High Magic Earth

Chapter 839: Wetland werewolf (2)

Wetland werewolf is like a huge flea, its strong legs make it have a very strong jumping force, the claws of the limbs give it a strong adsorption, can easily climb on the wall and ceiling surface.

"Boom! Boom!"

The energy spell in Yi Chou's hands is like a laser gun, smashing the ceiling and the surrounding shelves, destroying the entire supermarket, but the wetland werewolf jumped flexibly in it, and was not injured by the curse.

Due to the relationship of other people present, Yi Xuan can't use a wide range of spells, because they will also hurt them, especially Stan. Yi Xiao's trip is for him.

The precise and small spell has no way for the flexible wetland werewolf, and it can’t hit it at all. Fortunately, the small energy spells mastered by Yi Chou have no effect, only destructive spells, which are characterized by extremely fast instant speed. Even if the werewolf could not be beaten at half past one, it would definitely leave it alone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yi Biao's figure flashed a few meters away from the spot, came to the three Stan, glared at them, and said calmly, "Do you want to step back, stay here and wait for death."

Stan woke up quickly, wriggling a little fat body, and drove Zac and Hannah backwards desperately. He wasn’t too stupid, he didn’t leave here directly, otherwise it was out of combat power or morality. It just doesn't make sense.


Wetland werewolves saw the prey of their hands escaped, and immediately gave a roar. The wolf's nature overwhelmed reason, and regardless of the fatal crisis in front of them, they would rush to the three.

Of course Yi Chou would not let go of such a good opportunity. Two deadly green spells followed the cold attack and hit the ankle and chest of the werewolf.

However, the flexibility of the Wetland werewolf is obviously better than the dark aliens left by the world of ice and fire. In the face of Yi Chou's mantra, it even hid once again.

The huge body is like long eyes, twisted into an arc at an incredible angle, avoiding two deadly death curses, but it can’t hide from the coldness that follows, a moment of frost It spread to its ankles and suddenly slowed it down a lot.

At this time, Zac and others who were no longer in danger could finally take a breath again. They hid behind a well-preserved shelf that had not been damaged by the fighting, and exposed three heads to secretly watch the battle in the mall.

"I don't remember writing such a guy." Stan pushed the glasses that were about to fall. "He looks, it looks like..."

Stan couldn't tell what he was like. Of course, he knew Jk Rowling, who is also a well-known writer, but his life of hiding from Tibet for many years, fearing that monsters would run out, gave him no time to read the series of books of Harry Potter.

In addition, Yi Chou wears some nondescript at this time, some of which are like medieval dresses and retro styles of modern clothing, so Stan has no way to judge the origin of Yi Chou.

"It looks a bit like Star Wars." Zac spit aside, he looked at the various energy spells that were constantly released in Yi Xuan's hands, "Maybe he ran the wrong set."

"It's not funny." Stan glared at Zac, who kidnapped his daughter again, and said fiercely.

At this time, the limping chap also came over. Just now he was kicked by Meggie, and he still felt some pain.

"You will never believe what I just saw." He leaked his teeth outside and said excitedly, "I saw a girl who would be invisible, and she hugged me."

"But she is gone now, like I said, she will be invisible and may be hidden."

The three of Stan looked at him blankly, with despair in their eyes. Stan said in an unsaved tone, "Boy, have you got hysteria?"

Both Hannah and Zach naturally did not believe it. When they saw their reaction, Chap immediately dissatisfied, "I'm not lying to you, she kicked me, voila." Show them the lame place.

"I'm not going to be myself kicking myself."

"You have that head," Stan said, looking at him. "It's really bad."

"You are right about one thing. His head is indeed not easy to use, but half of it is wrong. He is not a character in Star Wars."

While several people were arguing in a whisper, a line of text suddenly appeared among the four, and then as Meggie took off her invisibility cloak, she appeared in the air a little bit, as if it came out of nowhere.

Meggie's voice was taken away by Yi Biao, and naturally they could not interrupt them, but the suddenly appeared magic text still scared them. After all, the burning flame text floating in the air was probably more horrifying than the sound.

