High Magic Earth

Chapter 835: Delaware

Qingyang's elegant opera fluttered on the country road between American towns. Yi Chou drove the car quickly to a small town called Madison Delaware. With Meggie sitting beside him, the little girl looked Unhappy, but in fact, eyes looked out of the window with curiosity flashing in his eyes.

Meggie has been wandering around the world with her father, traveling between different ancient bookstores, but she is a little stranger to the country of the United States, and has not come too often, because seriously, this country has no history.

One of the few trips to the United States was that Volchart took her to the libraries of several big cities, and only there were ancient books hidden there that needed to be repaired by bookmakers.

The two of them spend most of their time walking in European countries, such as the ancient cities such as Italian.

The styles of Western-style buildings are similar, even if there are some different places, it is enough to look at this year, but for the pastoral scenery of the United States, Meggie has not seen much.

Looking at the curious expression of the little girl next to him, Yi Xao opened the car window, and then leaned back slightly on the chair to relax a little.

The scenery on both sides quickly crossed their side, and quickly retreated along the galloping car. Yi Chou has not been to the Delaware town. This is a very unknown place, even if it is not borrowed from fbi’s internal information. It is not an easy task to inquire about it.

Yi Xiao couldn’t directly locate this town, he could only find it a little bit, and the level of technology in the ink world has been perfected. At least the monitoring of big cities is everywhere. In order to avoid troubles, it is very important to use transportation properly. There is a necessary approach.

Don’t wonder if Yi Chou will forget how to drive. His memory is always very good, and he can always wash his face with memory.

After all, Yi Chou left the Capricorn Castle near Idoli, and his destination was Delaware, a town with almost no reputation.

Because soon, a big event will happen here.

But before leaving, Yi Chou still perfected the follow-up work of Ink Heart.

First of all, he didn’t want to be followed by a group of troubles for a while, so he changed all the memories of fbi, not the soul charm and the forgetting. These two kinds of magic have too many flaws. For intelligence departments like fbi , A little carelessness will be noticed.

Yi Xiao fabricated a virtual memory for them, and removed a small part of it, they still remember the two silver tongues of Meggie and Vrcht, because after all this is the purpose of fbi, if you forget it, it’s simply can not explain.

Only the part about Meggie and Yi Chou was modified by Yi Chou.

Meggie was brought into the book, and the book was burned by Capricorn King, but Yi Chou never appeared.

This is what fbi remembers.

After the fbi was done, only Michelle’s father, Fulchart, was left, and it was almost impossible to abduct his daughter from this extremely important man who looked at his family.

He will definitely trouble himself.

So Yi Xao and Folchart set an unbreakable spell, with Meggie as a witness.

After Yi Biao got what he wanted, he would give Meggie's voice and Lisa's voice back to them, but before that, if Volchart spoke of Yi Biao's existence, he would never see him. It's Meggie.

Then Yi Chou returned the voice to Vrchate.

He didn't make any mistakes. Volchart didn't dare to read Yi Huo back. Of course, he didn't have any books. Volchart can be said to be a very ordinary ordinary person, even a cowardly person.

Vrcht acted in accordance with different rules and regulations, even with such a powerful silver tongue, he never thought of using it.

He can even be compromised by an unqualified villain like Capricorn, not to mention the terrible wizard like Yi Chou.

Vrchat didn't even think of going against it, nor did he dare.

The reason for not revising Volchart’s memory is mainly because he still needs him to deal with fbi and fool that question. Since fbi already knows the power of the silver tongue, then the United States will certainly not let Volchart go.

As for the result, it is not clear what kind of clamor it is, but a trip to the United States is definitely inevitable.

Greyfinger and Farid are not in trouble. Greyfinger was sent back by Volchart, and Farid also asked to stay in this world. He seems to listen to Volchart and likes Meggie, so it’s simply Will not violate Volchart and expose the existence of clamor.

As for the remaining people of Capricorn. . All were thrown back into the ink heart.

They are not needed in this world, nor in Neverland.

By the way, Yi Biao still couldn't find the book that summoned himself, but it didn't matter. When setting the unbreakable spell, he slightly modified the conditions and added one more item, that is, to use the book for Meggie.

I believe that the book must be somewhere, or even hidden by someone, but it doesn't matter unless Volchart doesn't want to see Meggie anymore.

Otherwise he will return the book sooner or later.

Of course, it may also be taken by fbi, but that's easier, the bigger the department, the more bloated, their secret is not a secret in Yi Biao's eyes, and it can be read by easily detecting the memories of several people.

But it will also mess up the entire fbi, so if you haven't obtained it, Yi Chou will search for it in the last time before leaving.

In the end, Yi Biao did not forget the gadgets that the fbi carried with him. He took away a lot of things such as pistols, communication equipment and monitors, including the one on Meggie.

Put an end to any possibility of recalling these fbi that have lost their memory. Of course, how to explain is the problem of Vrchat. I believe that Vrchat can handle those fbi and the rest, whether for himself or Meggie. .

Then Yi Biao took Meggie away.

But Yi Chou didn't notice that in the messy square under Capricorn Castle, in addition to the leftovers and the scattered wood chips and gravel, there was an old video camera spinning silently.

This was requested by the idiot Capricorn, as if it were. . In order to record the great moment that the shadow is coming again?

. . .

Yi Xiao took Meggie straight to Delaware. R.l. Stan temporarily lived here, that is, the small town where goose bumps happened.

Don’t wonder why Yi Chou knows here, and even goose bumps will definitely appear.

Because this is what Yihou promised, he tried to ask the magic lamp to satisfy him and open a world with both ink heart and goose bumps plot.

This is probably two requests. Yi Xuan dared not to propose more. He didn't even know whether this pluralistic wish could be realized.

