High Magic Earth

Chapter 843: action

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"Hurry up." Steven stood anxiously in front of an office in the police station, surrounded by darkness, without any light.

In the dark office, there was a thumping rumbling sound, and the brightness of the flashlight could be seen vaguely. Steven and Brooks successfully returned to the police station, but the search for the dedicated line became a problem.

The town has always been very peaceful, and it is not a messy place in Texas and close to Mexico, so there is no important thing to contact. Over time, the satellite phone will naturally not know where to put it.

Fortunately, because Yi Huo cut off Stan's relationship halfway, and led Slapi away from the police station, otherwise the two of them might have no chance to find a phone, and they would be directly frozen into ice by the aliens.

But Rao is so, Steven is still very careful, even when Brooks rummaging inside, he insists on vigilance.

He didn't know where these monsters came from, or what kind of monsters there would be.

Steven read the goose bumps novel by Stan, but he didn't recognize it for a while. Not everyone thinks that these monsters come out of the book with such rich imagination.

After a few minutes, when Steven became more and more anxious, Brooks suddenly heard the excited voice, "found!"

Steven breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to Brooks with the next room.

Although it was useless for a long time, the operation guide Steven still remembered clearly. After quickly dialing a number, the two fell into anxious waiting again.

"Quick, quick." Steven whispered.

"This is the State Police Department, Delaware Town, what happened to you." Soon, the line was connected, and a calm voice from a man came.

"We are being attacked by monsters." Upon hearing the opposite answer, Steven said immediately.

The other side seemed to be silent for a while, maybe thinking about what expression he should use. After a long time, the State Police Department continued to say, "Delaware police officer, please indicate your identity."

"This is Steven Mungert, and the siren is tx775f."

A busy voice soon came from that side, and after verification, it continued, "Sergeant Steven, you said you are facing an attack by monsters, I am afraid I don't quite understand what you mean, is it a beast?"

"No, no, yes, yes." Steven is a little confused. "Not only the beast, there are many monsters that I can't tell, but there are also beasts. I saw a more than three layers. Mantis high up."

"Are you kidding me." The voice on the end of the phone had cooled down. "Sergeant Steven, unless you can get solid evidence from the agent, I have no time to accompany you to play the Tokyo police."

"I have no evidence," Steven said. "But we need help, and we can't resist them at all."

"I will contact the Secret Service, maybe they will send someone to find out these things, but anyway, Officer Steven, you have to undergo an internal investigation."



Brooks screamed suddenly from the police station in the town of Delaware. While the state police operator hadn’t figured out what was going on, there was a messy noise coming from the phone, accompanied by gunfire And explosions, and crowd screaming.

"We come for peace!"

"We are here for peace! Bang!"



"Bang! Bang!"

The screams and explosions quickly cluttered, but the operator still heard the sound of the weapon from inside. That was never something the computer could simulate. The operator was also an old policeman, but he was injured on the post.

His heart was tight, but he felt that Steven said it was a fantasy. After the explosion and noise were a little quieter, he asked again, "Sergeant Steven, are you still there, Stie?" Police Officer."

No one answered him, only a voice came from the other end of the phone.

"We are here for peace! Bang!"

"We are here for peace! Bang!"

And gradually away.

The operator was silent for a moment, and felt that he might not be able to treat this matter as a joke. Even if it was not a real monster, it was a serious attack.

He quickly got up and walked out. The state police station obviously wanted the police station in the remote town of Bitura to be much more lively. There were busy policemen everywhere, and there were many strong men in black suits. The officer is a police officer. Anyway, the two individuals in Steventown, Bitura, are more professional.

The operator turned a blind eye to the busy crowd around him, quickly walked through the bright glass corridor, passed the programmers who were busy on the big screen, and knocked on a white office door.

"Boss, the small town of Delaware was hit by an unknown attack," he said after entering the office.

"Delaware, attack?" The middle-aged man in the office froze.

"Yes, the other party called from a special line, and the police station was attacked again shortly after the call, and has now completely lost contact."

The middle-aged man's heart sank immediately, and the basic lines that could be called by the special line reached the last moment, even meaning that the communication line had been cut off.

The town police station generally did not end up with such a thing. The last time was more than a decade ago, the Crystal Lake massacre that shocked the United States.

but now. . How come I was hit by such a bad luck.

You must know that Delaware is not as rural as Crystal Lake. There are only less than a thousand people living in it. Delaware also has a scale of tens of thousands of people. Thugs who can attack the police station are who they are.

"Does the other party have any useful clues?" The middle-aged man immediately got up and walked out and asked.

"Say, it was a group of monsters, more than three-story mantis." The operator said again.

"Monster?" The middle-aged man stopped.

"Of course, I think it's more likely that the other party is too nervous, or that the heart has collapsed before saying so." The operator immediately explained.

The middle-aged man raised his foot again, and then went to the intelligence management department of the police station with the operator.

"Director Rand." the person in charge whispered to the middle-aged man.

"I want to see the satellite imagery of the small town of Delaware and immediately tune it out to me." The middle-aged man, the head of the State Police Department, said immediately.

The person in charge nodded, and then waved at the technicians sitting in front of the computer below, they immediately transferred the image on the big screen in front of the milky white wall.

It’s not clear, but it’s enough for these people to get a rough idea.

"What is this?" Rand pointed to a corner of the screen photo.

