High Magic Earth

Chapter 817: forest

In the world, this is interesting news. Yi Chou thought that the world of b-level movies that rely on blood as a selling point is safe, or relatively safe, except for some killers who can’t kill them, from time to time. Apart from some young people who died on their own, at least there were no monsters and viruses that destroyed the world, or heroes and aliens flying all over the sky.

Of course, there are a few exceptions to the world, but Yi Chao did not expect that they would be related to the inside world.

This is like a child who owns a telephone, and the phone is directly dialed to the police station. The child does not understand what this means and what he has. The final ending can only be that the other party is bored with the child endlessly. Harassment, and then stop the child by some means, or come to the door in person.

But if you think about it carefully, you will feel that this matter is not surprising. The inner world originally existed in the real world. In the cracks of this world, the dark place in the human heart seems to be the back of the world and another world.

The famous Silent Hill is located in a normal world. The surface of the town looks very ordinary. Even if you don’t enter it in person, you can’t notice the difference.

And for so many years it has been very monotonous and has not attracted anyone's attention, but like a candlelight in the dark, it attracts humans who come there for various reasons like a moth.

The creatures in the world originally like to invade the human world and erode the human mind. If they curse and virus, it is really not surprising.

Maybe those murderers are also part of the monsters in the world, or they may have been affected.

Because the killer, who can't kill him, doesn't look like a normal person.

Yi Biao instantly thought of a lot of messy things. In fact, he was definitely a man with a big brain, but he did not realize it, or the missing soul suppressed his feelings and made him look a little bit. numbness.

Who knows what the original Yi Huo should look like, maybe he will be an optimistic and innocent person with a complete soul.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with the people who are now on the Neverland, but Yi Peng's contemplative look fell into Beth's eyes, but made her think of many horrible things.

such as. . Maybe the guy in front of him is going to start with himself?

This is not to blame Bess, who made the time and place of Yi Xuan appear wrong, and he also has a weird dress, perhaps for Yi Xuan who just left the world of ice and fire, wearing retro and similar The costumes of medieval dresses are not strange.

But for a Bes from a modern American city, it is a bit strange, even if she is not a big city, but a small town, but such a retro dress can only be seen in certain events and festivals, as a daily service People don’t.

The unfamiliar environment, with strange words in his mouth, makes it difficult for Bess who has encountered a series of things to feel any sense of security. People always associate the worst things in a bad environment.

The United States is not a safe country, and what is the worst thing that can happen in this country, it is nothing more than death, and more terrible suffering than death.

Seeing Yi Chou suddenly looked up, Beth was startled and took a step back subconsciously.

"Are you afraid of me?" Yi Xiao frowned, feeling the confusion and fear in Beth's thoughts.

"No, no." Beth stepped back again, his voice twitching slightly.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes and took another step closer, and then explained, "He was cursed, as you said, he is not saved, or how much pain do you want him to have?"

"It's a virus." Beth emphasized.

She didn't know why the person in front of me always said that Dana was cursed, the horrible virus samples and the laboratory on the island she saw with her own eyes, and so on. . Perhaps the level of civilization on this island is still very low, so the people above still believe in cursing these things, Beth suddenly thought of this, and the person in front of him was dressed like. . Same as centuries ago.

Beth’s change of expression naturally cannot escape Yi Chou’s eyes. This time he doesn’t even need to be demented to guess what Beth is thinking. “My instinct tells me you’re thinking about something terrible, Ms."

"I have no intention to reverse your point of view, but what I need to tell you is that magic exists."

"Okay, okay, magic, cursing, right, they do exist." Beth was very smart. She calmed down and decided to calm her first, at least not to put herself in a hostile disadvantage, and then slowly figure out the situation, Finally find a way to leave here.

She knew that many places regarded her tradition as more important than life, such as the glory of a knight, or the customs of the Indians, so she decided to follow the meaning of Yi Chou.

"I believe they exist, but... Can you tell me what this place is and what should I do, leave here? This one..."

"Mr. Joe Senna." Yi Huo said with a sneer.

Hearing this unsincere pseudonym again, Beth's eyes twitched again, but she wisely said nothing, because the only thing she could rely on in this strange environment was the strange man in front of her.

Looking at Bess's face with a fearful and far-fetched smile, Yi Chou desperately wanted a life-spelling curse on her face, just as he did to Stark.

Of course, he also saw what Beth was thinking in his head. Although he did not value others' opinions, it did not mean that Yi Chou liked to be mistaken for being an indigenous, especially she was the native of the plot character Aboriginal.

Now Yi Xiao understands how the characters in the movie are seen when they are watched.

Just noticing the panic and anxiety still on Bess's face, Yi Chou gradually calmed down and gave up the plan in his mind.

Bess is not a beautiful woman. She has the most prominent characteristics of most American girls. She has a mediocre appearance, a figure that can barely be seen, and a not-so-clear head.

It can be said that she is definitely not the heroine in the film, not even the number two, at most a supporting role, or the kind that can only rely on the upper position, can't catch the eyeballs without taking off, and adds highlights to the film by selling meat. Appearance.

And she is not smart, she can think that she has been reduced to an island of primitive civilization, er, well, from the surrounding environment, this is indeed a bit like, but how can she think that she is only a few words Can gain the trust of the other party.

Yi Chao's inner confusion calmed down, of course, not because of these two points. Even if Yi Xiao went to the hourglass and added some soul energy again, his emotions were not rich enough to let him empathize with innocent people.

This has nothing to do with the integrity of the soul, but the essence left over from many years.

It was Winnie who calmed Yi Ao really. He thought of a sentence that Wen Ni told Yi Hao. She made herself smile more, instead of raising the wand in the simplest way. At the end I saw a self who completely lost feelings.

