High Magic Earth

Chapter 845: ability

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Yi Chou is like a hard-working scavenger, turning into ubiquitous black smoke, quickly throwing those monsters that have crossed the labyrinth of the mirror to the outside again, and encountering monsters that are no less intelligent than ordinary people, such as Mao Hai, etc., he will also freeze it in place.

He has been working so hard for more than half an hour, and the encirclement of the monsters outside is still gradually shrinking.

As Yi Xiao stopped copying plastic dummies, the rumbling explosions outside had stopped. He dared not use explosive plastic dummies without restrictions. Who knows what bad consequences will happen after Nesten releases too much consciousness.

There is no Dr. Mystery in this world to clean up the mess for him. Although this world is not as high-magic as Marvel or the war of the gods, it is still a self-contained main world. As the guardian of Fantasy Island, Yi Chou also It is not intended to disrupt the order of this world.

Maybe there will be subsequent free people entering.

At this time, the periphery of the whole mall was covered with broken glass and mirror fragments. They floated in the air, enclosing the whole mall. With the jingling sound of tinkle, like a wind chime floating in the sky.

Each piece of broken glass refracts a illusion. As long as you enter the realm of mirror maze, monsters will somehow feel away from here. When they are too far away and get out of control, they will return to their anger again, and then start again and again. Enter the illusion.

The principle of magic is a bit like the mirror of Eris. Most of the principles of illusion magic are similar. They are also very fragile. If you pay little attention to the fragments of glass, they will be destroyed. In only half an hour, a large square meter window will stay. Most of the glass and mirrors have been destroyed.

It won't take long for the magic of the mirror labyrinth to be free of enchantment carriers.

"You still have to do it yourself." Looking at the black army outside, the number of monster troops still not decreasing, Yi Biao sighed.

He was really too lazy to put on his sleeves to play in person, and when Yi Biao threw various buffs on himself, he suddenly shined.

"Perhaps not necessary."

Yi Xiao's mouth showed a smile, because he finally heard the long-lost prompt, and found what he wanted in the deepest mark of the consciousness in his heart.

R.L. Stan's ability.

. . .

"Quickly!" Rant urged the driver next to him, checking his equipment over and over again, the police uniform, the police bulletproof vest, the pistol and the submachine gun removed from the arsenal, and two Grenade.

Not to mention dealing with ordinary robbers in this configuration, I am afraid that even a small-scale war can be supported.

When was the last time such a fully-armed mission happened? Rant remembered not quite. At that time, he was probably a small police officer. The whole state police station dispatched nearly 100 police cars in order to round up one. The clown, to be precise, is the clown and his family. This family is completely murderous. After killing them, nearly 1,000 bodies were found in the tunnel under their house.

The second time was the Crystal Lake incident, but at that time he was already the chief of the town. When he arrived at the Crystal Lake camp, most of the things had been resolved, and he did not participate.

But now, even if all the police forces in the whole state have been dispatched, even the weapons have been fully equipped, but this still can not bring the utmost peace of mind to Rand.

Because they are not facing murderers or robbers at all, and even Rand has no idea what is outside the small town of Delaware.

The firearm in his hand could not bring him any sense of security.

"Route 19 is safe, Highway 20 is safe." Reports from the police officers in front of the police line showed that they were close to Delaware. The policemen who were originally around the town rushed over first. The surrounding environment near the forest was detected in advance so that they would not become blind.

"Got it." Rand said softly to the intercom, and then turned off the communication.

"Is there no other news coming yet?" Rand asked the person next to him. "Whether it is cia or fbi, as long as it is any useful news, I need it."

But unfortunately, the contact policeman beside shook his head.

"Damn it!" Rand cursed in a low voice.

. . .

"The silver hand was loaded successfully."

But unlike the scorched Rand, Yi Biao is now very happy, because he feels that his work has finally received a valuable return. You know, sometimes not any work will necessarily be rewarded.

This is the hint that Yi Biao found in the depths of his mind, just like the initial activation of his wizard blood, it is the source of Yi Biao's power.

This is also one of the reasons why he must win this war. Although the power is now integrated with Yi Xuan, if the Second World is destroyed, Yi Xuan's magic will still be lost by half.

And where to go to find the second fantasy island, so magical place.

The last to survive must be the second world of wizards, not the new humans and angels, it must be.

Now Yi Xiao feels that he has mastered a new power. He wants something. He has a feeling that as long as what he writes meets certain rules, it will become true.

This is not magic, nor a spell, but an independent force.

Yi Biao has never heard of this power. Wizards and magic are indeed the most important part of the power of the second world, but it does not mean that it contains everything. Just like technology and other changes, the division of power is countless. No one dares to say that they have mastered everything.

Some powers have never even heard of it, can't imagine it, and naturally can't learn it, and can't master it.

Magical creatures and humans and wizards are the three main types of composition, but their power is strange, and many magical creatures have different strengths, but with the destruction and end of the first era, these creatures have long disappeared. .

Like the Silver Hand, this magical power is simply unimaginable.

Yi Xiao feels that the whole person seems to be floating. The cells in the whole body are clamoring for joy. He knows this is the taste of excitement. After having the soul energy, Yi Xiao can taste a variety of emotions. This feeling Very good.

He easily suppressed his inner excitement, and then quickly returned to the center of the mall.

"Have you finished writing?" Yi Chou asked Stan as soon as he returned to several people.

But Stan looked surprised, raised his head in his busy schedule, and asked with sweat, "Why do you think that? Writing is very slow, do you understand?"

"..." Yi Biao whispered slightly, but he was anxious. He gained strength and did not represent Stan.

