High Magic Earth

Chapter 837: Delaware (3)

At the same time that Meggie's muffled voice came out, Yi Chou's wand was already on her. ``

Yi Biao has a deeper understanding of the changes in magic than Meggie. He has long felt that there seems to be something around him, and he has naturally prepared for it.

Invisible magic is not common, because there are some tasteless, but it is not a deep magic.

It happened that Yi Chou remembered that there was an invisible person in the goose bumps.

Visible magic emerged along the wand's wand, and suddenly a vague figure gradually appeared beside Meggie, and then slowly became real.


Meggie uttered a horrified noise, jumped aside, and reached out to cover her eyes.

The story about this invisible man is easy to forget. Although he was bored to read a lot of books, not every one has read it carefully. The story flow of the same style is similar. Even if there are some small details and surprises, But there are few major changes.

So he simply forgot about the content of the story, but most of the invisible people are the same. No matter whether they are born with the ability or the changes that have occurred, they will not pass the clothes into the invisible state.

So Meggie's approach can be imagined.

in case. . She did not secretly leave a gap between her fingers.

Yi Xiao thought that he hadn't seen Meggie's movements. The wand turned again, and the air instantly became cold. With a click, he instantly turned this unlucky guy into Bing Tuo.

The invisible man has no threat. Apart from being invisible, he has no other abilities. In the face of Yi Chou's magic, he simply can't resist.

It was only after Yi Xiao froze him that few seconds later that the human form in the ice cube changed again.

he died.

This is inevitable, whether it is low temperature or suffocation will let him die, but under normal circumstances means the death of the end, for the monsters in goose bumps, is just a new beginning.

A little dark mist appeared as greasy sludge, not far away from the two, and then disappeared out of thin air, but then immediately revealed its original appearance under Yi Chao's magic manifestation.


The invisible man gave a harsh laugh, but the one who greeted him was Yi Chou's merciless next freeze.

This time Yi Chou did not directly freeze him to death, because the humanoid gap flowing out of the previous big ice tuft still shows that even if they are fixed in a certain place, as long as they die, they will be refreshed again, even not in place. .

So Yi Chou just froze his limbs.

Then, despite the desperate struggle of the invisible man on the ground, Yi Chou glued his mouth together and left with Meggie.

Because he had seen the huge mantis, running wildly in the middle of the town, no, not so much as running, but rather a brutal collision, destroying the town's buildings.

The body of the praying mantis is even as tall as a four-story building, and its length is comparable to a long street. Such a huge target is as bright as the stars in the night, and Yi Huo will not ignore it.

If he remembers correctly, the giant mantis is a kind of monster that is relatively easy to identify in the plot. It first chases the protagonist and his party to the store, and then drives to the school under the drive of Slappi.

Now looking at its rampage, it looks like it is chasing a certain target, most likely the protagonist and his party.

In this case, it is easy for Yi Chou to find r.l. Stan in advance, or to intervene in the plot.

. . .

When Yi Biao took Meggie to the supermarket, two other people were strolling outside.

It is Steven and trainee police officer Brooks.

Although the town of Delaware doesn’t look big, it’s okay to live for tens of thousands of people. When the goose bumps broke out, it was the night when colleges and universities held a ball.

But in reality, of course, people will not all rush to colleges and universities to participate in prom, there are still many people staying at home, and the monsters were walking on the street when they appeared from the book.

The people who stayed outside were almost spared. They were all slaughtered by various aliens, underground people, heavenly people, and strange monsters like locusts, or burned into ash and frozen into ice. , Or just don’t know where the transmitted light is diverted.

Only those who stayed at home and quickly responded and found that they were hiding in the basement were lucky enough to escape.

And the premise is that there are no weird plants and Christmas dwarf sculptures in the basement of his house.

So now there is almost no one outside. Some are all kinds of broken corpses and a ruin. There are broken walls and electric wires and cables with electric sparks everywhere. Occasionally, several burning cars are running. Smoky.

Brooks and Steven coerce each other in this situation, and then walk carefully in the quiet and scorched street section.

"Oh my god, Steven, can you tell me what's going on here?" Brooks' trembling hand held the pistol, and the nervous trainee police officer had no more passion at the moment. The only thing left is fear and anxiety.

Steven is similar. As the only police officer in this remote town, although he has had several years of experience, in this remote place it is almost the same every day, and nothing has happened in the past few years.

But he was an old policeman after all, and he didn't want to lose face in front of Brooks, so although there was also some fear and flinch in his heart, he still said calmly.

"This must have been done by the mob." When he said this, he did not squint, selectively ignoring the frozen and huge tear marks on both sides of the road that were obviously not normal means.

Because of the deep truth, I am afraid he can't believe it.

"God must be kidding me." He continued, "This is not Texas."

"This is a serious incident. I think it's necessary to inform the police in the state." But despite the spit in his mouth, Steven still analyzed it calmly and methodically, and then took out the special line he took with him. phone.


Without exception, there was a busy tone on the phone, angry Steven scolded, "Nothing!" he muttered in exasperation.

But at this moment, Brooks beside him suddenly shouted excitedly, "Thug! Thug, I saw the thug!"

It's just that her voice is a little sharp, and she doesn't know whether it's the excitement when she can finally exercise her rights, or her anger or fright.

Steven immediately followed her gaze into the air.

then. . He swallowed in silence.

The next moment, he suddenly pulled Brooks into the corner, ignoring her struggles and screams, and clutched her mouth.

