High Magic Earth

Chapter 821: source

Looking at Hanke's expression on God's face, Yi Chao was very calm. He patted Hank's shoulder indifferently, but suddenly felt the height of the two was very different, and he was a little short.

Hank's head is almost two meters, and Yi Xiao is a distance away from him, but it doesn't matter. Magic is sometimes very practical.

He patted Hank's shoulder, and every time Yi Pao's body swelled, after a few strokes, Yi Pao had become a giant as tall as Hank, and even taller than him.

But Yi Xiao is still very thin, so it looks like an enlarged giant, not so coordinated.

Although Hank didn't say anything, he still swallowed saliva unconsciously. Except for the shotgun in his hand, what he most believed was his strong muscles, but now it looks, but it is not absolutely safe.

The next Maxk didn't give up any chance. She whispered to Caroline when she saw the needle. "If he is more than just height, I might not be thin."

Caroline rolled her eyes again, indicating that Max was not saved.

I don’t know if Yi Biao’s words played a role, or the big hand tightly wrapped around his shoulder made Hank chill. He said in a low voice, "Okay, okay, don’t be so excited."

"Nautilus was stuck in a cave, near a large lake." He said, "I don't know if you know that lake, it looks dangerous, we still have a hapless egg frozen."

Under the intimidation of Yi Chao, Hank chose to compromise, but he still did not relax his vigilance, half complaining, wanting to see if he could recover something from Yi Chao.

In fact, he didn't need to worry about these things at all, and he didn't need to worry about Yi Chou's detriment to them. It is meaningless to trap them on the island or even kill them. Yi Chou does not need someone to stay with him.

See what these guys are. The four-person squad that only knew about the adventure, a hapless egg that was mistakenly involved in the holiday killing series of crazy killers. There are also two dumb-hands who only know how to sell cakes. What does Yi Huo ask them to do, and stay to listen to their crosstalk.

As for Bell, Yi Chaod didn't expect to see him here, but from the first sight of him, he has been reduced to the top of the least welcome list.

Yi Xiao didn't want to know if he would remove the head of the house elf.

Therefore, Yi Han shrugged when he heard Hank's answer. "It turned out to be Mermaid Lake." He waved his hand, and his fingertips fell like a star. The sound of a rustling sound came from the forest. Hank did not see any creatures, but vaguely felt that it was himself. The direction when someone comes.

Yi Xiao got the information he wanted, and Hank also wanted to get the information from Yi Xiao, but before he could post, Sean jumped out from the back again. "Mermaid Lake? Why is it called Mermaid Lake? Mermaid?"

He didn't seem to have a sense of crisis at all. I didn't feel how dangerous it was to meet a stranger in such a weird environment. Even Carani and Budo hid behind Hank, but Sean still only focused on his own adventure.

"Yes." Yi arrogant nodded. "There are indeed some mermaids. If you are curious, you can communicate with them. They are free, but some mermaids are a bit dangerous. Are you not brought by mermaids?"

Sean’s words made Yi Chou feel strange. He thought that these guys were brought by mermaids, and he even planned to let the fish take away the Nautilus recording space channel, because in addition to the shadows in Fantasy Island, only mermaids have people who bring people to the island. ability.

Those mermaids have the ability to shuttle the world's barriers, and they come from different worlds themselves. They gather here. Although Yi Chou did not disturb them, they were also allowed to obey the rules. But occasionally it will bring some uninvited guests.

For example, Agents Simmons and Fitz were two little guys who belonged to SHIELD.

It's just that Sean has never communicated with Mermaid. Obviously not brought by the mermaid, that is the ability of the nautilus itself, not the mermaid brought the nautilus.

Yi Biao originally thought that the Nautilus had some special abilities, such as the ability to stray into the mysterious power, but did not expect it to be able to shuttle the space barrier.

In an instant, Yi Huo even had the idea of ​​leaving everyone here.

The Nautilus that traverses the world is exactly what he needs.

But Yi Chou calmed down quickly. All this needs to be studied first, and then perhaps, the Nautilus can only enter places such as the secret realm, such as the pyramids and Bermuda. Although it is also very valuable, it is not easy. Something that is badly needed now.

He would not take it by such extreme means, although Yi Chou did not mind a few more materials, but. . He also didn't want to kill innocents indiscriminately, not for himself.

Sean, who still didn’t know he had walked around the edge of hell, was still chattering, “We came here through a submarine whirlpool.” He said, “It’s like a toilet on the bottom of the sea. Where is the steady flow of sea water."

Where is it taken? This is a good question. Just like Yi Biao, I don’t know why the world of Oz has an edge. The endless waters are like waterfalls that invert the whole world. This is the edge of the world in the true sense. line.

But he is not interested in this issue, and he doesn't want to waste time on these people at all. He will send these people away as quickly as possible because Yi Chou is now in a hurry.

Fortunately, Hank seemed to see Yi Biao's impatience, or was also made a little helpless by Sean's big nerves. He dragged Sean to his side and said, "Since you know the lake. . Then do you know how to get out of here, I also tell you where the Nautilus is, you should always tell us something."

The Hank here is not as irritable as the speed and passion. Perhaps because the Adventures of the Earth's Heart was originally not a movement-based world, his temper is not bad, although it is not so pleasant to communicate with Yi Huo. But at least he still refrained from communicating with words, not with muscles.

For this question, Yi Huo already had an answer. In fact, Yi Biao has been waiting for him to ask for such a long time.

