High Magic Earth

Chapter 829: Capricorn King

The dim light hangs high on the blue slate walls on both sides of the alley. The faint light has not been illuminated by the moonlight. The warmth of the sun has fallen from above this ancient town. This moment turned into some bitter cold wind. 『

  Meggie shrank behind a wall, shrunk in the corner of a pile of white snow, and then stared carefully at the two men, his father, and the strange man with the small mink.

   They walked slowly into an alley. The alley was very deep. There was only one way to go straight. Meggie didn’t dare to get too close. She could not hear what the two were saying at the end of the alley.

Also facing this embarrassing situation is the fbi that follows, they cannot approach them as strangers, because there are too few people in the town, they will immediately be alerted, and they cannot take advantage of geographical advantages. Low-rise double-storey buildings are everywhere, and if you are unlucky, you will expose yourself.

  So they hate to do tasks in such a small place.

Looking at the mouths of the two below, they couldn’t hear anything. Ricky felt anxious in his heart. He communicated with Zaz through the headset. "Zaz, I can’t hear what they are saying. Surveillance and even communication equipment are scarce."

  Zas also noticed this problem, but he could not change the way out of thin air. The dim sky made the monitoring screen in the car a little blurry. "Wait." Zass said.

   But soon the two below had a new trend, because Zaz was surprised to hear Ricky lower his voice, "His hand seems to be on fire."

   "What?" Zas puzzled.

   "The strange man named Grey Fingers caught fire in his hands and couldn't see the way to ignite. The flame appeared out of thin air. He seemed... Not afraid of the flame. Is this the latest magic."

   Even if Ricky tried to keep calm, Zaz could still hear a little surprise. He wanted to leave the car immediately, and then went to the scene to take a look, but Zaz quickly suppressed this urge.

"Wait again." He continued, he felt that he had grasped the essence of the matter. Although he did not understand the connection between these series of things, Zass believed that as long as he continued to pursue it, it would definitely appear. A day when water falls out or there are useful clues.

   "Uh... I don't think so."

  It was just in the headset but other views of Ricky came, "The target escaped from the scene, it seems that he doesn't seem to be on the same road as this gray finger."

   Okay, Zas also saw it.

  Although the image on the screen was a little dim, Zas saw that Volchart pushed the gray finger on a heel, and then snapped a small bag of mink to the ground, and then fled here.

  Vrchat's approach also shocked Meggie. In her impression, her father was a very gentle person except that she was a little weird and likes to take her around.

   But I didn't expect that in this remote town, in this eerie alley, he would directly attack other people.

   Of course, Meggie felt that there must be a reason for this. She believed her father.

   But what should I do now, seeing that Volchart hurried away, Meggie woke up and hurriedly followed to the car.

  Vrchat suppressed his inner confusion. Did he run in a big step and did he look back to see if the gray fingers caught up.

  He didn't want to be entangled by this wandering mage. It was really trouble if he didn't fear gray fingers, but worried that the Capricorn king found himself through gray fingers.

   I have found the book, so as long as I read the wife, everything else is not important.

Thinking of these things, Volchart suddenly felt that he bumped into someone, looked down, it was Meggie, how she ran out of the car, but now is not the time to struggle with these things, Volchart is anxious Urging, "Hurry, leave here!"

   The two of them panicly closed the door, and then drove away from the town.

  . . .

   This hurrying wagon didn't escape fbi's sight at all, these professional agents quickly deduced from the route that the two left that they were going to Italy.

   Even their plans were guessed.

   "They are going to Eleanor Loridan, Meggie's aunt."

  Ricky put a thick stack of materials in front of Zass. Both of them are not Americans. It was not easy for Vrcht and Meggie, who was born in Germany, to find so much information.

   "The mother of the little girl disappeared when she was less than a year old, and suddenly disappeared unexpectedly in one night. This disappearance is very strange, but unfortunately it is very old, we can't know the details at all."

  Rickey continued, "For so many years, Volchart has been tinkering with old books for a living, taking Meggie to wander around the world. Not long ago they just went to New York to repair an old book in the New York Library."

   "The next thing you already know, he went to the ancient paper shop at the foot of the Alps to repair the book, then clashed with the strange man, and then fled."

  Ricky shrugged and concluded, "Their family is like a mystery."

   But Zaz’s thoughts were very clear. He tapped on the edge of the car window and said slowly, "Then why do they run, there must be something we don’t know."

"This requires you to slowly investigate the big detective." Ricky shrugged. "But I suggest you still give the boss a call back. We have violated this action, and by now we have found nothing, the boss may be impatient. ."

   "Well, I don't actually know what we are looking for."

   "I will know." Zas said, then nodded to Ricky, and then opened the satellite communication phone.

This is a special route for fbi to contact abroad and domestic. After whispering a few words, Zass quickly cut off the contact, "All actions are as usual." He said, "But we better find some useful things quickly. ."

   "I think too." Ricky shrugged.

   The two fell silent, and only the FBI agents were tapping the ticking sound of the keyboard. The two suvs were fast and stable on some bumpy rugged stone roads, and the scenes on both sides of the roads were quickly retreating.

   "The old book he was looking for... The disappearance of his wife... And the dragon over New York... There must be no relationship between these three." Zasmer thought.

  . . .

The connection between the three is indeed something that allows Zaz to break his head and can't think of it, because sometimes the truth of life is more bizarre than the novel. stupid.

   first encountered a strange strange man in the Alps town, then her father took her to the aunt’s house, and escaped, indeed escaped.

  Although her father did not tell her, Meggie could feel that in fact, even after she and her father came to her aunt’s house, a group of weirdos appeared suddenly, and then the three of them were taken away.