Because what he saw along Brooks was not a mob at all, but a huge praying mantis, a big small town like a hill where the praying mantis rammed into the unscrupulous town.

And Brooks was yelling at it excitedly, it wasn't what it was for death.

Steve hurriedly took Brooks to hide, fearing to attract the attention of this huge monster. At this moment, Steven really admired Brooks. To what extent is this natural, in order to recognize this large abnormal mantis Be a thug.

but. . This still couldn't stop him from chasing her.

It was just when Steven calmed down and finally realized what the mantis represented. A huge monster came in the town, not a joke or a grotesque, but a real monster, just like in the movie Like that, it turned into a real appearance in the town.

What should I do.

Combined with the movies he had seen, Steven thought quickly in his mind. The dull and boring life of the police station made him a habit of watching movies, and even counted as a otaku.

At this time, these experiences have played a valuable role.

Remember not to block these monsters independently, unless you determine that you are the protagonist, otherwise it will become a cannon fodder, and even be subjected to various strange death methods due to various accidents.

Then don’t run around, because those monsters are like the fog of war, and they will suddenly appear when you are least attentive and alert, and then give a fatal blow.

Uh. . No, this seems to be a guide for those low-cost monster zombie movies. What is the giant monster, Steven thought strangely.

But in any case, the most important thing is to never hide it. If you can’t deal with it, report it. Obviously this thing is not something that a small police station can respond to. Ask for help immediately, or ask the army to do something.

I always waited until the last moment to think of asking for help. At that time, I was often unable to communicate.

Of course, the town of Delaware is not good now.

"Calm down, calm down." Throwing these strange things in his head, Steve hugged the struggling Brooks and comforted, "We can't deal with this thing at all, we have to evacuate others immediately, and then wait The army will deal with it!"

But his consolation did not seem to have the correct effect, and even appeared to be counterproductive. Brooks' struggles became stronger and stronger. It was not until Steve finally stopped her mouth that Brooks yelled again, "Someone there! "

Steven was shocked in his heart, only to take advantage of Brooks, uh no, he said, only to appease Brooks, afraid of attracting the attention of the giant praying mantis, he forgot to observe the surroundings.

So the two busy looked up again, this time, he saw a tall and thin figure under the dim light and fire light under the broken street lamp not far away.

It just feels weird.

The man seemed to be wearing some kind of cloak, and it looked like a very cumbersome costume. The lights were so dark that he couldn't see clearly, but he could still see that it was bloated than normal, and he seemed to wrap himself tightly, just. . Steven always had a strange feeling, and he didn't know where the strangeness was.

"This guy has no shadow." At this moment, Brooks suddenly whispered into his ear.

After careful Brooks tips, Steven finally understood that, yes, that figure had no shadow. He walked under the street lamp, and could not see the slightest shadow. The whole person seemed to suddenly appear a piece of flat ground.

He is definitely not a normal person, but it is not a huge insect, what would it be.

Steven was anxious. What happened to this town, why did so many strange things suddenly pop up? By the way, what should I do when I encounter a small monster? .

While Steven recalled the plots in various movies, Brooks suddenly jumped out and stopped in front of the figure, "No movement! Who are you! Did you do the destruction outside?"

. . .

Looking at the policeman who jumped out suddenly, Yi Chou was stunned.

For whatever reason.

Seriously, he has spent so many years in the world of ice and fire and Neverland, almost forgetting the life in modern society, not to mention the fact that even in modern society, he was blocked by the police for questioning.

But Yi Xiao quickly recognized her identity from the face of the policewoman. The nervous trainee police officer in the plot, shouldn’t she be frozen by aliens in the police station? Why is it here.

Just before Yi Xuan wanted to understand the problem, a figure jumped out behind her, grabbed her, and pressed the muzzle in her hand.

"Calm down, calm down, don't be excited," Steven said. "You can't ask someone to see this sentence."

Seriously, after he saw Brooks jump out, he instinctively followed him out, because he has recently taken care of the mess left by Brooks' excitement, and has almost become a habit.

Just after hearing Brooks' question, Steven subconsciously thought that she was too excited at work and ran into the innocent residents.

Just after Brooks realized the current situation, he glanced nervously at the opposite clamor, and suddenly realized that this person didn't look like a bad person.

Even if the monsters in the movie are divided into good and bad, Steve suddenly felt that the person in front of him seemed not malicious.

So after appeasing Brooks, he immediately looked up and said, "Right, sir, you don't look like a bad guy, are you related to these things outside?"

Yi Huo looked at the two of them calmly~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although it was a little strange why these two teasing police officers would appear here, but this is not the focus of Yi Huo's attention. Ok. . Meggie was wearing her invisibility suit and was beside her.

This is still the invisible man reminded Yi Chou. Goosebumps monsters are very dangerous. Once Megina can’t be estimated, she will be dangerous, so Yi Chou found out the cloak for her. Of course, this cloak It is useless to Yi Huo, his eyes can easily see through the past.

and many more. . Where is Meggie?

Yi Biao suddenly looked up, and found that Meggie had run two steps quickly, and ran into the shop next to it. It was the supermarket where R.l. Stan and his party hid the giant mantis.

At this point, the giant mantis has vented after searching for no results. It has gone away, but there are still threats in the supermarket because there is a wetland werewolf.

Yi Biao kept up with Meggie's footsteps, but before that, he still looked up to the two teasing police officers not far away, "Give you some advice, Mr. Police Officer, find a place to hide, and ... What happened may be related to me, but not now, but the future." (To be continued.)

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