High Magic Earth

Chapter 830: Capricorn King (2)

One by one gold coins fell to the ground, making a crisp and ding-dong sound, and then sacks of sacks of gold coins fell, and Jin Cancan's gold coins even quickly overwhelmed people's insteps.

Meggie's eyes widened, and even the stereotyped Aunt Eleanor with her mouth closed was incredible. After all, after listening to Fulchart's ability to speak with silver tongue, and seeing the illusory story in the book into reality with her own eyes, is Two completely different concepts.

The shock of the latter cannot be described in words at all.

Meggie has indeed lost her language ability at the moment.

The Capricorn King smiled, and as the rain of gold coins increased, the arc of his mouth widened, and all the people around him began to laugh loudly, and they greedily grabbed the gold coins and held them in their hands, or To pick up gold and silver jewelry falling from the sky.

The stronger Capricorn King, the happier they are. Why are they doing this? Don’t ask me, I don’t know.

But I have to say that Capricorn King is not ugly to laugh, but it is indeed a little funny. He has shaved his hair from the fantasy medieval and finally no longer has to endure the trouble of lice.

But this made him ridiculous and vicious, and sometimes the styling is really important.

"Did you see it?" Capricorn stood up in the rain of gold coins, then grabbed a handful of gold coins, slowly stretched his arms flat and said, "Have you seen this is what I want."

Only his voice came to an abrupt stop, because just when Capricorn King's voice fell, a hapless family guy shouted and fell from the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Did you see it!" Volchart stopped reading and shouted, "I told you."

Capricorn put away the intoxicated expression, then said angrily, "Take the boy to the stable and feed the ticking crocodile!"

A few chatters hugged up, then dragged the boy who didn't make the situation clear.

"If he came out, who would go in." Meggie, who had been silent, said suddenly, Capricorn and his men were stunned for a while, but then they realized that they were still standing there, so no matter which Unlucky.

But at this time, Grey Finger could not wait to stand up, "It's me." He said, "I promise you that."

The people present turned sideways, looking at some sloppy gray fingers. Capricorn sneered, "It's your turn." He seemed to be thinking, and then he showed a sudden expression of understanding, "Oh... you mean this."

He took out a book that looked a bit old from his arms, it was the ink heart.

"This is really a rare book." He said, "There are not many in the world, but you still found it."

At this point, Volchat had already said first, "I can't send you back, and I don't know what to do."

Vrchat only knew that the silver tongue's ability was to read the contents of the book, but he did not know how to read back what had been turned into reality.

Because of his relationship with sending his wife into the book, he has been afraid of his ability and silver tongue for so many years, and even did not let Meggie go to school, let alone use his ability.

It has to be said that Vrchat's actions were really unplanned and not investigated.

But don't blame him, he's just a book repairer.

"Send us back?" But Capricorn smiled, "Why do we want to go back, your world is so beautiful."

"You have a phone, a gun, and... what's the name of that sticky thing?"

"Xiao You Tie." There was a reminder next to it.

"Yes, the wart paste." Capricorn King said, "I love the wart paste."

"What am I in ink's heart." He shook the book in his hand. "I am the humble servant of the evil duke and live in the forest with disgusting beasts."

"But look at me now." He took a step forward, as if whispering a secret, "I have an entire castle, I will never go back, nobody here wants to go back."

"Just in case, as long as someone finds this boring book, I will take the usual approach..."

Capricorn finally put a smile on his face, he said calmly and faintly, but at this time, gray fingers already had a bad hunch in his heart, "You promised me to send me back."

"Yes, I remember, all I said was to lie to you. As you know, I am a liar. I have been lying, lying, lying, lying."

"For so many years, you certainly think he should know that." He said to those who said, as if he was performing a stage play, and then did not stay, he turned directly and threw the ink heart in his hand to the flame of the fireplace behind him. in.

"No, no! Get it out!" In the shouts of Grey Fingers and Volchart's father and daughter, Capricorn said to his entourage, "Lock them up, it's not time yet."

Those whoo soon dragged these people down.

Now he has two silver tongues, which means unlimited possibilities.

. . .

After the farce in the hall was temporarily over, Ricky also gave up to continue monitoring. After he handed the task to the agent next to him, he slammed it to Zass, "Hey, I said, man, do you know what's going on? ."

"I don't know." Zas glanced at him lightly, then shook his head.

"But you brought us out."

"I didn't expect such a weird situation."

At this time, Zass was also a bit blind. He originally came out to find Jim, trying to find some useful clues about Jim's disappearance, but he did not expect to be involved in such a strange thing.

He was not interested in any dragon incident. Maybe he would be interested when Jim was not missing. Try to check it a bit, but now, he is all about finding Jim back.

The couple didn’t have a long time, even less than a year, but he felt that Jim had an appetite for himself. It’s not easy to find a co-partner, which means that if there is no accident, maybe the next few years His partner will always be Jim.

But now, it is obviously an accident.

Zas is worthy of being an excellent agent of fbi. He forced himself to calm down and grasp the important clues in the chaos.

Even quickly, he sorted out some clues.

"Book." He said, "This book is the key."

"I also know that the book is the key." Ricky said angrily. "But what is the key."

"The book that Volchart has been looking for is called Ink Heart." He continued. "Our people asked from the owner of the ancient paper shop. Did you know that the black-hearted guy asked us for ten thousand dollars."

"If it's not in Italy, he can close the door tomorrow."

"What is in the book?" Zas asked, ignoring Ricky's complaint.

