High Magic Earth

Chapter 826: Silver Tongue (2)

Although Glock was tightly held in his hand, this detective with a gun did not give Jim any sense of security. The special pistol that could bring him a sense of security on weekdays only made his heart sink. 【Update fast&nbp;&nbp;Please search】

The monster that was hit by the bullet before has stood up again like nothing else, and the wound in the abdomen has gradually healed, even growing like it has never been injured.

But the weight from the pistol in his hand kept telling Jim that he must have hit it.

In fact, Jim didn't understand what was going on now, what the **** was in front of him, and where he was, his heart was cursing madly, cursing everything in front of him.

If you change to another place, the surrounding is no longer thick and lush forest, and the bustling and crowded New York is still in front of you, maybe Jim will think that the inhuman monsters next to them may be zombies, or experiments revealed by a research company monster.

Although it is crazy to think so, it is at least a reasonable explanation.

After all, Jim, as a young detective who just got married, is an indispensable part of life's spiritual entertainment is popcorn movies and comics. Although he is not an otaku, he still has a natural love for men in this area.

But now, at the moment, Jim can only be confused by the unfamiliar environment beside him. He can't figure out what is happening. Perhaps this is only known to God and the elderly.

"Oh my god! What the **** is this!" Jim looked at the human-like monster in front of him, cursing wildly in his heart.

Although he was very nervous, he did not dare to shoot at will. First of all, he was not sure of dealing with so many monsters. Secondly, the pistol seemed to have little effect on them. If they were not hurt, but they angered them again, then Outweigh the gains.

But flying monkeys don't care about Jim's psychological activities. Although they can be disguised as humans, it does not mean that they have superb human intelligence.

These things are still not out of the category of magical creatures, and they are also artificial magic creatures, created by the crazy wizards of Oz.

In the early days of manufacture, they were implanted with false memories in mantras. They can be disguised as human life, but the memory of human cognition can only allow them to repeat the same things day after day, eat, survive, sleep .

It is true that there are villages and towns like fairy tales. They live the same life day after day, and no unexpected big things happen.

And once life is beyond control, something unexpected happens, such as the former intruders and Jim's intruders, their lives will be immediately disrupted, just like the wild beasts, then the flying monkey will return to nature, Expose nature.

For example, now, even if there is no wizard or something to appease them, they will never be able to return to the state of human life, and have been wandering in the form of a flying monkey until they forget the memory of humans.

The flying monkeys are howling, they grin their fangs, jumping up and down like a monkey, but they are much more lethal than ordinary monkeys, Jim sees a monster touching his accidentally while waving his claws To the big tree next to it.

And the thick trunk of the two immediately seemed to be gnawed by a big mouth, missing a semicircle, exposing the white stubble inside. More strangely, the tree was just under Jim's eyelid. The speed visible to the naked eye recovered again, and even seemed to smile at himself with an ugly old tree face, seeming to be full of ridicule.

Jim's eyelids jumped, and he shook his head hard, thinking he must have been hallucinating.

"Squeak! Squeak!" The flying monkeys around him became more and more impatient. They waved sharp claws and made sonic booms in the air, but Jim's heart was more tense, he didn't even dare to cry out they.

As a detective of bi, Jim is not very elite. He hasn't even dispatched many thrilling tasks, most of them are surveillance and tracking, and the results are often inconclusive.

Although his head was still awake at the moment, the sweat on his forehead was coming out. He knew that he could not provoke them, and knew that once these monsters came around, he would only have a dead end, but he did not know what to do.

What he could do, Jim looked at Glock in desperate thought.

The flying monkeys' calls began to become sharp and restless, and they seemed to be attacking. Jim took a deep breath, pressed **** his trembling hands, and meditated in his heart, "Goodbye, dear."

He didn't want to die, he hadn't seen the unborn child yet. .

Just when Jim decided to drag some monsters back before his death, a deep and calm voice suddenly came from the deep forest behind the flying monkey, "Stop."

The sound seemed to have some magical power. Those restless and aggressive flying monkeys became quiet momentarily. Some of them squeaked lowly, some covered their heads with their hands, but without exception, they were fast Faded backwards, he even flexed his hands and feet on the tree in an attempt to escape.

