High Magic Earth

Chapter 822: castle

Sean and others apparently do not understand the relationship between Neverland and Magic Power. The secret inside is only known by Yi Biao, but Yi Biao seems to suddenly think of something from these two names, and is slightly startled.

Only this time is short, no one noticed.

Yi Chou soon led the way like a boring person, and this group of uninvited guests gathered again in twos and threes to discuss the feelings of the rest of the life after the robbery.

The most common transportation tools of Neverland are Pegasus and Flying Dragon, but it seems that these two creatures are bothered by this group of people, so Yi Chou can only walk with them obediently. Fortunately, the Black Valley is not far from the Red Castle .

After more than ten minutes, they returned to the Red Forest again, with easy way to lead the way, naturally they would not get lost, during this time the blue and black spread on Hank’s arm became more and more serious, and even he himself had many adverse reactions and could not breathe, And dizzy.

Sean cared about his dad, naturally he was the first to ask Yi Chou, but the answer was that the red castle had prepared the magic water at the source, and Sean had no choice but to expect the group to hurry up That **** red castle.

Fortunately, Yi Chou is too lazy to listen to what they are thinking, otherwise it will be a disaster, and it will be the biggest disaster after the one-horned horse and the flying dragon. They will face the most terrible creatures on Neverland.

But half an hour later, when they saw the Red Castle, all the complaints and nonsense were swallowed back.

"Oh my goodness..." This is also the only sound that these people can make when they see the red castle in the sunshine beside the lake in the middle of the jungle.

Yi Biao was not surprised, but just welcomed them lightly, and then temporarily released the magic on the outermost part of the Red Castle.

The outer defense magic of the Red Castle can isolate all suspected malicious creatures, but it is not so accurate. To be precise, it is only for the creatures that want to destroy the Red Castle so that it cannot enter. And there are limits to the strength of being able to resist magic.

So there are still many creatures that can freely enter and exit the Red Castle, such as Meiwa or the Invisible Elf, but this spell is still a good defensive magic.

It's just obvious to humans. The human heart is much more complicated than magical creatures, as long as there is a little thought. The magic of the Red Castle will completely isolate him.

When Yi Xao first cast this spell, a large part of it was prepared to resist humans who strayed into the Red Castle. Although this probability is very small, it is still possible to stray.

As for the vicinity of the most important hourglass in Neverland, it was re-blessed by Yi Biao, a kind of blood magic, an almost indestructible magic.

Bloodline magic, as the name implies, can only be entered by people who are related to the wizard who casts this spell. The flaws in magic seem to be great, but the limitations are equally powerful. That is, other people can never step in and want to dispel the magic. There is no other way unless the spell-casting wizard dies.

Perhaps this is not very useful for other wizards, but it is suitable for Yi Chou, because it means that only he can enter.

When Yi Xiao first entered the interior of the Skeleton Rock, a red light flashed outside the hourglass, which was a barrier of blood-related magic. Fortunately, the wizard who had stayed here had already died, otherwise Yi Xuan would still be Unable to enter near the hourglass.

"Kaka. Kaka!"

With the sound of a twisting rope, the huge rope entangled in the gate of the Red Castle slowly turned on its own, like a huge octopus made of steel. Lock the gate firmly, and now the octopus is alive, free in the air like water, with a huge and depressing steel breath.

A group of people watching around kept quiet for a while, but soon, as they passed through the iron gate and into the Red Castle Garden, these guys became lively again.

"Wow, they are so beautiful." Caroline looked at the statues in the garden. She has the eyesight of a lady from a mansion.

Most of Yi Biao's statues were directly moved back from the 17th century, although that was not the period of great development of Western culture. But there are still many precious sculptures, the art of which is simply not comparable to modern times.

Caroline unconsciously reached out to these statues. But he was knocked off by Max, "Don't touch them." Max said in a mysterious voice, "Don't forget that many stories say that the wizard's statues use magic to directly change objects into Stone, maybe you will become stone after you touch it."

"Why don't I remember these things..." Caroline said with a black line. "Again, what stories are you looking at? Isn't this just turning into stone?" She pointed to a huge piece Said the stone.

It was just a stone, but the shape was a bit rugged. After a little processing, it was treated as a piece of art, and Yi Biao placed it in the garden by the way.

"It was originally a rock, good or bad," Carolyn rolled her eyes.

But of course, Maxk will definitely not admit it. She still sternly said, "Don’t be fooled by the superficial phenomenon, this is definitely a dangerous place... but it is also pretty."

Caroline rolled her eyes and ignored her and walked forward quickly.

In fact, Max really guessed a part, but unfortunately these stone carvings are not made from petrified life, but at the necessary moment, they can be activated into stones with life.

Even if the two of Max are the same, the others are similar. Although there are not so many precious magic plants in the Red Forest in the garden of the Red Castle, there is a magical atmosphere everywhere. The magic armor walking around randomly runs around the ground. Goblin.

Of course, for these pure Americans, it’s not surprising that they are as ugly as a groundhog. It’s just that Yi Biao has never liked them, but they have taken good care of the flowers and plants in the garden. Expel.

Sean is most interested in these things, whether they are plants or magical animals, but unfortunately Hank’s condition is not good at this time, so Sean’s heart can’t pay attention to other things at this time.

Bell and Buduo were naturally safe, and the group quickly crossed the garden. Then came inside the Red Castle.

