High Magic Earth

Chapter 828: contact

  Meggie was sitting in the car in a huff, staring at the slightly dim sky outside. She had long known that her father was hiding something from herself, but he didn't even tell himself in front of him. >

  Meji did not know why she was angry, maybe the angry father still regarded her as a child?

She stared out of the window, as if there was a monstrous hatred against the logo on the front of the car. Meggie reached out silently and touched the small snack pocket next to it, but touched an empty space, and cursed secretly in her mind. But subconsciously bumped into the hard things in his pocket.

that book.

  Meiji froze for a moment, then turned on the lights in the car. With a faint light, she opened the old book once again.

   If Ginny is here, she will definitely tell Meggie that she should never open things she finds, especially books or diaries.

   "... The dinner is the only activity of the Red Castle. It is also the only time when the whole castle is alive after the hostess falls asleep. Only then, the castle looks like it is alive."

   "But remember, the plate of apples in the middle of the banquet must not be eaten, not even touched. This is a taboo to commemorate the innocent destiny carried in that failed war."

   "Sometimes, the brighter things are, the more dangerous they are."

   "When the banquet begins, if the owner of the castle is free, it may also appear. It is one of the most powerful wizards in the world, and even its name has magic."

   "Don't try to get in touch with it, but if you have something to dedicate to it, you just need to mute its name in your mouth..."

  . . .

  Jim was locked up, in a narrow stone attic, surrounded by dark and damp gray stones, only a window on the wall directly in front.

   There were no iron bars in the window, but Jim had absolutely no courage to escape.

Because through the window, you can see the blue sky and white clouds. He is at least 100 meters apart from the ground. The surface of the thin tower is extremely smooth, and there is no point to borrow. It is not careless to climb out. The terrible ending of the abyss.

  He didn't know how the food was delivered. He only knew that when he slept, the food for three meals a day would be ready. Jim tried to observe how the food was delivered without sleeping.

   So that day he had no food to eat.

   Later, Jim gave up, and wanted to come. In this strange place, even if wizards and magic exist, it is not difficult to send food to the top of the pointed tower, and you can clean it by the way.

   But Jim actually roared crazy in his heart, he just wanted to be crazy, but he did not have the courage to die, he also has a wife, and unborn children.

Yi Xiao stared at the crystal ball in front of him, watching the haggard fb shrink inside the corner of the cell at the top of the tower. He tried to yell and tried to make a jump, but now it was all After nothing worked, he quickly gave up.

  Life in the prison is boring, but Yi Biao is also boring now.

   He believes that the high and low cages in this tower will soon fill up, but now the waiting time is very difficult, what is the longest time, waiting.

  Yi Xuan has figured out what is going on from this fb. Obviously, the ink heart plot of Yi Xuan's wish to the magic lamp has appeared.

   It is unknown whether there are any other plots, but if there is no accident, the little girl that Jim glimpsed during the surveillance mission may be the heroine of the ink heart, Meggie.

   And Jim came to Neverland in exchange for it, but he didn’t know what Meggie had read about Neverland.

The story of Ink Heart's movie is very simple and not dangerous, but the abilities in it are very magical. The father of the girl Meggie has a peculiar ability. He can read the books and stories into reality, But in reality, there are similar things that come into the book as a price.

   People with this ability are called silver tongues. Some silver tongues know their abilities, and some silver tongues don't know, but in the end they will all know, but oftentimes, tragedies are born.

  When Meggie was very young, her father, Volchart, often read bedtime stories for her. At that time, her mother was still in this world and lived a good life with them.

   But until one day, when Volchart reads a story called Ink Heart, the story becomes reality, and the wandering magician gray fingers come out, and the most terrible villain Capricorn in the story also appears.

   They took away the ink heart of the book and scratched Volchart and fled there.

   The original story ended here, but after they left, Volchart's own wife disappeared. After a long search and exploration, he knew that his wife entered the book.

  He needs to read the ink heart again to read her from the book.

   But when Volchart went to buy ink heart, he now seems that this book has disappeared strangely, many bookstores have not sold, and even production has been stopped.

   is a masterpiece of Capricorn King.

There is no copy of this ancient story book on the Internet, and there is no copy left by the printing press, so Volchart can only take a young Meggie to start a search for ancient document stores one by one, and finally at a small foothills in the Alps The book was found in the town.

The following story is very simple. Grey Finger Capricorn and others appeared one by one, and then after a lot of hard work, at the last moment, Meggie showed that she also has the ability to silver tongue, and finally defeated Capricorn. To reset all stories.

   Very typical and beautiful ending, Yi Biao has seen it several times before making a wish.

Seriously, there is no difficulty in this movie. The so-called villain Capricorn is also evil and cute in Yi Biao's eyes. His nervous man holds a knife under his arm and cuts it on his arm. Daokouzi felt like a wicked man.

  Okay, it has a postmodern style, but the medieval blades where the Capricorn kings live have a very strong bacterial infectivity that can make wounds worse and even tetanus dead, but he can understand his approach.

   Except that the huge shadow that appeared at the end may belong to a powerful magical creature, in general, this is a fairytale-style story, it is not that kind, so there is no danger.

   Of course, most of the plots in the Second World are very chaotic, so once there are really strange fairy tale characters, such as a physical attack on the **** Santa Claus and the like, it is not surprising that Yi Chou is already psychologically prepared.

   But now the only problem is. . This seems to be different from what is said.

