High Magic Earth

Chapter 816: Broken hand

What, what. . Beth felt that she must have listened to it, otherwise why would someone greet herself while looking at Dana behind him with blood spattering and smiling.

And that is a dream. . What fantasy island? Bess vaguely heard a name, but forget it, she shook her head violently, these are not important now.

"Save him... No, run, run! Leave this!" Beth seemed to grab the life-saving straw, grasping these delicate boots with muddy hands, and then struggled to get up.

When seeing the person's appearance clearly, Beth was a little stunned, because he was an Asian, and there was only one Asian on the ship. Beth remembered his appearance, which was not the case, who he was.

But soon, Bess had no time to think about these things. Dana just broke his arm, not turned into a zombie. After the initial panic and pain, he quickly calmed down and a stock flowed from his forehead. The sweat that appeared from the severe pain ran towards Beth with a twisted complexion.

"You bitch! Don't try to leave me."

Yi Xuan looked at this farce coldly. As soon as the two entered the forest, Yi Xuan noticed them. In fact, after hearing the report from Alimond, Yi Xuan immediately set off to find these intruders near the beach. The two guys even came to the door by themselves.

He couldn't understand the relationship between Dana and Bess. After all, Dana still took Bess to escape life at the moment, a picture of loving her to death, but now he immediately became full of vicious faces, don't say Bess When Silk left Danner to run relentlessly, Danner turned her face fast enough.

Human feelings are really a very complicated thing, elusive.

Watching Danna's face, neck, and chest are all scarlet, running towards herself, Beth hiding behind Yi Huo's legs trembling, she also experienced nightmarish memories on the island, She knows deeply that as long as she is infected with this unknown virus, it means death. It has been completely saved.

So she turned to Yi Chou for help and quickly changed her tongue, turning into a quick run and leaving here. Human beings are facing infectious diseases, especially the unknown plague. Life always seems so fragile.

"Come on, go on, Dana has been infected with the virus, he is not saved!" Bess not only shouted anxiously after seeing the strange man still indifferent.

She is not close to Yi Huo, but people always seek the same kind in unfamiliar environments and crisis situations, but this is not enough for Bess to give life to the stupidity of others, so she has decided. If the man on this side is still stupid, she will leave without hesitation.

Or he may be considered a good person, trying to help the wounded, but definitely not a smart person, because he does not know that the wounded is the source of everything that is about to break out.

But unexpectedly, Yi Chou did not leave, nor tried to help Dana, but made a movement that Bess could not understand. He raised his hand slightly, instantly. Dana's screams, curses and movements all stopped.

It seemed to be fixed there and turned into a sculpture, even the blood from the wound where his arm broke.

Beth was dumbfounded there. Like Dana, she had no idea what was going on.

At this time, the man in front of him uttered again, he sighed, and then whispered, "It's a curse, Neverland does not welcome the curse from outside."

This time Bess heard what Yi Chou was saying, but he was more confused and cursed than when he didn't. What do these fantasy islands mean, Beth's heart sinks. Is it that you have come to a place that is crazier and worse than the previous island.

It seemed to hear what Beth was thinking. The man turned his head suddenly and said to her, "There are some madness, but it's definitely not bad."

He blinked and waited for Beth to react, then turned his head again, whispered something to Dana, and saw a burst of flames rising up into the sky, instantly swallowing Dana.

"Ah!" Beth was startled and screamed subconsciously, but strangely, Dana in the fire did not react at all. It seemed that the flame was not burning on him.

By the time Bess realized it, the fire had completely engulfed Dana and gradually disappeared, leaving nothing in place, not even Dana's ashes.

"You... you killed him?" Beth asked tremblingly.

"Don't you say he didn't save it, right?" Yi Huo asked rhetorically.

"Uh no, I mean..." Beth took two deep breaths, forcing herself to calm down, and then she looked at the strange man, instead of asking about Danner, but instead asked, "You call What's the name, I still don't know what to call you."

Indeed, this person is right, Dana is not saved. Since that is the case, it is better to let Dana relieve his pain earlier. The tragic Bess of this virus has been seen three times. She was unforgettable all her life, and even the suffering of one of her friends was ended by her own hands.

This makes no difference, or the only difference is whether a friend begs to kill him or a stranger puts his pain to an end.

"Me?" Yi Huo froze for a moment, and then thought about it. Less than two seconds later, he raised his head and shrugged. "How about the name of Joe Senna, you understand, I heard that this is a lot of Asians name."

"Huh?" Beth was stunned by Yi Chou, and there were many people with fake names, but there were not so many people who told each other so blatantly.

"Why have I never seen you, you are not on the Nautilus, why are you here?" Beth finally remembered this important question, she quietly took a step back and asked Yi Yi.

Yi Nao nodded slightly. He finally got a useful message. Dementia can peep into people's thinking unconsciously, but Bess's thinking has been in confusion and fear, and it is not very useful. s things.

But now, the Nautilus is very interesting. Yi Xiao remembers that this is something in a novel, and it is a very, very long time novel. .

However, this information is not enough. Yi Chou can use the Soul Charm to directly know the information he wants. There are some things in the world, but even magic cannot be reversed and restored.

A long time ago, Yi Chou began to try to control his behavior, and no longer tried his best to make him feel no existence. But in the face of what he is interested in, he is unscrupulous and seems to be the only way to feel the existence.

