High Magic Earth

Chapter 818: chase

"Shaun!" Hank followed behind Sean, playing a dexterity that did not match his bulk, easily avoiding the bushy thorns and hidden ravines, sprinting for two steps, and grabbing Sean's shoulder, " What the **** are you doing?"

Sean, who was caught by Hank, seemed to be shocked, and then he was awake. He looked up and asked Hank a little, "Did you not see it?"

"What do you see?" Hank was puzzled. .|

"A girl, uh... a very beautiful girl." Sean tried to explain.

But hearing this, Hank calmed down. He looked at Sean with a strange smell, "Oh, boy, you are more bold than I thought."

"Which girl? Sarah, or Beth?" Hank smiled and pointed out the names of the two girls on the Nautilus. The passengers on the Nautilus were almost all young people who came to play. It can be said that they were the same age as Sean. It's just alumni of other universities.

"However, I remind you that flowering is not a good character. I won't tell Karani this time. If there is another time, you will explain it to her yourself." Hank, an unreliable father, is very Unscrupulous smiled at Sean.

"No, no no." But Sean shook his head very strangely, as if his face was confused. "No... I didn't mean that, I meant, I hadn't seen this girl, she wasn't on board And she has a long hair... long silver hair."

"Oh..." Hank didn't say anything now, he oh a little. Then it became more serious.

"This is news I didn't expect..." he said. "You mean there are others on this island?"

"I don't know. Maybe?" Sean shrugged uncertainly, and has completely returned to normal.

"Okay." Hank had a decision in his mind. "We can try to find this girl, but before that, we have to find this group of idiots, lest they be eaten by the beasts on the island."

"There are beasts on the island?" Sean asked by the way.

Hank looked around with caution. Lift Sean up. "Who knows." He said, "Maybe... be careful!"

At this moment, Hank suddenly shouted and pushed Sean aside, and at the moment the two separated, a white shadow rushed out of the depths of the forest, and the white creature rushed to the two. In the middle, the hurricane hurricane even lifted them on the ground again.

The white creature walked past the two without stopping, accompanied by a click. It disappeared again at the end of the other end of the forest.

It wasn't until this time that Hank had a chance to get up and then ran towards Sean. "Shawn. How are you, are you okay?" he asked as he ran.

"I'm okay, okay." Sean quickly got up and asked, "Do you see what that is?"

Hank shook his head, "but certainly not the girl you said, although this thing is also white."

"This is a horse." Sean said with certainty. Because of the angle, he just saw clearly. Although the speed passed quickly, he would not admit it wrong.

"Horse, okay." Hank shrugged. "It's not surprising that there is a horse in the forest, right." He said to himself, "It's just a very rude horse."

But suddenly, Hank noticed that Sean's expression was a bit strange, and before he could figure out why, he heard Sean continue in a dull tone, "It's still a pair of horses with wings..."

Hank turned his head around Sean’s eyes and suddenly saw the white horse that had left the forest turned back again. It had a huge pair of wings on its back, which was even longer than its body when it was unfolded. There is a horn that looks like it. . The deer roasted by Bell.

"...And it has a horn." Hank added dumbly, seeing this magical creature, even with the adventures of the mysterious island, but Hank is still stuck in a dull, which is biological It was discovered that a horse with wings and a horn is a unicorn.

But then Hank woke up, because he found that this unicorn-like unicorn seemed to be bad. .

Sean was also aware of this situation. He leaned on Hank nervously, and then asked, "Do you still think that the previous impolite behavior was just an accident, because it looks like it was coming towards us." ."

"I'm not so sure..." Hank replied hesitantly. "But normally, horses are docile animals. If you don't provoke it, they won't attack you."

At this moment, when Hank's voice had not fallen, several unicorns came out beside the unicorn. They were half hidden in the forest, facing the two of Sean. Charge preparation.

"Okay, then." Hank took a deep breath. "It doesn't seem to be normal now." Then he yanked Sean violently and yelled back, "Run!"

"Run! Run!"

Sean's motor nerves are not as bad as Hank said. He is also a person with many adventures, geocentric adventures, mysterious island escapes, and even more than Hank encountered.

The first time he realized that the situation was wrong, he was ready, and he ran up, even a few points faster than Hank.

The two of them crossed most of the distance in an instant. If you look over the red forest, they will find that they are advancing in the forest at a very fast speed, and the unicorns behind them are like floods and die. Death followed behind them.

But the speed of people cannot be faster than horses, they will be caught up sooner or later, so they run out of Sean and ask aloud, "What should we do?"

"Run towards the lake, and that lake is the most dangerous one, use the water on the ground to stop them!" Almost without hesitation, Hank replied.

He retired as a soldier, and he is better at using the terrain. The shallows of the lake are full of puddles. Dangerous water will instantly freeze all objects. The two of them have only four legs, and being careful may not be a problem. But these unicorns have four legs each, and it is definitely inconvenient to get there.

Sean thought of this too, plus if they remembered correctly, the position of the two in the forest at this time is not far from the lake, because there is a big waterfall there, and they can now hear the wow Torrent.

But even very close. This distance also allowed the two to be caught up by the unicorn. Even when they were near the lake, Sean could already feel the footsteps of a recent horse shaking the ground.

"It's here!" Hank yelled, and then reminded, "Be careful, don't step on the water yourself. The unlucky egg is still frozen. Who knows if it can be thawed!"

