High Magic Earth

Chapter 844: Action (2)

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"Boom! Boom!"

The explosion outside the mall was deafening and almost passed on continuously, but in contrast to the inside of the mall, only the ticking typing sound and even the sound of breathing could be heard.

Stan concentrated on his typewriter, ignoring the outside world, but apparently the constant sweat on his forehead was showing his inner peace.

The little guys around them are even more terrified. Zac and Hanna are better. The critical moment is not as important as the show of love. Chap and Meggi are no longer comforted. Don’t expect Yihou to pay attention to Meggie. Panic, as for Chap, he couldn't settle down for a moment.

Yi Xiao is still throwing out plastic dummies. He doesn’t know how much he has copied. He is using these things as cannonballs. Those monsters that come out of the story can’t be killed and can be resurrected without limit, even if Yi Chou can't rely on magic to resist them.

Now if you look from the outside, you will find that the whole shopping mall has been leveled, and even the ground around the whole shopping mall has been sunk into a circle, caused by the explosion of the plastic dummy.

They lost contact with the mother, only knowing to attack the nearest target, and then detonated.

Fortunately, these things can temporarily block the monster army, otherwise I may only be able to run with Stan.

After about half an hour of touching it, Yi Chou also couldn't bear it. While continuing to copy the plastic dummy, he asked Stan, "You haven't finished writing, they are already close, and you don't want you to write A bestseller."

Stan rolled sweat again on his forehead, and he responded angrily, "Not yet, I need a turn, this story needs a turn!"

"Don't say anything! Don't you know that the author needs inspiration!"

"Don't you say that we will definitely catch these monsters back, then what are you worried about."

Stan's temper is usually bad enough, but obviously his temper is even worse in his creation.

"Okay, okay." Yi Huo said, "What are you talking about, I won't disturb you anymore, I'm going out to block these intimate little guys out, at most for another half an hour, we might need it Transferred."

"If you don't want the whole Times Square to be about the news here tomorrow, you'd better do it."

Yi Xuan said, throwing out the last batch of plastic dummies, and then he went outside.

"By the way, I don't have myself in the version of the story I watch."

"Also, don't think about running away, Meggie."

Yi arrogantly took the mall door, and then gently locked it with a spell to prevent people inside from running out. Beware of some small monsters sneaking in, leaving only five people looking at each other inside the mall.

"What did he mean by that?" Chap asked suspiciously after Yi Biao left. "Of course we know he came out of another book."

Meggie snorted heavily and explained in words, "What he meant was that there was no him in that book, so the world in which he is present is probably not the original story."

Chap suddenly realized.

Ignoring the ignorant little guys in the mall, the monsters outside are indeed very affectionate.

Before Yi Biao had left the mall, he saw that the outside had been blocked by monsters, and the lush jungle of piranha had spread to the inside. At this time, he was slowly crawling inward along the wall.

Wetland werewolf came back here again, but after seeing Yi Chou, he turned around and ran away. The huge snow monster was not afraid of Yi Chou, but he was directly burned into charcoal by a big fireball, and he did not know where to go to resurrect.

"We come for peace! Bang!"

"We are..."

Yi arrogantly watched a group of little robots walking past him, they were only as high as their ankles, constantly emitting electronic sounds for peace, and then emitted a strong laser from the upper end, directly exploding the debris and the wall Gravel splash.

These are not toy robots, but aliens in the real sense.

Of course, goose bumps in this book.

However, these aliens can be deadly enough for ordinary people, whether it is their small body, huge number and deadly laser weapons, but for the country, their threat is simply not worth mentioning.

The premise is that their total number does not exceed humans several times.

An icy breath spreads out along the wand of Yi Chou, instantly freezing these things in place and wrapped in ice, they are half mechanical life, but they will not die because of suffocation.

After dealing with these little guys and a few plastic dummies who did not open their eyes to attack Yi Xiao, Yi Xiao came to the entrance of the mall.

The rumbling voice was passing from the outside. The window of the mall had been smashed by the violent shock, and nothing was left clean. Through these empty areas, the fierce fighting outside could be clearly seen. .

To be precise, the intrusion is not afraid of death.

These resurrectable monsters perfectly interpret what is called the human sea tactics. They completely ignore the huge plastic dummy with explosive power. Whether it is a slow-moving mummy or a small abnormal garden dwarf sculpture, all play their own biggest. Speed, a swarm of bees flocked to the mall.

They have no way to explode the plastic dummies, even if the huge jelly can swallow everything, and they cannot devour all the plastic dummies, and they will reappear in a short time even if they are blown up, so simply go straight To the most central mall.

These monsters appear exactly in the form of the book. If there is thinking, there is thinking, and if there is no thinking, it acts instinctively.

In this way, the plastic dummies will not be able to resist for too long, because the monsters are not entangled with them, so the monsters' surrounding of the mall is gradually decreasing, even those small monsters already have a fish that has leaked into the net and sneaked in. .

As Yi Biao stopped magic, the number of plastic dummies decreased at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. I am afraid that it will not be used up in a long time, and then monsters will enter the mall completely.

"Their resentment against Stan is really big." Yi Huo whispered softly.

There may be some interaction between these monsters and Stan, and they are looking for Stan just to kill him, not let him take him back into the book, or vent his dissatisfaction with being kept in the book for so long.

