High Magic Earth

Chapter 827: Alps town

"Turn left in front!" Sitting in the co-pilot's position, Meggie said, biting the chocolate she had just bought.

Her father, Volchart, sat next to him and drove this old station wagon on the road. The roads leading to remote towns in the Alps were very rugged, and the road signs were even more difficult to recognize.

These equally historic highways do not even have lights, because not long ago it was even driven by a carriage. Fortunately, there are not many vehicles on the road, and even if a sharp turn is swaying, nothing will happen.

"Are you sure?" But the driver Volchart was very suspicious. He looked at the signpost on the right side of the probe. The sign seemed to be hit by a bear child. The direction arrow leading to the Alpine town was twisted. A big circle hit, making Volchart completely unable to distinguish the direction.

Meggie rolled her lovely eyes and said to Volchart, "Who is the driver?"

"I." Vrchat pointed his finger at himself.

"Who is the leader?"


"I lead the way, shall we get lost?"


"No, that's right." Meggie exposed her dimples and took a bite of chocolate.

Vrchart glanced at Meggie from the rearview mirror, showing a gratifying smile. He liked this relaxed atmosphere and even hoped that Meggie would always be happy, but. . He needs to find his missing wife.

Using the non-existent savages to divert their attention, Volchart tried to grab the chocolate in Meggie's hands, but without success, there was a hustle and cheerful, "Quick left! Quick left!", the two stepped into the Alps Road to the town.

But what the two didn't know was that in a hotel not far behind them, a group of well-behaved fbi agents had already moved into their previous foothold.

Using his powers, Zass directly invalidated several tickets on the fastest plane flying to France, and then inserted his own people. After less than a day, they came to France. Then it traveled through the country at the fastest speed and reached the Alps near the border.

Here, they tracked their goals.

"The license plate of the car has been found." A technical agent sat in front of the computer and stared at the screen. He hit the keyboard and then slowly reported a string of numbers, "zh5256118."

"Where are they now?" Zas asked.

"The vehicle left the main road. We can't track it, but its direction doesn't seem to be those famous tourist towns, but a very remote town."

"It seems?" Zas raised his tone.

"These roads are too long, and there are not enough cameras at all." The technical agent explained helplessly.

Zas nodded, but new doubts formed in his mind. Why did the father and daughter come to the Alps, and still such a remote town, certainly not a tourist.

After only a few seconds of delay, Zas said, "We leave here and keep up."

The agent has told him that there is no gain here, just an ordinary foothold, it is meaningless to continue to stay, Zaz decided to continue to follow up.

Three minutes later, two black SUVs rushed out of the hotel and quietly set foot on the route driven by Volchat's father and daughter.

. . .

The town at the foot of the Alps is full of snowflakes all year round, but the temperature has not reached intolerable coldness. On the contrary, the coolness of the snow and the thick snowflakes like silver have added a little historical beauty to the town.

Vrchat parked the car in a small alley, threw it on the door, and stepped on the mottled marble road in this town with Meggie.

The remote town does not seem desolate. There are even many people living here. Their life is very regular. It can be said that it is a little leisurely. They have a lot of time to enjoy life. The rhythm of life is also very slow.

But at this time, the crowded crowds on the square are obviously not what a small town can bring. In fact, when the two rushed to this small town, it happened to be a meeting for book lovers.

At this time, the town is full of books. The open squares and streets are filled with scattered book stalls, which are piled with the treasures of the book owners, or the ancient book merchants who want to get a fortune.

The father and the daughter have been surprised at this. Over the years, they have traveled through countless cities and have seen all kinds of festivals and events.

"Alpine ancient bookstore, on the right side of the square." Meggie looked at the address on the map.

Vrchat embraced Meggie's shoulders, and then the two of them marched towards the square together. Meggie's mouth was not idle along the way. "Why the bookstore we went to is so old." She may have guessed the answer in her heart, but Meggie didn't know the truth was more bizarre than she thought.

"I already miss the modern bookstore in New York with hot chocolate and best-selling books," she said.

With a smile on his face, Volchart still walked Meggie forward, "I am repairing old books and doing so many new bookstores."

"I like old books, textured paper, beautifully lined pages, and leather covers."

"I like it here," he said.

Meggie subconsciously touched the book in her pocket and said, "Maybe you will find it here."

"What did you find?" Volchart asked indifferently.

"The book you have been looking for."

The expression on Volchat's face moved, and he put on a helpless smile, "I don't have a book I'm looking for specifically."

"Do you think I don't know, every time you enter a bookstore, you have to find every corner."

"Really." Volchart responded as he walked.

"But you always leave in disappointment, sometimes your eyes are red."

Volchart parked casually in front of a cart of old books, picked up one of them, looked at the front and back, and then blew up the dust on it. "That's because there is too much dust on the old books," he said.

The father and daughter went to the ancient bookstore with their mouths together, but soon Meggie's attention was completely attracted by the books on the way. "I'm going in. Are you coming together?" said Volchart, but Meggie didn't care, and she was still looking at the books on the bookstand. "You still stay here." Vrchat patted Meggie's shoulder.

He walked towards the ancient bookstore. In the midst of it, Volchart seemed to feel something calling him. He looked at the book behind the glass window and pushed the door into it.

But he did not notice that Meggie gave him a deep glance behind him.

At the same time, the two suvs also stopped not far from the town. Fortunately, the town was coming and going because of the book exchange meeting. No one noticed these agents, otherwise they would definitely be Noticed.