Yi Xiao originally intended to use the magic lamp to enter the world of ink heart, and then get the power of the silver tongue, which is not difficult for the second world, or even very likely, because Yi Chao’s magic is that the second world awakens directly Yes, everyone who enters the second world means that they have the magic potential to be selected, so there is no problem with awakening the magic power of the silver tongue.

   But now, Yi Huo has to wait for the girl's call.

  He doesn't like to wait for others to call him, especially he doesn't even know if the two silver tongues will call themselves, and when to call himself.

   Not to mention that they are still being watched by fb, don't underestimate the ability of fb, an fb person who is on a field mission in New York is missing, and no one is dead or dead.

   This is definitely a nerve challenge to a judicial department.

   They will surely track it down. Through Jim’s short memory, Yi Biao has seen that it is a very prosperous world, modern technology, and equally crowded people. There is almost no difference from the current world where Yi Biao is located.

   And New York’s cameras are almost everywhere, they will definitely follow this clue, but they may not be able to find Meggie’s body, but they will not give up, they will definitely stare.

  Because. . Jim came to Neverland, which means that something was read on Neverland.

  Yi Xuan didn't know what would be read out. There are so many creatures on Fantasy Island, from dragons to goblins. Yi Xuan has already named the house elves and little yellow men, and no creatures have disappeared from the Red Castle.

   Hope not to pass a too horrible thing, such as Dementors, Yi Biao silently prayed for New York in that world, this city is absolutely cursed by black magic, no matter in which parallel world.

   But as long as you can finally enter this world, then everything is worth it. Yi arrogant can wait patiently, as long as you can successfully enter, then for Yi arrogant is quite like a fish into the sea.

   The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to be read back by the silver tongue. This is not a problem. When necessary, Yi Chou doesn't mind coming to order something.

He is ready. The entire Red Castle, including Neverland, is under the surveillance of armor golems and house elves and ubiquitous flying dragons and flying monkeys. He does not mind anything entering that world, but as long as something comes Neverland, then he will definitely be controlled the first time, and then shut into the tower.

Yi Xiao covered the crystal ball with silk cloth, got up and walked aside to pour a glass of wine for himself. The scene in the cell was transferred to the mirror as Yi Xiao moved, and then turned into a light curtain, floating in Yi Xiao In front of you.

   A big man does not look good. Just as Yi Chou shook his head to dispel the spell, some very subtle magic fluctuations suddenly came from inside the Red Castle.

   is right in the middle of the castle.

   Yihou's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the wine glass that instantly lost its support fell to the ground with a click, and the wine soaked the large carpet.

  In a blink of an eye, Yi Chao had passed through the complex walls of the Red Castle. The maze-like walls and dark rooms could not prevent Yi Xiao from the slightest obstruction. When he appeared again next time, he had come to a large tree in the middle of the courtyard.

  The subtle magic fluctuations came from here.

   There are a lot of apples on the tree. The bright apple has a fragrant smell, but at the moment this smell is mixed with a trace of other things, a trace. . The energy of space magic fluctuates.

   Then, under Yi Biao's gaze, an already ripe apple began to disappear gradually, as if swallowed by invisible things.

   Sighed, Yi Yao shook his head, this must be the ghost of the silver tongue, but even an apple was read out, and he was not seen as a foodie in the movie.

   Yihou's figure moved again, and the man had reached the midair, and he reached out to grab the half of the apple, but this space magic seemed to have no effect on him.

   Apple is still disappearing a little bit, and Yi Chou is like grasping the time that cannot be grasped.

   In a trance, Yi Chou seemed to feel some kind of summoning and fluctuation, but soon disappeared again, as if he had an illusion.

  Standing in the empty courtyard with no one left, Yi Yi was motionless.

  . . .

  Meggie suddenly closed the book with some irritability. She couldn't see it. She was worried about her father and wondered what his father was hiding.

   shaking his head irritably, Meggie felt that she should no longer sit here.

   She should go to her father, of course, secretly, secretly listen to some.

   Thinking of this, she carefully put the book into her pocket, and then prepared to push the door to get off the car, but suddenly, she saw a red thing in the corner of her eyes.

   A closer look, this is a bright and dripping apple.

   The surface of the apple seems to be red with blood, with a mature and attractive fragrance, and the slightly dim light cannot cover its color, just like the scarlet eyes in the night.

   But Meggie was a little puzzled. Where did this come from? She never bought an apple.

"It's weird..." she muttered, then picked up the apple and wiped it gently, sniffing it under her nose again, smelling the tantalizing fragrance, and Meggie wrinkled her lovely nose, then lowered her head and took a bite~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ We saw her, boss. The group of agents staring at Meggie quickly contacted Zass. They hid in the dark of the lights and stared at the girl in the car.

   This is not a difficult thing, but soon they become wrong.

   "Boss, she took out an apple." Agents who saw Meggie's actions immediately reported to Zashui.

   And Zas was stunned, "...Apple?" He repeated dumbfounded, when even Apple needs to report, is this guy really fb?

The agent seemed to feel that there was something wrong with his words, so he quickly added, "This is the head. There is absolutely no apple in the car. Our people have looked at it before and have been monitoring it. The girl also It shouldn’t be there, it just came out suddenly."

   "... suddenly came out, is that so?" Zas thoughtfully, "what did she do."

   "Uh... she took a bite."

   "She got out of the car." the agent said again.

   "Pay attention," Zas said.

  Meji was eating apples silently, but after eating most of the apples, she seemed to suddenly wake up. At this time, she should go to her father, but what she is doing now.

  Although the taste of the apple is good, it is not a good time at the moment, so he put down the remaining half of the apple, and Meggie hurriedly pushed the car door, and then ran out. (To be continued.)

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