High Magic Earth

Chapter 847: story

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The melodious music is accompanied by soft tunes, leaving beautiful traces in the dimly lit room. This is one of the most upscale hotels in New York. Yi Chou still chose a room close to the retro style. ∈↗,

The aesthetics and habits that have been left for many years are not so easily changeable. Even if Yi Chou didn’t like it, I am afraid that they have already developed habits for so many years.

But even if the grade is higher here, Yi Chou feels not as comfortable as the Red Castle, but the sofa is very good, much softer than in the Red Castle.

Leaning on the high-back chair, Yi Xiao gently tapped the beat with a pen.

The typewriter was placed in front of him, and there was a lot of waste paper scattered next to it, and even the waste paper basket was filled up, densely filled with different words.

I don’t know what type of ink is used in the typewriter, anyway, I haven’t added it yet.

This typewriter is naturally the one in Stan's hands. After getting the ability of the silver hand, Yi Chou could not wait to experiment.

After staying in the hotel for a while, he immediately couldn't wait to write a pen to write his story, but unfortunately the idea is good, but the reality is cruel, most of the stories are not qualified.

Stan once said that only when he writes a story that truly conforms to the goose bumps style will the content inside become true.

Yi Xiao got his abilities and also inherited these requirements.

Only stories that really belong to Yi Chou can be turned from paper to reality.

But what kind of story is that.

Yi Xiao is completely confused, and he wants more than just this effect, he needs to be more free-wheeling, he can easily achieve the effect he wants, and write what he wants, rather than having so many limit.

He needs to master this power thoroughly.

Yi Xiao tried to use magic principles to analyze, but the magic principle structure of any world can not resolve this ability, whether it is the low-level magic in Harry Potter, or the bloodline talents of the witches, or Yi Xiao currently masters The highest level of magical power comes from the energy magic of Oz.

None of them can explain this power.

Only the energy detection technology of Oz played a little role. The results obtained by Yi Xiao on the magic table show that the power of the Silver Hand contains the energy of wish, which is the rare Yi Yi once found on the magic lamp. energy.

It is an indispensable magic power to release creation magic and wishing mantra.

Energy is magic power. In theory, energy can be transformed into each other, because they are essentially magic powers, and no matter how the magic power is transformed, it is also magic power.

But in the actual release of the spell, the magic power cannot be fully utilized.

This has nothing to do with the wizard, but the problem of the spell.

The lower the spell, the higher the mana utilization rate. Even if a mountain is floated into the air, although it will greatly consume a wizard's magic power, it can guarantee that almost all the used magic power is utilized.

Because they are low-level spells, simple, almost any wizard will use, with more people, various improvements and simple methods will appear in endless layers.

After layer by layer modification, the spell has almost reached the optimal level, and the magic power of this spell can be fully utilized.

But on the other hand, it is already very difficult to get the desired high-level spells, so don't talk about the utilization rate.

For example, the wishing mantra is often a simple wish. I am afraid that all the magic of a wizard must be emptied into wishing energy.

And if the wizard has insufficient magic power, he will use other things to make up for it. This is the price.

The magic of the wizard can simulate almost any energy, which is one of the biggest differences between the wizard and the ordinary person.

The energy magic of Oz skips the link of the spell. It can directly use the energy to achieve the desired effect without the magical power, but it does not know that the spell cannot release the magic.

But still has not avoided the problem of utilization.

Yi Xiao can release the wishing spell without the wish spell, provided he has the wishing energy.

But this kind of energy is very rare. Unless Yi Chou can be found elsewhere, such as the space energy of Fantasy Island is very sufficient, otherwise he still needs to use his own magic power to transform. The curse may come at other costs.

It is not as easy as other magic powers collected by Yi Xiao, such as the magic power of pain, the power of despair, and the magic power of inferior love spawned by obsessives.

These are collected by Yi Chou in a small bottle, which can be used as a casting material whenever necessary, without the cost of their own magic.

But the wishing mantra is obviously impossible, Yi Yi can only rely on the power of magic lamp.

This is a strange circle, and even Oz has no way to ignore the conversion between magic powers.

It is not surprising to find the wishing energy in the hands of Silver. Yi Chou was psychologically prepared long ago. The meaning is very important, but it has no practical effect.

So far, there is not even a story written by Yi Huo that even succeeded in becoming true.

This feeling of powerlessness reminded him of his life on Neverland and the mystery of studying magic day after day. Yi Xiao’s current knowledge is not derived from the shallow books in Harry Potter. , All from his own experiments, and several libraries in Oz.

Some anxiously crumpled the waste paper into a ball and still turned it into ashes in his palm.

Waving his hand, all the draft paper on the table disappeared, the desktop became brand new, and only the typewriter was still ticking himself.

Yi Xiao has released magic on it, allowing it to run without manual operation.

Stretching his lazy waist, Yi Chou noticed that Meggie slipped back into her room like a kitten.

The two stayed in one of the most upscale hotels in New York. This is indeed a very fresh experience for Meggie, who can almost be described in the previous life as a wind meal.

Regardless of age, girls always prefer a more comfortable life. They are like cats, lazy and like to enjoy, delicious food, and exquisite costumes. Although Yi Chou cannot provide Meggie with freedom and voice, in these aspects , But did not care at all.

Although Meggie did not cooperate and fall completely under the offensive of Yichao sugar-coated shells, it was almost the same.

Yi Biao has no money and no identity in this world. He doesn’t even know the rules by which the driver’s license numbers of this world are arranged, but for wizards, they never lack money.

Whether it's using spells to disregard others, or briefly hypnotizing them, or even directly using magic to turn stones into banknotes and coins, you can let Yi Biao walk freely in this city.