"What else is it, a fairy tale." Ricky shrugged. "I read it briefly. It's a very old story. The broken point between the evil prince and his servant living in the forest, and the messenger of justice. Of course, of course, justice will eventually prevail."

"However, the ink heart also has a fantasy color, there are wizards, there is magic, one of the protagonists is a wizard, to be exact a wandering wizard." Ricky recalled, "He is called gray fingers, you can choose from Flames are released from both hands, and there is one... a pet mink..."

However, the more Ricky said, the more she felt wrong, and her voice gradually weakened. Sometimes the clue was not unknown, and she didn't even notice a certain aspect, or she didn't dare to imagine it.

Only with the retelling, the clues are slowly connected together.

Pet mink, gray fingers, strange man who suddenly appeared to be on fire with his hands. .

Ricky and Zas were stunned. They looked at each other blankly, and Zas said, "I think I know what the key thing is..."

"I think I thought about it too, but I didn't want us to think about the same thing at all..."

"Right. Where did such a storm come from?"

. . .

When Zas and Ricky spit each other out, Volchart and Grey Finger have escaped. The silver tongue is very powerful if used thoroughly, and it is even terrifyingly powerful.

Volchart used the Wizard of Oz to read out a big storm that swept through Capricorn's castle, and even nearly destroyed the old castle directly, but it finally persevered in a faltering manner.

Under the cover of the storm, Volchart and others escaped.

They want to find the last new ink heart, but this time the goal is very clear, because according to Fulchart's inference, the author of the ink heart Fenolio must have a copy there, at least there will be a manuscript.

But what Volchart didn’t know was that he was searching hard, thinking that the wife who remained in the book had already come out, she was read by the stuttering silver tongue Darius, and she lost her ability to speak. He was also left in the castle of Capricorn as a maid.

Grey Finger knew about it, but he didn't tell Volchart because he needed the ink manuscript and he needed to go back.

Vrchat wanted to find his wife, but he also missed his family.

When Volchart and Meggie went to find Fenolio, Grey Finger performed a juggling show in the city square, his old business, using the magic of flame magic.

The flamed wire and stick seemed to come alive in his hand, with a light and dancing soul, surrounded by him like a magical elf, rubbing his hands, a flame suddenly rose in his hand, gray fingers shouted Sighed violently into his hands.

As he breathed, the flame suddenly rose, as if a common fire dragon bypassed the crowd, and then swirled into the air, and finally disappeared.

I don’t know when Fino Leo came, and he was dead, "It's exactly the same as I imagined." He murmured, "I have a feeling of seeing my own flesh..."

But in the face of Fenollio's emotional venting, Meggie and Volchart are very helpless, because the story is not so good and wonderful now, because the shadow of Capricorn is still behind them.

Although it is very interesting to watch, once you have personally experienced it or entered the story, it is not so interesting.

But just as Meggie was about to speak, a young man in a hurry suddenly bumped into her, and with great force almost even bumped her to the head. "Ah!" she cried in pain.

By the time Volchart responded, the young man had long disappeared.

Meggie was also very strange, but then she stayed for a while and quickly reached out her hand to touch her pocket. Fortunately, the sugar was not lost, er. . The money was not lost, and the book was still there.

Originally, Meggie would not be so alert, but who let her pass a thief.

It was the hapless guy, boy Farid, Alibaba and the forty thieves, who had been read by Volchart in Capricorn Castle.

Affected by his short influence, Meggie knew how to guard against thieves and pickpockets.

Unfortunately, it wasn't pickpocket who just hit her.

"How is this magic trick playing?" Ricky and Zas were hidden in the crowd, pretending to be tourists who had come to visit as they watched the grey-fingered people.

"If it's magic, I think it's wonderful, but if it's magic, I think it's dangerous." Facing Ricky's question, Zas also frowned.

At this time, the agent's message was also passed back through the headset, "The bug has been placed on the target." Ricky said.

Zas nodded, and in the next moment, the conversation between Volchart and others clearly appeared in the ears of these agents.

"What's the last move?" Farid heard Faried asked curiously about Grey Finger's voice.

Gray finger replied with interest, "That's called Dragon's Breath."

Aside, Folchart received Fenlio's manuscript, but just when he thought he could read his wife, Grey Finger told him that his wife was not in the book, but in Capricorn. In the king's castle, she had been read by Darius.

After a series of quarrels and exchanges, the last party decided to disperse the action, Farid gray fingers and Volchart returned to the castle to save his wife, while Meggie and Fenolio stayed here.

As for Aunt Eleanor, she had long been on the return train, away from this crazy journey.

"They're going back to that ghost place." Ricky, who had caught Volchart and others, frowned, and said to Zaz with a headache.

"I saw."

"Trust me, they won't have a good ending when they return to that place." Seeing Zaz doesn't seem to mean anything at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ricky was anxious.


"Because this is often the case in movies, if this is a story, it will definitely become like this."

"They are the people in the story, but we can live in the real world." Zas looked at Ricky helplessly.

"Why don't you do it now? Although it has some influence and trouble, it is better than breaking into the military fortress of Capricorn."

"I have also watched the surveillance. The little girl happened to be reading a book when Jim disappeared. Since Volchart thought he could read his wife back, then Meggie would definitely be able to read Jim back, and then our mission It’s done. We can go back and report on the dragon’s affairs.”

"I think so too." Zas looked at Ricky. "But the flame of the gray finger and the ability of the silver tongue, are you sure you want to do this?"

Ricky stopped talking, Zaz shook his head, and then whispered, "Leave two people looking at the girl, and the others follow me." (To be continued.)

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