High Magic Earth

Chapter 846: Contain

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"Ah! Roar!"

These monsters roared in various ways, and were instantly sent to the sky by a huge attraction, as if the body of the toilet was twisted, entangled with each other, and then sucked into the open book on the ground in a vortex.

Although other things were not attracted, they were still pulled by the huge force and began to shift towards the book, not to mention that the monsters did not all return to the book willingly. In the process of being inhaled, they caught and could catch Everything I found tried to save myself.

"Bang! Bang!"

The chandelier on the ceiling, the iron frame fixed on the wall, all cracked under their strange scratches. Stan and Zac were better, and they had long hidden aside, only Meggie was still stunned. , No response.

At the next moment, a dark shadow grabbed Meggie before the mummy who returned to the book in a whirlwind, grabbed her.

Yi Chou blocked Meggie behind him, and then took out the half plane of Oz again.

In addition to her ability to block her silver tongue, Meggie’s voice is better not to hear her scream, especially in such a panic situation.

The books scattered on the ground are like a black hole, and the monsters are sucked into it before they can scream.

The attraction of books is growing, and even spread outside the town. Until the end, no matter where the monsters are, they will be absorbed by the books. Slowly, these monsters converge into a huge tornado in the air.

"You can't forget this guy." Yi Xiao opened half of the plane and let Slappie out.

"Great Lord Slapie is back! Look at you guys...!"

The rampant words of Slappy hadn't been finished. The force that couldn't be resisted flew it straight back. Slappy's pair of wood eyes turned over with wide eyes, trying to grab Yi Collar's collar. , Or something nearby, but Yi Chou calmly broke his finger and watched it mix with the group of monsters.

"It's terrible." Meggie, who was hiding beside Yi Huo, expressed her emotions, and a small bubble appeared on the top of her head.

Yi Xiao guarded her hiding in the corner of the mall, watching the whirlpool of monsters hovering over the sky, and the hurricane that slashed his black clothes, and also nodded. "This scene is somewhat familiar." Yi Xuan said .

"I don't know if there will be a special board game here."

"What?" Meggie puzzled.

"Don't care, I heard that it's a game that only brave people can play. I don't think it's for you. What do you think?"

Meggie snorted irritably, and ignored Yi Chou.

The absorption of the storybook has lasted for more than ten minutes. With the reminder of Yi Chou, Stan did not forget anything this time. Not only did the invisible people and Slappy and other monsters that were easy to leave disasters were individually named, but also Everything destroyed in the town has been repaired.

The only problem is that Hannah is also a monster.

To be precise, it is the ghost of the neighboring room in goose bumps.

This is the first person Stan found out of the book. Stan originally felt lonely, but suddenly one day he found that the ghost girl he wrote became a reality, so he regarded her as his daughter.

Now Zac is reluctant to part with Hannah.

"There's so much nonsense." Yi Yi whispered while looking at Yi Yi's reluctance, but Meggie glared fiercely.

In the end, Hannah still couldn't resist the attraction from the storybook. The silver smoke that disappeared into the air dissipated in the air, and then was attracted back by the storybook. Yi Chou shook his head. Why did Hannah's closing method be different from others? .

Then with Hannah's return, "click!" The book closed, and then jumped on the ground twice, falling into peace.

Yi Xao took Hanna up, and then picked up the book on the ground.

In his hand, he turned upside down and threw it to Stan who had just climbed up. Zac and Chap also got up and gathered together, and the surrounding environment had been repaired by Stan's pen.

Whether it's damaged goods, broken shopping mall ceilings or floors, or shelves and vending machines that were transformed by Yi Chou's magic, all returned to their original positions as if they hadn't changed anything.

Even those who died during the monster invasion seem to be resurrected.

Because Yi Xiao noticed that at the end of the shopping mall, I don’t know when those salesmen have returned to their positions, and there are even many people walking around in the shopping mall.

This is really returning everything to its original state.

"Magic ability." Yi Chou couldn't help but wonder.

Because even his magic can’t do this. Indeed, he can use magic to restore damaged items, restore broken rooms and everything, but he can’t easily reverse everyone’s memories so easily, and even kill those lives. The people in the hands of monsters are resurrected.

This is not just the use of spells and magic, but also a force that Yi Chou has never been exposed to.

If it is really used, its ability is simply incalculable.

The problem has been almost solved, and few people stayed in the mall for a long time. Looking for a direction with less people, Stan took his typewriter and slipped out with others.

"What should I do now?" Chap, who was nervous, walked out of the mall and only had time to ask.

It was just that he didn't pay attention, and just a few seconds ago, Meggie had stopped, and it looked like he was suddenly immobile.

"I want to..." Stan spoke viciously again. He was going home with the typewriter and writing down Hannah again quietly. After so many years, he found that he couldn't live without his daughter Hannah. It counts as a surprise to Zac.

But he didn't wait to speak, he realized he couldn't speak. At the next moment, all his eyes turned to Yi Chou.

"Forget this matter." Yi Xuan didn't know when he had pulled out his wand and pointed at them. He did not hesitate to release the Soul Spell and the Forgetful Mantra. Memory.

Nothing happened between Zac and Chap. After coming to the town, because he didn't participate in the prom, he went to the supermarket to buy some preparations to play games all night, as a private party to meet new friends.

Because Hannah had disappeared, Zac naturally couldn't remember knowing Hannah, and Yi Biao and Meggie were as if they had never appeared.

Stan was in trouble, but it wasn’t very troublesome. Yi Chou modified his memory, only to say that the monsters ran away tonight, but fortunately he caught the monsters back and wrote this book, and Hannah was also there. among them.

He will not remember the typewriter because this ability was originally his own. The typewriter was just an accident. Yi Chou didn’t understand why the typing opportunity was left outside, so he would take away the typewriter.