But the voice did not stop, but continued, "Go back to your village."

So, in Jim's dull eyes, these monsters screamed and tumbled painfully, and with the gradually clear howling, they became villagers wearing burlap clothes.

Without doubt and stay, the villagers climbed up and looked at each other, seeming to understand something, and then quickly left here.

Jim's cheeks were twitching, and he felt his body froze, even with knots in his fingers, but he still held the gun tightly in his hand, as if holding the last life-saving straw.

"Don't be so nervous." Suddenly there was a voice beside him. Jim was startled and turned around immediately, aiming the muzzle there.

He could hear clearly, the voice that had dispelled the monsters before.

"The danger has been lifted." With a rustling sound, the owner of the voice slowly came out. "I don't like to have a gun at me in general, but I'm in a good mood now, so this time is an exception." He said.

It’s human. At least one of them is human. Two figures, one big and one small, emerged from the forest. He was shrouded under the cloak, so that Jim couldn’t see his face, only his white chin. .

but. . Just human beings, Jim let out a long sigh of relief in his heart, and even he didn't even notice the gradual relaxation of his vigilance.

It's a pity that he didn't notice his own abnormality, and he didn't even notice the shadows of the people who came out.

"Who are you." Jim pressed down slightly, and then asked.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking others, especially...you broke into someone else's place."

Jim's eyes turned a little. In most cases, his bi uniform was dressed with gold signs, but apparently the other party didn't seem to recognize it, especially if he was trapped in a strange forest, as long as a slightly sensible person would not Choose tough to face the unknown, friendly cooperation is the most important thing to understand the situation.

So he said, "My name is Jim, American, and I am a bi. Where is this? Who are you?"

"That's right." Yi arrogant thoughtfully, "Although it's not the answer I want, but... I'm Anson, from Neverland, and a wizard."

"Now... tell me how you got here."

"What..." Jim looked dazed.

. . .

"I don't know where Jim is at all. He was sitting here the moment before, and he disappeared the moment after."


"Yes, disappeared, disappeared without a trace, I can't find any trace of his existence! I didn't even notice it even after getting off!"

"Agent Zaz, please don't be excited."


"So... did you notice the anomaly before he disappeared?"

"No, the doors did not open, and I didn't even feel the shaking of the body."

"Okay, I see, so about the dragon that suddenly appeared over New York... what do you know?"

"I don't know." Zas shook his head.

"Okay, thanks for your cooperation, Agent Zass."

The investigator across the table made a please gesture, and after nodding, Zas turned and left the temporary inquiry room.

He didn't want to know about the results of his investigation, or what his words would be analyzed by others, and he went directly to his boss Berika's office.

Knocked on the door, Zaz pushed in.

"Zaz." Berika looked up at Zaz, nodded, and said, "I'll get the investigator from the headquarters. I already know about Jim. I'll mobilize people to find him."

"B, I'm going too."

"Do you know where to find him?"

"do not know."

"Then let the professional go." Berika glanced at him and said, "I still have something you didn't know that we didn't say."

"No." Zaz shook his head.

"Then don't worry about it, I have already mobilized people." Berika threw a piece of information in front of Zas. "It was a snow last night. It was quite big, but bigger, yes. Someone found a huge line of dinosaur footprints not far from the New York Museum."

"We just killed a giant dragon. New York has already suffered heavy losses. I don't want to know that there are other dragons wandering in New York City. I don't care if it's a dinosaur or a dragon. You go to investigate this matter."

"Half of the staff in the bureau are following up and investigating the dragon incident. You are my elite detective. I hope you can make good use of your sensitive talent for clues and resolve this case as soon as possible, just like the original big cases. "

Zas nodded and didn't refute any more. He knew b's temper and knew that there was no good result if he bumped down again. So he took the information and then retreated silently.

Zaz left the office and started thinking about walking outside the Bi building, but he was not idle along the way. "Hey, Ricky, I need your help." He knocked on an office and said.

The staff member named Ricky froze for a moment, and then said, "No problem, Zas, willing to serve."

"I'm going to track Jim's case." Zas said.