Only Chap turned a blind eye to this, and when he saw the slowly appearing Meggie, he was relieved as if he had found some evidence, shrugging and pointing at her, "Look, I am talking about her."

But the other three didn't pay attention to Chap's treasure play, and they had rushed to ask the first time Meggie appeared.

"who are you?"

"Who is he?"

The previous question was asked by Zach, while the latter was asked by Stan. As an author, he couldn’t bear to forget his role, so he wanted to know Yi’s identity and was anxious to know it. .

"I don't know who he is." Facing Stan's question, Meggie shrugged and said in magic words, "I only know that he was summoned by me. It seems to be from the original Neverland, a wizard."

"Also, my name is Meggie."

"Fantasy Island? I've seen this too." Chap, who wanted to have a good impression in front of Meggie, said quickly, "Captain Hook and Peter Pan, right."

But Meggie didn't take him at all, but just gave him a blank look, and instead focused more on Stan. Obviously, the author of Goosebumps interested her more than the author of Ink Heart.

Similarly, Stan and others will not always be the same as Chap, who has a different focus on normal people. Stan immediately grabbed the focus of the problem, "That's it." He thought, "I never heard it, but you said he Did you summon it? Can you also turn the monsters in the stories into reality?"

This intolerable Stan is not excited, what can make the story true. This special ability, as an adult, Stan will not understand, but he has been overwhelmed by monsters who have been chased and oppressed by troubles in these years. There is no energy to think about these things.

Now I suddenly heard that there are people who have the same ability, so it is inevitable that he is not curious.

"It wasn't written," Meggie corrected with words. "It was read. I can read the story, and then turn the contents into reality." It was just that when the text was displayed here, Meggie looked a little low.

Even the magical text on the head formed a big frustrated expression to show the feeling of loss of his master.

At this time, Stan and other talents realized that the girl did not seem to have spoken from the beginning to the present, and has always used the flame-formed words to communicate with them. Although this way is a bit strange, they have not Realize what this means.

Only when Meggie said that the man was summoned by her voice, Stan asked a little hesitantly, "You didn't mean..."

"He took my voice." Meggie continued to show in a low voice. "I summoned him with my voice. He was afraid that I would send him back with his voice, so he took my voice with magic."

Stan took a sip of water, and he understood what Meggie meant, because he was going to write a book and put all the monsters back together, and Slappy was stopping him.

So he felt even more that he and his party had just fallen out of the wolf mouth and entered the tiger's den, and seemed to have fallen to a more terrible character. .

Zach whispered to others, "I don't think this seems to be a good signal. Let's sneak away."

Hannah also nodded quite tacitly, only Chap was anxious, not knowing whether to give up Meggie to leave with her new friend, or to stay here.

But before he could make a choice, Yi Chou solved the problem for him.

Because before waiting for these people to take a step secretly, a cold ray appeared at their toes and hit a large area of ​​the ground in front of them.In an instant, an ice wall of half a person's height rose up and stopped them in the original Ground.

Yi Chou's calm eyes turned around them, and then again focused on the wet werewolf in front of him.

Zach swallowed, and whispered, "It's really unfriendly..."

On the other hand, Wetland Werewolf has successfully evolved from fleas to flies, disturbing Yi Chou tirelessly, making him have to devote most of his energy to deal with it.

Just when a few people talked, Yi Chou had successfully killed the Wetland Werewolf, even twice, but this did not have any effect on the monster in the book that would not die at all. It still tried to attack with no heart. Yi Chou, did not flinch at all.

Wetland werewolves are very flexible, and the method used to deal with invisible people cannot be used on it, because ordinary spells are difficult to hit it, and a large part of the spells that can hit it are all dark magic that is too strong to avoid. But that would directly kill it.

Then the Wetland Werewolf will be resurrected, and then attack Yi Yi, this is a strange circle.