"I don't know, sir." Someone said below.

It was a strange spot, which looked like a figure of an animal. Under long-distance illumination, it could not be seen at all and was very blurry, but the body was about the size of four buildings.

"This is a picture twenty minutes ago, Director Rand." The person in charge suddenly said out loud, "Look here." He pointed to another picture. "This is a picture from an hour ago. There is no forest at all. But now suddenly there is a dark forest."

It’s all satellite photos of the town of Delaware. The one that was taken an hour ago was very clean. There was nothing strange outside the town. On the photo not long ago, there were more than just around the town. A black forest completely encased it, and a lot of strange fuzzy black spots appeared in the town.

Of course, because of the satellite shooting, they couldn’t find anything useful in the details. The photos could only be taken at the level of forests and buildings, but even then, the exposed information was enough.

Because the things that can be displayed above are undoubtedly extremely large, such as the strange black spots in those small towns, and the sudden emergence of large forests.

Is this an alien or something? I haven’t heard of any special biological or mechanical company in Delaware Town. Looking at two very different photos, Director Rand thought for a while and suddenly said , "Mobilize all available police forces in the state, and... notify the Secret Service and cia to see if they have any special news there."

With the order of Director Rand, the entire police headquarters was immediately busy. Less than ten minutes later, dozens of police cars roared out, and at the same time, police stations in different locations also distributed police power to the special police. Lahua set off and gathered more than 100 police cars.

. . .


"Zas, Zas White."

"Do you remember what happened in Italy?"

"Can not remember."

"Why did you go to Italy?"

"We are chasing a piece of information, which was related to Jim at first, but then I found out that it was related to the dragon incident."

"I remember Director Berika explaining that you cannot participate in Jim's disappearance."

"He is my partner."

"Then do you know where he is?"

"I said that, I don't know."


. . .

The question of no nutrition was repeated for dozens of minutes before Zas was released from the room by the investigator, as did his fbi members who went to Italy with him.

Eight FBIs were half dead, and it was also a sensational enough event in the FBI. At this time, they could not attract the attention of these people, because they found more shocking clues.

The truth about the dragon event and the existence of the silver tongue.

An ability that can turn a story into reality and summon it from it.

This makes all people who have heard and know this clue feel that they have jumped from a normal world into the bizarre world of comics in an instant.

And there are more than one such person, which is a nightmare.

Director Berek has ordered a secret investigation into the existence of Silver Tongue, and a secret investigation into Vrchat. Although his daughter entered the book, he still has the Silver Tongue ability, which is the only silver they know now. Tongue, once there is a chance, he will be brought secretly.

Zas, who walked out of the investigation room, took a sigh of relief, nodded with a few colleagues who came to say hello, and then strode toward the director's office.

Along the way, "It's him again." "He broke another big case." "This is the fastest record in the bureau." The whispers continued.

But Zaz turned a blind eye, and these people thought they had found the silver tongue, found the source of the dragon, and could even control these silver tongues, but Zaz knew that the truth was far from it.

The silver tongue is very powerful, but it is not uncontrollable. What really cannot be controlled are the characters in the book, which come from the story, just like the dragon.

Thinking of this, Zas silently thought of the old-fashioned video tape he had hidden in the park.

Eight FBIs are half dead. The fact is absolutely not simple. It is impossible that all of the silver tongue's abilities are selected by the FBI and sent to the book. This matter is very strange.

So Zas cut off the tape, and he didn't know why he did it, it seemed an instinct.

Soon, Zaz came to the front of the director's office.

He raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door, but he heard a faint voice inside, "... There appears to be some kind of monster there again in Lahua, which is very similar to the dragon in New York and can no longer be controlled. We are intelligence cut from cia."

"You think of us..."


Zas gently knocked on the door of Berika's office and stood outside.

"Come in."

After a few seconds, Berika's voice came from the office.

Zaz pushed the door and walked out, and at the same time, two men in suits got up and walked out from inside. They nodded friendly to Zaz, then left here and took the office door by the way.

"Congratulations, Zaz, you completed another task under your orders, and it was perfectly completed." Seeing the man under the staff made her very headache, but the first-rate agent who completed the task, Berika immediately changed it. Vice tone.

"Sorry, boss, I thought you could understand."

"Yes, of course I understand. I understand very well that you can't tell what order you should follow and what order you shouldn't follow, so I think you should take a break and give yourself a holiday."

For a moment, Zas didn't wait for him to speak, and Berika took a document from the office drawer.

"Hawaii, two weeks off, enjoy it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ me..."

"You have no choice." Berika said looking at Zaz.

Zaz took a deep breath and nodded helplessly, receiving the report from Berika, Berika indicated that Zaz could leave, and Zaz nodded and turned to walk out.

But at the moment he was about to push the door, Berika said again, "I will help you solve this casualty. You don't have to worry, but I don't want to have another time."

Zas stopped and put his hand on the door handle. He turned to look at Berika, then nodded silently, and pushed the door out again.

Watching Zaz leave, Berika recovered her inexplicable gaze. She picked up the phone at hand and quickly dialed a number.

Waiting for the number to connect, she whispered, "...Sella Delaware, this town, I suspect a silver tongue appeared in it, and sent all the people around us, other things don't matter, be sure to Find the source, and if possible, bring the other party back." (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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