Yi Chou now has feelings. There are even more, although it is not a real soul, but many times, Yi Chou still has convergence.

Feeling more curious about the origin of these people, Yi Xiao raised his lips slightly, and then replied, "Why am I here..." He repeated, "As for why I am here. The reason I think may be very simple, because ... This is where I live."

Bess stepped back again, and looked at Yi Chou quietly, strangely in retro clothes, very suspicious singles appeared in the forest, and what he said sounded a little mentally abnormal.

The combination of these elements immediately constitutes a somewhat nervous image of a murderous man.

Bess, the horror movie of the dog blood on campus, has not been less watched. The routines in it are the same. Being perverted by a perverted guy in a very remote place is not only intuitive and keen to move quickly. There is even this immortal body.

The plasma popcorn movie looks very enjoyable, but changing the protagonist to yourself is not so happy. Bess thought of a lot in a moment, she wailed in her heart, why she had just escaped from an island full of viruses, she fell into another more terrible place, why she was so unlucky.

It's a pity that what she didn't notice is that Yi Biao's mouth is constantly twitching slightly. Yi Biao has been observing the girl with dementia. When the magical power reaches this level, he no longer needs to think about Deng Brido sometimes needs to be spitting out the truth agent to be noticed. Most human beings can't resist the spiritual power of Yi Chou, perhaps a small amount of new human beings with spiritual aspects are a pity. But ordinary people are absolutely not good.

But this guy is thinking about something. Does he look so murderous? Yi Xiao couldn't help but wonder. He remembered that Winnie had said that she was not strong, even a little higher than Winnie.

General murderers, such as the guy who lives at the bottom of Crystal Lake, shouldn't they all be two meters tall, at least one person can just block the door.

Of course, it is not something that is absent in imagination, for example, she mentioned a small island.

An island full of viruses.

Of course, Beth thought it was a virus because she saw the abandoned military base there and the experimental corpses everywhere, but Yi Chou knew it was a curse, and Neverland could not go wrong.

This is a curse that has been weakened for countless generations, and the effect is still terrifying.

The cursed person will be soft all over, not in terms of strength, but the composition of the body, muscles, skin, bones and even internal organs. His nails will come off a little bit, then his hair and scalp, and then his skin and muscles And in the end, the human body will become soft and fragile like cheese that has been eaten by rats.

With just a slight poke, his muscles will collapse into his fingers, pointing directly at the internal organs, and even poking the organs into a hole.

Soon after, man will not be able to survive, because he cannot even stand on the ground, even if he is lying down, his body will not be able to stand up three-dimensionally, but will continue to collapse over time and eventually die in pain. .

It sounds. . A very familiar method of death.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiao also stepped back and took a step back, and began to look at the girl in front of her.

Her short stature is ordinary and unremarkable. Yi Biao quickly recalls the people and things she has seen in her mind. Although she does not look beautiful now, she can still see it if she is dressed up carefully, and it is also characteristic. A kind of appearance, so. . Very suitable for Hollywood.

Yi Ao suddenly took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly. Sure enough, this intruder from other worlds came from a certain story in a certain sense.

There is no bones in the body, a film that Yi Biao saw in that period of evil repair time has no meaning, and the head and tail are not clearly explained. It is completely a film with a **** selling point. In order to make more films to make money, its The main thread is simply unclear.

After watching it all, Yi Biao ignored it, because he felt that he would not have the opportunity to enter here, even if it was probably integrated into the world line, and there is nothing Yi Yi needs at all, so Yi Biao is not Will touch.

If you are unlucky enough to enter that small town, then find a chance to leave.

just. . Now this virus appears directly in front of him. No, it should be said to be a curse. This makes Yi Chou a little caught off guard.

Of course, the girl herself doesn't know these things, everything around her is her life, her real life experience, there is nothing to question and change, because the world itself is real.

After the end of this incident, the world is still running, and there may be new things appearing, and if there are no related recorded works in this world, then someone will soon get vague hints and projections, and then create a flash of light. .

No one is inside or outsider.

The emergence of a curse made Yi Chou feel an unusual taste. The existence of this kind of virus as a virus is not a simple unknown virus, but a curse from the ancient magic level.

As for the military’s laboratories and secret bases, I am afraid that they were also found because of the discovery of this kind of thing, but just like the law since ancient times, they tried to control what they could not control, and then they were bitten.

The curse eventually spread out~www.wuxiaspot.com~Like a new virus, blood is the most serious source of infection, and there are many other sources mixed in it.

But no matter who he is, the man who can create a curse that dies with so much death will not be weak. The curse is not an easy strength, but he has accumulated several worlds of magical knowledge, but he cannot recognize it at a glance. The characteristics of this curse.

This alone means that the curse knowledge of the person who created the curse has surpassed Yi Chou's existing gains in several worlds.

Yi Chou praised the exquisite curse.

But if it’s just a curse, it’s not worth fussing about. It’s just a way of magic in the final analysis, like poisoning, assassination, not something that can be put on the table. Used twice.

What really catches Yi Chou's attention is the smell on the curse, which is the taste of its magical source.

Yi Xiao smelled the familiar magic waves on Sisi, which belonged to Daenerys, or belonged to Lishi. (To be continued.)

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