High Magic Earth

Chapter 840: typewriter

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Wiping the long sword in his hand, Yi Chou's movement suddenly stagnate, because he remembered that this was not a real long sword at all, but a change from the magic wand.

Even if it is, a clean-up magic is enough to make it as clean as ever.

He hasn't used a long sword for a long time, and has long forgotten his sword.

Yi Ao does not know much about swordsmanship. His experience with swords is all accumulated through battles. Neverland is never a peaceful place, especially in the early days of Yi Ao's arrival.

Not only the foreign magical creatures harassed him, but even the magical creatures on the original island didn't cooperate and messed up everywhere.

It is only as Yi Chao’s magic becomes stronger and stronger that these magical creatures calm down and cooperate with Yi Chao to protect the peace of Neverland.

The first days were very unfriendly.

Many magical creatures do not have the ability to communicate, and the best way to communicate with them is to use force. Although the magic of Fantasy Island is sufficient, there are still places that are very special, so special that the magic is invalid.

At this time Yi Chou needs another way to show strength, for example. . Long sword.

Yi Chao’s physical condition is not good, maybe a little stronger than the average person, but definitely not to the point and degree comparable to magical creatures, and even if he uses potions to strengthen himself, in areas where magic is prohibited, this kind of flow in the body Energy and magic will also disappear.

So the initial battle was not so smooth.

Fortunately, these magical creatures will not be stupid enough to leave the range where magic is forbidden, so as long as they escape there, Yi Chou is safe. Over time, in countless fights and fights, Yi Chou's swordsmanship naturally formed.

There may not be any rules, and it may not be clever, but it is absolutely fatal and effective in combat.

Even compared to the ancient knights, it is no exaggeration to say that the magical creatures Yi Yao dealt with on the Neverland are the legendary creatures in the low-magic ordinary world.

Of course, only in combat experience and swordsmanship, if the knight is really another manifestation of the wizard, and there is another power support in the body, it is absolutely impossible to deal with the clamor on the road of the wizard.

It's just that he relies more on magic and sometimes forgets his long sword.

Yi Chou's understanding of the habits of magical creatures is also rich. After all, ten years is a long time, and there are only various magical creatures on the island. Even the most stupid people, there will be one for these little guys who accompany themselves every day. understood.

Wetland werewolves are no exception. Werewolves have never been a race known for magic, and the best way to deal with this kind of magical creature that is biased towards the direction of power and body is to let it remember the pain with the same force, and it will naturally retreat .

Swordsmanship and skill are naturally a type of power.

Yi Huo, who drove away the werewolves from the wetlands, circled around the supermarket, and then cast some spells on the periphery to ensure that no one else would disturb them, such as the two policemen who were turning around straight.

Yi Biao released the expulsion spell and the hidden spell to the supermarket. Ordinary people can't see it even when they stand in front of the supermarket, and they can't hit it even when they walk in, because he will unconsciously turn to the other direction.

As for the monsters in those books, Yi Chou is not sure.

Most of the magical creatures have magical powers. They are very sensitive to magic. Yi Xuan does not know that these monsters in the book belong to magical creatures. If it is true, these spells may have no effect.

But it doesn't matter, Yi Xuan has caught R.L. Stan, he only needs a short time. . if things go smoothly.

"Introduce yourself." Yi Xiao turned his attention to Stan and others. "I am Angomaka, and I also know that you are R.L. Stan."

After hesitating, Stan asked, "Why would you know who I am?"

I have to say that the author's thinking is sometimes strange. His question sounds logical, but it seems to be meaningless.

"Because I am looking for you." But in the face of his doubts, Yi Chou has nothing to hesitate.

"What are you doing with me?" This question is human and everyone will ask it, and Stan is no exception.

"I need your ability, this... the ability to turn monsters into reality."

Everyone was stunned, and even Meggie took a slight step back, because she also had the ability to read the contents of the book by chanting. Although she didn't know the reason, Meggie instinctively felt a little afraid.

"Mine...capabilities..." Stan stammered. "You think this is a capability, no, no... I think it's more of a curse."

"Curse or ability, I need it."

"But you have magic." Zac interjected, "What are you not... Wizard?"

Yi Xiao glanced at him lightly, "I have magic, but magic is not omnipotent. There are still many things that magic cannot do."

"I don't think you understand the meaning of magic at all." Stan said suddenly.

"Magic means incredible, unimaginable and incomprehensible. If you throw away the magician settings in those stupid online games, magic also means that you can do anything, anything that ordinary people cannot, which means unlimited , Nothing magic can't do."

"So it is called magic, beyond imagination, beyond limits, only exists in the ideal, the existence of magic itself is neither reasonable."

Yi Xiao looked at Stan in wonder, wondering why he was so excited, but replied.

"Yes, I know that the meaning of magic itself is omnipotent, but I can’t achieve this, so it means that my magic is still flawed, so I found you. I think your ability is also A kind of magic."

"Okay, don’t tell me these useless things. If I want to learn magic theory, even if I don’t go to Hogwarts to find JK Rowling, it’s much better than nonsense with you. Go to the topic."

When Stan's face changed, the subconscious was going to be angry, but then he thought that the person in front of him wasn't the few stupid guys who could make him feel bad and arrogant, so he smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm a little excited."

"Because I loved magic when I was a kid, I even dreamed of going to Neverland, but obviously, it is not real."

"Uh... No, I mean, I didn't pass, and I started to write goose bumps, because I think I am a magician in the book, and can create my own world at will, but I didn't expect it... It really became a nightmare."