And Stan can still write Hannah again, because this is his ability, as long as he has the heart, Hannah will appear again without a typewriter one day.

Similarly, he did not remember the two people Yi Yao and Meggie.

The memories glanced through the heads of the three people like flowing water. Soon, in just a few moments, their memories had changed a lot.

While they were stunned, Yi Chou directly picked up Meggie, and then took her away from here, "Go." He whispered.

After leaving the mall, Yi Xiao once again solved the imprisonment spell on Meggie.

"You erased their memories?!" As soon as she was free, Meggie immediately displayed magic words on her head, and then said angrily.

Yi Ao looked around, reached out a little more, and erased the words on her head.

"This is on the street. If you still want to see your family, you can converge."

Yi Xiao now knows that he may not be able to gain the power of silver tongue without watching Meggie use the power of silver tongue, but he can’t release Meggie. She is the biggest threat in the world. Who knows there is still here? There is nothing else that can make her speak again.

Let's wait until we have almost all the things we want.

Meggie's face stiffened, but before she lost her temper, Yi Chou dragged her into a car by the road again, because Yi Chou had seen a crowd of police around the town.

Many residents who live on the edge of the town are ashamed to see this scene. ...

Similarly, Director Rand's complexion is not much better.

Because anyone ran most of the states and mobilized all the police, but when they saw the place, nothing happened and no good looks.

The town is very calm, calm and even comfortable. Not to mention the virgin forest that surrounded the whole town before, even a tree lying on the road was not seen.

Rand's face was even more ugly.

Hundreds of police cars have been pulled away, and they are ready to attack, but when they get to the place, they realize that Delaware actually has nothing.

Rand didn't see the huge virgin forest in person, but he kept listening to the news on the police radio. He didn't feel bad until he heard a police report that the forest was beginning to disappear.

After hurried to Delaware, there really was nothing left.

If he hadn’t seen a satellite photo taken more than ten minutes ago at the State Police Department, Secretary Rand really thought that he was joking with himself.

No matter who it is, that person is dead.

Looking at the innocent bystanders around, Director Rand waved his hand, let the following disperse them, and put up a heavily armed posture.

"Go call the Delaware police station and tell them to come over immediately. If you don't explain why you are calling for help in the state today, you tell him he will be dead."

Although the police here have great rights in law enforcement, they can’t casually injure innocent people. Although it feels that everything that happened today is ridiculous, Rant still waved away the surrounding police and told them to wait nearby and investigate around. For a moment, don't all squeeze at the entrance of the town.

Otherwise, without waiting for them to find out the truth, the next day the entire American newspaper will have their news.

Rand did not want to take on such a big responsibility.

Soon, after Rand dispersed the surrounding police, the crowd of crowds also returned home, only when there should be some dangerous people. After all, it is not without the use of hundreds of police cars for several people. These policemen I just like to reduce the casualties to a foolproof minimum.

As the police left, the surrounding roads also resumed unobstructed. After all, they did not receive the appearance of the specific prisoners. In the face of the leaving car, they just waved and let go.

Of course, Yi Chou is not among them, because he does not have a driver's license for this world at all, even if he can fool it with magic tricks, there is no need at all.

After all, he has a more convenient method. ...

"Oh!" As soon as Meggie fell to the ground, she made another nausea.

And Yi Xiao can only look at her helplessly next to it, and then fill her with a bottle of potion, which is used by people with motion sickness, seasickness and seasick planes. Her symptoms.

Yi Chou is not without doubt that Meggie is pretending, but it is very simple to detect whether she is true or false with magic. No matter whether it is dementing or other spell detection, Meggie can’t adapt to the illusion, which is for the two to pick up. The trip down brought some trouble.

When traveling to Delaware, Yi Chou came in a car, and only turned into a phantom after he approached the town. Next, Yi Chou had to look for different plots around the place, because he also did not know that the world was integrated What content to go in.

So it's definitely inconvenient to bring Meggie to the illusion.

There was a car passing by from time to time on the road, and Yi Chou watched with distress as Meggie slowly eased the discomfort while supporting the little tree beside him.

But suddenly, Meggie froze for the face on the road, which was caught by Yi Chou.

"What do you see?" he asked.

Meggie just shook his head, but it didn't matter, because Yi Chou could not be concealed, the wand was a little bit again, the situation on the highway appeared in Yi Chou's eyes not long ago, but he didn't see any familiar people in the vehicles he used to.

So he set his eyes on Meggie, and looked at Yi Chou's apparently abnormal eyes. Meggie felt nervous.

"Don't look at my memory, don't look at my memory." She meditated desperately in her heart.

Yi Biao glanced at Meggie a few strangely, and found that the dementia did not gain much, so it was just that the little girl had just got nervous.

"Take you unsuitable for phantom shift...but you didn't think I will let you go." Yi Xiao said as she watched Meggie's suddenly bright eyes.

"I have other transportation."

Yi Xiao took Meggie away from the road a little bit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and released his shadow, dragging a disc-like vehicle out of it, which looked very ultra-modern and extremely sci-fi.

Meggie's eyes almost glared out, because she never expected that there would be such a science fiction thing in the hands of an evil wizard who seemed to have come out of the Middle Ages.

Yi Chou did not feel strange, after all, he still had some gains in the north.

The near-Earth spacecraft slowly disappeared into the air, and then swept out a hundred meters with a swish.

Meggie, who was sitting on the near-Earth spacecraft, took a deep breath and calmed her distracted thoughts. She believed that things would change again sooner or later, because she had seen someone on the road before.

It was a fate who had a certain relationship in Capricorn Castle, it seemed to be called...Zas. (To be continued.)

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