So Yi Miao was so anxious when Meggie didn't call him.

But fortunately he came over successfully, which means that his wish was fulfilled, so there must be a small town called Delaware in the world, and goose bumps will happen.

I just don't know when the plot is going, but it's still not going.

However, if I knew that my wish finally succeeded, and it was so smooth, Yi Chou made more similar requests at that time, and people always could not be satisfied, even after re-infused with soul energy, Yi Chou could not be avoided.

As for the Willie Wonka chocolate factory that Yi Biao discovered on Meggie, that was the plot he did not know.

But now that Yi Biao knows it, I am afraid that the childlike Mr. Wonka will not be able to avoid it in the end. I believe there must be many other interesting things in this world. Yi Biao will not let it go, but he has no time to go now. Explore the world one by one.

Yi Xiao entered the ink heart for two purposes, firstly to gain the power of silver tongue and r.l. Stan's creation, and then to complete his promise to retrieve the magic lamp back, and then let Aria regain freedom.

Currently, he has only one goal, which is to find Delaware.

The plot of Goosebumps is really easy to pick out after he noticed the ink heart. The content is very simple. Like the ink heart, it is very interesting to be biased towards fairy tales.

r.l. Stan is the author of the Goosebumps series of stories. This well-selling but well-known author has lived a gloomy and unknown life. In fact, he is in trouble.

That is, he found that the content of the story he wrote would become real and then appear in the book.

This may be related to his typewriter, and other than Goosebumps books, other books will not become real, but in any case, the main thing is that this is too dangerous.

Most of the monsters in Goosebumps are not humans can fight, and the ending is often known as the reversal ending of the total destruction and the residual of hidden dangers.

The story looks thrilling and very enjoyable, but once it becomes true and becomes the protagonist inside, it is not pleasant.

r.l. Stan temporarily lives in the small town of Delaware. In fact, once the monster in the book accidentally runs out, he will quickly contain it. No, I mean grab it back and move.

He has lived in Delaware for some time and has been safe and sound.

Knowing that the protagonist Zach moved to this town, he discovered that r.l. Stan had a strange whereabouts, rarely communicated with people, did not even leave the house, and lived with a beautiful daughter.

In line with the style of looking at the daughter and the roots of the people, Zac released the goose bumps from the book, a huge snow monster, but after the last toss sucked it into the book, a group of four people found out that the original They have accidentally released a demon.

Spiritual Slappy.

It released all the monsters, and the burned books prevented the monsters from going back.

Then the town was surrounded by monsters, the communication was cut off, and there were many monsters outside. The people in the town suffered heavy casualties, but since it is a full-age movie that is biased towards fairy tales, then there will definitely be a good ending in the end, That is, rl Stan used a typewriter to rewrite a story, and grabbed all the monsters back.

in case. . Without the final reversal, I believe this is definitely a good story.

But no matter what the story is, the magical power displayed by r.l. Stan is indeed absolute.

It is even more miraculous than the silver tongue. The silver tongue just reads and retells other people’s works, while r.l. Stan directly created it himself. He created the work out of thin air, and then the content of the work will appear and become real.

If it weren't for him, he could only write goosebump-style stories, and his ability even. .

But even so, it is still incredible.

By the way, Yi Biao doesn't know whether it is r.l. Stan's ability or the typewriter's ability, but it doesn't matter, Yi Biao is bound to get it.

Yi Chao is more inclined to rl Stan's own ability, because the old typewriter seems to be in a story in the goose bumps series. The story is that a bad luck guy got this typewriter and then began to find what he wrote. Horror stories gradually happened around me.

If this typewriter emerges from the story, and then turns the horror story into reality according to its characteristics and happens to the creator, the goosebump horror story written by r.l. Stan will become a reality, which makes sense.

But how did it first appear.

But no other typewriter summoned it.

So it can only be r.l. Stan, who has the ability to create and create.

It should also be noted that these monsters display an ability in the plot, that is, they are immortal, even if they are blown to ashes, they will be re-condensed directly out of thin air.

Unless they are included in the book, they cannot be destroyed at all.

Although only a small part of the monsters are shown in the plot, making the monsters' attacks seem weak and weak, and even ordinary students who hold dances at the school can resist, but some monsters in the goose bumps series of stories are absolutely very difficult. Tangled.

It's difficult to get around, even if Yi Huo doesn't want to get right.

That's why he hurried to Delaware. The plot didn't start the best. If it had already started, it would not catch up with all the monsters surrounding the town.

Yi Chou didn't want to rush in surrounded by monsters.

Hitting the edge of the car window, Yi Chou drove the car fast.

As long as he gets closer, he can feel the small town of Delaware, and then he can directly apparate to the past, so he doesn't have to hurry.

Before this, Yi Biao still needed this transportation European tool~www.wuxiaspot.com~ America’s rural towns are not as much monitored as in big cities, and some places even lack power, so he can use magic as he likes. Don't worry about the troubles you have to take in your journey in this world.

Time goes back and forth. The wave of magic wanders around Yihuo and spreads out along this road.

Yi Biao wants to know who has visited this road recently, to be precise, whether the protagonist and his mother have reached this Delaware town. Almost no one in the remote towns and countryside of the United States come, so on the road Vehicles are scarce.

Even if Yi Biao released magic all the way, it was only sporadic to see the memory shadow of three or four cars passing by.

However, as I moved closer to the town, the traces of the surrounding vehicles finally increased. For example, Yi Chou has seen scattered retrospective phantoms in the surrounding area.

One of them is in front of him, and the ghost images of the two people are familiar. .

So without hesitation, Yi Chou increased the throttle and rushed up. (To be continued.)

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