Yi Chou originally planned to come out and continue to use magic for a while, but after seeing the number of monsters, he still gave up this plan.

Because this is completely different from what is shown in the movie.

In the movie, there are only zombie piranha jungles outside the school, as well as some aliens and strange monsters, but the number of monsters at this time has almost reached the point where they can’t be seen at the end. Drowned.

Yi Xiao felt that he didn't seem to have the courage to fight against these things that could be resurrected.

"Let's continue to procrastinate." Yi Biao sighed and began to look around.

Soon, he found the shattered glass and mirror fragments on the nearby ground. Under the guidance of Yi Chou's magic, they slowly floated up, and then gathered into a long dragon made of broken glass.

If you look closely, you will find that the reflections flashing on each piece of glass are almost different, and some are not even the reflections of the nearby shopping malls, but a lot of strange forests and buildings.

. . .

Zas got a long vacation, but he was not very happy.

Because he doesn't need a vacation, especially when partner Jim is missing, he simply can't enjoy the vacation. By the way, the last time he went to Hawaii.

Jim was replaced by the silver tongue in the story, and only the silver tongue can read him again. If he remembers correctly, this is the clue he found in Italy.

But that silver tongue is currently not in the United States, and the existence of such a silver tongue will certainly not be exposed. This is absolutely top secret, so it means that everything must be done in secret.

So when will Jim have the chance to be read back by the silver tongue? Zaz feels that he has no chance.

Such a small person can be sacrificed at all times. As an elite FBI, Zas understands the darkness of the world better than ordinary people.

And even if he finds Volchart, he may not be able to rescue Jim, because his daughter read Jim, and only his daughter knows what books to use.

But Meggie was also replaced in the story book, and the book was destroyed.

This meant that no one could rescue Meggie, and no one knew what book Jim had entered.

This is their experience in Italy, and what the investigator has been investigating for the past few days, traveling to Italy through several countries, fighting with the character Capricorn appearing in the storybook and dying four FBI, and Capricorn is A kind of person who has been summoned by a person who turned the story into reality, and so did the dragon over New York.

If it weren’t for Zaz’s hands that he had solid evidence, shadowed photos in his phone, and everything was traceable, he would definitely be recommended to see a psychologist.

But even so, Zaz knew the truth was definitely not that simple.

Because he had a specially shaped wound on his hand, he could hardly count it as a wound, just a shallow scratch.

This means that he forgot something.

This technique was handed over to him by his old partner. The evidence can be forged, the witnesses can be fabricated, and even memories can be chaotically tampered with drugs and currents. Only your own heart will not deceive yourself.

This wound was made with a special potion in his nails. It will not disappear in a short time, nor will it attract the attention of others. It only represents a little. There is something wrong with his memory, maybe he has forgotten something , Maybe something else.

The trip to Italy is probably more complicated than I thought.

Zas sighed in the park and wandered around for a few circles before returning home with a snack.

He found a videotape at the leftover site. In an old-fashioned video recorder, it was still black and white. It was crushed under the gravel. The video recorder had been smashed. Fortunately, the videotape was still intact. People noticed.

Zaz kept this thing secretly and returned to the headquarters without turning it in, but hiding it in the garden.

He suspected that this was the key to everything.

Instead of going home, I found a hotel.

Zas walked in with his fast food, then turned on the computer and TV in the room and plugged the video tape.

"It's time to reunite with our old friends!" The hoarse voice of Capricorn King came from the tape.

An hour later, Zass hurriedly dropped the door and left, the video tape and fast food have been packed up by him, and all traces on the computer have been eliminated.

No one will find him here, nor will he find anything useful on that computer.

He called a car outside the hotel, and the goal went straight to the address he heard outside the director’s office.

Delaware Town.

. . .

At this time, hundreds of police cars have been gathered on the road to Delaware, and almost all the police forces available in the entire state have been dispatched, because Secretary Rand has obtained it from several other small towns near Delaware. Accurate information.

Something happened there.

But they couldn’t get more detailed information, because the sudden forest was covered with piranhas, which almost surrounded the entire Delaware town, and this piranha was fierce and could even be bitten off in one bite. With half of a person's arm, they simply couldn't get in.

And even more weird is that even if they use fire to burn the piranha to clean it up, they will soon recover, not re-growth, but born out of nothing like a black sludge-like thing.

This change almost subverted everyone’s perception. No one knows what is going on. The latest technology is still a mutated plant. In the face of the unknown, the police chose to wait and see, and actually gave the situation here to Rand. Secretary.

And Director Rand is also very worried~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has no idea what happened in the town of Delaware. The contact inside has been cut off. The only satellite line that can be contacted has been unanswered. He is very It is suspected that the two Delaware police officers have been killed unfortunately, but he is more concerned about what happened in Delaware.

The jungle that suddenly appeared, there were giant creatures as tall as buildings, and there were strange silt that could heal the burned piranha again.

Secretary Rand felt that his worldview was overturned overnight.

If he did not know that there was really no 51 area, he really wanted to make a phone call. Of course, in view of the strange situation at this time, Secretary Rand doubted that 51 area really existed, but he didn't know it.

But in any case, he needs to rush over as soon as possible, hoping that not too many people will die in the town, or. . There are survivors.

Along with Director Rand's pessimistic heart, dozens of police cars pulled out a long dragon on the highway, whistling crazy in the direction of Delaware. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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