However, this also explains the reason why Yi Chou has not gained the power of silver tongue. Perhaps it is that in Meggie, Yi Chou has experienced the silver tongue ability of Vrchat, but he has not gained anything at all. I am afraid that Meggie’s silver tongue power is needed. .

For these unknown forces, Yi Xuan also couldn't understand what special connection he might have with Meggie.

But Yi Chou would not easily return Meggie's voice to her. He was worried that the little girl would send herself back, and he was even more worried that the world would be permanently closed by the power of the silver tongue, even the shadow would not be able to get through.

After all, there is nothing that makes no sense. In the face of supernatural power, any possibility can happen again. This is also the pitfall of magic.

So Yi Chou will look for other silver tongues and try to gain strength in them. Meggie is the last choice.

but. . What is more important now is not these problems.

Yi Biao took a slow breath and then said, "If you haven't finished writing, then it's better to be faster."

"What?" Stan said angrily.

"It's not easy for me to write a story in such a short period of time. You even urged me."

"Because the monsters are about to break through here, if you can't finish your story, I can only take you to transfer, and then they will run with you all over the world."

"Trust me, you will definitely be famous, much more than Stephen King, but do you want to be sliced ​​by the fifty-one area?"

"Uh... that's not good," Zac said.

If Stan was caught, I’m afraid Hannah wouldn’t be able to run, which would be unbearable for Zac, otherwise he would not care about the life and death of Stan, a bad-tempered guy.

"Five minutes, give me five minutes." Stan said, "It's almost over, it's almost over."


At this time, the barrier of easy noise was lost, most of the mirror maze has been destroyed, and many monsters have rushed to the mall.

Seeing this, Yi Chou could only raise his wand again.

"Everything changes." He shone a bright blue light at the surrounding shelves.

Suddenly, these shelves all came alive. They spawned small hands and feet on the metal brackets, shaking and shaking their bodies, throwing down the neat goods on it, and then ran out angrily.

Something like a vending machine burps and squirts all the soda out of the body before twisting to keep up with the big army.

"Disappear." Yi Xiao waved his wand at several people around him, and at the same time pulled Meggie to his side.

"These things can stop them for a while...Shut up, I know what you are going to say, my invisible spell can isolate the smell, and the werewolf cannot smell it."

Originally, after Yi Biao got Stan's ability, his purpose of this trip has reached half, and he can completely leave. But first, Yi Biao is not as indifferent as before, and secondly, he still needs to stay in this world quietly. Time to explore other plots.

For example, Wonka chocolate, or other strange things, so you can’t just throw away the mess of Stan, even if the police and the army can solve it at the end, I am afraid that the next trip will not be peaceful, just a light check Able to find out.

He wants to solve these things, and then erase the traces of his coming again.

As for the police, there were no outsiders and police in the original story who discovered the strangeness of the Delaware town, because this was originally a remote town with few people, the communication line was cut off, and the only two police officers were frozen. After the ice block, where Stein resolved everything or even returned to its original state, no one found anything abnormal.

But now, Yi Chou is not easy to say, anyway, solve the problem here as soon as possible.

"When! Bang!"

There was a clanging sound outside, and then the shelves were dismantled and parts were thrown back. Soon those deformed shelves that were sent out by Yi Chou to temporarily delay the monsters all sacrificed, even a little delay. Did not play.

The huge snow monster has reached into half of his head, and then he has entered the whole body into the narrow mall. It sniffs east and west, but no one can find the six people under the invisible spell.

Behind the snow monster is a densely packed monster, the blood-sucking dog alien wasp hornet eater robot magic mountain jelly, anyway, the messy creatures in goose bumps are all together, they are slowly looking in the empty shopping mall.

"We come for peace!"

"We come for peace!"

Except for this stupid alien robot shouting slogans, the entire mall can be said to be extremely quiet.

But the psychological pressure on people is also huge, especially for the boys and girls of Zach Hannah Meggi, even if they know that they will not be found under the protection of the invisibility spell, they still subconsciously lower the breathing voice , And even the frequency has slowed down a lot.

"We're leaving." Yi Chou's voice appeared in the hearts of several people. "It's meaningless to stay here, all grab the arms of those around."

"Wait, wait." Stan whispered, "I'm going to get better soon, I'll... get it!" He snapped the table excitedly.

Didi's typing sound stopped abruptly.

In the same way, all the monsters also fixed their eyes on this seemingly empty ground.

"Ah oh." After the excitement, Stan realized something was wrong, but it was too late.

"You'd better pray that the story you wrote is qualified enough." Under the watch of many monsters, even Yi Huo couldn't help but step back slightly.

"You must not insult my professionalism." Stan couldn't help refuting.

At this time, the huge jelly was already unbearable. It did not know what was hidden in the open space, but no matter what it was, it was able to swallow it. Once it entered its body, no matter what it appeared, it would show its original shape.


Its huge mountain-like body can't see where the throat is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole body is low and roaring like an ape, and then gurgling with its huge body.

Yi Xiao raised the wand subconsciously, a huge repulsion was released from the wand, trying to push it away.

But at the next moment, Yi Chou felt that a stronger force appeared behind him.

Turning his head to look, the storybook that has been bound into a booklet emits a strong suction, and directly **** the huge jelly in the air in rotation. It is the story that Stan has just finished writing, even the ink on it has not yet been written. Allow to dry completely.


The jelly made another unwilling roar, but was unable to block the absorption of the books, and could only twist the books flying towards the typewriter. With a click, the storybook fell to the ground and spread out.

In an instant, a huge attraction enveloped all the monsters nearby. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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