Sean naturally knew this, and he was very careful about the things under his feet, even touching nothing but stones like pebbles. God knows what other weird things are in this lake shoal.

He is no longer the clumsy kid, but a reserve player who has been training for many years and sees himself as a future explorer. Sean is like a smart ape. Continue to jump and shuttle on the edge of this lake.

The two were running desperately, and Sean felt that these ubiquitous potholes should have caused the unicorn a lot of trouble, but after looking back, he was shocked with cold sweat.

His pace was a little faster again, and then reminded Hank, "Hanke, I have to remind you of something."

"What?" Hank responded loudly, running desperately.

"That's what you may not have considered. They have wings, meaning... they can fly."

Hank was stunned by Sean's words and immediately looked back. At first glance, he suddenly faced with a hard face, because the unicorns had opened their wings, and the wings that were longer than their bodies allowed them to glide easily. In the air, the dangerous puddles on the ground not only did not impede them in any way, but the spacious area even made them a little faster.

Closing his mouth, Hank twitched the corner of his eyes, then turned his head and said to Sean, "This is not considered in general!"

"But how do we get rid of them now?" Sean asked anxiously as the unicorns in the sky were getting closer and closer.

"How to get rid of them." Hank repeated, then said a word, "Run!"

"We have run fast."

"Then hurry up!"

Hearing the words, Sean closed his mouth and began to run desperately, and then looked back from time to time to look at the unicorn that could fly in the air.

These unicorns are very fast in the air. I'm afraid they won't be long before they will catch up with them. Looking at the sharp corners on their heads, Sean doesn't want to try it with his body.

Thinking of this, his feet were a little faster again, as if to release the boredom and boredom of the week after the trip to Mysterious Island.

Fortunately, the area of ​​this lake is not very large. The two people who ran at full strength had already traversed in less than two minutes. The next place is the location of the Nautilus and the forest trail. After entering there, perhaps the dense forest Will slow down the speed of the unicorn.

When leaving the lake, Sean suddenly inadvertently glanced at the lake. At first glance, he suddenly froze there.

Fortunately, he hadn't forgotten that this was his escape. Although he didn't stop at his feet, he also slowed down a bit. Hank noticed that he immediately grabbed Sean and asked aloud, "Don't kill me! I still If you want to live, if something happens to you, your mother will definitely kill me when I go back!"

"No, no, beautiful... Mermaid..." Sean stuttered and pointed at the lake.

Hank was stunned again. When he looked in the direction pointed by Sean, he happened to see a fish tail leaping into the lake and disappeared on the lake. Although he didn't see everything, it was based on the magical situation of this island. , Which still confirms Sean's statement.

"Oh, okay... the mermaid." Hank said with a sigh. "There are no creatures on this **** island."

He complained, and then turned to Sean again, "You still want to explain to Karani later."


. . .

"You said what kind of virus the girl was infected with." Caroline with blond hair complained to Max next to her, "Will it be the same as in the movie, bang! It can be destroyed at once!" The world's biochemical virus."

She also made an explosive gesture very vividly, and her hands drew a big circle on her chest.

It's a pity that Max's expression didn't change from beginning to end. She always looked at the idiot's gaze. She laughed mercilessly at Caroline, "Don't daydream about the girl, the worse the worse the more difficult to destroy It’s the worst thing in this world."

"Even if the world is going to be destroyed by a virus, it has nothing to do with you. That's the savior's thing, and you are definitely not the savior."

Seeing Caroline's face why I wasn't the savior's expression, Max said mercilessly, "Because the savior first needs a broad mind, and you..." She looked at Caroline's chest in disgust .

"Okay." Caroline suddenly deflated, sitting next to Max as she mourned.

Just a few minutes after being quiet, she complained again, "Maxk, when will you say we will be rescued, can we still go back, I have some thoughts about Su Bao."

"Don't mention that **** horse..." Minsk was still lifeless and said weakly.

But suddenly, Caroline seemed to hear something. She climbed to the ground and listened carefully. Max watched Caroline's movements feel a little funny, but before she could find a chance to laugh, Seeing Caroline suddenly jump from the ground, it seemed like she suddenly had a spirit.

"I heard a lot of horseshoes," she said excitedly.

"Okay..." Max looked at Caroline with a strange look. "Horseshoe, why are you so excited, you don't always think Li Bao knows you want it, and then comes to this little It’s on the island."

Even if this kind of thing was said, even Caroline couldn't believe it, so she immediately deflated again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ collapsed beside Max, "it's the same thing..." she said in a low voice .

Max shook his head and expressed helplessness to Caroline's IQ, rolled his eyes. Max had just planned to comfort her in his own way, and suddenly thought of a problem.

"A lot of horseshoes?" she repeated. "Why are there so many horseshoes?"

Caroline met her face-to-face, and before they could discuss a reason, someone had already answered this question, because three people suddenly rushed out of the depths of the forest. It was Sean and Hank who went to find others before. And Bell.

They rushed out of the forest, but they kept on walking and waved desperately before they stood firm, then shouted loudly, "Run! Run! Run away from here!"

The people who stayed near the beach, including Budo and Karani, were all confused. Max even had the leisure to discuss with Caroline, "What are the three idiots shouting?"

But soon, they understood, because in the next moment, countless one-horned horses appeared in the forest. They folded their wings and slammed the ground with their four hooves. The single horn on the forehead was like a sharp knife. ! (To be continued.)

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