The exquisite and beautiful castle attracted exclamations again. Yi Chou did not follow the military fortress at first. After all, it was used to live. So how to build beautiful and comfortable, with the help of magic. The entire castle is almost ingenious.

For example, magic that can't be done by normal buildings like boulders floating on the second floor is simply impossible.

So what was presented to them was a magnificent castle that was so beautiful that it should not appear, "Wow." Sean had almost lost his language ability. After entering the Red Castle, the only thing he said was the surprise. .

The entire corridor is almost occupied by portraits hanging from both sides. The dense portraits resemble a grid on the chessboard, instantly turning the atmosphere in the castle into a horror.

Quietly inside the promenade. Because there is only one person in the entire castle now, and no one but them.

The portraits are like black eyes, black holes staring at them, even Bell, and everyone swallowed a spit consciously, even Caroline and Max didn't speak at this time.

And even more horrifying is that all the portraits in the frames are active and all are the same person.

"Is she...your girlfriend?" Sean whispered in horror as he looked at the portrait on the wall. At this time, even he didn't consciously lower his voice, or even trembling.

Hank, who was already weak next to him, almost rolled his eyes. Why didn't he feel so much in Sean's mouth before? but now. .

He thinks that the person in the portrait is probably the hostess here, but if he remembers correctly, Yi Xuan also told him not long ago that his wife was killed.

As a result, Sean's question seemed too impolite.

Hank wanted to stop Sean, but he was too weak. Under the erosion of dream shade, he could hardly even make a move now.

But Yi Xuan had not spoken yet, and the portraits hanging on the walls cried out one after another.

"I am his wife!"

The girl in the most recent portrait of these people from Yi Xiao called. But in the other one, she was not to be outdone, she shouted loudly. Even half of the body has protruded out of the frame.

"I am! You guys are dead!"

"I am alive! You are dead!"

"You two idiots, you are one!"

The portrait is the same in appearance. But the girls dressed in completely different clothes quarreled and soon became a pot of congee, and some even went to others' frames to stage a full martial art. This time, even Yi Biao's smile stiffened.

"Don't be noisy, you forget that you are all dead." Yi Biao said, then quickly took out his wand and waved it gently. All the frames were turned over for a while, "Oh I can't see it!" "It's getting dark." The voice was connected, but it quickly became quiet.

Yi Xuan smiled and said to Sean, "As you can see and guess, she is the hostess of this castle, but unfortunately, she is no longer there."

Not waiting for Sean to say anything, Yi Chou clapped his hands. Suddenly, a row of house-elves appeared on both sides of the promenade. "They are in charge of the castle." He said, "Now also in charge of you."

"Take this gentleman first to relieve Mengyin's poison, I feel like he is going to die."

"Boom!" While Yi Biao was talking, a loud noise suddenly came from outside, and for a moment, Yi Biao already knew what was outside.

"The Nautilus is here," he continued. "I will send it to the laboratory. Well, they will take you to their respective rooms."

Yi Xiao pointed to the house-elves, "There will be a banquet at night... If you want to go to the laboratory to see the Nautilus, you can also find them, and they will take you there."

"Oh... Don't go in the door behind the lobby on the first floor, there is a forbidden place."

Yi Xiao showed a smile.

Then Max still didn't give up her whisper. She leaned into Caroline's ear and said, "Sure enough, there are forbidden places in such places. There must be no good things in it, maybe..."

But before she finished speaking, Caroline pressed back expressionlessly.

"Why can't I go in, where is there?" Sure enough, after his father was treated, Sean resumed the exploration of *, but unfortunately he didn't seem to know what *.

"There is nothing too." Yi arrogantly smiled, "there is a library, all are books."

"Then why..." Sean had been thinking about it before he finished, and then asked back.

"What is a book?"

Sean hesitated, "...is knowledge?" he said.

"That's right." Yi Ao's answer was not understood by anyone, but Yi Chou shrugged indifferently. "I have my own reasons, don't I."

He soon stopped entangled the issue, but waved to the house elves next to him, and then said to these people, "So good, I believe you are tired, rest early, and there is a rich dinner in the evening. ."

"This is the convention every time guests come to Neverland."

Having said that, ignoring the problems and reactions of these people, all were handed over to the house elf, and Yi Biao turned around and left here.

. . .

At the core of the Red Castle, these people are definitely inaccessible, and even the room is hidden. Ordinary people do not understand the magic and can’t detect it. There are no institutions and there are no traces left over many times. The magic covers everything. Lived, leaving no trace.

As for bringing these people to the Red Castle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yi Chou really has no other thoughts, after all, this seems to be the most basic way of hospitality, not to mention that they have not come from empty hands and can travel the world. Nautilus is the best gift.

Yi Biao now just wants to fix the Nautilus quickly to see if he can crack the secrets of its shuttle around the world, and then quickly send these nasty guys away, because sooner or later they will enter their world to find out the relationship, maybe they will stay They also have a role.

So after arranging them properly, Yi Biao went directly to the Magic Lab. There are several showrooms of magic items inside the Red Castle. The temporary place for the Nautilus is only one of them.

And even if those people look at the Nautilus, they can only see the most superficial things.

For example at this moment. . The room where the Nautilus is parked is just a small room, and there are some little yellow people busy, but Yi Chou and Alimond simply ignore them when they arrive, but walk directly to the walls in the room, it looks like It's as if it's about to hit.

But in the next moment, they didn't hit the wall, but directly fell into it. Like a huge mirror, the surface of the wall swelled with waves like waves, swallowing them in. (To be continued.)

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