"You don't need to worry about this," Yi Biao said. "Either the mermaid or the Nautilus can take you out of here. The mermaid has the ability to shuttle the world. As for the Nautilus... I think it may be broken. This is the plot. Standards have developed, but I can try to fix it."

"Would you like to help us leave?" Hank asked in surprise, of course, with joy.

"Of course I am." Yi Chou said calmly. "Why wouldn't I want to, but before that, I think you should treat your wound first."

"Wound, what wound?" Hank froze. Because he didn't realize when he was injured, nor did he feel any discomfort.

But Yi Xiao pointed to his exposed arm and said, "There, I think it should be obvious."

Hank looked down quickly. Sure enough, on his arm muscles that were exposed outside, a large piece of black black and a black vein swollen like a snake appeared, as if the blood flowing inside the blood vessel had become black, even It looks shocking.

Hank was taken aback because he didn't feel anything abnormal on his arm. I don't remember when I was injured.

But Sean's eyes were good. At this time, he finally calmed down from the excitement and began to care about his father. At a glance he saw a few pinholes in the black patch on Hank's arm, the veins of black blood extending from here.

"It's a thorn of thorns!" A sudden flash of light flashed from his head, and he suddenly called out.

I found that there was nothing wrong with the communication between the two parties, and everyone else gathered around. When I saw this scene, I was too frightened and even hid to the end, lest I might be infected.

"What is this?" Hank himself was the calmest, and he asked Yi Chou in a deep voice.

Hank now feels that although Yi Chao appears a little strange, it does not seem to be malicious. And they know too little about this place, and only the person in front can rely on it.

"It's a dream shade." Yi Huo said softly. "A plant that grows only on Neverland and is also the most dangerous plant on Neverland. Because it is very toxic, it must die and there is no medicine to solve it."

Hank froze there. Obviously Yi Biao’s answer was a little too unexpected. After all, it seemed to be nothing serious before, but then, he was suddenly told that he was going to die. Correct.

The anxious Sean froze and opened his mouth to question, but Bell stopped him, and Hank calmed down quickly after a moment of stun, he still said calmly, "You must have a way, need..."

"Nothing is needed," Yi Biao said. "I'm not interested in you at all. The poison of Meng Yin can indeed be solved. Just drink the water from the source of the waterfall."

"It doesn't sound difficult..." Hank asked slowly and hesitantly. "Still it's simple."

"It's really no trouble." Yi Biao said easily. "It's just that almost no one knows how to detoxify. The source of the Great Falls and the road leading to it are also hidden, but I know it, so this is not a problem."

"The only problem is... the water at the source of the waterfall can indeed detoxify the dream, but it also means that you can never leave Neverland."

"What do you mean?" Hank finally sink his face. As an adult among these people, he understands the relationship between cost and gain better. There is nothing free in the world, even to understand his poison.

But if the price is to stay here forever, it is too great. For him, he cannot see his wife and son. It is more terrible than death. Even in a moment, he has some doubts about whether the person in front of him The conspiracy, or he is talking nonsense at all.

Sean anxiously wanted to interject, but Bell was desperately controlled. Although Bell seemed a bit unreliable, it was still very useful at the critical moment.

"It literally means." Yi Chou said calmly. "The water at the source of the waterfall is magical. It can relieve the poison of the dream, but it is only to relieve it. If you cannot drink the water at the source again after a period of time, Meng Yin will still kill you. You cannot leave Neverland until the waterfall dries up."

"This is impossible!" Sean struggled and shouted, "There must be other ways!"

Look, Yi Xuan said that he didn't like this guy. He was in his twenties but he still didn't break away from the age of bear children. However, Yi Xiao did not plan to leave this big guy on Neverland.

"Is there any other way?" Hank asked Shen Sheng too.

"Today is your lucky day, big man." Yi Chou said, "There is no other way to relieve the dream, but I can give some more water, enough for you to drink water for a lifetime, really this is the only way. Unless you plan to stay with me, but I’m not interested in leaving a muscular man on the island."

Hank's chest suddenly undulated twice. Obviously his heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface, but in the end, he said with a strong smile, "It seems that I have no other choice, is it?"

"It seems so." Yi Xao also nodded calmly.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, it seemed that Buduo, who had been in charge of the whole audience, suddenly jumped out, he shyly walked in front of Yi Chou, and then said embarrassedly, "Do you have anything to eat, we ran away It's been a long time, and I'm in a hurry to get out of the camp, I didn't bring anything."

As he said, he rubbed his hands embarrassedly, with the funny expression squeezed out of the seemingly funny face, even Yi Yi could not be angry with him.

Helplessly rolled his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~Of course. Yi said, "Come with me." "

"It may take several days to repair the Nautilus. During this time, you should live in the Red Castle. It is best not to move around because it is too dangerous for you."

"Castle!?" Caroline's eyes lighted up when she heard these two words. She, once a rich man, knew more about the meaning of these two words, which meant comfortable life and rich enjoyment. Of course, it is open to question whether a castle can be built in such a place, but it does not affect her inner expectations.

Her recent Max can even hear Caroline muttering in her mouth, listening carefully, only two words, "Bath! Bath! Bath!"

This time it was Max's turn to roll his eyes.

"But why can we guarantee our safety in the castle?" Sean, who has been longing for exploration, obviously couldn't accept that he was temporarily stuck in the castle and asked unwillingly.

Yi Xiao looked at him lightly and said, "Although there is no Peter Pan and Hook, the magic still exists. It will guarantee your safety. This is Fantasy Island." (To be continued.)

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