because they rescued them that they suffered from this series of things.

Of course, Hank doesn’t think he’s doing something wrong, he can’t watch these fresh lives disappear in the sea, but not everyone thinks so, especially these young college students. We have no place to vent our vigorous energy, and always feel that we are right and never consider others.

"What are you saying, you bastard!" Hearing the other party insulting his companion. One of the rescued young men immediately stood up.

There are five of them, two women and three men, according to what they say. A total of four couples and eight of them rented a yacht to play. When the big storm revealed the desert island, the three companions were left there forever. Although they did not elaborate on the reason, it was not a good thing to want to come.

One of the boyfriends who stood up should have stood up when he saw his girlfriend being scolded.

It's just that these people are not afraid. After spending a few days on the island, they are bored and bored. They have long wanted to find something to vent, obviously. Now it's a good excuse, "Why? Do you want to fight?" The man initially asked with a disdainful rhetoric.

The unrest here immediately caught the attention of others. Even the two girls who had been staying on the edge of the crowd and always liked the two to whisper to each other, turned their heads away. Hank also saw this scene. He stood up and walked over there and said, "Stop, stop, do you still plan to have a duel on the desert island?"

Only this time, his prevention obviously didn't help much. The quarrel of these people continued, and the conflict between them almost reached an unadjustable point.

In fact, there is no direct contradiction between the two groups of people, but sometimes the contradiction caused by the dislike of each other and the bad impression is really stronger than the direct contradiction, and it is more headache.

"I wanted to do this already!" The answer was a hard fist. Obviously no one listened to Hank. The man who stood up faced the provocation and answered directly in the simplest language. That is A punch was hit on the unpleasant face.

"Boom!" There was a dull sound between his fist and the bridge of his nose. The man screamed, holding back his nose and backing up again and again, with silky red flowing from his fingers.

However, his movements also clearly aroused the anger of other people. Suddenly, three or four people stood up around La La La.

There are not many passengers on the Nautilus, and the five people rescued by Hank halfway, but there are only 17 people, that is to say, these five people are removed, and the father and son of Hank and the father and daughter of Budokarani, There are only eight people left.

Among them are two fashionable girls from Brooklyn, New York, a former British retired soldier, that is, these young men from another university who are going to spend a pleasant trip on the Nautilus, but are ruined. There are only about four or five people.

This is almost all the passengers on the Nautilus. Hank, as the deputy captain, can't ignore it.

When the man started, Hank secretly yelled a bad word. Although he was confident that he would eventually stop them with his big body and skill, but I am afraid that a confusion is inevitable.

It's a pity that Hank didn't think of the vomiting girl who hadn't waited for him to start the riot. There was another uncomfortable retching.

"Oh!" She looked painful, and after twitching her chest, her mouth spouted a thick, smelly blood.


Another big mouthful. The turbid, dark red blood splashed to the ground, startling everyone.

Those guys who were about to gather around took a step back involuntarily. One is because she doesn't understand what is happening to her, and the other is that she doesn't want to get too close to avoid being held responsible.

You know, fighting is one thing, killing is another. Even killing people on deserted islands, no one of them thought they would not be able to go back, they would be rescued sooner or later. It's just a matter of time, so they only wanted to fight, but they didn't think about the relationship with anyone's death.

The girl's appearance was so scary that two large mouths of blood spewed out as if she would fall to the ground at the next moment.

"Mary!" The man beside the girl exclaimed, not astonished by the sudden change of the girl, but more like the fear of seeing something terrible reproduced.

And at the next moment, the girl was really crooked, fell to the ground softly, and her head slammed on the ground. A large piece of scalp and skin peeled off instantly, as if the entire body had already been dissolved and fell off with a touch.

It's a pity because of the angle and the blood on the floor. No one noticed this, nor did they see the specific process.

The man subconsciously wanted to hug the girl, but the man standing immediately shouted, "Don't touch her! Have you forgotten!"

The man was startled, his face changed and changed, and then suddenly stood up and said to the remaining three companions, "I'm not staying here anymore, I'm leaving here!"

Then regardless of the girlfriend who fell to the ground. Turn around and run towards the forest.

"Dave! Dave!" the remaining two hurriedly called, but the man was unheard of. It has disappeared on the edge of the forest for a while after running for a while.

"Damn it!" the man scolded and looked around. I feel that it is not a wise choice to stay here, but if I punched others, I still stayed here to face off with a group of them. Is it to die?

So without a word, he pulled up his girlfriend next to him, turned around and ran into the forest, stepping into the footsteps of his companion. As for the remaining man, of course not a fool, his companions ran away and he remained What to do here naturally follows closely.

