High Magic Earth

Chapter 836: Delaware (2)

"Hmm!" The move frightened Meggie.

The little girl didn't know that they were surrounded by the magic of backtracking, thinking that the car in front was a real vehicle. When she saw Yi Chou crashing into it, she was scared to fasten her seat belt and even grab the steering wheel.

"Don't move." Yi Xiao tapped her head with her finger, the radiating light instantly spread from her head to the whole body, fixed her, motionless, and looked like a funny statue from the rearview mirror. .

The car rushed between the phantoms. The phantom of the car in front suddenly shattered and burst like water mist, and disappeared in the air, but before dissipating, Yi Chou still saw the appearance of the two of them in the car.

It is the protagonist of goose bumps, boy Zac and his mother.

Phantoms haven't existed for a long time, and most of the magic that goes back in time can only recover what happened in the last few days, which means that they just walked this way not long ago.

The good news is that Yi Chao and the two did not go wrong, but the bad news is that the plot in the small town of Delaware may have begun.

The plot unfolded shortly after Zach arrived in Delaware, and it only took about a day or two, in other words, now.

"It seems that our luck is not very good." Yi arrogantly smiled at Meggie, "but it's better than missed."

It's just that Yi Biao didn't get a response from the little girl. When she turned around, she found that she was still fixed there. Yi Biao quickly released the magic from Meggie's body, and the little girl leaned heavily on the seat.

Although Yi Xiao deprived Meggie of her ability to speak, she gave her a new way of communication. After all, turning her completely into a dumb is a bit cruel for a 12-year-old girl.

Whenever Meggie wanted to say something, a line of magic text appeared on the top of her head, which looked like a dialog box between the characters in the comic.

Meggie obviously didn't like this way very much, because she looked so silly, but she couldn't help it.

But Meggie rarely communicates with Yihou in this way. Most of the time, she just doesn’t. Anyway, as long as she doesn’t want to say, magic words will not emerge.

After confirming that there is no problem in the direction of moving forward, Yi Xiao drove the car faster, and there was no one on the road anyway, so no one would come to this remote town for a few days.

"Your... squeeze-zi--zi--"

The sound of the music fluttering in the car suddenly turned into a noisy noise. After a while, the radio disappeared, leaving only the rustling of radio waves, because there was no signal.

"It seems that we are coming." Yi Huo said, "And Skapi has cut off the communication equipment in the town."

Meggie next to him froze for a moment, frowned, and then suddenly showed a sudden look, goosebumps such a famous series of books she naturally could not have read, Slapi is a horror creature in the spirit doll, a resurrected doll, Seems to control the human brain.

In fact, at the beginning, Meggie was still very happy to see goose bumps author rl Stan, but when she learned from Yibiao that all the monsters in the goose bumps series would be resurrected in this town, she was not so Happy.

Because this is simply the horror of goose bumps in the real version.

Unfortunately, she couldn't refuse Yi Chou's decision.

After driving a few kilometers further, Yi Chou parked the car on the side of the road, then walked down with Meggie.

He destroyed the car in situ. Yi Chou felt that the town of Delaware was very close to him. His way-leading magic was telling him faintly that his goal for this trip was not far away.

So the next journey, he needs to apparition.

I hope Meggie can adapt to this type of travel.

However, after getting off the bus, Yi Chou noticed that Meggie’s interest was not high. Although he was not Meggie’s nanny, and even the relationship between the two was more terrible, but for the reason that Meggie was only a little girl, Yi Chou still comforted .

"Don’t be afraid, rest assured, it’s just the monsters in some books. They can’t hurt me, nor hurt you. I’ll protect you, when the time comes... Are you ready for the illusion, jk Rowling How it is described."

Meggie let out a faint, still half-dead look, which is certainly not the cause of the pulsation, perhaps it is. .

"You are hungry, aren't you?" Yi Chou suddenly realized, and then took out a pile of candy and stuffed it into her hand.

"Chocolate is made of chocolate that doesn't get fat. Don't get me wrong. I don't like to eat these things, just... there is one who likes to eat."

Meggie didn't speak, but she was obviously depressed by Yi Huo's gaze.

Yi Biao was also very strange, but he didn't want to waste time trying to figure out the thoughts of a little girl, so he directly probed Meggie with a touch of dementia.

She was worried. .

"Don't be so nervous, little guy." Yi Huo said, "Trust me, they will definitely find the book."

"You know what I'm thinking?!" Meggie didn't think about it this time, but a line of magic text appeared directly over his head.

"Of course." Yi Xuan nodded. "There must always be some useful magic, otherwise I wouldn't know if I was deceived."

"You can see my thoughts." Meggie said in words.

"I thought you knew this." Yi Chou said lightly.

"This is Dumbledore's good show. Although I don't like to peek at what others are thinking, I will not refuse it when necessary."

"For example...I saw Grey Finger Farid, and your father, they didn't know where the book was."

"It's weird. It's just a book. Where can it go?"

Yi arrogantly gazed at Meggie, although there was no coercion, but this indifferent gaze made her unable to stand back, "Uh me, I don't know where it is." Meggie said in words.

"I know." Yi Huo said, "I can see it."

"But I also believe that Volchart will definitely find the book back."

"Why?" This time Meggie asked why Yihou was so convinced that Volchart would find that book, because you know, the last book, Volchart, looked for ten years.

"Because he is the protagonist." Yi Xuan smiled a strange smile on his face. "Okay guy, the time to reminisce is over, it's time to start our next journey."

He grabbed Meggie's neck with his hand, and the surging magical power spewed out. At the next moment, the figures of the two had disappeared indistinctly.