"I don’t know how you got the news about me, but do you know that my ability is very flawed, not any story will become true, only stories that belong to goose bumps style If it is true, the monster inside will run out."

"There is a turning point, there is panic... No one will become a hero yet."

"And I need my typewriter. Only the stories I write on my typewriter will become true. That is a typewriter with soul. You are sure that this is my ability, not that typewriter. of?"

"I know that typewriter." Yi Huo said.

He put his hand into the void as if he had reached a black hole, his arms disappeared suddenly on his body, and then half of his body was digged in with the stunned gaze of several people.

"It's in the school, right...well, I feel it."

On the other hand, Yi Biao's hand suddenly emerged from the school's typewriter out of thin air, and then under the strange gaze of Slappi, who was setting up the venue, grabbed the typewriter and then retracted it.

The stunned Slappi finally realized that someone wanted to steal its stuff.

"You despicable thief!" Slapi cried angrily, "Don't try to steal it in front of me again!"

He was like a ridiculous doll, oh no, it was originally a puppet, shouting at Yi Xiao's hand, but Yi Biao was easily bounced away with magic and fell to the ground.

Yi Xiao grabbed the typewriter and instantly returned to nothingness, disappearing without a trace, and Slappy, who fell to the ground, angrily threw the plant seeds in his hand and disappeared along the place where the typewriter disappeared.

When he shrunk his hand back, Yi Chou shook his hand suddenly, and he felt like he was stung by something, but fortunately the typewriter had already taken it back.

"It's this thing." Yi Xiao took the typewriter in his hand and said to Stan.

"Yes." Stan nodded. "Magic magic." He exclaimed.

"I don't feel anything magical." Yi Xiaofan looked at the typewriter in his hand. "It's not it, it's you, don't forget, this typewriter is from your book. How did it appear at first? , You can’t get it out of another typewriter."

"Mine...in the book?" Stan frowned and said doubtfully.

He quickly recounted the stories in his memory, not remembering what Yi Chou said, or about the typewriter.

An author will never forget his creation, especially the main story.

"Don't talk nonsense," he said, "I haven't written any typewriters."

"No, you wrote it." Yi Xiao shook his head. "But maybe not here, I can also explain why I know your thing, because I have read this story now."

"Zac." Yi Xiao will only think of Zac in his hand. "In order to release the monsters in goose bumps for the girl, and then destroy half of the town, and finally captured these monsters with the help of RL Stan, the town They also regained their original condition, and they all rejoiced."



The former is called by four people together, and the latter sentence is the magic text of Meggie's surprise.

"There is nothing impossible," Yi Huo said. He looked at Meggie. "You have read my story, and I have read your story. This is fair, isn't it."

"Absolutely impossible." But Stan said decisively, "My story can't have a great ending, unless this is not my story, do you think I'm a director of Disney?"

"This is true." Yi Huo nodded. "The end of the story doesn't end because you have forgotten the invisible man, and it found your typewriter."

"It's about the same." Stan smiled, and the other four looked at him with helpless eyes.

But Zac still didn’t believe, "Impossible, this is impossible." He muttered, "If you have seen the story that represents us, and Meggie has seen your story, then she will see, you Seeing her seeing you seeing..."

"Oh my god!"

Zac felt that his head was about to explode because he seemed to be caught in a strange circle.

"Don't be entangled with the little guy." Yi Xiao said, "The operation of the world is far more amazing than you think. With the head of a high school student, you can't understand it. Do you think you are Stark?"

"Who is that?"

Yi Huo was stunned. "Oh... this is good news, but thankfully you don't know him." He blinked at Meggie, making her confused.

"Wait." Stan interrupted him suddenly, "You just said... You saw the story I wrote, let's not say you are from Neverland. Why would you know me, that is to say, there is an me in your world, And I wrote a story to include myself, right?"

Yi Xiao's thinking also followed a circle, and then said, "It's a little difficult to explain, but look at it... it's actually correct."

"So." Stan suddenly rushed. He didn't care about anything else, but asked directly, "I'm not famous in your world. Is Stephen King famous?"

Looking at Stan's urgent eyes, Yi Biao slowly said, "I remember your sales are good..."

Stan deflated at once, like a pierced balloon. He also knew that his sales were good and even ranked first, but for no reason, his reputation seems to have been low, which has become his A heart disease.

In order to avoid Stan asking any strange questions, Yi Biao said, "Well, the explanation is almost the same, you can start your creation, and I... I hope I have better luck, Meggie, stand by my side. ."

Yi Xiao stuffed the typewriter into Stan and dragged the reluctant Meggie over.

Chap next to him wanted to stop it, but when he looked at his small body and compared it with Yi Chou's magic, he still gave up his new acquaintance with tears.

Yi Xiao did not really see the ability of Meggie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the power of silver tongue, which may be the reason why he could not gain the power of silver tongue.

And now there is a ready-made test product. Stan's ability is very limited, and it can only be used in the style of goose bumps, which has no effect on Yi Chou.

This may seem useless to Yi Xuan, but it is not so, because if it really belongs to a special spell or magic power, Yi Xuan can definitely analyze what is in it, or with the help of an hourglass.

Coupled with the silver tongue, perhaps a new spell, or even magic rules, can be concluded.

An independent creative magic that overrides other magic.

Stan took the typewriter, took a deep breath, then rubbed his hands and sat on the table that Yi Chou made him out, but just before he was about to type the first word, the midair of the mall suddenly passed There was a sharp laughter that caused goose bumps.

"Hey hey, Slappy has found you!" (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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