The whole story of Jim’s disappearance has spread. Although it will be dangerous every time the case is handled, this time the case has been successfully concluded. In the absence of casualties, Jim’s mysterious disappearance is particularly noticeable, and even someone He wondered if he was a foreign spy, and got important ideas such as what important information he had escaped.

Ricky also knew this, "But it looks like..." He hesitated and pointed to the material in Zas's hand, "b is to let you track the dragon event."

"I know." Zas threw the information on the table. "Half of the staff in the bureau are investigating this matter. I am not alone, but there are not enough people to investigate Jim. I must go."

Ricky sighed, "Okay, then." He said, "I'm going to gather people."

A few minutes later, Ricky, Zhas, and several others came to the monitoring room. They mobilized the surveillance video from all over New York yesterday, and at least the main areas were all together.

"This is where the dragon first appeared yesterday." The staff in the surveillance room pointed to the screen. "It's also the time when Agent Jim is missing in your mouth."

Appearing on the screen is the New York Wonka Chocolate Shop. Yesterday they were monitoring a spy on overseas intelligence transactions, but unexpectedly, a giant dragon appeared over New York.

Although the espionage was finally successfully stopped and the dragon was controlled by the army that followed, Agent Jim was mysteriously missing.

The good news is that these things are all in one place, but the bad news is that the Wonka Chocolate Shop is definitely one of the most crowded places in New York.

Frowning and watching the monitor several times, Zaz did not gain anything at all. This period of monitoring was repeated at least hundreds of times by dozens of agents yesterday, and no suspicious persons and suspicious places were found. How could Zaz be in Find useful clues in a short time.

Zaz is one of the most elite agents in the game. His eliteness is that he is very keen on clues. He seems to have a natural gift, and he has trouble wherever he goes. When trouble comes, he can always Note something useful.

But of course, it will not be easy to use.

But just as Zaz was preparing to return without success, he suddenly noticed one thing.

To be precise, it was a man, the girl, the girl Jim mentioned to him before he disappeared.

Just a few minutes before Jim's disappearance, the girl walked out of the Wonka chocolate shop, then looked at the door with a book in her hand, and then, Jim disappeared.

Zaz can remember correctly, because the monitoring showed that after a few minutes, Zaz got out of the car and began to look around.

By this time, the girl had been picked up by her father.

This seems to be nothing unusual, but the whole thing gave him a strange feeling. Zass intuitively thought that there should be a relationship between the girl and Jim’s disappearance, but the reason told him that the two things were not connected at all, and he also said No contact.

But after thinking about it, Zas said suddenly, "Zoom in."

The staff froze for a moment, and immediately enlarged the screen. "That's right here." Zas said, pointing at the book in his hand. "Continue to zoom in."

The screen was enlarged again by the staff, but it could not be enlarged anytime soon, but fortunately, these pixels were enough for Zass to see clearly.

"Fantasy Island and Peter Pan, what is this book?" he muttered.

A middle-aged agent took the topic behind him, "A fairy tale." He said, "I just read my daughter's fairy tale to bed not long ago, and there are stories about Peter Pan, but the name seems to be Not this name."

"What's that?" Zas asked.

The agent gave him a strange look, but thought about it for a while, and said, "Pirates...elves, treasures, dragons, whatever the kids like anyway."

"Dragon." Zas suddenly grabbed the words in his words, then repeated.

Everyone else reacted to it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But I just couldn't believe it for a while, so I looked at Zas.

After stunned for a while, Zas said, "I want to know where these two guys are going next." He pointed to the **** the screen and said to her father, Zas decided to believe his instincts, which he had countless times Guide him to the right clue, he believes it will be the same this time.

Soon someone was going out, and soon someone was coming back. Ricky came to Zass and whispered to him, "We just found out that they went to Europe, and they seemed to be heading towards a town near the Alps of."

After thinking about it, Zas said again, "Let's go too."

"But how do we go?" Ricky asked. "B won't let us intervene in this matter."

"We are not going to investigate Jim's disappearance." Zas shook the information in his hand. "We are going to follow the clue of the dragon incident."

. . .

On the other side of the earth, the dilapidated minivan was carrying Meggie and Volchart, and swayed to a small town near the Alps (to be continued.)

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