   Sure enough someone was chasing his father, although Meggie didn't understand everything at this moment.

   But she soon understood that because in what was Capricorn's castle prison, her father confessed everything to her and Aunt Eleanor.

   He is a silver tongue, he has the ability to turn the story into reality, and his mother is not missing, but entered the book as a price.

   Knowing all this, Meggie felt like she was going crazy. She even thought it was not as good as when she didn't know, because it sounded so crazy.

   It's just that there won't be so many people going crazy with her.

   Flying monkeys, unicorns and crocodiles seen in the dungeon are also real, not illusions.

   means that everything her father said is true.

The twelve-year-old girl didn’t know what her father’s ability meant, because she soon began to worry about her mother’s life in the world of the book, because if these are true, then the world in the book must be more Dangerous, has her mother survived for so many years?

  With such a mess of thoughts, Meggie, Vrchat and Aunt Eleanor were brought out by Capricorn's men, and Capricorn wanted to see them.

  . . .

   "Can you believe that there can be a military fortress in such a remote place." Lying in the forest opposite the hill, Ricky said to Zas, holding his telescope.

   "Let me see... Most of them are firearms eliminated in various countries... Fortunately, they are not in active service, but for so many people, for us, there is no difference between active service and non-active service. The result is only one."

Ricky spit out nutritiously. This time, the FBI agent who came out of the mission came only eight people, including him and Zaz. If such a person wants to burst into a fully armed military fortress, it is impossible, even if These guys are amateurs, but the guns and the number of people in their hands are enough to kill them.

   fbi is not a special force, this is different.

   "It's not a military fortress." Zas also held the telescope and said motionlessly, "It's a castle, which was converted into a military base after being occupied."

   "Twenty-seven... twenty-eight..."

   "There seems to be no difference." Ricky shrugged and said, "We only have one, two, three... eight pistols, not even sniper rifles. What can this thing do? This is in Italy, not in the United States."

Ricky knows that Zaz has done a lot of crazy things, but this is very famous in the game. He doesn’t want Zaz to think of breaking into the military fortress here, and then drags himself crazy together, so he tries to advance Dispel Zas's thoughts.

   But soon Ricky was a little strange, "What are you counting?" He wondered.

   "It's nothing." Zas shook his head, and then said, "There is a change."

In the conversation between the two, Meggie and others have been brought up, all surrounded by the captivated Capricorn King, and their faces are printed with black ink lines on their faces without exception, matching their dark faces, It looks extra odd.

This is the first time Meggie has seen Capricorn. Although she has never read the book Ink Heart, it does not prevent her from making brain supplements to Capricorn. After all, most of the villains in each story are similar, evil And brutality are their most distinguishing characteristics.

   With the conversation between his father and Capricorn, those hidden facts were gradually stripped away.

Of course, the conversations of these people in the room are still not known to the outside fbi. They did not expect that this task will encounter this troublesome situation, so they did not carry and transport special interception equipment at all. After all, the transnational operation itself is very difficult. .

   They also have no ability to sneak into a military fortress to place bugs, so they can only monitor every move in the room through high-power telescopes.

   In addition to Capricorn and her men, as well as Grey Fingers and Meggie, there was a middle-aged man with a bowler hat. They called him Darius, and he was also a silver tongue.

   This unlucky guy was caught by Capricorn a long time ago, let him summon the Capricorn's hand down to the world through the ability of silver tongue, so that Capricorn can develop better.

Unfortunately, he is a stutter, and the stories he reads are always not smooth, so that the characters in many books appear in a vague and half state when they appear. The most obvious sign is that there will be lines on their faces or bodies. Written, and there is a little incomplete body.

  Now they have Volchat, a new silver tongue.

The Capricorn King is not afraid that Volchart will not follow, because he caught his daughter Meggie, and the old woman next to him, Capricorn tossed a book to him, and then told Volchart to read it, or watch The old woman was killed, and then his daughter was imprisoned for a lifetime.

  Vrcht immediately compromised, but. . The power of the silver tongue can't even be controlled by Volchart himself.

   "I warn you, I can't guarantee what will happen." Vrchat said, "No one knows what will happen next."

   "Oh, that wouldn't be very interesting." Capricorn smiled, "Let's try it."

  Vrchat glanced at Meggie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and took a deep breath, slowly read it out, "Kasim, full of cave treasures..."

Along with his voice, and the wide eyes of Aunt Eleanor and Meggie, a breeze from some place began to gradually blow in the gorgeous room. The breeze brought a large amount of sand and fine, thin The sand seemed to bring people into the desert, forming a thin layer under their feet and on the floor of the room.

The situation in the room was immediately clearly seen by the fbi outside, and Ricky also widened his eyes, and then strangely asked Zas next to him, "Where did the sand come from, they are going to play...oh my **** where!"

   The grunt quickly turned into an incredible shock, because the golden coins began to fall over the room, and large pieces of gold coins shone with light, and dropped to the ground with a crisp clang.

  Ricky quickly pointed the telescope at the roof, where it was still empty. All the gold coins appeared out of thin air, and then sprinkled down.

   "Did you see it! Did you see it?" Ricky said to Zaz in shock, "What's going on, a gold coin rain is falling in their room, uh... there's another person."

  When Ricky was shocked, a man in Arab costume suddenly fell from the sky and then fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Ricky, who had been ignoring the shock around him, was also in a state of tight astonishment. He quickly counted, "One two. Fourteen, fifteen... twenty-six, twenty-seven, One less! They have one less!" (To be continued.)

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