Human feelings can't be brought back by retrieving the soul. The soul is a complete necessity, but feelings need to be learned and felt.

Thinking of these things, Yi Huo reluctantly suppressed the impulse to throw a seductive charm on Chong Beisi's face. He squeezed a smile, but the words were not so polite.

"Leave here?" Yi Huo sneered, "It's a good idea, but I don't think it will be smooth. As for why, yes, do you know that in general movies, only the protagonist can escape to the end, especially like you guys? Kind of movie."

"The whole blood is **** and bloody, only bloody, and sometimes even the protagonist can't survive. Why do you think you can escape the disaster? Seriously, there are too many characters like you. I can’t tell and remember, I still don’t know which one you are.”

"What do you mean?" Bess was a little dizzy and was subconsciously asked by Yi Chao's long list of long-form theories.

"It means I don't know what your fate is, but it doesn't matter, isn't it, because your fate is the same most of the time."

"Wait...you, you know the movie?" Beth forced herself not to think about and pay attention to the messy words, but grabbed the film of Yi arrogant, Yi arguing.

"Of course I know." Yi Biao said angrily, "Why wouldn't I know, just because you treat me like a barbarian? But now, fortunately, it doesn't matter, it's not the point."

Yi Xuan paused and stretched his hand forward. Two winged flying horses came out of the forest slowly. The plants on both sides bent or shifted to prepare for Yi Xuan's advance.

"The point is...you should tell me how many people you have, and take me to find them."

Looking at the scene with a common sense in front of her, Bess suddenly fell into a stagnation. She suddenly thought of the scene where Yi Chou burned Dana with flames before. At that time, she thought that Yi Chou used special methods and Dana missed. Stop for no reason at this moment. . But now I want to come. .

I am afraid that I have arrived on some amazing magical island.

Yi arrogantly turned over and sat on the horseback, then looked back at Bess, still stunned, and said with a sneer, "I told you long ago that magic exists, on this island And everywhere."

"Finally... welcome you to Neverland again, Miss Beth, I hope you will ride a horse."

. . .

"Come on, Sean, it's not that you haven't exercised in college for a long time, your body is rusty." The big guy Hank and Sean ran fast in the forest, biting behind the group of people tightly.

Now there is a very interesting state. The infected people who were rescued halfway by the Nautilus ran to the front. The group of Nautilus who were planning to beat them for a meal because of the dispute. The young people who are traveling this time are Shouted behind him.

Sean and Hank were at the end. They originally planned to stop these two groups of people. By the way, they told them not to venture into the forest too far. Retreat first, and then make the next step, such as how to leave the island. .

It's a pity that the idea is good, but they don't know what they are facing, whether it is the person chasing in front of them, or the creature in this forest.

Presumably, if they knew, no matter what kind, they would let them dispel this idea, because it was enough to scare them to stand still.

"How is it possible." Sean responded disdainfully.

"Yeah, how did I hear that someone did not participate in a club in college, even football, but that was his favorite activity."

"Perhaps because those guys are too idiots." Sean said.

"That's not okay." Hank frowned and began to enter good father mode. "You can't leave the group Sean, you have to integrate into them, even if you don't like them."

"Okay, okay..." Sean coped impatiently, and then suddenly called, "Be careful!" He generally held Hank, who was thinking about it, dangerously, avoiding a depth of more than two meters. Gully, the gully is hidden under the thick thorns, and it is impossible to notice.

Although he was led by Hank's big man, Sean smiled, "Look, who is rusty now."

Hank shook his big bald head, but Sean's sullen expression didn't last for three seconds. He slipped and the whole person leaned back.

"Shaun!" Hank struck forward without grasping the thorny thorns next to him, strode forward and grabbed Sean, the advantage of the big man was revealed at this time, the 1.8-meter Sean was like no weight in Hank's hands Was pulled back almost instantly.

The gullies of Dadao did not end. The crooked, earthworms twisted under this thorn, and the dense feet had dozens of sharp bends.

"It seems that I am still young." Hank squeezed a smile.

It wasn't until Sean noticed that because of Hank's anxiety, his arm was punctured by several thorns, and the thorns of the thorns penetrated deeply into his muscles, and even dripped blood.

"His!" Hank pulled out a few thorns and took a breath.

"Are you okay." Sean asked with concern.

"It's just a few thorns. What can I do." Hank disagreed with Sean's fuss, showing a fine smile and shaking his sturdy shoulders, "It's you, if you just fell off, Covered with thorns will definitely hurt you."

Sean thought it was just thorns. It didn’t matter. “It’s okay.” He nodded and said.

"But we are in trouble now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hank stopped and looked around, there were thorns everywhere. Although there were gaps, they were still very dense, and most importantly, there were a lot of burials under the bushes The gully will fall if you are not careful.

"There are pits everywhere. I don't think the idiots can pass here safely, but now we haven't heard anyone calling for help, which means we lost it, or... got lost."

Sean took a deep breath and followed his seriousness. "This is really bad news." He has made up a lot of survival knowledge. He naturally knows how dangerous it is to get lost in a strange forest.

"What's so good of you..." But Sean's words hadn't been spoken yet. He was indistinctly, and saw a woman in the forest not far away. She had silver hair, just a silhouette, but But it is very beautiful, just like the elves in the forest.

Unconsciously, Sean took a direct step in that direction without even realizing it.

"Shaun!" Hank called behind, and he didn't understand what Sean was all about. Why did he suddenly walk to the side halfway through the words, "Shaun!" He called again, but unfortunately Sean said Hearing nothing, Hank can only run two steps quickly and chase after Sean. (To be continued.)

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