They acted quickly to disguise their respective disguise, and even after Volchart entered the ancient paper shop, these ordinary people disguised as agents had surrounded the place.

The young men drinking coffee by the roadside coffee shop, the middle-aged people who are also looking at books not far from Meggie, and the passers-by hiding in the surrounding houses and alleys, they are everywhere.

"It's ready." Ricky whispered on a roof with a telescope, his voice accurately passed through the headset to Zas' ear.

In fact, these fbi do not know what they are going to do, so they are just tracking now, trying to get some useful clues from the two.

Seriously, the impact of the dragon’s emergence has been crazy, especially after the military has dealt with it and discovered its powerful power.

Various departments have to find the source of the dragon at all costs. Special departments that are not even known at all usually jump out one by one, and the boss issued a dead order. Absolutely, absolutely must find the source of the dragon.

Because I am afraid it will be the greatest discovery of the 21st century, whether it is military or academic.

Therefore, for a vaguely possible clue, the General Administration will approve their direct transnational operations, which is simply impossible at ordinary times. FBI has strict regulations, but in the face of sufficient interests, all of this can be abandoned.

They don't have any clue about the dragon at all, they are totally confused, and the one Jim traced can be said to be the only relevant clue. No matter how absurd this clue is, it is also the only source they can believe.

The girl named Meggie seemed to be completely immersed in the world of books. Originally, these agents thought that surveillance would end soon, but I didn’t expect to stay in this town for more than four hours. Even the sky was dark. Elchat has been tinkering with books in the ancient bookstore, and by the way seems to be looking for something.

And the agent who stayed not far from Meggie could only follow through the books, and it took four hours to read, "You're really unlucky Kerry." A companion's voice came from his headset, "It's not a flower It’s really hard for you to see him for so long."

Kerry's mouth twitched, but he couldn't answer at will.

But these carefully monitored agents did not know, and at this moment, Volchart finally found what he wanted, the book he had been searching for, and even searched for half of the earth, "Ink Heart" .

As if it were some kind of call, Volchart heard the sound of books as soon as he entered the bookstore. It was whispering, it was calling him, and Volchart was groping the books while groping for the bookshelf. After that, it was found in an old compartment.

Even his hands were shaking, turning over the book and seeing the contents, Vrchat knew that this was the book he was looking for.

But just as Volchart saw the contents of the book, Meggie also woke up from the world of books because she heard strange sounds, like some kind of small animal.

As soon as she looked up, she saw a mink appearing in front of herself, crouching in a pile of books and crawling around.

There was a funny smile on Meggie's face. The girl liked the little animal's heart attack. She broke a small piece from the chocolate and threw it at the mink.

However, Meggie was very happy on this side, and the fbi side had already exploded.

"Did you see how this thing came from?" Ricky, squatting on the roof with a telescope, immediately asked Agent Kerry, who was the closest to the girl, but only got a blank face.

"Should this creature appear in the Alps." Ricky said with a puzzled look, and Zaz, who was staying in the car and looking at the fact monitoring screen, also frowned. He felt like he had caught something, but he didn't. To.

But at the next moment, this group of agents became nervous again, because they actually saw a person, someone who had never seen or noticed before, appeared around Meggie.

Meggie was behind to tease the mink, but was almost bitten by it. At this moment, a strange man appeared not far behind her and whispered, "It doesn't like others to tease it."

The unfamiliar man slowly walked over, and then bent over slightly, "You better be careful. It's called Gwen. I know it's cute, but it's not appearance."

The mink jumped into the pile of books three times and then jumped over the man's shoulder and got into the backpack behind him.

The man was wearing some shabby dirty clothes, his hair seemed to have been unattended for a long time, and there were two light scars on his eyes.

Meggie leaned back a little in awe, treating the person in front of her as a blame. She took two steps back and said, "Uh... I know, I also know not to talk to strangers and be out of tune."

Just as Meggie retreated, Kerry, not far away, was already alert. If the man started, he would definitely stop him, but the man didn’t seem to stop Meggie, but it was just when Meggie was about to run away , He suddenly said, "I'm not a stranger, Meggie."

"We met when you were very young. Although you may not remember, I am not a stranger."

It was said that Kerry stopped and did not continue to move forward, but remained vigilant. While looking down at the book, he paid attention to the situation here from time to time.

But at this time, Vrchat pushed out the door of the ancient paper shop and came out with a happy expression, but when he saw the strange man, he disappeared from his face without a shadow. trace.

"Are you okay, silver tongue." The man also saw Volchart, he said.

"I was just chatting with your daughter."

Vrchart stepped forward two steps~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and pulled Meggie behind her, then whispered to her, "Meggie, get back in the car." Then he added, "Don't worry, he is I am an old friend."

"Dad!" Meggie shouted.

Seeing that she hadn't moved, Volchart whispered, "Go now!"

Meggie glanced at her father, then turned and walked towards the station wagon in the alley.

"Let's take a walk together." The man looked at Vrchat calmly after Meggie left, and then took him to another lane.

At the same time, through Kerry's monitoring equipment, Ricky, who heard the conversations of these people clearly, immediately whispered to Zas, "Zas, have you heard?"

"I heard." Zas, who was standing in the car, stared at the real-time monitoring screen. "Follow up, don't be found."

As his words fell, the agents scattered around immediately consciously or unconsciously leaned in the direction where Meggie's station wagon and the two left. (To be continued.)

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