High Magic Earth

Chapter 841: Slapi

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Stan's expression changed, and Slapi's voice was naturally familiar to him, "It chased over."

Everyone else panicked. Stan grabbed the typewriter and prepared to run away, but he just slipped away and was dragged back by Yi Chou using magic.

"Where are you going." Yi Huo said quietly.

Stan looked miserable, and then he thought there was a more difficult guy in the mall.

"Slapi chased over, you must know it, and I can't write with peace of mind when it's there." Stan said hesitantly, his throat constantly shaking.

"You don't need to go anywhere." But Yi Biao simply ignored Stan's request, "Srapi is not a problem, you just need to write your own at ease."

An inexplicable force pressed Stan back onto the stool again, the typewriter moved a distance, and then came to Stan's hand.

Faced with this clear and unclear request, Stan swallowed.

Yi Ao has always maintained a kind attitude, and it seems that Stan and others have forgotten his dangers. Until then, Stan didn't think that the little girl named Meggie beside him was deprived of his voice by Yi Ao.

Although he didn't show maliciousness now, he just let himself type, but who knows what this wizard is going to do. .

"Are you still worrying about something?" Seeing Stan still hesitating, Yi Chou's calm voice appeared like a ghost, suddenly appeared behind him.

"No... no." Stan shuddered.

Unfortunately, no matter what he thinks in his heart, there seems to be no room for him to refuse.

Taking off him can turn the story into a real shell. He is just an ordinary middle-aged writer with a disgusting face, and even more timid than ordinary people. The writer always likes to think wildly and maybe scare himself. To myself.

Seeing this scene, the brave little girl Hanna seemed to want to say something for her father, but Zucker lived. Obviously Zac thought that no matter what Yi Yi's idea was, he would help them put monsters It is true to catch it, and there is nothing that can be said after all this is over.

After the two of them bowed their heads and murmured, Hannah turned her head vigorously.

Chap had no sense of existence, just like Meggie beside Yi Xiao, who had no good feelings for Yi Xiao, but had to follow him because of magic.

Stan took a deep breath and then typed the first word on the typewriter.

Just without waiting for him to write a few words, a voice came again from the empty mall, "My dear father, don't you plan to run away?"

It was Slappie, and this time its sound was no longer heard from far away, but appeared directly nearby, as if it were by a few people.

Stan's hands shivered, but he calmed down again when he thought of Yi Chou.

Seriously, on the level of power, Slapi must not be easy to be powerful. As its creator, Stan undoubtedly understands that the scary part of Slapi is its evil, unbridled, and maddening madness. .

For ordinary people, it is undoubtedly the source of nightmares, but after removing this coat, its terrible is not so terrible.

Slappi is also good at conspiracies, but wizards. . It seems to be very good at these things, Stan recalled thinking about the wizard image in those works.


There seemed to be a thunderstorm in the sky, the lights in the mall suddenly went out, as if the electric current was cut off, and then a few seconds later, it lighted up in a trance.

Along with the buzz, the mall was restored to bright, and everyone else at the time noticed that there was a small figure on the shelf not far away.

A puppet sits on the shelf.

Unlike the plush toy placed below and its unopened companion, this doll is more evil and looks like a bad feeling.

It's Slappy.

"You... know that running away is useless to the great Lord Srappi?"

It sits on the shelf, tilting its head, and its wooden mouth fits together.

Zac stopped Hannah behind, and Chap also had a lot to learn to protect Meggie, but after seeing Meggie hiding behind Yi Chou, he gave up the plan after thinking about it.

Everyone looked at Slappy nervously, only Stan was still intensively typing and thinking, but his sweat was still oozing from his forehead.

In addition to Yi Huo.

"You are Slappy?" Yi Huo asked nonsense.

"And you..." Slappi heard Yi Chou's voice, turned his head at once, and dropped his eyes on Yi Chou, as if staring at him fiercely, "that is, stealing the great Master Slapi's treasure, A thief who steals the image of great Slappi!"

"Are you a puppet?" Yi Chou asked strangely.

"you will die!"

"You should be glad that you are not your brother whose nose will become longer, otherwise you must be on the ceiling now."

I have to say that Yi Chao’s spitting is sometimes very sharp. Facial paralysis and San Wu consistently are the prerequisites for the poisonous tongue attribute. In fact, there is no soul and should belong to this category. It’s just that Yi Bao rarely spoke before. He always keeps in mind This principle must be lost.

But in any case, such provocation is enough for a narrow-minded puppet. It likes to use malicious language to stimulate others, to abuse others, to watch others suffering, and it also cannot bear these things on its own.

"Ah, you dare to insult great Slappi, you sissy!"

Yi Xiao's face was black, he had never been called by others, and he didn't feel like a sissy. But as long as anyone heard this sentence, it would be uncomfortable.

But before waiting for Yi Chou to release his magic, the Slappi on that side had already taken the lead.

"You foolish, ignorant, ugly..."

Slappy came to the top of Yi Piao in a teleport, grabbing his hair and hit his head against the shelf, but he ignored the difference between Yi Piao and ordinary people, even the infinitely powerful werewolf Yi Piao could The front is hard, not to mention just a small puppet.

Before waiting for Slapie to whisper in the mouth, Yi Xuan had reached out and grabbed his body, and then slapped Slappy to the ground.

But Srapy suddenly shifted again, disappeared into the air before the body landed, and then appeared on the top of Yi Chou's head again.

"You stupid guy, do you think this will hurt the great Lord Slapi."

It stopped swearing and sneered, but at the next moment, it bowed its head and froze there.

Underneath it is not Yi Chou, not to mention Yi Chou’s head and hair, even his entire person is gone, replaced by a vast forest, green and shining, but exudes a desolate, seemingly whole There are no creatures in the forest.