Only a few thousand kilometers later, the figures of the two appeared again, but as soon as they appeared, Meggie leaned down and began to vomit.

She felt cramps in her stomach, as if the internal organs were thrown into the sewer pipe and washed away, which felt bad.

Most of the first phantom shifters are like this, regardless of magic power and age, as long as there are a few special cases, for example. . He has no intestines at all.

Yi Biao also knew this, so he stopped Meggie only a short distance before stopping, in order to let her adapt as soon as possible.

Next, Yi Chou won't stay any longer.

Grabbing Meggie's neck, the figures flashed again. After a few twists, the two had crossed a long distance and came to Delaware's neighborhood.

And when the last phantom transfer was over, they had already seen the sign that reads the name of this huge town in Madison Delaware.

"That's it." Yi Chou looked around and said calmly.

It's just that relative to Yi Chou, Meggie is not so calm, because at this time the surroundings of the two have been completely shrouded in coldness and darkness, not a certain description, but darkness in the true sense.

The lush jungle seems to be in the primitive forest, the huge twisted plants shake like a devil, sprinkling a series of shaky shadows.

"Beauty...should the American town look like this?" Meggie asked tremblingly, and even the text on the top of her head shook a little, highlighting the fear of its owner.

"No." Yi Xuan gave a calm answer, "Of course not like this."

"Bang!" With a sudden burst of flames behind Meggie, she shook her body instinctively and spontaneously rushed to Yi Chou's side.

"It's just that the town is surrounded by a huge jungle of cannibalistic flowers."

The huge cannibalism jungle was growing and spreading at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and even the piranha that had just been destroyed by flames once again re-condensed from a cloud of black mist.

These things cannot be destroyed and killed unless they are included in the book again.

Perceiving the uninvited guests in the body, the crazy jungle began to move its own vines and piranhas in this direction, watching the blossoming piranhas continue to bloom in their own direction, Yi Yi raised his hand and launched a skyward Magic fireworks.

Then he grabbed Meggie beside him, and once again apparated into the town.

He is not interested in playing with piranha here, but he can't be destroyed, so avoid them.

By the way, leave a firework as a gift for the monsters to play with.

A huge firework exploded in the sky with gorgeous patterns, and then slowly formed a huge doll head, just like the appearance of Slapi, the puppet head composed of magic flames even opened his mouth, and his chin issued an unpleasant quack. The ridicule sound did not disperse in the sky for a long time.

Sure enough, this huge sound attracted the attention of many monsters. Many monsters began to slowly move in the direction of the piranha jungle, and gathered together into a group.

Cannibalism can't judge whether the thing that comes over is a human or a monster, it will only attack everything, and those monsters are not given in vain, anyway, neither will die, I believe that they have enough time to play between them.

Even Slappy, who was heading to the police station, suddenly looked up and looked at the magical flame blooming under the dark night.

"Which stupid guy arbitrarily used the image of Lord Slapi? Don't let me catch you, otherwise I will definitely hang you up in the sky and let you taste this taste for yourself."

Slapi's mouth was closed one by one, making a slowly puppet belly voice, but he drove the car under his feet fast, and didn't know how it stepped on the accelerator. The shaking car crashed and destroyed countless roadside buildings And then drive to the police station in the small town of Delaware.

In the police station, the two nervous policemen were still chatting happily at night.

It wasn't until the sudden appearance of a bang that the two of them were taken aback. The policewoman subconsciously drew out her pistol and shouted nervously to the left and right, "Who is it! Who is coming out soon!"

"Relax, relax." The male policeman said quickly.

This female police officer Brooks just came to Delaware for an internship, so she always seemed a little nervous, and seemed to be very nervous when she encountered something.

But even if she is so, male police officer Steven is still very patient, the reason is very simple, there are not many people in the police station, well, there are only two of them, and Brooks looks good.

You know, the town is not big, so it is really not easy to find a good partner.

The two policemen looked a little nervous, but as the only armed unit in the town, they did not play a role in the monster attack, because they were blocked by the aliens in the police station by Slapi, directly It was frozen into a popsicle.

But now, the loud noise has clearly caught their attention.

Brooks embarrassedly put away the pistol, but at this time, Steven was a little serious. "It just seemed to be an explosion." He hesitated and said, "We should go and see."

Although he is anxious to pick up girls, he still hasn't forgotten his responsibilities. The town has been very peaceful and there haven't been any major incidents, so they naturally have to go to see them personally to avoid accidents.

When Brooks heard the spirit of leaving, the police officer who had just practiced was always very motivated. She grabbed Steven, quickly got into the police car, and left here in a smoky smoke.

. . .

On the other hand, Yi Biao has brought Meggie into the town. He is not familiar with Delaware, so he doesn't know where this is in the town. It's normal to get lost.

However, Yi Chao’s magical guidance is still in the ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he wants a typewriter, and that typewriter is in the colleges and universities in the town of Delaware. The magic will naturally guide Yi Chao to the colleges and universities.

As for r.l. Stan, he also needs the typewriter. He needs to rewrite the story and put all the monsters back, so colleges are also a must for him.

After roughly observing, Yi Chou pointed in a direction, "Go here."

He took Meggie, but after just taking a step, he stopped suddenly. Meggie was puzzled, but before she questioned her voice, Yi Chou said, "Do you feel anything?" ."

Meggie was even more puzzled. Her face was strange, and even the text on her head was a series of question marks, which was really a mess in the true sense.

"There is indeed something." Yi Chou continued, "We don't seem to see it, but it is around here."

Meggie felt that Yi Chou was scaring herself, but she still instinctively leaned on Yi Chou, and the next moment, she suddenly made a scream, or scream, because she really felt something. Something touched myself. (To be continued.)

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