Just for a long time, it will definitely show flaws.

So Yi Xiao used a simpler method. He turned the stone into gold, changed several different appearances, and then sold it in several gold shops in New York.

He was not afraid of attracting attention at all, because that was not his face at all.

Besides, the multi-million-dollar transaction will not cause any trouble in New York, because each gold store will probably only reach the scale of a fraud of more than one hundred thousand dollars. Although this is obviously a serial fraud, it has not yet To the point of attracting attention and cia.

It's just that the New York Police Department is probably getting busy.

Yi Biao has already seen it. Using the hacking methods he has almost forgotten, Nypd does not have his old friend Kai Neng, and there are no other Yi Bao's impressive plot characters.

Because you know, the New York Police Department is one of the central points of the plot.

Just like the whole of New York, any kind of bull, ghost and snake may appear.

Such as artificial intelligence super thugs, beauties who like beasts, zombie female forensics who love to bite their brains, or immortal immortals.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as Red Houtiannet in this world, because the technical level of Yihuo deceived the New York Police Department, and it is not enough to watch artificial intelligence.

I was originally worried that the gold shop would provide clues to the police to track him according to the banknote number or the flow of funds. At first, I planned to find a few gangsters to eat black, but later it was too troublesome to wait. The police found it easy for them to get some soul-spells.

But in fact, it is easy to think too much. The kind of detectives who seem to be Sherlock live only exist in the movie. Most of the police are still corpse meals. They prefer to complete things to be foolproof, without danger, rather than personal heroes. Adventure.

So after a long time of squandering Yi Yuan's money, nothing happened.

Otherwise, how did the hotel housing money for the two come from?

A high-end hotel deserves to be a high-end hotel. Even though the ages of Meggie and Yihou look very suspicious, the relationship between them is also very strange, but there is still no strange expressions from the waiters.

It's as if I didn't see it.

It seems that high-end hotels never lack strange people.

A lot of banknotes were randomly packed in several boxes, and then aside, Meggie fumbled a lot from the inside like a little squirrel, but she knew how the money came from and used a liar. The money came, and she didn't feel distressed.

The longest place she went to during this time was the Wonka chocolate shop. It seems that the last trip was not full of fun. In order to avoid her trouble, Yi Chou has long erased the constant magic that she can display her inner thoughts in words. Although he could not speak dumb, it did not affect the shopping interest of the little girl.

Moreover, Meggie did not find out that her appearance was also treated by Yi Chou with magic. Not long ago, she summoned a fantasy island dragon in New York, and in those furious memory Meggie was sent into the book. In the middle, she suddenly appeared in New York, and it was strange that these people were not crazy.

Oh yeah, there is that unlucky dragon, and Yi Chou is too lazy to find it, as a gift to the world.

Hope not to be escaped by it in the end, and then hide in the heart to develop an empire.

Fortunately, Meggie also knew that the threat that Yi Biao kept her around not only came from looking at her, but also directly threatened the safety of her and her family.

Once she runs away, unless she immediately finds a way to get her voice back and send Yi Chou back, otherwise she may be useless no matter where she runs.

Knowing these things, Meggie didn't even think about running away, and Yi Chou also realized this. Over time, he let Meggie wander around.

Meggie hurried into the room and closed the door heavily.

She is a quiet little girl who likes to read books, but still has the energy she deserves at this age. Looking at her fluttering blond hair, Yi Chou suddenly feels that her figure is a little vague and familiar.

This evoked Yi Chou's thoughts.

Shaking his head, he ran the memory behind his head, and Yi Biao knocked on Meggie's door with magic.

Meggie equipped herself with a computer. Not long ago, she just contacted her father who was far away in Germany, and of course her mother. Yi Biao knew about it, because he still remembered Vrcht, and he might be monitoring him.

Yi Biao originally intended to stop Meggie, but after thinking about it for a while, the girl and her father could meet on the Internet.

Voice can isolate communication, but the network has given them a new way of communication.

Yi Biao didn't know how long it was necessary to take Meggie to be separated from his family for such a long time. For a girl who was only twelve years old, it was indeed cruel.

He circumvented most of the network surveillance for the two of them. Because Volchart is in Germany, the network power is not as strict as that of the United States, not to mention that Meggie's appearance has also changed a little.

If this is still caught and recognized by f, then they can only be said to have a fate with Yi Chao's magic.

"What's the matter?" After a while, Meggie opened her door after typing on her father to find the man, and saw Yi Chou still sitting by the high-back chair and the fire.

"Are you still buying chocolate during this time?" Yi Biao asked.

Meggie blushed slightly, then nodded.

"What are the recent activities of Wanka Chocolate?"

Meggie froze for a moment, then thought about it, and said strangely, "No."

But then, she couldn't help but say, "Why, you also like chocolate, you can buy it yourself."

"No." Yi Xiao shook his head. "Just... to see if the gold voucher appears, check the time."

"Okay, we don't have much time. Pack and pack. It's time to leave."

Meggie was stunned again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously some did not want to leave here, she wondered, "Where are we going?"

"Go to a place." Yi Xuan did not answer her.

"On this snowy day?"

Yi Xiao put away the typewriter on the table. "You won't feel the cold in the near-Earth spaceship, and you don't even have a driver's license. You don't have to think about snow."

"Then you have to tell me where to go?" Meggie asked again.

Yi Xiao stopped his movements, and then glanced at Meggie, "There are not so many problems, I said, you just do what I said, it's that simple."

Meggie was so choked, she looked at Yi Chou angrily, and after a while she said angrily, "No wonder you can't write a true story with that typewriter." She stomped her feet, and then ran back in mischief. In the room. (To be continued.)

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