Wetland werewolves again gave a provocative roar to Yi arrogant, and almost Yi Yi subconsciously, who had been patiently killed by the struggle, subconsciously planned to blow this place into pieces and freeze the entire supermarket.

But the thought of Stan and others behind him restrained this idea.

Stan and Meggie can't die, and he doesn't want them to be out of sight, so as to avoid any trouble for these two guys again. Yi Chou always thinks that the things that can be controlled are the best things.

When Yi Chou was distressed, he looked at the wetland werewolf with a big mouth in the blood basin, his eyes lit up suddenly, and then stopped the spell in his hand.

The werewolves who were walking around on the ceiling and the wall shelves were also bright, without the hateful spells that forced it to go around, and its speed was suddenly a few points faster, and it came straight away.

Faced with the sudden change in the mall, the five people who had grown up in the hiding team immediately shouted behind the shelves, "Be careful!"

Although he also knew that the wizard in front of him seemed to have bad intentions, it was better than a werewolf who only knew about killing. At least he was a humanoid creature, sensible, and able to communicate. In the face of werewolves, it only became a consequence of food.

Obviously they were worried, because Yi Chou's melee was not a vegetarian, I believe Stark must have realized this.

Even Iron Man can be temporarily suppressed by Yi Huo, not to mention a werewolf, even if it comes from a wetland.

In the face of the wetland werewolf's slamming, Yi Chou kept shining. The longer and bigger the mouth of the werewolf's blood basin grew, he could even smell the stench emanating from his mouth, and its claws began to extend outward, seeming to even separate My nails have grown a bit.

Wetland werewolves' eyes gleamed with bloodthirst and rage, and apparently wanted to return all the previous suffocation.

At the next moment, Yi Hao suddenly had a black cane with a half-height.

Yi Xiao grabbed the cane lightly, and then twisted his body back suddenly, rotating a half circle on the spot, while the cane in his hand had become a long sword with a cold light.

Just as the werewolf in the wetland pounced, Yi Chou's long sword was suddenly swung up with the power of body rotation.

The werewolf was unable to dodge in mid-air, let out a wail, and even a trace of fear appeared in his eyes, and then at the next moment, the long sword suddenly hit its waist.

The wolf's waist is very fragile, but the werewolf is worthy of being a werewolf. He was not cut into two parts under Yi Shou's sword, but still flew sideways with blood, knocking over two shelves in a row.

Yi Xiao's figure didn't stay, suddenly turned into fog and dissipated in place. When it appeared again, he had come above the werewolf. He cut the sword to the werewolf's neck, but he was blocked by its sharp claws.


The Wetland werewolf gave another painful roar, because his two claws had been cut off by Qi Gen, and the long sword sharpened by magic was no longer able to be blocked by the Wetland werewolf.

But Yi Xiao still didn't stop, his body fell on the shelf, and then Yi Xiao rolled gently, and then twisted the body lightly to the ground, the process of which was cleverly indistinct.

The Wetland werewolf struggled to get up, but Yi Chou gently tossed the long sword, the long sword was rotated in the air once, was held by Yi Chou backhand, and then he suddenly hit the werewolf's nose with the hilt of the sword, and suddenly blood splashed.

Long Sword once again turned a direction in the hands of Yi Xuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ While the werewolf was beaten with blood on his face, with a bleak cold light, he instantly cut to its neck.

At the next moment, the werewolf's head rose into the sky, and blood spewed out more than half a meter high.

Yi Chao, bathed in blood, did not move, but stood there quietly, letting blood spray on his face.

The werewolf's body crashed to the ground, and then gradually turned into a black nothingness. Sure enough, after a few seconds, the black nothingness appeared again, and then re-condensed into a wetland werewolf.

But this time it didn't rush up again, but looked at Yi Chou with some fear, covered his nose, whimpered and ran away.

At this point, the crisis of the Werewolf were finally over.

Yi Huo was very satisfied with the result, but others were obviously not so bland.

"Are you sure he is from the Lord of the Rings..." For example, Zach said to Meggie a bit dumb at this time. (To be continued.)

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