"Noisy." When Slappi was slightly stunned, a calm voice came from above it, but before he could respond to his doubts, one hand grabbed its body again, and then Press it hard into the forest.

Slappy wants to teleport again, but the forest below exudes a strange wave, making it impossible to teleport from here. It can only watch as it moves closer and closer to this forest. The larger the hand, the lower the press.

"Then come with the great Lord Slapi." Slapi responded quickly. After finding out that he couldn't escape, he suddenly turned around and hugged Yi's arm, trying to drag him together. In this unknown forest.

"You should go in yourself." Yi Huo snorted, his wand a little, his arm separated from his shoulder, and then fell into the half plane world of Oz with Slappi.

"Do not!!!"

With a smaller and smaller roar, Slappy and Yi Biao's half arm disappeared into a semi-circular arc-shaped mini sand table. The sand table was made wonderfully, even so delicate that one could be seen being shrunk. Puppets with the same multiples flashed wildly inside.

Ok. . Will move.

Yi Xiao wiped a handful of blood from his face and sprayed a black cloth out of thin air to cover the half of the world of Oz.

In this way, it will not be affected by Slappy at all.

Seeing Meggie's curious eyes as if he could not see it, Yi Chou took out the potion and remade the potion of the amputated limb, and slowly drank it. With a painful twist, his broken arm was like a gecko, and was cut off again The director came out.

"This... this is the end?" Only Zac and Hannah looked at the semi-circular object covered under Yi Xuan's black cloth with dumbfounded eyes. I couldn't believe that Slappie was caught.

"Otherwise," Yi Biao said, "these things can't be killed, and Slappy can still teleport, I can only find opportunities to trap it."

What Yi Biao used to trap Slapi was the half plane of Oz. He had a small specialty harvested in the world of ice and fire. In the water well of King’s Landing, he was lucky to find the magic lamp and gathered in the group of flying monkeys. On the ground, Yi Chou was driven to the tomb of Dornting, and then found the remains of Oz.

The ubiquitous key to Oz, and six and a half planes.

These six-and-a-half planes are the prisons of the country of Oz, used to hold some special personnel at the last moment of the war, but they have been left unmanaged as long as the country of Oz is destroyed, but even so, Yi Chou was originally It took a lot of energy to run out.

It is impossible for a small puppet to escape from Slappy. It is a puppet, not a clown, although these two things are quite funny.

As early as the appearance of Slappy, Yi Chou felt it. To be precise, he first sensed its magic and then saw it.

As soon as Slappy appeared, Yi Biao instantly recalled its introduction and life. One of the most difficult monsters in Goosebumps, Yi Biao has reviewed its materials for a long time.

Can teleport, can control human thinking, these are its two most terrible places.

It has no powers of its own. If it is to be defined, it should be counted as a bewitching magical creature.

Slapi's plan was very good. Obviously it was not Yi Yi's opponent at all, so he pretended to be irritated and approached Yi Xiao, and then used his ability to control people's thinking to make Yi Xiao also angry and abandoned. Reason, began to fight with it like a lunatic.

Of course, the end of the competition with a puppet is definitely that he hit the head and broke the blood, but the puppet is nothing, and it will not die.

But unfortunately it is not an ordinary human being, but a wizard. Any wizard is very important to see his brain and heart, and it is also the most rigorous defense. It is because Slapi wants to affect Yi Biao’s brain. It's still worse.

Slapi’s teleportation ability is indeed a bit more troublesome. The spell that counters the phantom shift can not be arranged in a short time, and the powerful spell Yi Yi is afraid to accidentally kill Slapi, in the distance. There is no difference between refresh and teleport.

So he took the countermeasure and trapped Slappy directly with the half plane.

This half-plane of the forest itself has the ability to counter space energy. Any magic composed of space energy will lose its effect around it. If you get closer, don't think about leaving.

"But it's not over yet," Yi Chou said. "Our trouble is more than one Slapie."

In the short period of time when he grabbed Slappy, Yi Chou had felt that more magical creatures were making great progress towards this place, and even the monsters in the opposite direction turned around, obviously their goal was here.

I don’t know if it was the ghost that Slappi had engaged in before, or some other reason. Anyway, these simple hidden spells under Yi Chao did not seem to have any effect on the monsters in the book.

Others can't see the situation outside, and naturally don't know the current situation of the mall. These monsters have shifted their goals from the school to the supermarket. This has become the target of their new large-scale attack.

Yi Xiao can take Stan and others to leave and use the phantom to shift out.

But because of the special connection between the storybook and the monsters, they will be transferred again sooner or later. Instead of letting these monsters travel to the whole world to make a big move to the world, it is easy to make Yihou’s next action more difficult Solve it here, once and for all.

So thinking of this, Yi Biao glanced at Stan, who was seriously coding, and calmly said to other people, "The monsters are coming. If you don't leave, prepare yourself."

Of course, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ does not include Meggie, even if the girl wants to leave, Yi Biao will not let her go.

After speaking, ignoring the reactions of these people, Yi Chou began to prepare for himself. There are a lot of monsters, and they have the characteristics of rebirth after death. It is simply the best template for cannon fodder.

To deal with such enemies, unless you use a wide range of field control magic, you can’t stop them all. This makes Yi Xiao think of ghouls. It seems that monsters are more difficult to entangle than ghouls, and finally get rid of ghouls. But he encountered such a group of things again, which made Yi Chou very uncomfortable.

But suddenly, Yi Xiao thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

Yi Biao does not need to resist monsters for too long, as long as Stan writes the story, they will be caught back, and Yi Biao may also get Stan's ability.

So this thing is completely sufficient.

Yi Xiao once again took out a semi-circular Oz half plane from the shadow, and then walked towards the plastic dummy displaying the clothes in the mall. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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