The man who got a punch was a little dazed. He didn’t understand what happened in these short seconds, but the other party escaped and called his attention back from the girl in the pool of blood on the ground. After looking at it, he gritted his teeth and said, "Catch!"

"Catch up, I have to teach him a good meal!"

Although some people looked hesitant, they nodded in agreement when they saw their companions. They didn’t say much. They could only keep up with the same. This is not a simple herd mentality, but a person must do in the collective select.

So immediately, they kept up with the direction of the disappearance of several people, followed one by one, let Hank shouting behind was useless, and soon all disappeared into the forest.

Only Hank was left standing there with an ugly face.

"What the hell!" he cursed angrily. "Don't you know that the forest is dangerous."

Buduo, who had been paying attention to the situation but had no sense of presence, walked over at this time and said with an idiot, "I also agree that the forest is very strange, so you are not going to find them, Hank?"

Although it was equally dazed by this series of things, Hank quickly sorted out the plan in his heart. He squeezed a smile at Buduo and said, "Of course, but you and Kalani stay, take a look. Other people, and this girl."

Hank pointed to the girl who fell in the pool of blood, "What's the matter with her." Hank was also very strange.

"Okay, okay." After hearing Hank's answer, Buduo's face was suddenly full of smiles, and he said repeatedly.

Then, Hank winked at Sean. Obviously, he couldn’t go by himself. Although Sean is his own son, he had grown up after all. He had some difficulties and dangers. He had to go and experience it first. He had encountered many such things before.

He grabbed the shotgun beside him and sorted it out briefly, then stepped into the forest with Sean. Before leaving, he also gave a wink to Bell, who was grilling by the fire, but the latter seemed to have little interest.

Hank didn't ask much, so he followed quickly with Sean.

He is the deputy captain of the Nautilus, he is responsible for the safety of these people, at least he thought so.

And a few seconds after the Hank and the two left, Bell, who was sitting by the fire, shook his head and stood up with a sigh, "Feed the fat man on that side." He beckoned to Buduo, "Take care of my barbecue , Don’t steal too much,” he said.

After saying nothing, he sighed again, "I still like to go about business." So he grabbed a few things and stuffed them into his clothes, and followed.

Within minutes, he caught up with Hank and Sean.

Hearing the sound of footsteps from behind, Hank, who was driving with a shotgun and machete, showed a smile on his mouth. He really followed, and it seemed that not all the bad guys were on board.

. . .

On the other hand, the grumpy Dana is pulling his girlfriend Beth desperately forward.

"Huh, huh." But Beth was obviously not as strong as he was. He ran out of breath after running a distance, and Dana slowed down, but still didn't stop.

"I can't run, don't... don't run." After running for a distance, Bess finally couldn't support it, breathing heavily, "Why should we run?"

"Did you forget how Valen and Thien died, and now Cecil is also dead, which means that she also brought the virus to this island, I don't know if it can spread to the whole island , But I know that the farther we are from where Cecil died, the safer we are."

He said very quickly. After he finished speaking, he pulled towards Bess anxiously, "Go, don't stay here, we have to leave here quickly!"

"His!" It's a pity that he pulled Bes, who was standing and resting, but didn't pull it. He looked at his girlfriend in surprise, wondering when she had such great power.

But the next moment, he uttered a terrified scream.


He looked at his right hand in horror. What was supposed to be the palm of his hand had become bald. Only the broken wrist was still suffocating with blood, and the white stubble of the forest was stabbed from the broken place. , Which is particularly appalling.

Just then, he even pulled off his right hand.

Bess also looked at her wrist at the same time, and suddenly saw Dana's half palm remaining on her wrist. At the next moment, she also screamed as high as Dana.

Dana's broken wrist spewed out blood, forming a thin blood mist in the air. Bess screamed quickly reacted. At the critical moment, her reason came extremely quickly, she knew the most Well, don’t get too much of this blood, because the virus is infected through the blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She started to retreat one after another, but Dana didn’t know whether it was instinct, or the cause of panic, and even followed step by step. Come up.

"Don't... don't leave me behind." Dana made a vague, painful voice.

"Don't come!" Beth screamed. In a panic, she accidentally tripped over the vine and fell heavily on the ground.

She didn't dare to stay, and quickly climbed forward, struggling to get up, but she had just climbed two steps before she stood up from the ground.

Because a pair of shoes appeared in front of her, a pair of noble boots with exquisite workmanship, which looked like the clothes that noblemen often wore in the last century, and strangely, she did not seem to see any shadows near these boots.

Looking up the owner of the boots, she saw a man standing backlit.

The man also seemed to be looking down at her. After noticing her gaze, the man smiled and said in a low voice, "Welcome to Dream Island, beautiful lady." (To be continued.)

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